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土壤非饱和带中的优先流   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
优先流是近年来研究土壤水运动所提出的术语。在某些条件下,水分在非饱和带中的运移不是简单的一维垂直向下流动,而是越过大部分土壤的体积沿着优先途径流动。优先流通常分为三类:大孔隙流,漏斗流,指流。本文分别介绍了这三类流动形式,并回顾了有关优先流的理论和实验的研究成果。  相似文献   

降水入渗补给过程中优先流的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优先流是降水、灌溉水等入渗补给地下水的主要形式之一, 流速快, 流动路径复杂, 难以定量描述.针对优先流难以定量描述的问题, 以郑州地中渗透仪观测资料为基础, 探讨了新乡亚砂土等试筒降水入渗过程及其中的优先流补给量比例.根据土壤的水力性质、气候等资料建立不存在优先流的数值模拟模型来刻画降水入渗补给过程, 通过模拟获得的地下水入渗补给量与实测地下水入渗补给量的历时曲线, 将大于模拟值的实测值视为优先流的量及确定其在总补给量中所占的比例.结果表明, 优先流占总补给量的比例在10%~80%之间; 随着土壤粘性增加, 优先流所占比例呈增加趋势; 随地下水位埋深的增大, 优先流所占比例呈逐渐下降趋势.   相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to establish a 3D groundwater flow modelling for evaluating groundwater resources of the North China Plain.First,the North China Plain was divided into three aquifers vertically through a characterization of hydrogeological conditions.Groundwater model software GMS was used for modeling to divide the area of simulation into a regular network of 164 rows and 148 lines.This model was verified through fitting of the observed and the simulated groundwater flow fields at deep and shallow layers and comparison between the observed and simulated hydrographs at 64 typical observation wells.Furthermore,water budget analysis was also performed during the simulation period(2002-2003).Results of the established groundwater flow model showed that the average annual groundwater recharge of the North China Plain during 1991 to 2003 was 256.68×10~8 m~3/yr with safe yield of groundwater resources up to 213.49×10~8 m~3/yr,in which safe yield of shallow groundwater and that of deep groundwater was up to 191.65×10~8 m~3/yr and 22.64×10~8 m~3/yr respectively.Finally,this model was integrated with proposal for groundwater withdrawal in the study area after commencement of water supply by South-North Water Transfer Project,aiming to predict the changing trend of groundwater regime.As indicated by prediction results,South-North Water Transfer Project,which is favorable for effective control of expansion and intensification of existing depression cone,would play a positive role in alleviation of short supply of groundwater in the North China Plain as well as maintenance and protection of groundwater.  相似文献   

利用传统人工示踪剂峰值方法评价地下水入渗补给存在精度低和适用性差等缺点。为此,本文提出了多区模型方法,采用保守型示踪剂溴和氚对河北栾城和衡水地区进行了不同土地利用方式和不同深度下地下水入渗补给评价。结果表明,栾城和衡水地区地下水入渗补给量分别为124.3 mm/a和13.7 mm/a,与传统方法(103.3 mm/a和0.0 mm/a)相比,多区模型方法的评价结果更符合实际。同时对由优先流引起的地下水入渗补给量进行了分析,栾城和衡水地区优先流程度分别为28.7%和2.3%。秸秆覆盖抑制降雨或灌溉水入渗补给地下水,降低优先流程度,而植被覆盖有利于土壤水优先流的形成。地下水入渗补给量及其优先流程度与示踪深度均无明显相关性,且受土壤结构控制。  相似文献   

华北平原地下水补给量计算分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用溴示踪法研究华北平原山前冲积平原和中部平原有灌溉和无灌溉区域的地下水补给,得到研究区平均地下水补给量为126.10 mm,平均补给系数为0.185 2,有灌溉实验点的补给量和补给系数大于无灌溉实验点。同时对示踪剂运移深度和含水量分布、降雨灌溉量和地下水埋深等影响因素进行分析。将各实验点计算结果与国内有关学者采用示踪剂法所得到的补给系数进行对比分析,论证了研究结果的可靠性,此研究成果可为华北平原地下水资源分析提供重要参考。  相似文献   

华北平原地下水人工补给模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水人工补给是防止地下水资源持续匮乏、维护地下水系统活力的重要举措.在华北地区,按照水文地质条件、补给水源条件、地下水环境问题等的不同,组合筛选出五大代表性区域:山前浅层超采区、中东部平原深层超采区、山东半岛滨海海水入侵区、农业灌溉区和城市地区.针对不同区域,分别阐述了储水空间条件、补给水源条件及实施人工补给的首要目...  相似文献   

降雨入渗补给地下水机理探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王政友 《水文》2003,23(3):34-36
通过降雨转化为地下水的过程分析,论述了土壤水转化为地下水的内在原因及其必要条件和充要条件。  相似文献   

基于氢氧同位素的华北平原降水入渗过程   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原地下水浅埋区水循环主要以垂直方向上的入渗、蒸发和蒸腾的方式存在,同位素可以作为一种有效"示踪剂"揭示降水入渗补给地下水的过程。选择华北平原中、东部地下水浅埋区的衡水和沧州为典型实验点,研究不同降水特征、土壤质地和植被条件下入渗过程的差异性。结果表明,土壤非均质条件下(沧州),降水入渗补给过程中伴随着蒸发、植被蒸腾作用以及与土壤前期水分的强烈混合作用,活塞流入渗的同时土壤100 cm深度可能还存在大孔隙优先流;土壤均质条件下(衡水),降水向下均匀入渗,入渗速度较快,土壤水运动以新水基本代替老水的活塞流为主要形式,并经过强烈的蒸发浓缩作用补给地下水。  相似文献   

华北平原地下水年龄校正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭娇  石建省  王伟 《地球学报》2007,28(4):396-404
地下水14C年龄一般指地下水和土壤CO2隔绝至今的年代.地下水测年在地下水水文学中占有特殊的位置,地下水测年可以用来确定补给区,估算地下水流速度、流量、补给速率、水力传导系数和有效孔L隙度,而且年龄数据还可以用来完善地下水流模型.本研究选择华北平原为重点研究区,利用地下水中的同位素和化学组分的测试结果,应用水文地球化学及同位素水文学等相关知识,通过六种传统模型和反向质量平衡模型(NETPATH)对华北平原地下水年龄进行校正.根据年龄校正结果,分析了深层地下水的年龄变化特点,确定了水流路径上发生的水文地球化  相似文献   

华北平原地下水演变机制与调控   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自20世纪70年代以来,华北平原长期的地下水过量开采形成了复杂的地下水降落漏斗,并引发了一系列环境地质问题。为建立区域社会经济发展与地下水资源与环境之间的协调机制,国家973项目"华北平原地下水演变机制与调控"在大量前人研究基础上,进一步分析了近50年来地下水动力场演变特征及其对人类活动的响应,揭示了包气带结构变化影响下包气带水力参数的变化,研究了深层地下水开采引起的地面沉降、咸水移动和资源量转换机理;利用改进的地下水数值模拟技术,建立了2001—2010年华北平原地下水流数值模型,计算了最新的地下水资源量。分析了地下水资源承载力的主要影响因素,进行了华北平原地下水资源承载力定量评价,给出了华北平原地下水的优化调控途径,目前正在以高精度地下水流数值模型为核心,模拟各区的地下水优化调控方案。  相似文献   

华北平原地下水演化及预测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
范鹏飞 《地球学报》1998,19(4):346-352
华北平原近40年来大规模地下水开采已导致一系列严重的环境问题,不利于当地经济可持续发展。本文根据地下水演化主要取决于自然因素和人类活动本着抓主要矛盾且易于操作的原理,主要研究降雨及开采地下水这一对主要供需预矛盾,利用水均衡方法并结合数理统计方法,建立地下水演化模型并预测该区主要地区和城市的水资源盈亏情况,为该区地下水合理开发利用及环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

华北平原区域地下水污染评价   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
华北平原是我国的重要经济区,人口近1.3亿,地下水是其主要供水水源。在工业和生活污染物排放及农业施用化肥农药的影响下,地下水已遭受一定程度的污染。综合分析了地下水污染评价的各种方法后,将单因子污染指数法进行了改进,提出了单指标污染标准指数法。在华北平原开展了野外调查,采集了6 063组地下水样品,每个样品检测34 项指标。采用单因子污染标准指数法对华北平原地下水污染状况进行了评价。结果表明:华北平原35.47%采样点的地下水已受到不同程度污染,以轻污染为主,深层地下水也有一定的污染,但比浅层地下水轻,未受污染的深层地下水占87.14%。单因子污染标准指数法基本解决了区域污染评价指标之间对比问题,能够直接反映区域地下水污染情况,并为有针对性地治理地下水污染提供了依据。  相似文献   

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Underground water is the important water resources for the North China Plain, but due to long-time exhaustive exploitation, a series of problems about environmental geology including salt water migration appears. The salt groundwater that distributed widely moved downward vertically, triggering a strong impact on the water supply safety in this area; simultaneously, its large storage capacity brought great resources potential. Thus it had practical guiding significance to develop research on migration of salt-fresh water interface in the North China Plain and discuss the space distribution and migration features for improvement of groundwater environment and mitigation of water resource shortage status. This paper described migration features of salt-fresh water interface through changes in boundary line of salt water and fresh water and vertical interface of salt water and found out major causes for migration of salt-fresh water interface in the area were water level difference between salt water and fresh water area, saline concentration difference in salt water and fresh water, stratigraphic structure and artificial skylight based on analysis on the influence factors  相似文献   

华北平原开采地下水产生的正效益估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用线性回归分析、综合比较的方法计算出了京、津、冀各地工、农业单位水创造产值;1980~2003年华北总的正效益为50287.38亿元,其3地正负效益比为北京116.58∶1,河北32.26∶1,天津2.12∶1。从3个比值可以看出地面沉降的灾情严重程度,天津为最,河北次之,北京较好。这与地下水开采历史以及地面沉降的发展历程相吻合。因此要想将正负效益比最大化,必须合理地开发利用地下水。对地面沉降必须尽早采取防治措施。  相似文献   

详细了解干旱区地下水的补给机制对地下水资源管理来说是非常重要的,天然环境同位素在过去的40年里广泛应用于解决有关地下水补给、流动等问题.笔者通过分析酒泉-张掖盆地水的环境同位素变化特征,识别地下水的补给和流动.研究结果表明,酒泉-张掖盆地地下水的补给源主要来自山区出山河流,补给发生在祁连山前戈壁带,在山前冲积扇带地下水主要为1963年以来的快速补给,而部分深部地下水为1952年以前补给.同时,环境同位素指示盆地存在深部区域流系统和浅部局域流系统,酒泉盆地和张掖盆地之间不存在明显的水力联系.该研究不仅对黑河流域地下水的开发管理有着重要意义,对我国西北类似的内陆盆地地下水的开发管理有着借鉴意义.  相似文献   

An analysis of horizontal inflow and outflow in the groundwater-budget equation and the significance for interbasin flow are presented. Two field cases in Mexico, one in the Baja California peninsula and another in central Mexico, highlight the influence of interbasin flow. A significant proportion (approximately 70%) of the abstracted (thermal) groundwater probably originates outside the drainage basin. A conclusion is that a groundwater-balance study is an unsatisfactory method for determining some parameters, such as storativity (S). Specifically, the groundwater-balance approach provides unreliable results when vertical inflow is ignored or cannot be adequately defined. Vertical flow is indicated by the presence of groundwater temperatures as much as 23 °C higher than ambient temperature. Regional faults could be the pathways for upward flow. When vertical inflow is ignored, uncertainty in the estimation of the storativity through regional groundwater-balance calculation results. On the basis of the groundwater-balance equation, a value of S=0.19 appears to represent the confined condition of the developed part of the aquifer; this result is several orders of magnitude higher than would be reasonable according to the geological conditions. Findings are useful in evaluating whether a groundwater resource is being "overexploited". Conclusions are instructive in the application of transient-flow computer models, in which vertical flow of less dense water from beneath is not included. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

第四系地下水是民乐山前地区居民清洁饮水的重要水源,而复杂的隐伏构造对区内地下水的运移和更新具有重要的控制作用。本文应用环境同位素技术,深入讨论了该区地下水的补给、更新能力以及隐伏构造对地下水更新的影响。结果表明:(1)民乐山前第四系地下水的补给来源包括出山河水渗漏和当地降水入渗,二者对地下水补给的贡献分别为89%和11%;(2)地下水更新能力由山前向下游变差,山前一带地下水更新周期在20~30年之间,下游的六坝北部一带地下水更新周期大于50年;(3)隐伏构造具有明显的阻水作用,导致地下水径流速度减缓。  相似文献   

华北平原农田区地下水开采量对降水变化响应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过区域农业开采量、区域平均年末浅层地下水位对区域年降水量变化的响应特征研究,结果表明:区域农业开采量与年降水量之间存在两极互逆效应,即在枯水年份,作物需耗水量和区域农业开采量增大;在丰水年份,作物需耗水量和区域农业开采量减小。上述规律,突现了在连续枯水年份地下水对农业安全保障的特殊作用。由此,提出了农业开采量的利用水平、合理性和节水潜力以及预测的新的评价方法。  相似文献   

Recharge and discharge, such as rainfall infiltration and evapotranspiration in vertical direction, are major processes of water cycle in the shallow groundwater area of the North China Plain. During these processes, soil water movement in the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the transformation from rainfall infiltration to groundwater. The soil water movement models were developed by using HYDRUS-1D software at two typical experimental sites in Cangzhou (CZ) and Hengshui (HS) with different soil, vegetation and similar climate conditions. As shown in the results, the comparison in precipitation infiltration features between the two sites is distinct. The soil water experiences strong evaporation after precipitation infiltration, which accounts for 63% of the total infiltration at the HS site where the soil is homogenous. It is this strong evaporation effect that leads to slight increase of soil water storage. At the CZ site, where the soil is heterogeneous, the evaporation effect exists from July to October of the simulation period. The total evaporation accounts for 33% of the total infiltration, and the evaporation rate is slow. At the end of the simulation period, the soil water storage increases and the water table decreases, indicating a strong storage capacity at this site.  相似文献   

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