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构建移动学习系统离不开移动学习资源的建设。在移动学习资源建设中,为了把低水平的学习资源整合成为高水平、可共享的教学单元,采用案例分析法,通过借鉴SCORM标准,并结合移动学习资源的特点,提出了基于SCORM内容模型的移动学习资源的结构设计与实现方法。  相似文献   

现代远程教育的开展推进了终身教育体系与终身学习社会的构建。在远程教育中,如何高效开展实验教学是困扰教育管理者的一大难题,而虚拟实验的出现,为解决这一难题提供了一种有效的途径。从终身学习角度出发,研究远程虚拟实验教学的特性、方法、策略及其应用,对优化现代远程实验教学过程,完善终身学习教学理论,充分发挥终身学习体系中的远程教育的优势,都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate how a gamified learning approach influences science learning, achievement and motivation, through a context‐aware mobile learning environment, and explains the effects on motivation and student learning. A series of gamified learning activities, based on MGLS (Mobile Gamification Learning System), was developed and implemented in an elementary school science curriculum to improve student motivation and to help students engage more actively in their learning activities. The responses to our questionnaire indicate that students valued the outdoor learning activities made possible by the use of a smartphone and its functions. Pre‐ and post‐test results demonstrated that incorporating mobile and gamification technologies into a botanical learning process could achieve a better learning performance and a higher degree of motivation than either non‐gamified mobile learning or traditional instruction. Further, they revealed a positive relationship between learning achievement and motivation. The correlation coefficient for ARCS dimensions and post‐test shows that the ARCS‐A (attention) is greater than ARCS‐R, ARCS‐C and ARCS‐S. This means that the attention (ARCS‐A) of this system is an important dimension in this research. The results could provide parents, teachers and educational organizations with the necessary data to make more relevant educational decision.  相似文献   

Abstract   Individual, unaided human abilities are constrained. Media have helped us to transcend boundaries in thinking, working, learning and collaborating by supporting distributed intelligence . Wireless and mobile technologies provide new opportunities for creating novel socio-technical environments and thereby empowering humans, but not without potential pitfalls. We explore these opportunities and pitfalls from a lifelong-learning perspective and discuss how wireless and mobile technologies can influence and change conceptual frameworks such as the relationship between planning and situated action, context awareness, human attention, distances in collaborative design activities, and the trade-off between tools for living and tools for learning . The impact of wireless and mobile technologies is illustrated with our research projects, which focus on moving 'computing off the desktop' by 'going small, large, and everywhere'. Specific examples include human-centred public transportation systems, collaborative design, and information sharing with smart physical objects.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 10-month trial of a mobile learning organiser, developed for use by university students. Implemented on a wireless-enabled Pocket PC hand-held computer, the organiser makes use of existing mobile applications as well as tools designed specifically for students to manage their learning. The trial set out to identify the most-used tools for such a learning device and their patterns and problems of usage. The primary uses of the organiser were communication, time-management and access to content. No single application took precedence. The results from an analysis of questionnaire surveys and focus groups indicate that there was a demand for institutional support of mobile learning, in particular to provide course content and timetabling information. Wireless connectivity was crucial to the usefulness of the organiser. Usability issues relating to the hardware and software had considerable impact on the students' usage and satisfaction with the system.  相似文献   

移动互联网的发展带动了移动支付的兴起,国内外电子支付系统都纷纷推出了移动设备平台的服务,使得消费者能随时随地、方便快捷地完成支付行为。然而由于在移动支付方面的体验和原有的电子支付方式存在着诸多不同,所以在进行交互和界面设计时针对用户的实际需求和困难进行研究是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

基于移动Agent的网络智能学习系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析现有网络学习系统的一些不足,以建构主义学习理论为指导,提出把移动Agent技术和网络学习相结合的思想,构建一个基于移动Agent的网络学习系统.系统的设计思想采用"双主模式",为学习者提供了个性化的学习环境,系统的实现采用移动Agent技术,既充分发挥了现有的网络功能,又充分利用现有地理上分布的、功能上独立的各个网络资源,为学习者提供全面而准确的智能化服务,改善了学习效果.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibilities in the area of application of mobile technologies for language learning. The primary goal is to design a mobile system for learning of the Japanese language with a clear separation of content and presentation, and to leverage the learners’ interest in the Japanese language. Both the technical and the language learning perspectives are discussed. A reusable, lightweight model of learning objects with compact content and a reduced metadata set is presented. These objects are stored in a simple learning object repository that can deliver them to any client over the Internet. A mobile application is designed to use the learning object repository as its content provider, while defining its own method of presentation suitable for smaller screens of mobile devices. For the purpose of evaluation, an experiment was conducted within the e-learning system at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. Research findings have indicated that the developed mobile application has a positive effect on the students’ interest in the subject matter.  相似文献   

以往的研究更多地认为实践是培养创新能力的途径,但持续的创新离不开终身学习能力。探索了加强数理基础、开阔国际视野和培养探究精神的拔尖创新人才培养模式。实践结果表明,学生的创新能力显著增强。  相似文献   

Abstract: Recommendation systems for the mobile Web have focused on endorsing particular types of content to users. Today, mobile service providers have a more direct recommendation channel, namely the short messaging service. Therefore, mobile service providers should consider both the timing and context of recommendation messages (push messages) that are sent to users. Mobile service providers can learn context-specific user preferences by analysing mobile Web use logs and user responses to push messages. In this paper, we present a context-sensitive recommendation system that can be used to select the optimal context in which to send recommendation messages. We call this system the mobile context recommender system (MCORE). We compared user responses to push messages delivered in and out of suitable contexts as determined by MCORE. The precision of push messages delivered within a suitable context was higher than that of messages delivered outside of one.  相似文献   

以移动教育方面的三方应用场景为例,设计并实现了一个面向精品课程和开放课程的移动学习系统原型,实现了网络教学资源整合。根据现行主流移动智能终端的特点,针对触摸屏移动智能终端因误操作引起的计算资源和通信资源浪费现象,给出了一个有三方参与的应用系统场景中,可行的减少误操作的应用方法。通过使用确定型有限自动机的方法验证了系统的正确性。测试表明,该方法可以有效降低应用场景中代理服务模块和资源服务模块的工作压力,提高用户体验度。  相似文献   

李向东  杨昕 《计算机时代》2014,(4):24-26,29
在移动互联网时代,为满足随时随地进行学习的需求,设计了一种基于Android平台的移动学习系统,该系统可以运行在基于Android系统的手机和平板电脑等终端上,能够进行学生课程学习,学生与教师进行在线交流等教学活动。系统采用J2ME技术进行开发,能够跨平台运行,客户端用户登录使用OAUTH认证;用户可以通过RSS订阅学习课程,简便及时;系统的XML数据采用SAX解析,使得读取和操作XML数据的更快速。系统使用流量小,经济投入少。  相似文献   

近些年来,移动学习的热度不断上升,围绕着移动学习的研究也越来越受到人们关注。但纵观我国当前移动学习现状,理论研究颇多,真正大范围的应用较少。本文就当前我国移动学习中存在的几个问题,如:学习资源匮乏等,进行思考和分析,希望能提出有建设性的建议。  相似文献   

When people interact with digital artefacts they perceive their pragmatic and hedonic qualities. In the case of interacting with mobile devices and applications, users seek utility as they try to satisfy certain needs, but at the same time they have certain feelings and emotions when, for example, they feel attached to their personal phone and/or trust its brand. Due to this strong relation between users and mobile devices a significant problem occurs when researchers want to evaluate the user experience of a mobile application in laboratory settings: the selection of an appropriate mobile device. Towards this end, this paper aims to unveil the effect of perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device on the user experience evaluation results of an application. Our results show that the perceived hedonic quality of a mobile device significantly affected the perceived pragmatic quality of the application, but not the hedonic one.  相似文献   

为了提高移动传感器网络时延系统控制能力,提出基于强化学习的移动传感器网络时延系统控制模型,采用高阶近似微分方程构建移动传感器网络时延系统的控制目标函数,结合最大似然估计方法进行移动传感器网络的时延参数估计,采用强化学习方法进行移动传感器网络的收敛性控制和自适应调度,建立传感器网络时延系统控制的多维测度信息配准模型,在强化跟踪学习寻优模式下实现移动传感器网络时延系统的自适应控制。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行移动传感器网络时延系统控制的自适应性较好,时延参数估计准确度较高,控制过程的鲁棒性较强。  相似文献   

Cognizant of the research gap in the theorization of mobile learning, this paper conceptually explores how the theories and methodology of self‐regulated learning (SRL), an active area in contemporary educational psychology, are inherently suited to address the issues originating from the defining characteristics of mobile learning: enabling student‐centred, personal, and ubiquitous learning. These characteristics provide some of the conditions for learners to learn anywhere and anytime, and thus, entail learners to be motivated and to be able to self‐regulate their own learning. We propose an analytic SRL model of mobile learning as a conceptual framework for understanding mobile learning, in which the notion of self‐regulation as agency is at the core. The rationale behind this model is built on our recognition of the challenges in the current conceptualization of the mechanisms and processes of mobile learning, and the inherent relationship between mobile learning and SRL. We draw on work in a 3‐year research project in developing and implementing a mobile learning environment in elementary science classes in Singapore to illustrate the application of SRL theories and methodology to understand and analyse mobile learning.  相似文献   

林虹 《互联网天地》2014,(2):38-39,43
移动互联网的飞速发展,催生了很多实用的、生动有趣的互联网应用。首先介绍了移动互联网以及即时通信软件的发展,然后讲解了用户体验设计的概念、发展历程及方法,提出了用户体验设计的关键技术。  相似文献   

基于机器学习的移动自组织网络入侵检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨德明  潘进  赵爽 《计算机应用》2005,25(11):2557-2558
移动自组织网络是由无线移动节点组成的复杂分布式通信系统。研究了移动自组织网络的入侵检测问题,采用了一种新型的基于机器学习算法的异常入侵检测方法。该方法获取正常事件的内部特征的相互关系模式,并将该模式作为轮廓检测异常事件。在Ad hoc 按需距离向量协议上实现了该方法,并在网络仿真软件QualNet中对其进行了评估。  相似文献   

Whereas the penetration of mobile phones in Asian countries keeps climbing, little research has explored the application of the short message service (SMS) in second language learning. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of SMS vocabulary lessons of limited lexical information on the small screens of mobile phones. Thirty high school students were randomly distributed into two groups and given two sets of English words either on paper or through SMS messages during two weeks. Students recognized more vocabulary during the post‐test after reading the regular and brief SMS lessons than they did after reading the relatively more detailed print material. Qualitative data from interviews offer information about the learning process as well as the benefits and limitations of m‐learning. Results of the questionnaires show that students in general hold positive attitudes towards learning vocabulary via mobile phone. On the other hand, technological limitations, unfamiliar presentations and learning activities may prevent students from reading SMS lessons.  相似文献   

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