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Several efforts have been made by many researchers to develop a model for schedule and cost integration in construction projects, but it is difficult to integrate and manage schedule and cost in an actual construction site using such a model. The integrated schedule and cost model developed in this study (1) enables the planning and control of repetitive construction processes and (2) can be used by a project manager in an actual construction site. Furthermore, an integrated schedule and cost model for the core wall construction, which is an important repetitive process in the recently booming high-rise building construction in terms of scheduling, was developed using the integration model developed in this study. It is expected that the integrated schedule and cost model developed can allow project managers to integrate the schedule and cost of repetitive construction processes more effectively and support the project managers’ decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multiobjective optimization model for the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. The model enables construction planners to generate and evaluate optimal construction plans that minimize project duration and maximize crew work continuity, simultaneously. The computations in the present model are organized in three major modules: scheduling, optimization, and ranking modules. First, the scheduling module uses a resource-driven scheduling algorithm to develop practical schedules for repetitive construction projects. Second, the optimization module utilizes multiobjective genetic algorithms to search for and identify feasible construction plans that establish optimal tradeoffs between project duration and crew work continuity. Third, the ranking module uses multiattribute utility theory to rank the generated plans in order to facilitate the selection and execution of the best overall plan for the project being considered. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model demonstrate its new capabilities in optimizing the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects.  相似文献   

Repetitive scheduling methods are more effective than traditional critical path methods in the planning and scheduling of repetitive construction projects. Nevertheless, almost all the repetitive scheduling methods developed so far have been based on the premise that a repetitive project is comprised of many identical production units. In this research a non-unit-based algorithm for the planning and scheduling of repetitive projects is developed. Instead of repetitive production units, repetitive or similar activity groups are identified and employed for scheduling. The algorithm takes into consideration: (1) the logical relationship of activity groups in a repetitive project; (2) the usage of various resource crews in an activity group; (3) the maintaining of resource continuity; and (4) the time and cost for the routing of resource crews. A sample case study and a case study of a sewer system project are conducted to validate the algorithm, as well as to demonstrate its application. Results and findings are reported.  相似文献   

The competitive nature of the construction industry has motivated many specialty contractors to search for ways to improve efficiency by increasing their quality and decreasing their costs in order to strengthen their market share. As a result, contractors are turning to “better planning” as a method for improving their efficiency and, consequently, increasing their profitability. In fact, a consensus exists in the construction industry that more formalized preconstruction planning is necessary to remain successful in an increasingly competitive industry. This paper presents a model electrical preconstruction planning process that was crafted from outstanding processes used on several successful electrical projects. Furthermore, a method to evaluate the effectiveness of planning, by comparing actual planning to the model process, is briefly introduced. From this assessment, “effective planning” was correlated to project outcome, and evidence is provided that better planning is, indeed, related to successful performance.  相似文献   

Efficient allocation of resources for construction planning activities requires construction planning resource requirements to be determined on a cost-effective and value-adding basis. However, although some research studies have indicated that increasing resource allocations to construction planning activities will lead to improved project performance, other research studies have indicated that investing in construction planning beyond an optimum point will lead to a deterioration in project performance. This study explored the concept of optimal planning of construction projects by examining 52 building projects undertaken in Australia. The relationships between planning input (ratio of planning costs to total project costs) and the probabilities of achieving poor performance and good performance were modeled using logistic, linear, and curvilinear regression analyses. A probable optimum planning input based on the sample studied was derived. It is suggested that any additional planning efforts beyond this optimum point would be essentially wasted because the additional planning costs would not achieve any savings in project cost but merely add to the overhead costs and therefore increase the overall project cost. A model for optimal planning is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an object-oriented model for scheduling of repetitive construction projects such as high-rise buildings, housing projects, highways, pipeline networks, bridges, tunnels, railways, airport runways, and water and sewer mains. The paper provides an overview of the analysis, design, and implementation stages of the developed object-oriented model. These stages are designed to provide an effective model for scheduling repetitive construction projects and to satisfy practical scheduling requirements. The model incorporates newly developed procedures for resource-driven scheduling of repetitive activities, optimization of repetitive construction scheduling, and integration of repetitive and nonrepetitive scheduling techniques. The model is named LSCHEDULER and is implemented as a windows application that supports user-friendly interface including menus, dialogue boxes, and windows. LSCHEDULER can be applied to perform regular scheduling as well as optimized scheduling. In optimized scheduling, the model can assist in identifying an optimum crew utilization option for each repetitive activity in the project that provides a minimum duration or cost for the scheduled repetitive construction project.  相似文献   

A new scheduling and cost optimization model for high-rise construction is presented in this paper. The model has been formulated with a unique representation of the activities that form the building’s structural core, which need to be dealt with carefully to avoid scheduling errors. In addition, the model has been formulated incorporating: (1) the logical relationships within each floor and among floors of varying sizes; (2) work continuity and crew synchronization; (3) optional estimates and seasonal productivity factors; (4) prespecified deadline, work interruptions, and resource constraints; and (5) a genetic algorithms-based cost optimization that determines the combination of construction methods, number of crews, and work interruptions that meet schedule constraints. A computer prototype was then developed to demonstrate the model’s usefulness on a case study high-rise project. The model is useful to both researchers and practitioners as it better suits the environment of high-rise construction, avoids scheduling errors, optimizes cost, and provides a legible presentation of resource assignments and progress data.  相似文献   

An expressway project is often divided into subprojects with different tendering packages, and carried out by several general contractors that apply different scheduling practices. Each schedule may contain hundreds of activities, each of which is associated with multiple pay items that determine its earned monetary value. With such huge amount of information, the reviewer can only check a sample piece of information, and the quality of review highly depends on the reviewer’s experience and devotion. Automated schedule review provides a solution to reduce such problems encountered in the industry. This paper presents a module-based schedule generation and review model, which includes a predefined set of network modules, network builder assistant computer system that helps schedulers manage and reuse the modules to build a new schedule, and another computer system network review assistant (NRA) that helps reviewers review schedules. The NRA uses generalized rule forms to represent the schedule critique knowledge collected from the industry. When potential errors are found, the NRA adopts case-based reasoning to suggest possible correction based on similar cases. The evaluation conducted by the practitioners using real projects indicates that NRA reduces review time, and provides more accurate review on finding activities and related pay items not conforming to standards, and reminding users of important but often omitted activities.  相似文献   

Inspectors currently do not have adequate planning support to prevent inefficient or overlooked inspections and undetected defects. Underlying this problem is the lack of a planning formalism for specifying inspection goals and for developing and selecting inspection plans. This paper discusses the requirements for such a formalism. We describe sources of inspection knowledge and approaches for planning in general and for inspection planning specifically. We then describe a set of requirements for the representation and reasoning needed to support the use of available inspection knowledge to assist inspectors in the processes of creating sets of inspection plan alternatives and reducing that set to a smaller set of inspection plans for a given project.  相似文献   

莱钢银山型钢铁水预处理工程因设备延期到货,使该工程计算工期增加了15d,通过网络计划优化技术找出工程关键线路,对优选系数最小的关键工作进行压缩和调整,使延期节点后续工作的工期由130d缩短到115d,满足了施工工期要求。  相似文献   

One of the major goals of the construction industry today is the quantification and minimization of the risk associated with construction engineering performance. When specifically considering the planning of construction projects, one way to control risk is through the development of reliable project cost estimates and schedules. Two techniques available for achieving this goal are range estimating and probabilistic scheduling. This paper looks at the integration of these techniques as a means of further controlling the risk inherent in the undertaking of construction projects. Least-squares linear regression is first considered as a means of relating the data obtained from the application of these techniques. However, because of various limitations, the application of linear regression was not considered the most appropriate means of relating the results of range estimating and probabilistic scheduling. Integration of these techniques was, therefore, achieved through the development of a new procedure called the multiple simulation analysis technique. This new procedure combines the results of range estimating and probabilistic scheduling in order to quantify the relationship existing between them. Having the ability to accurately quantify this relationship enables the selection of high percentile level values for the project cost estimate and schedule simultaneously.  相似文献   

Optimizing resource utilization can lead to significant reduction in the duration and cost of repetitive construction projects such as highways, high-rise buildings, and housing projects. This can be achieved by identifying an optimum crew size and interruption strategy for each activity in the project. Available dynamic programming formulations can be applied to provide solutions for this optimization problem; however, their application is limited, as they require planners to specify an arbitrary and an unbounded set of interruption options prior to scheduling. Such a requirement is not practical and may render the optimization problem infeasible. To circumvent the limitations of available formulations, this paper presents an automated and practical optimization model. The model utilizes dynamic programming formulation and incorporates a scheduling algorithm and an interruption algorithm so as to automate the generation of interruptions during scheduling. This transforms the consideration of interruption options, in optimizing resource utilization, from an unbounded and impractical problem to a bounded and feasible one. A numerical example from the literature is analyzed to illustrate the use and capabilities of the model.  相似文献   

Although the construction pollution index has been put forward and proved to be an efficient approach to reducing or mitigating pollution level during the construction planning stage, the problem of how to select the best construction plan based on distinguishing the degree of its potential adverse environmental impacts is still a research task. This paper first reviews environmental issues and their characteristics in construction, which are critical factors in evaluating potential adverse impacts of a construction plan. These environmental characteristics are then used to structure two decision models for environmental-conscious construction planning by using an analytic network process (ANP), including a complicated model and a simplified model. The two ANP models are combined and called the EnvironalPlanning system, which is applied to evaluate potential adverse environmental impacts of alternative construction plans.  相似文献   

An optimal repetitive scheduling model for precast production with the consideration of resource constraints and resource sharing is proposed in this paper. A repetitive schedule, like precast production, needs to take into consideration the impact of limited resources, including equipment (such as cranes, forms, and steaming curing facilities) and skilled labor, on production makespan. Moreover, to economically and effectively utilize these valuable resources (such as cranes and work crews), it is worth taking resource sharing into consideration in precast production. A genetic algorithm-based searching technique is adopted to establish an optimal resource-constrained repetitive precast production scheduling system with the consideration of resource sharing. The system can effectively provide the optimal or near-optimal combination of production durations, resource amounts, and minimum makespan under the constraint of limited resources and with the consideration of resource sharing.  相似文献   

板形控制的发展史:人工控制压下量分配 计算机实现人工经验的变规程轧制 CVC、PC等板形控制装备的发明及应用 解析板形理论的建立并已在中厚板轧机上应用。板形控制的难度在于现代板形理论缺轧件参数,由分析方法推导出轧件板形刚度参数计算公式,使板形理论完备化。解析板形理论消除了板形和板厚控制上的矛盾,可实现板形板厚协调控制,由在线动态压下量分配方法实现板形的向量控制。  相似文献   

炼钢连铸生产调度是冶金企业生产管理的核心内容和关键技术.根据调度计划3级模糊综合评价体系,对不同方法的调度计划结果进行了模糊综合评价,据此,调度人员可以获得调度计划的满意结果.  相似文献   

制订周密、简洁和精确的软件项目进度计划,是软件项目开发成功的关键.针对当前进度计划主要采用手工方法,编制速度慢、缺乏科学性等特点,基于网络图,运用工作分解结构、计划评审技术、关键路径法、甘特图等技术对其进行研究.说明了前期准备工作,包括定义活动、活动排序、绘制网络图;给出了推导时间参数公式,包括活动时间估计、项目周期估计、活动时间计算;并通过实例阐述了编制过程.结果表明,该方法对软件项目进度计划编制具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

Computer integrated construction (CIC) has recently evolved to maximize the integrated utilization of information systems throughout the project's entire life cycle and across different business functions. CIC is a broad and strategic concept, not a specific system. Complicating CIC solutions are the dynamics of business requirements and technology development. It is difficult, therefore, to design systems that are based on the available technology, resources, needs, and benefits. This situation calls for an effective CIC planning methodology, particularly on a company level. This paper proposes a planning methodology that incorporates comprehensive issues for real-world CIC implementation. Measures and factors influencing information systems assessment are investigated. To represent the complex measurements in a simplified manner, a CIC portfolio is also developed. Managerial issues are stressed throughout the planning process to help make CIC more viable and efficient. A case study using this methodology is presented.  相似文献   

The sequences in which work is completed bear significantly on the performance of electrical contractors in building construction projects. When project work sequences are poorly planned or poorly executed, electrician constructors often must contend with compressed schedules, trade stacking, and out-of-sequence work to ensure timely completion of a project. This paper analytically evaluates the importance of sequence planning to efficient electrical work. It describes changes that were made to crew-level planning procedures for an electrical contractor and the impact these had on crew performance. The analysis shows that sequence planning at both the project level and the crew level are important to the performance of electrical crews. Most notably, a strong correlation (0.73) was detected between crew planning performance one week and crew productivity performance in the following week. Results of the study are provided. Principles of sound sequences and guidelines for sequence planning are also captured from the analysis. These sequence guidelines are designed to avoid, where possible, the often adverse project conditions in which electrical contractors find themselves and to handle those conditions most effectively when they cannot be avoided.  相似文献   

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