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钢质蜂窝夹芯减振板的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用多目标优化方法设计了3种不同规格减振板的面板、芯材以及蜂窝芯尺寸。面板和芯材之间采用自制助复剂,利用瞬间液相扩散焊原理实现复合,并进行了力学性能和减振性能试验,试验结果表明,设计的蜂窝板满足力学性能要求,并提高了减振性能。  相似文献   

随着树脂复合减振板的冲压件在汽车及家电等领域的广泛应用,其冲压成形性能研究受到重视。该文从加载速度及成形件的存放时间的关系出发,研究树脂复合减振板的弯曲回弹特性,通过采用90°V形弯曲件回弹模型,针对4种不同的加载速度和工件的存放时间,对树脂复合减振板进行回弹试验。试验结果表明,在加载速度为0.5mm/s~5mm/s时,随着加载速度的增加,树脂复合减振板的回弹角逐渐减小,直到趋于稳定;无论哪种加载速度,树脂复合减振板的回弹角均随存放时间的增加而减小,直到趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of galvannealed (GA) steel sheet used for automotive exposed panel and predicted failure phenomenon of its coating layer were evaluated using finite element method. V-bending test was performed to understand better the fracture of coating layer of GA steel sheet during plastic deformation. Yield strength of the coating layer was calculated by using a relative difference between hardness of coating layer measured from the nano-indentation test and that of substrate. To measure shearing strength at the interface between substrate and coating layer, shearing test with two specimens attached by an adhesive was carried out. Using the mechanical properties measured, a series of finite element analyses coupled with a failure model was performed. Results reveal that the fracture of coating layer occurs in an irregular manner at the region where compressive deformation is dominant. Meanwhile, a series of vertical cracks perpendicular to material surface are observed at the tensile stressed-region. It is found that 0.26-0.28 of local equivalent plastic strain exists at the coating and substrate at the beginning of failure. The fracture of coating layer depends on ductility of the coating layer considerably as well.  相似文献   

采用弹塑性大变形更新的Lagrange有限元方法研究了铝板 /塑料混合成型过程中铝板的成形过程和变形特点。结果表明 ,当塑料熔体压力从 30MPa增大到 5 0MPa时 ,铝板凸缘区已基本不再参与变形 ,铝板上两个板厚减薄较严重的大塑性变形区在此阶段形成。模底接触区与自由变形区交界处的大塑性变形区依次处于板料曲面内双向伸长变形和平面应变状态 ;模腔入口圆角区与自由变形区交界处的大塑性变形区由两部分构成 ,其中与模壁接触部分依次处于板料曲面内双向伸长变形、拉伸变形和平面应变状态 ,另一部分依次处于板料曲面内双向伸长变形和平面应变状态。  相似文献   

谭成楠  周民  马靳江  李欣 《轧钢》2015,32(2):41-44
通过有限元仿真模拟圆坯进入菱-方孔型的前两道次的轧制过程, 研究了坯料在菱-方孔型中的变形规律。模拟仿真结果表明: 在根据传统理论设计的菱?方孔型中, 第1道次菱形孔角度偏小, 使得菱形孔压下量偏小, 宽展较小, 从而在第2道次方形孔中轧出的轧件对角线偏差较大; 而将第1道次菱形孔角度增大后, 压下量增大, 宽展变大, 使第2道次方形孔轧制后的轧件对角线基本一致。基于改进后的孔型系统, 已成功采用圆坯生产出中空钢。  相似文献   

对电冰箱侧板用冷轧薄板磷化处理前的腐蚀问题进行了研究,比较不同工艺段(清洗前,清洗后,罩式退火后和连续退火后)钢板的耐蚀性。结果表明,罩式炉退火过程中退火温度过高,退火时间过长,造成钢板表面Mn元素富集,主要成分为氧化锰,析出的氧化锰与金属Fe构成了腐蚀微电池,使钢板表面Fe原子的活性增强,从而降低钢板的耐腐蚀性。  相似文献   

The finite element formulation for predicting strain distributions and weld line movements in the forming processes of tailored sheet metals is developed. The material properties of the welding zone such as strength coefficient, work-hardening exponent, and plastic anisotropic parameter are analytically obtained from those of base metals based on the tensile tests. The welding zone is modelled with the several, narrow finite elements called by weld elements. To verify the finite element formulation for tailored blanks, the forming processes of autobody door inner panel section and hemispherical dome are simulated. FEM predictions are compared and showed good agreements with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

Laminated steel sheet consists of two steel sheets and a polymer layer which bonds them. During forming process, mechanical properties of polymer layer significantly influence the shape of final product. In this study, a continuum model in which nonlinear visco-elasticity is taken into account has been developed for polymer layer of laminated steel sheet and implemented in a commercial finite element program by material subroutines. Lap-shear test and T-peel test have been conducted to obtain parameters of this continuum model. Two different methods are compared to establish a better method for modeling the polymer layer deformation in lap-shear test simulation. One is cohesive zone element and the other is contact method. In order to assess calculation efficiency, both explicit and implicit procedures are used to simulate lap-shear test, and T-peel test is simulated by implicit procedure to evaluate accuracy. The result indicates that cohesive element is easier to solve convergence problem and implicit procedure may save much simulation time. T-peel test data can be used to describe the normal mechanical behavior of polymer layer in an acceptable range. Finally, V-bending forming process has been studied to investigate the effect of polymer layer on the springback and final deformation shape through experiment and numerical simulation. The result indicates that the comparison between numerical simulation and experiment is in good agreement. The finite element model can accurately predict the final shape after bending and springback.  相似文献   

伍杰  马增胜  阳习雨  刘惺 《锻压技术》2015,40(3):136-140
镀层金属板在加工过程中,由于工艺参数、模具几何参数的影响,经常会出现裂纹,并最终导致板材的断裂。以双面电沉积镍的低碳钢板为研究对象,采用基于连续介质损伤有限元模拟以及冲压成形实验相结合的方法对镀层金属板在冲压过程中的失效问题进行了研究。结果表明:随着冲压深度的增加,杯形件中的等效塑性应变与损伤值均增加,当冲压深度达到10mm时,在杯形件冲头圆角处出现断裂现象。通过冲力冲程曲线与成形件形状的比较和损伤变量分布、等效塑性应变分布以及厚度减薄的分析发现,有限元模拟结果与冲压成形的试验结果符合得较好,证明了有限元模拟的正确性。  相似文献   

镀锌钢板电阻点焊的多元非线性回归模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究用于家用轿车车身制造的镀锌钢板电阻点焊工艺,采用多元非线性回归正交组合的方法设计试验.试验将电阻点焊熔核形状参数和焊接接头抗剪强度作为考察指标,将焊接电流、电极压力、通电时间、预热电流四个参数,以及各参数之间的交互作用作为影响指标的考察因素,得到可预测熔核形状和焊接接头力学性能的四元二次回归数学模型,并通过方差分析对模型进行优化.结果表明,优化的回归数学模型可实现焊接接头熔核成形及力学性能较为准确的预测.在模型的基础上研究各参数及各交互作用对焊点质量的影响规律,从而可实现电阻点焊工艺参数的优化设计.  相似文献   

巨型模锻水压机机架的有限元模态分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了有限元模态分析的概念、理论及其研究意义.以300 MN模锻水压机为研究对象,应用有限元分析软件MSC.Nastran对水压机的整体机架进行了有限元模态分析,得出了机架的前六阶固有频率和相应的模态振型.并结合水压机的实际使用及损坏情况,对机架各阶模态振型的危害进行了详尽的分析和评价.根据计算结果,指出了机架的整体刚度分布情况及其薄弱环节,并从人机工程学方面讨论了机架固有频率对环境和人体的影响.  相似文献   

Initial investigations into coated steel sheets were conductted to verify whether sample- and batch-independent classification of surface condition can be achieved with multi-inductive data acquisition and multivariate data analysis without using a priori information. Using an ‘integrated sensor’ - a multi-inductive sensor - it is possible to obtain parameters of eddy currents, hysteresis and noise voltage with PC control. These parameters are the input values of multivariate data analysis.  相似文献   

针对冷轧高强HC250IF带钢冲压分层问题,通过化学成分分析、显微组织观察及能谱分析等手段,明确了铸坯中心P偏析是导致成品带钢冲压分层的根本原因。为此,采取钢水过热度20~30 ℃稳定浇注、提高连铸二冷水冷却强度、投用电磁搅拌、凝固末端精准定位、增加动态轻压下量等措施,有效改善了铸坯中心P偏析,杜绝了冷轧高强HC250IF带钢冲压分层问题。  相似文献   

检测了无间隙原子钢(IF钢)板的织构及板材与轧向夹角为0°、15°、30°、45°、60°、75°、90°的r值。模拟计算了Sachs模型和反应应力模型在体心立方结构12个{011}<111>滑移系开动情况下的拉伸变形规律。基于两个变形模型和板材的织构信息,计算了板材与轧向不同夹角时的r值。对不同模型的计算值与实测值进行了比较,分析了误差产生的原因。  相似文献   

李坤全  邵凤翔 《焊接》2017,(3):57-60
针对圆形硅钢片多层焊接,采用氩弧焊机作为热源设计了整套焊接系统,主要由机柜、功能组件、控制系统和焊机系统等组成。其中功能组件由定位机构、压紧机构、焊枪升降机构、旋转机构以及对应机加件组成,自动实现硅钢片的定位、压紧、焊接和上下料等功能,提高生产效率。同时压紧机构可实现硅钢片的轴向压紧力大于4 000 N,焊枪升降机构可一次性完成100片硅钢片的多层叠加焊接,确保了焊接质量的稳定性。  相似文献   

激光微冲击成形是利用脉冲激光产生的等离子体爆轰波的冲击力效应,使超薄板材产生塑性变形的新技术。为揭示板材参数、激光参数、微凹模直径等对成形过程的影响,利用动态显式有限元法,对低碳钢箔的激光微冲击成形进行了反映率效应和尺度效应的晶粒级有限元模拟,结果表明,晶界对激光微冲击成形的影响很大,薄板的下凹变形随晶界厚度的减小而增大,二者呈近似线性关系;板材晶粒越不规则,其变形量越大;激光冲击的峰值压力是箔材变形的主要因素,随峰值压力的提高,变形量增大;单点多次冲击时,首次冲击的变形量最大,以后各次冲击的变形量逐渐减小。  相似文献   

采用ABAQUS有限元软件对电沉积镍涂层钢板的冲压成形过程进行了模拟。并用ABAQUS内置的内聚力模型来表征电沉积镍涂层钢板的界面性能。计算表明:在冲压过程中,电沉积镍涂层钢板界面法向应力在-113.765~3 MPa之间,切向应力最大为50 MPa。分析发现,在冲压过程中任意时刻凹模圆角处的界面应力最大,最后通过变换压边力、冲头与凹模间隙、摩擦系数、圆角半径分析了界面破坏的情况,研究了这些工艺参数对界面的影响,该方法以及所得结果对板料成形的生产能起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

轿车减振器盖用钢板的双相处理工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符仁钰  张梅 《热处理》1999,54(2):22-24
本文试验研究了10#钢板的双相处理工艺、组织和性能,结果表明在(α+γ)两相区不同温度加热淬火处理获得了不同(F+M)比例的双相钢钢板,其力学性能可通过调整双相处理及回火工艺来调节,用10#双相钢钢板试制成了轿车底盘零件——减振器盖。  相似文献   

文章针对汽车用钢板进行单向拉伸变形热实验研究及有限元分析,通过进行不同速度下的单向拉伸变形热试验,获得了试件表面温升的变化规律,结果表明,试件靠近颈缩部位的温升最高,由颈缩部位向试件两端温升值逐渐降低;随着变形速度的提高,试件表面温升值逐渐增加;采用ABAQUS有限元软件进行了不同速度下的单拉变形热数值模拟,与试验结果对比分析表明,有限元结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper describes the contact situation between the die and the lubricant pre-coated steel sheet in the press-forming by using FEM simulation. The FEM simulation is carried out by supposing that the lubricant pre-coated steel sheet consists of the lubrication layer and thick galvanized layer. Both the lubrication layer and galvanized layer are assumed as rigid–plastic material. The variations in the contact situation between the die and the lubricant pre-coated steel sheet are investigated by changing the friction coefficient between the die and lubrication layer, the thickness and hardness of lubrication layer, the velocity ratio of the relative sliding velocity to pressing velocity, etc. The simulated results show that the contact area ratio is influenced largely by the average contact pressure, the velocity ratio, the thickness of lubrication layer, and friction coefficient.  相似文献   

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