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A watershed‐based approach to water quality management is necessary for protecting coastal water quality, but the relative importance of inland pollution sources on estuaries is often overestimated. This can lead to a misallocation of coastal water protection resources and ignorance of coastal zone pollution sources. This overestimation of upstream contributions is attributable to a failure to recognize that many estuaries have little or no inland drainage area, the confusion of basinwide pollutant loading with pollutant delivery to estuaries, the low delivery ratios for many pollutants within drainage basins, and disproportionately high pollutant delivery for sources within the coastal zone. Examples are given from North Carolina. As a general rule, resources expended on pollution control within or near the coastal zone will result in more coastal water quality improvement per unit effort than resources expended upstream.  相似文献   

The almost total absence of social-science data on North Carolina coastal fishing communities has provoked this preliminary study of the role played by family and kinship ties among fishermen and boat builders in such a community, with a view to developing new fisheries management strategies from an assessment of the social and economic impacts of those which already exist.  相似文献   


In this article, an overview of the status of coastal zone management (CZM) in South Africa is presented. Firstly, it provides background to the development of various initiatives to promote sustainable use of coastal resources within the context of sociopolitical changes in South Africa. Thereafter, it examines the progress made with respect to key attributes underpinning most CZM programs. Finally, it identifies obstacles to achieving effective CZM in South Africa and makes recommendations to address these shortcomings. The review reveals that whilst considerable progress has been made in certain areas of program development, such as resource conservation and pollution control, there are several gaps and inadequacies within existing efforts. These include the absence of a clear policy to guide efforts, lack of coordination amongst government departments involved in CZM, as well as inadequacies in our legal and administrative system. The promulgation of a Coastal Zone Management Act and the establishment of a Coastal Unit charged with the coordination and review of all activities impinging on coastal resources are amongst the recommendations made.  相似文献   

The improved monitoring and modeling capability resulting from recent technological advances in oceanographic sensors, computer processing power, and telecommunications can play a major role in environmental preservation. In particular, this capability can help improve: safe navigation and thus the prevention of maritime accidents that lead to hazardous spills; the effective cleanup of hazardous spills when they do occur; the real-time assessment of water quality problems; the assessment of long-term trends and variability due to both anthropogenic and climate change effects; and the understanding of key physical, chemical, and ecological processes. Presented at the International Conference on Technologies for Marine Environment Preservation (MARIENV’95), Tokyo, Japan, September 24–29, 1995  相似文献   

周然  刘长兵  李皑菁 《水道港口》2007,28(3):209-211
根据对水质的监测结果和取水口附近底栖动物的调查结果,分析南通港两个通用散货泊位工程建设对下游狼山水厂取水口水质的影响。用综合生物指数法对取水口附近水域水质评价的结果显示:狼山水厂取水口的综合水质评价等级为轻污,与水质理化指标的评价结果相吻合。综合生物指数评价法与水质理化指标评价法的结果相互印证,这两种水质现状评价方法可在港口环境影响评价中应用,并互为补充。  相似文献   

A strategy to revitalize coastal shipping within Great Britain is investigated. An examination of the regulatory environment shows government, at both the EU and British levels, aware of the environmental benefits of coastal shipping compared to road freight transport, if only mildly supportive in tangible terms. The geography of Great Britain and the modern preference for just-in-time deliveries have severely restricted the ability of coastal shipping to compete effectively with road freight transport. The primary objective of the paper is to investigate whether coastal shipping could be integrated into a multimodal door-to-door supply chain, where it is currently hampered by high costs of transhipment, slow transport speeds, and the incongruity of load sizes between land and sea modes. Integration requires the co-operation of all organizations within the multi-modal supply chain. However, coastal shipping companies have been known to be individualistic and mistrusting of alliances. Therefore, a Delphi study is undertaken to investigate the standpoint of leading managers in such companies towards multimodal integration. The results of the Delphi study indicate that managers are in favour of multimodal developments, in particular cooperation between coastal shipping and road haulage. However, there was agreement that the business is highly competitive, and this may prevent the forms of collaboration required for multimodal systems. The secretive nature of the coastal shipping sector could impede joint marketing to promote a mode of transport that is often 'invisible' to shippers. There was little consensus on the relationship that should exist between coastal shipping and ports, a topic worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

A strategy to revitalize coastal shipping within Great Britain is investigated. An examination of the regulatory environment shows government, at both the EU and British levels, aware of the environmental benefits of coastal shipping compared to road freight transport, if only mildly supportive in tangible terms. The geography of Great Britain and the modern preference for just-in-time deliveries have severely restricted the ability of coastal shipping to compete effectively with road freight transport. The primary objective of the paper is to investigate whether coastal shipping could be integrated into a multimodal door-to-door supply chain, where it is currently hampered by high costs of transhipment, slow transport speeds, and the incongruity of load sizes between land and sea modes. Integration requires the co-operation of all organizations within the multi-modal supply chain. However, coastal shipping companies have been known to be individualistic and mistrusting of alliances. Therefore, a Delphi study is undertaken to investigate the standpoint of leading managers in such companies towards multimodal integration. The results of the Delphi study indicate that managers are in favour of multimodal developments, in particular cooperation between coastal shipping and road haulage. However, there was agreement that the business is highly competitive, and this may prevent the forms of collaboration required for multimodal systems. The secretive nature of the coastal shipping sector could impede joint marketing to promote a mode of transport that is often ‘invisible’ to shippers. There was little consensus on the relationship that should exist between coastal shipping and ports, a topic worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

The large quantities of particles delivered by the Mackenzie River to the coastal Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean) have implications for the spatial distribution, composition and productivity of its bacterial communities. Our objectives in this study were: (1) to assess the contribution of particle-associated bacteria (fraction  3 µm) to total bacterial production and their relationships with changing environmental conditions along a surface water transect; (2) to examine how particle-based heterotrophy changes over the annual cycle (Nov 2003–Aug 2004); and (3) to determine whether particle-associated bacterial assemblages differ in composition from the free-living communities (fraction < 3 µm). Our transect results showed that particle-associated bacteria contributed a variable percentage of leucine-based (BP-Leu) and thymidine-based (BP-TdR) bacterial production, with values up to 98% at the inshore, low salinity stations. The relative contribution of particle-associated bacteria to total BP-Leu was positively correlated with temperature and particulate organic material (POM) concentration. The annual dataset showed low activities of particle-associated bacteria during late fall and most of the winter, and a period of high particle-associated activity in spring and summer, likely related to the seasonal inputs of riverine POM. Results from catalyzed reporter deposition for fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) confirmed the dominance of Bacteria and presence of Archaea (43–84% and 0.2–5.5% of DAPI counts, respectively), which were evenly distributed throughout the Mackenzie Shelf, and not significantly related to environmental variables. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed changes in the bacterial community structure among riverine, estuarine and marine stations, with separation according to temperature and salinity. There was evidence of differences between the particle-associated and free-living bacterial assemblages at the estuarine stations with highest POM content. Particle-associated bacteria are an important functional component of this Arctic ecosystem. Under a warmer climate, they are likely to play an increasing role in coastal biogeochemistry and carbon fluxes as a result of permafrost melting and increased particle transport from the tundra to coastal waters.  相似文献   

A method is introduced to determine the uncertainties in the predictions of oil spill trajectories using a classic oil spill model. The method considers the output of the oil spill model as a function of random variables, which are the input parameters, and calculates the standard deviation of the output results which provides a measure of the uncertainty of the model as a result of the uncertainties of the input parameters.In addition to a single trajectory that is calculated by the oil spill model using the mean values of the parameters, a band of trajectories can be defined when various simulations are done taking into account the uncertainties of the input parameters. This band of trajectories defines envelopes of the trajectories that are likely to be followed by the spill given the uncertainties of the input.The method was applied to an oil spill that occurred in 1989 near Sines in the southwestern coast of Portugal. This model represented well the distinction between a wind driven part that remained offshore, and a tide driven part that went ashore. For both parts, the method defined two trajectory envelopes, one calculated exclusively with the wind fields, and the other using wind and tidal currents. In both cases reasonable approximation to the observed results was obtained.The envelope of likely trajectories that is obtained with the uncertainty modelling proved to give a better interpretation of the trajectories that were simulated by the oil spill model.  相似文献   

广西北部湾某修造船基地10万吨级舾装兼顾大件运输泊位建设采用海港常规湿法施工方法,工程投资大、水下炸礁量大且运距远并对海洋环境影响大。针对这一问题,根据码头布置方式和地形地质条件提出了干法施工方案和超高卸荷衡重式挡土墙码头水工结构方案。依据现行规范和类似结构土压力计算方法,提出了超高卸荷衡重式挡土墙结构土压力和结构内力的简化计算方法。经验算,挡墙各项稳定性和结构截面尺寸均满足规范要求。同时,针对地质和结构的特殊性,提出相关细部构造及施工质量控制措施。  相似文献   

基于定量计算结果和实测数据分析了不同影响因素对河口海岸区域压力式水位测量的误差影响,并探讨了相应质量控制方法,可为在水温、盐度、含沙量等影响水体密度的要素复杂多变、床面冲淤变化频繁的河口海岸区域开展离岸压力式水位测量工作提供理论指导和借鉴。结果表明:1)河口海岸区域离岸压力式水位测量误差来源主要包括压力传感器老化,气压变化,水温、盐度、含沙量变化导致的水体密度变化,重力加速度估值误差,水位计坐底安装架体失稳等5个方面的影响因素。其中,水温、盐度、含沙量变化导致的水体密度变化和水位计坐底安装架体失稳两个方面的影响因素为河口海岸区域内更易出现的误差来源。2)可行的河口海岸区域离岸压力式水位测量针对性质量控制措施主要包括:(1)定期校核、标定压力传感器压电转换关系;(2)测量作业前应将可用压力式水位计置于相同室内环境下测试数小时,避免使用空气压力测试值明显与多数仪器偏差较大的仪器个体;(3)实测测点水域同步海表气压过程;(4)尽可能在浅水区测量并同步监测水温、盐度和含沙量要素;(5)基于测区实际纬度估算重力加速度;(6)增强坐底架体稳定性并动态加密监测压力式水位测量零点。  相似文献   

一种纯隐格式在近海潮流数值模拟中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为分析纯隐格式的混合有限分析法在工程实际应用中的可行性,文章采用二维近海区域浅水数学模型,应用fortran语言和该数值离散方法编写了二维潮流场数值模拟程序,并将冻结法与ADI数值模式中的干-湿网格判别标准结合起来有效地处理了计算区域的浅滩。选取湛江湾为例,对其潮流场进行了数值模拟计算,通过与已有的潮位及流速测站的实际测量值进行比较分析,显示采用的数学模型及混合有限分析离散方法能准确有效地模拟实际流态,效果较好,结果准确可信,显示该隐格式方法值得在工程实际应用中推广。  相似文献   

An ecological numerical model has been developed for coastal zone management in Dokai Bay, Japan. The numerical model experiment reproduces the occurrence of red tides and oxygen-deficiency in Dokai Bay during summer. Moreover, the model experiments forecast that when the phosphorus or nitrogen load from land will be cut by 90% or 95%, respectively, red tides and oxygen-deficiency will not occur in Dokai Bay. If the sewage facility is not sufficient to cut the nutrients load to the necessary degree, it is necessary to consider other countermeasures such as cultivating bivalves in order to decrease the nutrients in the bay.  相似文献   


This study examines the relationships of four general landscape characteristics to viewer preference for a coastal landscape including oil and gas development. Landscape management possibilities that address these characteristics are apparent naturalness, compatibility of development with its setting, and ephemeral characteristics, including tidiness.

Forty residents of and visitors to a Louisiana Gulf Coast island were interviewed. They were asked to describe and rate the attractiveness of local views. Three hundred and ninety‐three views containing a total of 99 features were described. A content analysis determined which of the 99 features were present in each view. Then factor analysis was performed on the feature presence classifications to suggest viewtypes. The 26 factors, or viewtypes, resulting were related to view ratings in a regression analysis.

Results suggest that, while natural‐appearing coastal landscapes are attractive, some developed landscapes may also be attractive. Compatibility, nighttime viewing, and tidiness enhance the attractiveness of developed landscapes. Where these characteristics become part of the design and maintenance program for oil and gas facilities, viewer preference may increase.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved Cd, Cd(diss), were measured weekly from June 1991 to June 1994 at a coastal station in the western Baltic Sea. The mean concentration of 204 pmol/dm3 is about 50% higher than in open Baltic Sea surface waters. A distinct seasonal cycle was observed with elevated concentrations in winter and spring (272 pmol/dm3) and lower values in summer and autumn (131 pmol/dm3). Relating the seasonal changes in Cd(diss) to the nutrient cycle revealed ΔCd(diss)/ΔNO3 and ΔCd(diss)/ΔPO4 ratios which are consistent with other measurements and seem to confirm the concept of a nutrient-like biogeochemistry of Cd. However, a time shift of two to three months exists between the depletion of nutrients in spring and the depletion of Cd(diss). Possibly, this indicates a decoupling of Cd(diss) from nutrients during the spring plankton bloom. However, no final conclusions can be drawn yet.Cd(diss) concentrations decreased significantly during the three year measurement period, whereas nitrate concentrations increased. A possible linkage between eutrophication and the Cd budget of the Baltic Sea is discussed.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community structure was investigated in a 1-year study period from January to December 2006 in the Tunis North Lagoon (South Mediterranean). Twice a month, sampling was carried out from the whole water column. Phytoplankton species composition showed seasonal dynamics following the general environmental variable trends in the study area, with variation in species abundance levels within each season characterised by the presence of different phytoplankton communities. Analysis of environmental variables indicated that phytoplankton-dominant communities were associated with various water physicochemical characteristics, especially water temperature and salinity. Accordingly, significant correlation was recorded between water temperature and dinoflagellates (r = 0.35; p < 0.05) in summer and diatoms (r = 0.69; p < 0.05) in autumn, whereas euglenophytes, cyanophytes and chlorophytes were slightly correlated with temperature in autumn. Salinity was positively correlated with dichtyophytes (r = 0.41; p < 0.05) in winter and with diatoms (r = 0.65; p < 0.05) and euglenophytes (r = 0.57; p < 0.05) in autumn. On the other hand, relationships between high nitrogen nutrient concentration and phytoplankton concentration were recorded for diatoms (r = 0.43; p < 0.05 with NO2; r = 0.49; p < 0.05 with NO3) in winter. Silicate concentration supported proliferation of diatoms (r = 0.58; p < 0.05) in autumn in our study period. In contrast, increase of dinoflagellate concentration was associated with the decrease of these parameters in spring and summer.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance and production were measured monthly for one year along cross-shore transects in 3 sub-Antarctic fjords of the Kerguelen Archipelago (seven stations each). Mean values of the 3 most coastal (inside) and most offshore (outside) stations were used to describe the relationship between temperature, phytoplankton biomass, bacterial abundance and bacterial production over a one year annual cycle. The entire sampling protocol was repeated twice during each cruise: once at noon and once at midnight. Over the whole sampling period, the temperature ranged from 2.1 to 7.4 °C, while chlorophyll a concentrations varied by a factor of 10, and bacterial abundance and production varied by factors of 12 and 30, respectively. Within one day, all of these parameters sometimes varied by a factor of 4 between noon and midnight. A clear seasonality was observed for all of the parameters. However, while variations of phytoplankton and bacterial production paralleled those of temperature, bacterial abundance was low in midsummer and maximum in autumn. While no general pattern could be observed from the total data set, spatial gradients could interfere strongly with temporal changes.  相似文献   

The choices faced by shippers are generally complex. Typically, the shipper is presented with a range of alternative carriers, each of which has its individual strengths and weaknesses. A survey of companies purchasing shipping services in an overnight RO/RO ferry trade was conducted to identify their priorities and to help understand and the decision-making process. The shippers were found to be conservative decision makers with a strong emphasis on quality of service.  相似文献   

Radionuclides (99Tc, 125Sb, 90Sr, 137Cs) discharged from La Hague in France have been used to trace advection and dispersion of water masses in the “European Coastal Current” from the English Channel to the Baltic. Time-series of radionuclide measurements in water samples taken in the English Channel, at the Netherlands coast, in the German North Sea sector and in Danish waters have been compared with reported discharge values. The prospects for using 129I measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) as an oceanographic tracer have been evaluated as positive. The 99Tc analytical procedure have been improved and background levels of 99Tc, 137Cs and 90Sr in open North Atlantic seawater without influence from European discharges have been determined. An intercomparison programme have documented the quality of the measured 99Tc and 125Sb data. Transit times and transfer factors from La Hague to different locations in the study area have been estimated. It is concluded, that 10% of the La Hague discharge is transported through Kattegat and that 1/3 of the inflowing Kattegat bottom water originates from the coastal current. Three fundamentally different numeric models have been further developed under the project. The measured data have then been compared with values simulated by the three models. Models as well as measured data indicate, that a close coastal transport with longer transit times and often higher concentrations than seen in the open water main current is taking place. This coastal transport is important when contaminant transport is monitored. It is concluded, that the collected data gives a unique opportunity to evaluate models on advection and dispersion of coastal water masses and contaminants. The database will be made available as a tool for the evaluation of such models.  相似文献   

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