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由日本内阁综合海洋政策本部牵头制定的《海洋基本计划》,是日本政府在《海洋基本法》框架下对具体海洋政策的制定、落实等予以规范与指导的纲领性文件。作为安倍政府运用海洋政策推进体制,集合官产学研力量,综合近年来日本海洋形势及海洋政策效果评估的产物,该计划将在2018—2022年切实指导日本具体海洋政策的制订与实施。  相似文献   

韩国、日本的海洋科技计划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴闻 《海洋信息》2002,(1):25-26
1 韩国21世纪海洋战略计划 1996年8月8日,韩国政府宣布成立总人数达8 900余人的海洋与渔业部(MOMAF)。该部认为:当前的世界是一个海洋自由利用时代结束,海洋领土划分竞争时代开始的时代。为在新时代做好新一轮海洋谈判的充分准备,该部制定了韩  相似文献   

“海上有仙山,在于虚无漂渺问”。日本1994年正式提出的海洋走廊计划可能将这一“海市蜃楼”景观留驻人世间。按计划者设想,海洋走廊将建在日本第二大都市区的大阪湾关西地区。大阪湾地区现有常住人口2000万以上,流动人口超过1000万,是日本未来经济中心之一,然而,人口密度大、住房和交通拥挤、环境污染严重等问题制约了该地区经济的进一步发展。为了扩展本地区经济增长和都市化所需的  相似文献   

美国:近两年来的海洋立法和科研计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照美国海洋学界高层决策人士的说法,1997年美国海洋学界有两大盛事:一是国会提出了1997年海洋法案;二是国会通过了国家海洋伙伴计划(NOPP)。 海洋立法 在过去几年中,美国在不断勘探和开发海洋资源的同时,特别注重海洋立法。就目前的  相似文献   

日本为了保护自然环境,计划在桧山建造一个海洋科学公园。 1 海洋科学公园的主要设施 海洋科学公园建在桧山海岸边上。主要兴建的设施有以下5项: 1.1 海水取水设施。指标:每日取深层水2500立方米,取表层水1000立方米。  相似文献   

无闻 《海洋信息》1999,(3):25-26
韩国是世界上人口最稠密的国家之一,不足100万平方公里的陆地承载人口达4500万,这使韩国经济的发展面临严峻的形势:可耕土地很少,不足陆地总面积的20%,而且自然资源贫乏。 陆地资源贫乏自然使韩国在很大程度上依赖于海洋资源。韩国是一个半岛国家,海洋环境优越:三面环海,岛屿众多,大陆架面积广阔,拥有良好的渔场等等。因此,韩国从海域  相似文献   

日本的海洋牧场研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马军英 《海洋科学》1994,18(3):22-24
日本对海洋牧场的研究,经过30多年的努力,在总体上居于世界先进水平。但是,回顾往事,曾有过一番争议。本世纪60年代初期,建立海洋牧场这种想法,遭到日本水产资源研究者们的强烈反对。有人竟说向大海放苗增加资源,纯属邪说,这是在触犯神。有一位水产计划科科长到漱户内海研究所视察,问起对水产厅提出的生产种苗放流增殖设想有何意见时,当场被该所科研人员以“干那种事毫无意义”的回答顶了回去,真是万事开头难。1992年日本中央水产研究所的小金昭光、21世纪海洋论坛的河田和光、东北区水产研究所的三本营善昭、水产厅振…  相似文献   

吴闻 《海洋信息》2001,(4):22-23
进入21世纪之际,沿海国家纷纷调整和改组本国的海洋管理机构和科研机构,制定新时期的国家海洋发展计划,为加速海洋经济发展争夺科技优势。从本期开始,本刊将陆续刊登一些国家的海洋科技计划,供读者参考。  相似文献   

王泉斌 《海岸工程》2016,35(2):59-65
21世纪以来,围绕海洋资源开发、海洋环境安全和海洋权益维护,国际上开展了新一轮的海洋竞争,所有这些竞争都离不开对海洋环境的认知,卫星海洋遥感作为世界各国提升海洋环境认知能力的重要高新技术手段,日益得到各国的重视。海洋水色卫星遥感是重要的海洋探测技术,它通过卫星平台上的探测器对海洋表面的水色进行探测,反演出海洋水体中的叶绿素浓度、泥沙含量及黄色物质浓度,进而得到其他相关信息。文章在概要介绍中日韩三国海洋水色卫星发展历程及性能的基础上,对中日韩三国的海洋水色卫星计划及其应用进行了初步的对比分析,基于参考文献对其异同点进行了阐述与评价,从发展思路与发展方式等角度提出了针对我国未来海洋水色卫星计划发展的建议与启示。  相似文献   

The EU Green Paper on Maritime Policy is the European response to the new generation of ocean strategies based on science, technology and innovation aimed at new objectives, such as the strengthening of security and access to new resources. The European character of the proposal is found in the presence of social, cultural and historical elements, what is called the “European vision”. The viability of a European vision of the oceans and the idea of maritime empire as an extension of the current concept of empire within the general context of emerging ocean strategies are the elements offered up for debate on this European Union initiative.  相似文献   

文章系统回顾了党的十八大以来我国海洋科技创新在顶层设计、高端技术和惠及民生等方面的重要成果,包括规划编制、体制机制改革、载人深潜、海洋调查、海水淡化、海洋能、海洋卫星、海洋标准计量以及促进民生和经济发展等内容,提出加快海洋科技创新、推动海洋科技向创新引领型转变的思考。  相似文献   

Owing to their style and economic impact, Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC countries) are destined to become relevant actors in the new ocean governance. The following working hypothesis is sustained: the BRIC countries, due to the potential of their maritime territories, can be considered to be emerging maritime powers capable of displacing some of the historical maritime powers. This would also entail a shift of strategic maritime space towards the southern hemisphere. Other emerging maritime scenarios associated with the BRIC countries include the Russian Arctic, and the Indo-Pacific ocean belt, or “string of pearls”, as it is known. Factors such as competitiveness, maritime leadership and ocean governance are thus placed in a new economic and political context where they might be redefined and adapted to the circumstances of the BRIC block and other emerging countries, the majority of which are subject to demographic pressure and a high degree of poverty. The most relevant conclusions point to the emergence of a new type of neo-navalism, on the one hand—a BRIC version of traditional sea power and, on the other, a possible threat to the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy under pressure from strong competitiveness in a highly internationalised environment, forcing changes in its original approach with its distinct social profiles and commitment to latest generation rights.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify the key principles that should guide the definition of the mandate and institutional structure for acquiring scientific advice in support of the European Maritime Policy. The EU has stated that, as concerns the Maritime Policy, the relations between science and policy ought to reflect a ‘new form of governance’. Far from being an easy task, however, the EU has observed that there are problems of credibility and legitimacy in the relations between science and society (including policymakers), which first need to be overcome. Against this background, the article draws on some of the newest conceptual and empirical research on science-policy relations, which has sought to analyse and ultimately provide frameworks for overcoming such challenges. On this basis, the article investigates the principles that need to be applied to constitute a ‘new form of governance’ as a means of paving the way toward a more credible and legitimate use of scientific data, information and knowledge within policymaking and implementation processes.  相似文献   

In 1998, the Australian Government released Australia's Oceans Policy (AOP), a world first policy initiative focused on providing a framework for integrated ecosystem-based management of Australia's vast marine domain. The South East Regional Marine Plan, the first regional marine plan to be implemented under AOP, was released on 21 May 2004. This paper argues that although full integration across sectors and jurisdictions has not occurred, new AOP initiatives, institutions and governance processes have considerably increased sectoral and jurisdictional coordination in the South East region.  相似文献   

大洋科学钻探计划是地球科学领域迄今为止历时最长、成效最大的国际科学合作计划。自1968年以来,先后经历了深海钻探计划、国际大洋钻探计划、综合大洋钻探计划和国际大洋发现计划4个阶段。进入国际大洋发现计划,IODP工作组两次发布科学框架,文章对两个科学框架进行了对比分析。大洋科学钻探的特点和发展趋势是坚持解决重大科学问题,由地球拓展到太阳系,重视技术和大数据,以及扩大社会影响和宣传。这给我国发起国际大科学计划提供了启示,一要注重科技创新,运用大数据等先进技术;二要加强科学管理,促进开放和共享;三要重视提升影响力,扩大宣传和影响。  相似文献   

This article sets out to explore the extent to which the maritime policies that have been formulated in recent years are public policies on a par with other State-level policies, or whether the geographical domain where they are applied makes them exceptional. Maritime policy and territorial structure are very closely related, and it can be seen that maritime policies are beginning to shift towards the domain of State internal affairs, necessitating the rethinking of the way powers are distributed between territorial bodies that have the legal power to be involved in the formulation of these policies and some instruments, such as marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

The state of Rhode Island's Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP) is the first marine spatial plan in the United States to be formally approved by the federal government as an element of a state's Coastal Management Program. The 3800 km2 Ocean SAMP region includes waters under both state and federal jurisdiction. The Ocean SAMP applies the inclusive, ecosystem-based approach to marine spatial planning recommended by the National Ocean Commission in 2004 that is a feature of the National Ocean Policy promulgated in 2010. It places within a larger spatial planning context the impact assessment process that is the basis for the issuance of leases and permits requested by a developer for a specified activity at a defined marine site. The Ocean SAMP was prepared over a two and a half year period of information generation, analysis, consultation, planning and policy making prompted by the need to identify potentially suitable sites for anticipated offshore wind farms. Its highly consultative approach builds upon the 30 years of experience of the Rhode Island Coastal Program in developing and implementing special area management plans (SAMPs) for coastal and marine areas where conflicts over needs for both development and conservation demand special attention and negotiation among stakeholders with different interests. The phases in the development and approval of the Ocean SAMP, and the prospects for successful implementation are examined through frameworks suggested for the preparation of a governance baseline put forward by the international Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) program.  相似文献   

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is high on the international agenda for nature conservation. Marine and coastal ecosystems account for an important share of the biological diversity on Earth. As a consequence many international conventions, European legislation and national laws refer to marine biodiversity. The protection of marine biodiversity is a complex legal issue as it requires consideration of geographic (between land and sea), political (between conservation and exploitation), and economic (between fisheries, tourism, intellectual property and many other sectors) factors. Like Matryoshka dolls, marine biodiversity is a heterogeneous notion difficult to address as one discrete area in the development of policy agendas or juridical frameworks. In the past decade, the EU has been very active in Promoting Integrated Coastal Zone Management and in developing a framework for an Integrated Maritime Policy. This article reviews the status of marine biodiversity in the policy and legal initiatives of the European Union, a challenging issue to both the objectives of conservation and to the concept of integration.  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋的世纪,海洋经济发展与海洋科技创新紧密相联,创新的本质是技术创新。文章结合文献总结法、企业访谈法和会议研讨交流等方法,对海洋科技中小企业的概念进行了界定;并通过研究海洋产业发展现状以及海洋科技中小企业的技术创新现状,发现海洋科技中小企业技术创新发展存在的问题;最后,根据实际问题提出建立海洋科技园区,带动海洋科技中小企业快速发展;政府做好海洋产业引导,加快海洋科技创新步伐;政府适当减免企业税收,鼓励中小企业技术创新;企业应当将财务分类系统化,减少财务混乱现象等对策建议。  相似文献   

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