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拉萨藏族青少年左手指长比和指长/身高的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨拉萨藏族指长比和指长/身高的特点,获得该地区此方面体质人类学数值.方法:知情同意原则下,随机抽取拉萨地区年龄7~20岁藏族青少年1 365例(男性682例,女性683例),拍摄左手X线片并测量身高,X线测量2D、3D、4D、5D指长,计算指长比和指长/身高.结果:指长比、指长/身高在个体生长发育中保持稳定;指长比表现为3D∶5D>4D∶5D>2D∶5D>3D∶4D>2D∶4D>2D∶3D,性别差异有统计学意义,表现为男性低于女性;4D∶H、5D∶H表现为男性高于女性的性别差异,2D∶H女性高于男性,但差异无统计学意义.结论:X线测量拉萨藏族人群各指长比、4D∶H、5D∶H性别差异有统计学意义.  相似文献   

目的:对藏族拉萨青少年指骨各指节长度及宽度进行X线测量,探讨其性别差异及其与性别判别的相关性,为法医及人类学提供判别率较高的性别判别式.方法:随机选择健康的藏族拉萨青少年1 680人(男840人,女840人),进行左手前后位X线拍片,同时测量身高,将所得数据用SPSS17.0软件进行统计学分析处理.结果:男性与女性各指骨长度均无差异,男、女指骨宽度性别差异均有统计学意义,唯环指近节宽和环指远节指骨宽在男女间差别无统计学意义.同时将指骨与性别的判别分析为第1组,指骨和身高与性别的判别分析为第2组,应用Fisher法逐步判别分析得出2组判别式分别为Y=2.603X1+1.733X8+9.987X22+1.057X23+0.742X10+1.896X11-107.480,Y=2.292X1+2.448x8+8.709X22-0.319X23+1.685X10+0.516X11-92.976; Y=1.160X8+8.713X22-4.611X23-0.847X10-0.981X11 +2.231h1 -178.514,Y=1.849X8 +7.488X22-5.820X23 +0.001X10-2.253X11 +2.148h2-159.747.第1组判别率分别为80.2%、86.1%,第2组判别率分别为81.5%、86.1%,如Y(女)>Y(男)即判为女性,反之Y(男)>Y(女)则判为男性.结论:以上判别式对法医学及人类学的性别鉴定简单实用,具有较高参考价值.  相似文献   

畲族青少年足长与身高的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解畲族青少年足长与身高的生长关系,为积累人类学和民族学资料,为青少年足部保健提供参考。按活体测量要求,对足长、身高进行测量。结果表明,足长与身高随着年龄增长而增加,16岁以前生长较快,17岁以后接近成人。畲族青少年足长与身高之间呈正相关关系,足长身高指数:男、女性均在8、9、10岁时期偏大,其它年龄较稳定,利用足长预测身高对体育、文艺选材具有指导意义。  相似文献   

掌骨的X线测量及其与身高的性别判别分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨掌骨的侧别与性别差异及性别判别方法,积累有关解剖学资料。方法:随机选择健康汉族大学生,进行双手后前位x线拍片,分别测量各掌骨长与中点宽,同时测量身高,将所得数据用SPSS软件进行统计学分析处理。结果:男性第2、4、5掌骨宽度以及女性第3、4、5掌骨宽度左右手侧差有显著性意义,男女性别差异亦有显著意义;同时应用Fisher法分析得出4个判别式,判别率分别为87.6%和89.8%。结论:所得性别判别式对法医学性别判别应用价值较大,为体质人类学和法医学提供了有关解剖学资料。  相似文献   

目的:对新疆哈萨克族成人掌骨长度进行X线测量,探讨性别差异及回归分析方法,为法医学及人类学提供准确率较高的回归方程式.方法:随机选择健康新疆哈萨克族成人200人(男100人,女100人),进行双手后前位X线拍片,分别测量各掌骨长度和身高,将所得数据用SPSS15.0软件进行统计学分析.结果:除男性第4掌骨长度以及女性第5掌骨长度左、右手差别有统计学意义外,其余无统计学意义,除男、女性第4、 5掌骨长度左、右手差别有统计学意义外,其余无统计学意义;经相关分析建立了哈萨克族成人掌骨长度推断身高的10个一元回归方程、20个二元回归方程、20个三元回归方程、6个四元回归方程、2个五元回归方程以及3个逐步回归方程.结论:建立了哈萨克族成人掌骨推算身高的回归方程.  相似文献   

目的:通过各掌指骨的X线测量,建立性别判定方程.方法: 在知情同意原则下,随机抽取拉萨地区年龄7~20岁青年1360例(男674例,女686例),拍摄左手X线片,测量各指骨长和掌骨长、宽及其髓腔宽,然后用SPSS软件包进行统计学分析.结果: 根据掌指骨参数在方程中的贡献程度得出了不同年龄段的性别判定方程,在儿童青少年的生长发育时期根据掌指骨参数判别性别准确率变化规律性不明显,17岁以前在56.9%~82.9%之间.随着年龄的增长,性别判定的准确率逐渐提高,17岁以后性别判定的准确率在80%以上.结论: 结合掌指骨参数进行性别判定,在法医人类学实际应用中具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

目的:通过测量各掌骨皮质厚度,探讨拉萨藏族儿童青少年的骨发育状况.方法:随机抽取拉萨地区7~20岁儿童青少年1361例(男性674例,女性687例),拍摄左手X线片,测量各掌骨宽和髓腔宽,计算皮质厚度和骨皮质指数,用SPSS软件包统计学分析.结果:掌骨宽、髓腔宽、骨皮质厚度随年龄逐渐增大,15岁以后各掌骨宽和髓腔宽性别差异有统计学意义,男性大于女性.与其他掌骨比较,骨皮质厚度以第2掌骨最具代表性,处于领先地位.骨皮质指数拉萨藏族男性11岁以前大于哈尔滨市和黑龙江农村同龄人群,差异具有统计学意义.女性青春期以前也大于上述两地区,17~18岁低于上述两地区人群,差异具有统计学意义.结论:掌骨宽、髓腔宽、骨皮质厚度随年龄递增,15岁以后各掌骨宽和髓腔宽存在性别差异;第2掌骨骨皮质厚度处于领先地位.  相似文献   

目的 对新疆哈萨克族成人掌骨长度进行X线测量,探讨其性别差异及其有性别判别方法的相关性,为法医学及人类学提供判别率较高的性别判别式。方法 随机选择健康新疆哈萨克族成人200人(男100人,女100人),进行双手后前位X线拍片,分别测量各掌骨长度,同时测量身高,将所得数据用SPSS15.0软件进行统计学分析处理。结果 男性第4掌骨长度以及女性第5掌骨长度左右手差别有显著性,男、女性第4、5掌骨长度左右手差别有显著性;同时应用Fisher法分析得出4个判别式,判别式分别为Y=2.824r1+2.563r4-0.654r5+0.614l7-0.039l9+2.452 l10-212.186,Y=2.350r1+2.377r4-0.995r5+0.445l7+0.046l9+2.966 l10-191.622,Y=0.393h1+3.152r1+0.435r5+1.250 r10-463.734,Y=0.362h1+2.785r1+0.028r5+1.834 r10-404.748,判别率分别为89.67%、86.55%、90.00%和87.50%。结论 新疆哈萨克族男、女身高增长与掌骨增长密切相关。  相似文献   

目的 :研究京族老年人的手足长、手足宽与身高的相关性,并估测其身高。方法 :采用人体测量学的方法,以广西壮族自治区防城港市东兴市的226例60岁以上的京族老年人(男性99例、女性127例)为研究对象,分别测量身高、足长、足宽、手长、手宽5项体部指标,并建立推测身高的回归方程,计算了手长宽指数与足长宽指数。结果 :京族老年男性身高、足长、足宽、手长、手宽的均值都大于老年女性。根据手长宽指数分型,京族老年男性的中手与特宽手比例较高,京族老年女性的窄手与特窄手比例较高。京族老年男女的手长、手宽、足长、足宽与身高均呈正相关。京族老年男、女性均以足长估测线性回归方程的估计标准误最小,准确性最高,线性回归方程分别为Y=3.632X1+710.331(男性)和Y=3.792X1+615.738(女性)。在4项指标预测京族老年人身高的多元线性回归方程中,女性的手长与足长组合估测身高的回归方程最准确。结论:京族老年人身高、足长、足宽、手长、手宽存在显著性别差异。京族老年男、女性均以足长建立的回归方程估测身高最准确。  相似文献   

新疆锡伯族身高与同身寸长关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 了解锡伯族身高与同身寸长的关系 ,为体质人类学填补空白 ,为生长 (年龄 )解剖学 ,法医学提供参考依据。方法 对 135名 (男 5 9人 ,女 76人 )发育正常的锡伯族成人身高 ,同身寸长进行测量。结果 按年龄、性别分组将得出身高 ,同身寸长的基本数据进行统计学处理。结论 得出了新疆锡伯族身高 ,同身寸长的均值及由同身寸长推测身高的公式及回归方程  相似文献   

A relationship between stature and second metacarpal length was examined by means of a linear regression for sex, skeletal age and locality in 2056 children aged 6-19 years in five districts of Japan. Significant differences (p less than 0.05) were found for the regression of two measurements between immature and mature groups according to the TW2 method. Few significant differences were found in the regression with sex and locality in both immature and mature groups. Stature could be estimated from second metacarpal length with standard errors of 44mm in the immature group and 40mm in the mature group. Furthermore, from the bone length and TW2 age, stature could be estimated with a standard error of 38mm for each sex in combined groups. These figures are similar to the variability in stature at a given age and comparable to reliability of estimates from long bones. The second metacarpal length may be a reliable and practical marker in children for the estimation of stature by means of a general formula regardless of sex and locality in a population.  相似文献   

目的:收集拉萨藏族儿童青少年骨强度指数数据,探讨其随年龄变化规律并分析年龄、性别、身高、体质量、体质量指数(BMI)、去脂体质量、脂肪质量、肌肉质量、基础代谢对该人群骨强度指数的影响。方法:采用随机整群抽样法抽取拉萨藏族儿童青少年共1 227例(男592例,女635例),定量骨超声测量跟骨骨强度指数,生物电阻抗法检测体成分,所获数据录人SPSS20.0软件,进行统计分析。结果:拉萨藏族儿童青少年随着年龄增加,骨强度指数及其影响因素均呈上升趋势;同年龄组间比较,骨强度指数仅在8岁组出现性别差异;其他指标多在12岁以后出现显著性别差异。女性10~15岁,骨强度指数增长较快;而男性12岁以后开始快速增长。骨强度指数与年龄、身高、体质量、BMI、去脂体质量、脂肪质量、肌肉质量及基础代谢均呈正相关关系。多元线性回归分析显示,体质量、年龄和去脂体质量是跟骨骨强度指数的主要影响因素。结论:拉萨藏族儿童青少年男女跟骨骨强度指数变化规律不一致,其主要影响因素为体质量、年龄及去脂体质量。  相似文献   

325 patients referred to an endocrine clinic with short stature were reviewed, 32 (9.8%) were above the third centile for height and maintained normal growth velocities, fourteen (4.3%) have not had assessment completed. Of 279 children in whom the cause of short stature was established, 140 (50%) had constitutional short stature/delayed puberty (CSS/DP). Seventy-three (26%) had idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (GHD), complete in 23, while 66 patients (34%) had short stature due to other causes. Girls presented earlier (mean age 11.9) than boys (mean age 13.3) and GHD patients earlier than CSS/DP patients with bimodal peaks at 12 and 16 years. Male CSS/DP patients reached their mid pubertal point later than normal at 16.06 +/- 1.19 years (p less than .05) while in GHD males the mid pubertal age was 16.6 years (p less than .05). In female patients with short stature no significant pubertal delay was observed. The average growth velocity of complete GHD patients pre treatment was 3.7 cms/year. Velocity rose to 6.2 cms/year on human growth hormone (HGH) extract and rose further to 8.1 cms/year on biosynthetic HGH. In partial GHD patients the average pre-treatment velocity of 4.3 cm/year rose to an average of 6.0 cm/yr on HGH extract and maintained this velocity on biosynthetic HGH.  相似文献   

Background: Spirometric parameters are influenced by several factors and many reference data are available in the literature. However, no spirometric data are available for children and adolescents from Central Asia.

Aim: The study aimed to calculate spirometric reference curves on the basis of anthropometry, ethnicity (Kazakh vs. Russian) and living environment (urban vs. rural).

Subjects and methods: Spirometry (FEV1, FVC and FEF25–75%) was performed and anthropometric measurements taken for 1926 male and 1967 female Kazakh children aged 7–18 years.

Results: Height explained almost all the variance of forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1?s (FEV1) for both sexes, while age and inspiratory circumference contributed slightly to the prediction. Moreover, FVC and FEV1 were greater in Russians than in Kazakhs and ethnicity did enter the prediction model for these parameters. The living environment had a marginal effect on spirometry. In fact, forced expiratory flow 25–75% (FEF25–75%) was slightly higher in urban than in rural females, FVC was slightly higher in rural than in urban males, while FEV1 was not affected. Finally, among several spirometric equations available in the literature, those performing better in our children were obtained in developed countries.

Conclusion: Anthropometry was the most important predictor of spirometry. Age and ethnicity were also predictors, while the contribution of the living environment was more limited.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spirometric parameters are influenced by several factors and many reference data are available in the literature. However, no spirometric data are available for children and adolescents from Central Asia. AIM: The study aimed to calculate spirometric reference curves on the basis of anthropometry, ethnicity (Kazakh vs. Russian) and living environment (urban vs. rural). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Spirometry (FEV1, FVC and FEF25-75%) was performed and anthropometric measurements taken for 1926 male and 1967 female Kazakh children aged 7-18 years. RESULTS: Height explained almost all the variance of forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) for both sexes, while age and inspiratory circumference contributed slightly to the prediction. Moreover, FVC and FEV1 were greater in Russians than in Kazakhs and ethnicity did enter the prediction model for these parameters. The living environment had a marginal effect on spirometry. In fact, forced expiratory flow 25-75% (FEF25-75%) was slightly higher in urban than in rural females, FVC was slightly higher in rural than in urban males, while FEV1 was not affected. Finally, among several spirometric equations available in the literature, those performing better in our children were obtained in developed countries. CONCLUSION: Anthropometry was the most important predictor of spirometry. Age and ethnicity were also predictors, while the contribution of the living environment was more limited.  相似文献   

Growth of the second metacarpal (MC) was evaluated during female adolescence in 110 Turkish girls who were followed longitudinally starting from 8.5 to 11 years until a Greulich and Pyle skeletal age (SA) ≥17 years was reached. Stature (St), weight (Wt), stage of secondary sexual development (SSD), length (L), and medullary (M) and outer diameters (D) of MC were measured. Total cortical thickness (C) of MC was derived as the difference between D and M. Yearly rates of growth in L, D, C, and St were calculated for each 6 months from the smoothed data. Peak length (PLV), peak D (PDV), and peak C (PCV) velocities and the ages at reaching these peaks were determined. L at fusion was 62.4 ± 3.0 mm and correlated significantly with adult stature (AdSt). PLV was 4.09 ± 0.60 mm/yr at a mean age of 12.28 ± 0.90 years and it correlated best with PHV (r = 0.52), then with L at fusion and AdSt, but not with ages at PLV, PHV, PDV, fusion, and onset of SSD. PLV occurred synchronously with PDV, 0.1 years after PHV, 0.9 years after onset of the breast bud, 0.4 years after onset of axillary hair, and 1.1 years before menarche. Age at PLV correlated best with age at PHV, and in decreasing order with ages at fusion, menarche, PDV, and onset of SSD, but not with PLV, PDV, PHV, L at fusion, and AdSt. The most important single factor determining MC L was St (R = 0.77). Multifactorial analysis showed that in conjunction with St, D and C are contributory determinants of L, while SA is not. MC D was primarily determined by L. In conjunction with L, C and chronological age (CA) contributed positively and SA negatively. Velocity of C reached its peak at 13.04 ± 1.20 years, 0.72 and 0.76 years after PLV and PDV, respectively. After 14 years, C continued to increase significantly, while growth increments in D and L were greatly reduced. This was realized by a significant reduction in M, which indicates that there is endosteal deposition of bone. Increase in C was significantly associated with increasing stages of SSD and inversely with M. Multifactorial analysis, however, showed that SSD is not an independent factor and that C is determined primarily by SA, and then inversely by M and directly by L. Once these factors are known, other factors, such as SSD, St, and Wt, lose their significance. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 9:425–438, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Meningococcal invasive disease is a life-threatening infection that affects mostly children and adolescents. The present study was performed during 2003-2005 to compare the phenotypic characteristics of meningococcal isolates from these two main groups at risk with those of isolates from other age groups to assess whether strategies for treatment and prevention implemented elsewhere can also be applied in Italy. The results showed that serogroup C meningococci were predominant, and that a dramatic increase in the circulation of strains with decreased susceptibility to penicillin was associated mainly with a prevalent phenotype C:2b:P1.5,2, which belongs to the hyper-virulent ST8/A4 cluster.  相似文献   

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