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Windows应用程序中设定的窗口和编辑控制滚动杆风格,在显示位图时滚动杆不支持键盘与鼠标的输入,应用程序也接收不到WM_HSCROLL或WM_VSCROLL消息,这样,超过显示区域的图形用户就很难看清全貌。因此,增加滚动杯控制逻辑,达到图形平衡显示的目的很必要。若在对话框显示位图,使其具有全屏幕平移功能,需建立编辑控制,水平、垂直滚动杯控制于窗口。编辑控制设置成多行(MultipleLine)和只读(Readonly)风格。在对话框过程函数中加入滚动杆控制逻辑,处理由滚动杆控制发来的WMNCROL和WM_VSCROLL消息,根据消息的通知码…  相似文献   

设备相关的位图的缺点是在一种设备产生的位图,在另一种设备上显示时常常会出问题。设备无关的位图可在很大程度上解决这一问题。一般参考中介绍的方法很简略,令人很难掌握;有的参考书介绍了详细的方法并给出原码。但按照其原码输入的程序却无法可靠的显示设备无关位图,本文介绍了一种在Windows环境下设备无关位图的可靠显示方法。  相似文献   

本文分析了BMP位图文件格式,提出了一种在DOS应用程序中实现BMP位图文件的直接写屏快速显示方法,最后给出了C程序示例。  相似文献   

Windows中的位图有两种:依赖于设备的位图(DDB)和与设备无关的位图(DIB)。前者与显示设备所使用的位模式之间有一种近似的相互关系,后者描述的却是图形的实际外形,而不是某特定的显示设备欲显示的图形的内部表示。由于这种外部定义可以使用于任何显示设备,所以被称为与设备无关的位图。与设备无关的位图通常以文件的形式保存在磁盘上,这就是我们常说的BMP文件。 BMP文件中保存的DIB可分为单色、16色、256色和真彩色四种,单色和16色的DIB色彩不够丰富,而真彩色的DIB位图文件又过于庞大,因而256色位  相似文献   

利用Windows中的PaintBrush工具可以方便地绘制显示效果很佳的位图图形,这类位图图形的文件结构固定且简单。本文在分析位图文件结构的基础上,讨论了在DOS状态下显示位图图形的方式,并且用Quick BASIC编制程序直接调用位图图形文件。文末附有用Quick BASIC显示十六色位图图形的源程序。  相似文献   

高强 《电脑》1994,(11):55-56
位图是图象完全数字化后的表现形式,图象中每个象素点对应于位图中的一个或多个位,如:单色位图每象素点只需1位,16色位图需4位,256色位图象素点需要8位.在WINDOWS中,位图的使用有两个目的,第一是在显示器上显示图像,WINDOWS利用位图资源来显示各种菜单框、滚动条、光标等.第二是用来创建刷子,而刷子是WINDOWS用来填充显示区域的象素图案.在WINDOWS3.0之前,WINDOWS只支持设备相关(GDI)位图对象,它可以用位图句柄来引用,但它有着极大的缺陷就是位图必须与真实图形输出设备(如视频显示器)有同样的颜色组织.对于WINDOWS3.0以后定义了一种新的位图格式,叫做设备无关位图(DIB).DIB包含它自己的颜色表,它显示素点如何与RGB相对应.DIB可以转换成一个与设备相关的GDI位图对象,在这种情况下,  相似文献   

WINDOWS下显示透明位图的几种方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在开发各类应用软件时,基本上都要遇到显示图形、图像(位图)的问题,大多数时候只需原样显示位图即可,而在开发游戏、多媒体应用等软件时,则必须用某种方法透明地把位图(前景)显示在已有的背景画面中。这里所说的透明是指透过前景物体本身的空隙能看见后面背景中的物体。例如在背景位图上显示文字,透过文字笔画的空隙看见背景画面。再如有画面A为一幅海滩风景,画面B为一人站在蓝色背景上,如果指定蓝色为透明色,则经过两A、B画面透明地合成后则成为一幅一人站在海滩的风景画。在电视技术中这种合成称色键或抠像。  相似文献   

在开发WINDOWS的应用程序时,常需要显示256色的VGA图像,如直接使用WIN-DOWSAPI库中的有关函数,难以达理想的效果,本文分析了实现VGA256显色示的软硬件原理,给出了WINDOWS3.1环境下正确显示256色,BMP文件的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了Windows下一种实现显示透明位图的方法,并给出了实现代码。  相似文献   

Designing an interface to optimize reading with small display windows.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
T Rahman  P Muter 《Human factors》1999,41(1):106-117
The extent of electronic presentation of text in small display windows is mushrooming. In the present paper, 4 ways of presenting text in a small display window were examined and compared with a normal page condition: rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), RSVP with a completion meter, sentence-by-sentence presentation, and sentence-by-sentence presentation with a completion meter. Dependent measures were reading efficiency (speed and comprehension) and preference. For designers of hardware or software with small display windows, the results suggest the following: (a) Though RSVP is disliked by readers, the present methods of allowing self-pacing and regressions in RSVP are efficient and feasible, unlike earlier tested methods; (b) slower reading in RSVP should be achieved by increasing pauses between sentences or by repeating sentences, not by decreasing the presentation rate within a sentence; (c) completion meters do not interfere with performance and are usually preferred; (d) the space-saving sentence-by-sentence format is as efficient and as preferred as the normal page format.  相似文献   

Large flexible organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) display provides various electronic applications such as curved, bendable, rollable, and commercial display, because of its thinness, light weight, and design freedom. In this work, the process flow and key technologies to fabricate the world's first large size 77‐inch transparent flexible OLED display are introduced. “White OLED on TFT + color filter” method is used to fabricate the aforementioned display. On both thin‐film transistor and color filter substrates, transparent polyimide (PI) was used as plastic substrate with multi‐barrier. In case of a transparent flexible display, the multi‐barrier is required for the additional consideration to overcome the decrease of transmittance due to the difference in refractive index of the conventional multi‐barrier. We developed the special multi‐barrier to increase transparency with superior water vapor transition rate characteristic. The optimized amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin‐film transistors were employed on the multi‐barrier, and it shows the highly uniform electrical performance and reliability on plastic substrate. Also, the typical panel failure mechanism during laser lift‐off process caused by a particle in PI is studied, and a sacrificial layer was suggested between PI and a carrier glass to reduce the panel failure. Finally, we successfully realized the world's first 77‐inch transparent flexible OLED display with ultra‐high‐definition resolution, which can be rolled up to a radius of 80 mm with a transmittance of 40%.  相似文献   

An instruction window that can tolerate latencies to DRAM memory is prohibitively complex and power hungry. To avoid having to build such large windows, runahead execution uses otherwise-idle clock cycles to achieve an average 22 percent performance improvement for processors with instruction windows of contemporary sizes. This technique incurs only a small hardware cost and does not significantly increase the processor's complexity.  相似文献   

The next evolutionary step in wireless Internet information management is to provide support for tasks, which may be collaborative and may include multiple target devices, from desktop to handheld. This means that the information architecture supports the processes of the task, recognizes group interaction, and lets users migrate seamlessly among internet-compatible devices without losing the thread of the session. If users are free to migrate amongst devices during the course of a session then intelligent transformation of data is required to exploit the screen size and input characteristics of the target appliance with minimal loss of task effectiveness.In this paper we first review general characteristics related to the performance of users on small screens and then examine the navigation of full tables on small screens for users in multi-device scenarios. We examine the methodologies available for access to full tables in environments where the full table cannot be viewed in its entirety. In particular, we examine the situation where users are collaborating across platform and referring to the same table of data. We ask three basic questions: Does screen size affect the performance of table lookup tasks? Does a search function improve performance of table lookup based tasks on reduced screen sizes? Does including context information improve the performance of table lookup based tasks on reduced screen sizes? The answers to these questions are important as individual and intuitive responses are used by the designers of small screen interfaces for use with large tables of data. We report on the results of a user study that examines factors that may affect the use of large tables on small display devices. The use of large tables on small devices in their native state becomes important in at least two circumstances. First, when collaboration involves two or more users sharing a view of data when the individual screen sizes are different. Second, when the exact table structure replication may be critical as a user moves quickly from a larger to a smaller screen or back again mid-task. Performance is measured by both effectiveness, correctness of result, and efficiency, effort to reach a result.  相似文献   

闫华  高黎  刘国勇  王红旗 《计算机应用》2015,35(7):2096-2100
针对军用油料(POL)调拨运输优化问题,通过引入保障时间窗,考虑了油料保障过程中复杂的时间窗约束和运力约束,提出了基于多时间窗的油料调拨运输的约束满足问题(CSP)模型及其求解算法。首先,对油料保障点、油料需求点、保障时间窗、油料保障需求及油料保障任务等要素进行了形式化描述;在此基础上,建立了油料保障CSP模型,并采用理想点法,将模型中的多目标转化为单目标规划问题;设计了基于粒子群优化(PSO)算法的模型求解方法和步骤,并通过算例介绍了模型的具体运用。算例中,将利用所提模型求解得到的优化方案与最大化油料保障量为单一目标的模型优化方案进行比较,两种方案下的运力安排已达最大,但对各油料需求保障时间的安排,所提模型求解方案中每个油料需求的开始保障时间都不晚于单目标模型求解方案中的保障时间。通过对不同优化方案的比较,表明所提模型和算法能够有效解决多目标油料保障优化问题。  相似文献   


Widespread use of videophones has been limited due to cost factors and human factors. If demands for image size and quality were relaxed while preserving the communicational value added by visual data, low end videophones may become feasible. After a review of pertinent research, we describe an experiment indicating modest visual augmentation significantly aids speech intelligibility. The results suggest several directions for further research.  相似文献   

Often the components of a problem can be arrayed on a two-dimensional information space—for example, as an abstract tree or hypertext—far too large to fit onto a computer display. With current navigational techniques it is often difficult for users to keep track of their location or to move rapidly to remote locations in the space. We implemented two similar direct-manipulation techniques, both of which use a map window—a miniature of the entire information space—with a wire-frame box to aid users in remembering their location. The first technique allows the user to rapidly roam over the information space by moving the location of the wire-frame box. The second allows for zooming as well as roaming. A controlled experiment compared the above techniques to scroll bars for determining whether a target word was in a large balanced binary tree of words. The experiment also examined the merit of the map window. Map windows significantly improved user performance, and the roam and zoom techniques were found to be significantly faster than the scroll bars. Our observation of subjects and their verbal protocol indicated that a paging feature on the scroll bars—allowing rapid movement of the screen a page in any direction—was advantageous.  相似文献   

西贝 《软件》2002,(6):37-40
当你在IE浏览网页时,如果出现“无法显示页面”的错误信息提示,那么请你使用下述方法循序渐进地解决。一、网址错误如果在“地址”栏中输入了错误的网址,那么IE就无法链接,找不到当前主页信息,从而导致出现“无法显示页面”的错误信息。  相似文献   

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