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Summary Electrical parameters were optimized for induction of the fusion of protoplasts formed from two auxotrophic (leu, ade) Mucor circinelloides strains. These proved to be a pulse voltage of 66 V, a pulse duration of 66 us and six pulses at intervals of 1.0 s. Nutritionally complementing colonies were obtained at an average frequency up to 12.4%, which is substantially higher than achieved earlier with the PEG-Ca2+ method.  相似文献   

The wild-type of the filamentous fungus Mucor circinelloides accumulates the yellow pigment β-carotene. At a continuous blue-light fluence rate of 0.1 W/m2 the β-carotene content increases about eight fold over the dark controls. Among the mutants isolated after exposure of spores to either N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or ICR-170, a red mutant accumulating lycopene, white mutants accumulating phytoene and white mutants without carotenoids were found. The biosynthesis of carotenoids in M. circinelloides shows similarities with that of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus such as the presence of mutants in the same structural genes and the induction by light of the pathway. However, negative end-product regulation by β-carotene on the biosynthetic pathway, as in Phycomyces, is absent in M. circinelloides. In contrast to Phycomyces carB and carR mutants, carotenoids in corresponding mutants of M. circinelloides are photoinduced.  相似文献   

Sporangiospores of Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides CBS108.16 could germinate and grow on a wide variety of carbon sources in synthetic liquid media. Growth was supported by aldoses which have the same configuration at carbon atom number two as glucose. Di- and trisaccharides consisting of D-glucopyranosyl moieties were assimilated, while polysaccharides like inuline and starch were also utilised. Various alcohols and organic acids could be assimilated, while the phenolic compounds tested could not support aerobic growth. The fungus was able to ferment carbohydrates consisting of D-glucopyranosyl moieties, grow in the absence of vitamins and in the presence of cycloheximide. It also liquefied gelatin and produced lipases and cellulolytic enzymes. It was found that the highest percentages polyunsaturated fatty acids were produced when acetic acid, glucose, mannitol, soluble starch or trehalose was used as carbon source. The absence of vitamins in the medium lowered the percentage of these fatty acids.  相似文献   

Canthaxanthin is a natural diketo derivative of β-carotene primarily used by the food and feed industries. Mucor circinelloides is a β-carotene-accumulating zygomycete fungus and one of the model organisms to study the carotenoid biosynthesis in fungi. In this study, the β-carotene ketolase gene (crtW) of the marine bacterium Paracoccus sp. N81106 fused with fungal promoter and terminator regions was integrated into the M. circinelloides genome to construct stable canthaxanthin-producing strains. Different transformation methods including polyethylene glycol-mediated transformation with linear DNA fragments, restriction enzyme-mediated integration and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation were tested to integrate the crtW gene into the Mucor genome. Mitotic stability, site of integration and copy number of the transferred genes were analysed in the transformants, and several stable strains containing the crtW gene in high copy number were isolated. Carotenoid composition of selected transformants and effect of culturing conditions, such as temperature, carbon sources and application of certain additives in the culturing media, on their carotenoid content were analysed. Canthaxanthin-producing transformants were able to survive at higher growth temperature than the untransformed strain, maybe due to the effect of canthaxanthin on the membrane fluidity and integrity. With the application of glucose, trehalose, dihydroxyacetone and l-aspartic acid as sole carbon sources in minimal medium, the crtW-expressing M. circinelloides strain, MS12+pCA8lf/1, produced more than 200 μg/g (dry mass) of canthaxanthin.  相似文献   

We found that laboratory-prepared sunflower oil waste containing polymerized triacylglycerols (PTAGs) still within South African regulatory levels (i.e. 1, 5, 10 and 15% w/w) is effectively degraded by the fungus Mucor circinelloidesin the presence of acetate. Poor utilization was experienced in its absence. These results suggest that fungi could be used in oil waste removal, while at the same time biomass, rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid is produced.  相似文献   

In vitro studies on hyphal interactions between phyllosphere and phylloplane fungi revealed Mucor circinelloides to be a destructive hyperparasite of Rhizopus nigricans. The mycoparasite penetrated the host hypha and formed sporangiophores and sporangia on different parts of Rhizopus nigricans.  相似文献   

Mucor circinelloides responds to blue light by activating the biosynthesis of carotenoids and bending its sporangiophores towards the light source. The CrgA protein product acts as a repressor of carotene biosynthesis, as its inactivation leads to the overaccumulation of carotenoids in both the dark and the light. We show here that asexual sporulation in Mucor is also stimulated by light and that the crgA gene is involved in sporulation, given that lack of crgA function affects both carotenogenesis and the normal production of spores. A small interference RNA (siRNA) gene silencing approach was used to block the biosynthesis of carotenoids and to demonstrate that abnormal sporulation in crgA mutants is not a consequence of a defective production of carotenes. These results reveal an active role for the predicted CrgA product, a RING-finger protein, in the control of cellular light-regulated processes in Mucor.  相似文献   

为了构建高产γ-亚麻酸的卷枝毛霉稳定遗传转化体系,利用酶解法对卷枝毛霉(Mucor circinelloides sp.)EIM-10的孢子进行原生质体制备。研究酶液组成、渗透压稳定剂、酶解温度、酶解时间等对卷枝毛霉孢子原生质体形成和再生的影响,建立了制备卷枝毛霉孢子原生质体的最适条件:1%纤维素酶和2%溶壁酶为酶解体系,0.5mol/L NaCl作为渗透压稳定剂,酶解温度32℃,酶解时间2.5 h,再生培养基为0.5 mol/L NaCl高渗培养基。用双层平板培养法进行原生质体再生,在此条件下原生质体的形成量为1.2×106个/mL,再生率为70.5%。  相似文献   

This study aimed at isolation, purification and characterization of a chitosanase from Mucor circinelloides mycelium. The latter contains also a mycelium-bound lipase and lipids. The chitosanase and lipase were extracted from defatted M. circinelloides mycelium with a detergent and purified through a two-step procedure comprising chromatography on bacitracin–CNBr-Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. Purification degree of the chitosanase (endo-type enzyme) and lipase was 23 and 12, respectively. These enzymes were optimally active at pH of 5.5–6.0 (chitosanase) and 7.2 (lipase in olive oil hydrolysis) and at 37 °C. Both purified enzymes were activated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The preferred substrates of chitosanase were chitosan preparations with a high degree of deacetylation. This enzyme showed no activity for colloidal chitin, Na-CMC and starch. SDS–PAGE of both purified enzymes showed two bands with molecular masses of 42 and 43 kDa. Our results suggest that M. circinelloides synthesizes an oligomeric (bifunctional) lipase which also efficiently depolymerizes chitosan.  相似文献   

The establishment of an efficient and feasible biorefinery model depends on, among other factors, particularly the selection of the most appropriate microorganism. Mucor circinelloides is a dimorphic fungus species able to produce a wide variety of hydrolytic enzymes, lipids prone to biodiesel production, carotenoids, ethanol, and biomass with significant nutritional value. M. circinelloides also has been selected as a model species for genetic modification by being the first filamentous oleaginous species to have its genome fully characterized, as well as being a species characterized as a potential bioremediation agent. Considering the potential of replacing several nonrenewable feedstocks is widely dependent on fossil fuels, the exploitation of microbial processes and products is a desirable solution for promoting a green and sustainable future. Here, we introduce and thoroughly describe the recent and critical applications of this remarkable fungus within the context of developing a fungal-based biorefinery.  相似文献   

Summary Transformation of a Mucor circinelloides Leu strain with the plasmid pAD45, harbouring the wild-type allele (leuA+) and a chymosin gene, led to the identification of mitotically stable transformants after one to three vegetative growth cycles on non-selective medium. Southern analysis of the stable transformed strains demonstrated that the vector is integrated, as an intact molecule, into the resident Mucor leuA locus. Retransformation of Escherichia coli with genomic DNA restricted with enzymes having no or only a single recognition site within the inserted sequence did not permit isolation of plasmids or fragments carrying the leuA or chymosin gene.  相似文献   

采用微生物转化法考察11株放线菌及11株小型丝状真菌对昂丹司琼的转化能力,通过高效液相色谱-多级质谱(HPLC-MSn)检测转化产物。7株真菌可将昂丹司琼转化为7-羟基昂丹司琼和N-去甲基昂丹司琼,与文献中报道的人体内主要代谢产物相同,其中短刺小克银汉霉AS 3.153转化能力最强,在优化的转化系统中7-羟基昂丹司琼和N-去甲基昂丹司琼的产率分别达到57.80%和15.60%。此外,3株真菌和7株放线菌将昂丹司琼转化为1-羟基昂丹司琼,其中卷枝毛霉AS 3.3421转化能力最强,在优化的转化系统中,1-羟基异构体的总产率达43.10%。表明筛选出的2模型菌株对形成昂丹司琼的类哺乳动物代谢产物具有互补能力,在确定药物代谢产物种类及制备相应的对照品中具有应用价值,可作为药物代谢体外研究的有效辅助工具。  相似文献   

Mucor circinelloides is a zygomycete fungus and an emerging opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients, especially transplant recipients and in some cases otherwise healthy individuals. We have discovered a novel example of size dimorphism linked to virulence. M. circinelloides is a heterothallic fungus: (+) sex allele encodes SexP and (-) sex allele SexM, both of which are HMG domain protein sex determinants. M. circinelloides f. lusitanicus (Mcl) (-) mating type isolates produce larger asexual sporangiospores that are more virulent in the wax moth host compared to (+) isolates that produce smaller less virulent sporangiospores. The larger sporangiospores germinate inside and lyse macrophages, whereas the smaller sporangiospores do not. sexMΔ mutants are sterile and still produce larger virulent sporangiospores, suggesting that either the sex locus is not involved in virulence/spore size or the sexP allele plays an inhibitory role. Phylogenetic analysis supports that at least three extant subspecies populate the M. circinelloides complex in nature: Mcl, M. circinelloides f. griseocyanus, and M. circinelloides f. circinelloides (Mcc). Mcc was found to be more prevalent among clinical Mucor isolates, and more virulent than Mcl in a diabetic murine model in contrast to the wax moth host. The M. circinelloides sex locus encodes an HMG domain protein (SexP for plus and SexM for minus mating types) flanked by genes encoding triose phosphate transporter (TPT) and RNA helicase homologs. The borders of the sex locus between the three subspecies differ: the Mcg sex locus includes the promoters of both the TPT and the RNA helicase genes, whereas the Mcl and Mcc sex locus includes only the TPT gene promoter. Mating between subspecies was restricted compared to mating within subspecies. These findings demonstrate that spore size dimorphism is linked to virulence of M. circinelloides species and that plasticity of the sex locus and adaptations in pathogenicity have occurred during speciation of the M. circinelloides complex.  相似文献   

为制备新的遗传筛选标记用于构建高产番茄红素的工程菌株,实验运用化学诱变的手段,以N-甲基-N'-硝基-N-亚硝基胍为诱变剂,以番茄红素生产菌株卷枝毛霉MU616为出发菌株,诱变获得5株尿嘧啶缺陷型突变株,突变株在基本培养基中培养5天后仍不能生长。通过同源转化带有pyrG基因(编码乳清酸核苷-磷酸盐脱羧酶)的质粒pEPM1确定突变株Mt1、Mt4和Mt5为pyrG基因缺陷突变株。随之对pyrG突变株进行生长特性的研究和产番茄红素性能的检测,结果表明,其中突变株Mt4的生物量为(9.0±0.6)g/L,番茄红素产量在黑暗和光照条件下分别为(1 648±185)μg/g和(3 234±281)μg/g,均与出发菌株相似,适宜作为进行卷枝毛霉转化的带有遗传标记的受体菌。pyrG基因缺陷突变菌株的获得对构建高产番茄红素的卷枝毛霉工程菌具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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