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语料库语言学值得语言学家和应用语言学家特别关注.尽管语料分析在解释典型方言变异方面作用不大,但是它却可以有效揭示方言变异.  相似文献   

网络已经包围了人们生活的方方面面,网络语言随之闯入了人们的视线.网络技术不断发展,网络语言也在不断地淘汰着、丰富着,日渐影响了人们的语言和生活.  相似文献   

方言,蕴含着区域人民普遍的精神心理气质,是最能体现该区域人民原始的、不假掩饰的情感宣泄和交流以及心理活动的用语方式.地域方言是语言的一种变体,是在特定区域内使用的语言,因此它有着很强的地方文化特色.以此拟对渭南的一些方言进行解析,旨在进一步了解渭南的社会文化与风土人情.  相似文献   

现今网络语言已经有在网下流行的趋势,也日益渗透到我们的工作学习生活中,我们会经常会听到有人说着"网语",也有不少小学生、中学生的作文里出现了"神马"、"给力"、"恐龙"、"美眉"等网络词语,让老师感慨的同时也引起了老师和家长的担心,甚至有些专家学者呼吁国家立法禁止使用网络语言.其实,不管是喜欢还是不喜欢,网络语言这一新生事物我们都无法回避或是不承认,它也必将持续发展壮大,因此对以汉语为母语的中国的网络语言的特点进行研究十分必要,这对网络语言乃至汉语的发展都有重要意义.本文中,笔者就身边接触到的一些网络语言的特点略作探究.  相似文献   

语言主观性是指语言中多少总是包含有说话人"自我"的表现成分,话语表达说话人的视角、情感和认识自然语言中充斥着主观性现象,说话人总是通过他们使用的句子结构、词语、语音、语调以至身体语言体现"自我".作为汉语中的一种主要语法构式之一,被字句用来表示被动概念,通过使用这一构式,说话者主观认定受事受到外力影响,产生一定的变化或效应.  相似文献   

受英语的影响,新闻报道和网络论坛上逐渐出现了"××门"现象,"门"渐渐地融入了人们的生活,其使用也日益蔓延到社会生活各个方面.与"门"一样,"哥""姐"也摆脱了其传统的意义束缚,逐渐被用在与说话人并非具有亲属关系的人身上.与很多新生事物一样,这些字眼儿的产生、发展、变异和流行与同时期的社会现状、社会心态以及社会价值取向不可分割.  相似文献   

模因论是从新的视角解释文化进化规律的一种新理论.本文利用语言模因论的观点探讨英语习语的变异现象,指出习语模因在复制和传播过程中能够通过重复与类推的方式产生变异,从而使英语语言得到极大的丰富和发展.  相似文献   

为了进一步了解心率变异在高血压病患者与正常人两者之间的差异,本研究选择高血压患者82例为观察组,选择健康者(均为健康体检者)68例作为对照组.进行24h动态心电图监测和心率变异分析.结果显示高血压组的各时域和频域指标均较对照组明显减低,具有显著性意义.心率变异分析是一简便、易行、无创、可重复检查、可作为目前判断自主神经活动和均衡的最好方法之一.  相似文献   

在欧美一些高等学校语言学课程会开设"语言与文化"(Language and Culture)或者"文化中的语言"(Language in Culture)这样的专业课,两种提法虽然有着明显的差异,但是语言与人类的社会、文化却有着千丝万缕的联系。文化,作为一个专门术语,富有弹性。有人把文化说成是一种复杂的社会现象,  相似文献   

结合工程实例,针对厂房吊车动荷变异加以分析讨论,并提出了一种经济可靠、简便易行的改造方法。  相似文献   

本文从语域理论角度研究了中国90后的网络语言.韩礼德认为,"语域是根据使用场合定义的一种语言变体,对它的分析涉及三个方面,即语场、语旨和语式".从这三个方面出发,本文系统分析了90后网络语言的特征.本文首先简要回顾了专家学者在网络语言方面所作的研究及90后的相关信息,随后介绍了韩礼德的语域理论,以此为理论框架,作者从语场、语旨和语式三个方面详尽分析了90后网络语言的特征,最后分析了隐藏在90后网络语言后面的动机并总结全文.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the so-called 'fractionator' has become widespread in anatomical and pathological research for obtaining unbiased estimates of total numbers of particles in biological specimens. Several methods have been proposed for predicting the precision (i.e., the variation) of the estimated total numbers of particles using the fractionator (i.e., for predicting the precision of fractionator estimates). However, the validity of these predicting methods has not been tested so far. As it is impossible to do so with biological experiments, it was carried out here by using a computer simulation. Specimens containing particles, with various particle distributional patterns, were modeled, and the total number of particles in the specimens was estimated repeatedly with various modeled sampling schemes. It could be shown that the empirically estimated precision of the modeled fractionator estimates depend on both the particle distributional pattern in a modeled specimen as well as on the applied sampling scheme. Furthermore, considerable differences between the predicted and the empirically estimated precision of the modeled fractionator estimates were found. This was due partly to an incorrect assumption, which serves as the basis for one of the proposed predicting methods, partly to the fact that for some of the proposed predicting methods important contributions to the variation of fractionator estimates have not been considered, and partly to the fact that the mathematical theory, which serves as the basis for all predicting methods proposed so far, can in principle not be the optimum basis for predicting the precision of fractionator estimates. Based on the results of the computer simulation, a new, simple method is proposed for predicting the precision of fractionator estimates.  相似文献   

唐代文学的新变与当时盛行的文人干谒风气有着千丝万缕的联系.唐代文学昂扬进取的情感基调、文人群体的壮大和文学素养的提升、文体的全面繁荣,以及一代文学内部的文体文风变革、文学创作风格和审美趣味的变化等等,无一不与唐代文人所依赖和热衷的干谒活动发生着直接或间接的联系.  相似文献   

There are growing provisions to include ocean wave energy as an alternate renewable energy source. There are also several challenges that need to be addressed before the technology gains full engineering and market confidence. One of the main technical hurdles is the need to address part-load problems of wave energy converters resulting from bathymetric conditions and variations in wave parameters such as wave frequency and height. As such, the wave phenomenon is inherently variable in time and space. This is compounded by the fact that wave energy conversion devices are less efficient at part load. This paper discusses sources of part loads in wave energy conversion including their impact on system efficiency for a California weather scenario, also relating wave energy conversion techniques to part-load efficiencies.  相似文献   

王劲 《冶金设备》2005,(5):21-24,32
宝钢CAPL机组炉辊上机使用后会出现表面粗糙度急剧下跌现象,简单介绍了炉辊表面粗糙度的原始设计,并根据现场掌握的经验分析了粗糙度基本变化规律,并提出了现场应采取的炉辊表面粗糙度保持措施以及后续喷涂工艺的建议。  相似文献   

 The shortcomings of an exit stress variation formula which has been well accepted are analyzed; it is found that the exit stress variation formula violates the premise of the law of volume constancy. The shortcomings of an entry stress variation formula are analyzed too, and the basic assumption of the formula is uniform exit velocity. However, for a rigid-plastic material uniform exit velocity implies that the lateral distribution of elongation is uniform, so the exit stress must be uniform and any type of flatness defect is impossible, which is contrary to the practice. In fact, entry and exit velocity variation influence entry and exit stress variation, and entry and exit stress variation influence entry and exit velocity variation too, so a precise explicit stress variation formula cannot be got easily. Considering the relationship between stress variation and velocity variation, an iteration method is presented to calculate entry and exit stress variation of cold rolling strip. To avoid divergent phenomenon of the iteration course, a relaxation factor method is adopted. The calculation results are compared with the entry and exit stress variation formula commonly used by many researchers. The difference is remarkable, while the result calculated agree more well with measured result if the exit elastic recovery zone is considered. Specially, the incoming flatness′ propagate efficiency calculated gives a more realistic result.  相似文献   

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