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We have used a CREST anti-centromere serum and a DNA-specific fluorescent dye to study the composition of extended cytoplasmic bridges between interphase cells of a human carcinoma cell line, MX-1, grown on coverslips. Under natural conditions, approximately 8% of the cells possessed cytoplasmic bridges up to 60 microns long. Elongated extensions from the cell surface were also observed and were interpreted as severed cytoplasmic bridges. The bridges were extremely slender throughout most of their lengths and could not be properly resolved by phase-contrast microscopy. Staining with a DNA-specific fluorescent dye revealed, however, the presence of a thin DNA thread. This finding strongly suggests that the bridges arise during mitosis through faults in chromosome segregation. The bridges persist and most probably elongate, when the cells separate from one another after completion of mitosis. Some bridges showed also highly fluorescent DNA masses, which were detected by a CREST anti-centromere serum. Thus, a subset of the cytoplasmic bridges contained centromeres. The DNA-containing bridges between carcinoma cells in culture signal continuous rearrangements of the karyotype at a relatively high rate. The presence of extended cytoplasmic bridges between the cells could be a morphological marker for highly mobile tumor cell types and has, therefore, diagnostic value.  相似文献   

Antibodies that recognize antigens restricted to leukemia, lymphoma, and normal hematopoietic cells represent a unique opportunity to develop therapeutics, because they have the potential for relatively selective treatment of these diseases. Antibodies that recognize the CD19 antigen found on normal and malignant B cells, but not on stem cells, have been used to develop immunoconjugates. However, these conjugates are large and might be suboptimal in tumor penetration when compared to molecules using smaller single chain Fv (scFv) antibody fragments. scFv has the advantage of being a molecularly engineered homogeneous molecule. In this report, we demonstrate the cloning, expression, and binding of three anti-CD19 antibodies as scFvs. All three scFvs were successfully cloned and expressed. FVS191, derived from cell line B43, and FVS192, derived from SJ25C1, were properly refolded and bound CD19 antigen in FACS competition assays. These anti-CD19 scFv should be useful in the further development of diagnostic and therapeutic molecules.  相似文献   

Occupational medicine in Poland has a long tradition, dating back to the establishment of the first health-care institutions for industrial workers at an early stage of Poland's industrialization. Legal foundations of the industrial health-care system, based on the Soviet model, were enacted in 1953. During its most dynamic period of development (1970s and 1980s) the industrial health-care system provided medical services to about 6 million workers. The process of the political and economic transition in Poland began in 1989, and since 1991 there have been numerous transformations in the structure and function of industrial health services. The present article describes the main stages of the transformation process, occupational health training, research, advisory bodies, and the system for setting of hygienic standards.  相似文献   

The effect of the host system on the pathogenicity, immunogenicity, and antigenicity of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was investigated. One classic (SAL) and one variant strain (IN) of IBDV were passaged separately six times in three host systems, namely BGM-70 continuous cell line, primary chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells, or embryonating chicken eggs (embryos) or one time in the bursa of Fabricius (BF) of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. Passage in BGM-70 cells or CEF cells resulted in loss of pathogenicity, but viruses passaged in embryos or BF maintained their pathogenicity. For the immunogenicity study, the viruses described above were used to prepare live and inactivated vaccines, containing 10(3) mean embryo infectious doses (EID50s) and 10(5) EID50s respectively. These vaccines induced different levels of protection. It was concluded that the antigen titration methodology employing embryonating chicken eggs was not suitable for titration of viruses propagated in other host systems because of varying degrees of adaptation and/or pathogenicity of the viruses resulting in variability in antigen mass of the tested vaccines. To test this assumption, an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used as a titration system to compare the antigenicity of viruses propagated in BGM-70 cells or BF. Preparations containing similar antigen masses were inactivated then inoculated into two age groups of SPF chickens and antibody titers were monitored. During the experimental period, the geometric mean virus-neutralizing (VN) antibody titers of the vaccinated groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

We have developed a monoclonal antibody (BAT) to Daudi B lymphoblastoid cell line membranes. The antibody was selected for its ability to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation. Splenocytes of BALB/c or C57BL mice given i.v. injections of 10 micrograms/mouse of BAT exhibited increased proliferation and cytotoxic activity. A single i.v. administration of BAT monoclonal antibody 2 weeks after B16 melanoma cell inoculation resulted in a striking antitumor effect as manifested by the elimination of lung metastases and prolonged survival of the treated mice. BAT monoclonal antibody was also effective in the regression of tumors in mice bearing 3LL (Lewis lung carcinoma) and MCA-105 (fibrosarcoma). Transfer of 10(7)-10(8) splenocytes from mice that had been given injections of BAT to B16- or 3LL-inoculated recipients led to a reduction of lung metastases. Splenocytes from B16-inoculated mice that were cured by BAT were more effective than those from mice treated with BAT alone against recipients bearing either B16 or 3LL tumors. The antitumor activity of BAT is related to its immunostimulatory properties.  相似文献   

The tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) of palm oil consists of tocotrienols and some alpha-tocopherol (alpha-T). Tocotrienols are a form of vitamin E having an unsaturated side-chain, rather than the saturated side-chain of the more common tocopherols. Because palm oil has been shown not to promote chemically-induced mammary carcinogenesis, we tested effects of TRF and alpha-T on the proliferation, growth, and plating efficiency (PE) of the MDA-MB-435 estrogen-receptor-negative human breast cancer cells. TRF inhibited the proliferation of these cells with a concentration required to inhibit cell proliferation by 50% of 180 microgram/mL whereas alpha-T had no effect at concentrations up to 1000 microgram/mL as measured by incorporation of [3H]thymidine. The effects of TRF and alpha-T also were tested in longer-term growth experiments, using concentrations of 180 and 500 microgram/mL. We found that TRF inhibited the growth of these cells by 50%, whereas alpha-T did not. Their effect on the ability of these cells to form colonies also was studied, and it was found that TRF inhibited PE, whereas alpha T had no effect. These results suggest that the inhibition is due to the presence of tocotrienols in TRF rather than alpha T.  相似文献   

Tumor cells may inhibit the induction of a complement-mediated inflammatory response through overexpression of membrane-bound regulators of complement activation. Therefore, it is of interest to determine the most efficient approach to block these membrane-bound complement regulators on tumor cells. In the present study, we first generated a bispecific mAb directed against both CD55, using the functional blocking mAb MBC1, and the highly expressed HLA class I molecule as a model for a tumor-associated Ag, using the mAb W6/32. Tumor cells opsonized with bispecific mAb W6/32*MBC1, then exposed to complement and subsequently stained for C3 deposition, were assessed by flow cytometric analysis. We found that opsonization with W6/32*MBC1 resulted in a 92% enhancement of C3 deposition on renal tumor cells as compared with opsonization with W6/32 alone and a 17% enhancement of the C3 deposition as compared with incubation with a mixture of both parental mAb. Based on these results, we developed a bispecific mAb recognizing both CD55 and the relatively low expressed renal tumor-associated Ag G250. Increasing concentrations of the bispecific mAb G250*MBC1 resulted in a 25 to 400% increase in C3 deposition on renal tumor cells as compared with C3 deposition in the presence of the parental mAb G250 alone. G250*MBC1 enhanced C3 deposition by 21% in comparison with a mixture of both parentals. Furthermore, opsonization of tumor cells with G250*MBC1 rendered these cells more sensitive to complement-mediated lysis. In conclusion, the bispecific mAb G250*MBC1 induces deposition of C3 and tumor cell lysis more efficiently than G250 alone.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined the effect of growth hormone (GH) administration on the psychological capacity and sense of well-being in 25 patients with adult-onset GH-deficiency (GHD). METHODS: Very low dosages [0.5-1.0 UIday(-1) s.c. at bed-time] of recombinant human (rh)-GH (n = 13; aged 50+/-15 years, mean+/-SD) or placebo (n = 12, 53+/-14 years) were given at random for a 6-month period. Quality of life was assessed by using the Italian version of the self-rating Kellner Symptom Questionnaire (KSQ) and the Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS). RESULTS: No difference in insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels was noted between groups on entry to the study. A significant increase in IGF-I [month 0 56.2+/-10.4 microg L(-1) vs. month 6 125.7+/-16.7 microg L(-1); P < 0.001] levels was noted only in the rh-GH-treated group. There was no difference in overall scores on the KSQ between the rh-GH-treated and control groups on entry. A slight, non-significant, decrease in overall scores was noted in both groups of subjects. Subsection analysis of items from the KSQ did not show significant differences in either group during the 6-month period. A significant decrease (month 0 28+/-1 vs. month 6 25+/-1; P = 0.02) in the HDS score was noted in rh-GH-treated but not in placebo-treated patients. There was a significant correlation (rs, -0.56, P = 0.05) between increase in IGF-I levels and decrease in HDS scores in rh-GH treated patients. CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate that low rh-GH dosages significantly improve psychological profiles as rated by HDS evaluation in adult-onset patients with GHD. On the other hand, a 6-month period of treatment does not produce any significant differences in quality of life as measured by KSQ between treated patients and placebo controls.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to present empirical findings, using data drawn from a comprehensive two year study of biomedical practice and patients perceptions of treatment and recovery done in a Mexico City public hospital, identifying specific aspects of the doctor-patient relationship that impact on patient perceived recovery. Second, and flowing from the first, the objective is to consider broader theoretical issues relevant to the doctor-patient relationship, the role it plays in the healing process and in biomedical practice, especially in a developing nation such as Mexico. The paper is divided into two sections: in Section I, the problem is defined and the methodology and findings are described, employing statistical and qualitative analyses. While enormous importance has been given to the doctor-patient relationship in biomedicine, the results of the study using statistical analysis, reveal that only particular components of the physician-patient encounter significantly influence differential treatment outcomes. In Section II the significance of the findings are discussed and theoretical issues are addressed bearing on the physician-patient relationship, and patients' perceptions of treatment. To illuminate the differential perceptions of treatment outcomes by patients with non-life-threatening disorders, the concept of life's lesions is proposed.  相似文献   

An in vitro model of acquired melphalan resistance was developed by serial incubation of an MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line in increasing concentrations of melphalan. The resulting derivative cell line, Me1R MCF-7, was 30-fold resistant to melphalan. Uptake studies demonstrated decreased initial melphalan accumulation in Me1R MCF-7 cells. Inverse-reciprocal plots of initial melphalan uptake revealed a 4-fold decrease in the apparent Vmax of Me1R MCF-7 compared with WT MCF-7 (516 amol cell-1 min-1 vs 2110 amol cell-1 min-1 respectively) as well as a decrease in the apparent Kt (36 microM vs 70 microM respectively). Two amino acid transporters have previously been identified as melphalan transporters: system L, which is sodium-independent and inhibited by 2-amino-bicyclo[2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), and system ASC which is sodium dependent and unaffected by BCH. At low concentrations of melphalan (3-30 microM), 1mM BCH competition eliminated the differences between the two cell lines, thus implicating an alteration of the system L transporter in the transport defect in the resistant cells. Me1R MCF-7 cells were also evaluated for glutathione-mediated detoxification mechanisms associated with melphalan resistance. There was no difference between Me1R MCF-7 and WT MCF-7 in glutathione content, glutathione-S-transferase activity and expression of pi class glutathione S-transferase RNA. In addition, buthionine sulfoximine did not reverse melphalan resistance in Me1R MCF-7 cells. Therefore, Me1R MCF-7 cells provide an in vitro model of transport-mediated melphalan resistance in human breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

We grafted fetal thymi from wild-type mice into immunodeficient RAG-2-/- or class II-/-RAG-2-/- (class II MHC-) recipients and followed the fate of naive CD4+ T cells derived from the grafts. In both types of recipients, newly generated CD4+ T cells proliferated to the same extent in the periphery and rapidly filled the empty T cell compartment. However, CD4+ T cells in class II- recipients gradually decreased in number over 6 months. These results show that interactions between the TCR and class II molecules are not required for newly generated CD4+ T cells to survive and proliferate, but are necessary to maintain the size of the peripheral T cell pool for extended periods.  相似文献   

The potential negative effects of psychoactive medication are well documented. Given the high rate of their use in persons with mental retardation, the need to assess and identify these negative effects is great. The Matson Evaluation of Drug Side Effects (MEDS) was designed to evaluate commonly identified side effects with a psychometrically sound checklist. The initial psychometric properties of this scale are presented and discussed. An examination of interrater reliability and internal consistency revealed that the MEDS has excellent consistency across raters and good internal consistency. Potential uses for the scale and directions for future research are reviewed as well.  相似文献   

As part of the FINMONICA project, serum total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) concentrations were determined in 1216 AMI patients (937 men, 279 women) aged 35-64 years in the province of Kuopio in eastern Finland during the 5-year period 1983-87. The distributions were compared with the corresponding distributions in a representative sample of the general population of the same area (1026 men, 1021 women). The mean serum TC levels did not differ between the AMI patients and the normal population. Only the prevalence of a very high serum TC level (> 8.0 mmol l-1) among women was significantly higher in the AMI group than in the population sample. On the other hand, in both sexes the age-adjusted mean HDLC was significantly lower in the AMI group than in the population sample. Our findings emphasize the importance of HDLC measurement as a part of the assessment of the lipid risk factor profile in patients with AMI.  相似文献   

Intra-abdominal infections in children that follow perforation of viscus often involve the gastrointestinal aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora. These organisms possess various virulence factors and exhibit potential synergy. The intra-abdominal infection is biphasic, with the Enterobacteriaceae as the major pathogens in the peritonitis stage, and the Bacteroides fragilis group predominating in the abscess stage. Experiments with animals and experience in patients support the need to use single or combined antimicrobial agent therapy that is effective against both Enterobacteriaceae and the B. fragilis group.  相似文献   

We recently established a new human breast cell line, designated KPL-1, which was derived from the malignant effusion of a patient with breast cancer. This cell line is highly tumorigenic and grows rapidly in female nude mice. Cytogenetic analysis indicated its human origin and revealed a hypertriploid modal number of chromosomes. Electron microscopic examination suggested that the KPL-1 cells are of epithelial origin. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that the cells express cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen and CA 15-3. They also possess a large number of oestrogen receptors but not progesterone receptors. Interestingly, KPL-1 cells seem to grow oestrogen independently in vitro. No amplification of c-erbB-2, c-myc, H-ras and N-ras genes was detected. KPL-1 cells secrete a large amount of tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA). Although the secretion of CA 15-3 seemed to be constant throughout all cell growth phases, TPA secretion increased during the exponential growth phase and decreased during the plateau phase. Serum TPA levels significantly correlated with the volume of KPL-1 tumours transplanted into nude mice. These data suggest that this KPL-1 cell line may be useful for studying oestrogen-independent growth and the kinetics of tumour-associated antigens in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

The p16 protein plays an important role in the transition of cells into the G1 phase of the cell cycle. We have studied the prevalence of p16 protein expression in breast carcinomas in a prospective series of 368 invasive and 52 non-invasive malignancies, as well as in 88 locally recurring tumours and three tumour cell lines. p16 protein expression was evaluated immunohistochemically on paraffin sections using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-p16 antibodies, and by immunoblotting of tumour cell suspensions. Tumour cell lines were also subjected to polymerase chain reaction-single strand polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis and direct DNA sequencing. The results were compared with established prognostic parameters, DNA flow cytometry and p53 protein expression. In 33 (9%) invasive and two (4%) intraductal carcinomas, a cytoplasmic accumulation of the p16 protein was seen. These cases were characterized by poor histological grade of differentiation, loss of of oestrogen receptors and progesterone receptors and frequent overexpression of the p53 protein. In addition, breast carcinomas with aberrant p16 expression demonstrated a high proliferative activity, with median S-phase fractions 74% higher than in the control group and the median Ki67 fractions elevated to 75%. A genetic alteration of the p16 gene was not detectable in three analysed cell lines with cytoplasmic p16 expression applying PCR-SSCP and direct DNA sequencing. These results indicate that cytoplasmic accumulation of the p16 protein identifies a subset of highly malignant breast carcinomas with accelerated tumour proliferation and other unfavourable parameters in breast cancer. The described protein accumulation is apparently not caused by an alteration of the p16 gene.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the relationship between cyclin D1 and D2 (CD1/CD2) overexpression and progression, 191 gastric cancer cases (81 early and 110 advanced cancers) were investigated using the 5D4 monoclonal antibody for both CD1/CD2 in immunohistochemistry. 5D4 immunoreactivity was noted in 68 (35.6%) cases, staining being restricted to the nucleus in 27 (14.1%) cases, the cytoplasm in 34 (17.8%) cases, and its presence in both the nucleus and cytoplasm in seven (3.7%). Cases demonstrating cytoplasmic positivity, including both positive cases, were significantly more frequent in advanced cancers (P = 0.010), those having lymph node metastasis (P = 0.004) and cases showing cancer invasion of vessels (P = 0.009), although no relation to histological malignant grading was apparent. In contrast, cases of nuclear positivity behaved no differently from 5D4-negative cases. Statistics showed a trend where survival in patients was worse in the cytoplasm-positive cases than the cytoplasm-negative group. However, multivariate analysis revealed no independent statistical significance in the cytoplasmic positivity of prognosis. Additional studies using DCS-6 antibody for CD1 and C-17 antibody for CD2, suggest that nuclear staining of 5D4 indicates the presence of CD1 but cytoplasmic staining is derived from an antigen that is related to CD2. In conclusion, the present results indicate that the accumulation of CD2 in the cytoplasm may play some role in the progression of gastric cancers but not prognosis; however, CD1 overexpression is not linked to either.  相似文献   

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