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通过对基层环境统计部门工业源产排污系数实际应用调研,结合当前环境保护重点工作和相关资料查阅等,分析了工业污染源产排污系数存在的主要问题:部分工业源产排污系数缺失,部分工业源产排污系数与实际偏差较大等。针对存在的主要问题提出了有优先顺序的修订建议,以期对第二次全国污染源普查工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

环境统计面临依据排污许可数据估算工业污染排放总量的挑战.以某市4个行业6类污染物的排放数据为案例,讨论了在非重点源污染排放量估算问题上衔接排污许可和环境统计的可行性和存在的问题.研究结果表明:排污许可重点管理单位与环境统计重点调查单位存在显著差异,不能采用比率估算方法估算工业非重点源排污量;排污许可简化和登记管理单位排...  相似文献   

环境管理与大气污染源清单对接的基础是环境管理数据体系。选取京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市中的14个城市实施访谈与问卷调查,普遍认为大气污染源清单的主要用途为大气污染应急、预警以及污染源解析,但由于环境统计、污染源监测和排污许可三大环境管理数据体系差异较大,导致环境管理数据的行业和工艺过程针对性不强,无法满足污染源清单的需求。造成该问题的主要原因在于基层生态环境部门技术储备不足、污染源信息分散以及数据管理任务分工不明确。促进环境管理与大气污染源清单的对接,重点在于污染源数据定期更新和环境管理数据的一体化,应着重形成多部门数据共享、全面和全过程环境管理以及人才和技术保障机制。  相似文献   

农村生活污染开展环境统计的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污染源排放数据是各项环境管理的关键基础和重要依据,目前,环保部门对除农村生活污染以外的其他污染源排放数据已基本摸清。在"三农"发展的同时,农村环境保护已被提上国家日程,日前国务院下发了《关于加强环境保护重点工作的意见》,要求开展农村环境统计,环境统计主管部门也在考虑"十二五"期间将农村生活污染纳入环境统计的可能性。鉴于农村生活污染的特点,开展环境统计尚存在较多难点。因此,分析农村生活污染的特点,思考将其纳入环境统计的可行性和操作性,对健全环境统计体系、改善农村环境质量、全方位掌控和监管各类污染源排放,具有高度的前瞻性和重要性。  相似文献   

对2013年度新疆环境申报统计的创新工作方法进行了较详细的总结。通过统一工作部署,整合统计申报报表制度,严格执行数据质量核查制度,开发“污染源管理系统”,形成了较完善的工作体系,对今后申报统计工作质量的提高提出了思考与建议。  相似文献   

通过对排污申报登记与污染源调查的差异分析,指出排污申报登记不同于污染源调查。针对当前排污申报登记工作中存在的误区,提出了走出误区的对策与建议  相似文献   

通过对排污申报登记与污染源调查的差异分析,指出排污申报登记不同于污染源调查。针对当前排污申报登记工作中存在的误区,提出了走出误区的对策与建议。  相似文献   

阐述了排污申报登记与环境监理的关系。指出,排污申报的作用 应当体现在对污染源监理的全过程中,应对申报数据进行核查,形成一个有效的污染源动态管理系统,并建立相应的污染源动态信息库。  相似文献   

一九八六年至一九八八年进行的全国工业污染源调查工作中,国家和地方都建立了工业污染源数据库。在各级数据库中贮存了大量的工业污染源信息。这些信息的开发利用,对加 强环境管理、开展环境科研工作起了重要的作用。 随着经济建设和环境保护工作的发展,工业污染源的基本情况、排污情况和污染治理情  相似文献   

根据国家环保总局组织召开的全国污染源普查前期工作动员电视电话视频会要求,新疆自治区环保局予2007年2月27日在乌鲁木齐组织召开了全疆污染源普查前期监测工作会议,自治区环保局、自治区环境监测总站、自治区环境监察总队以及各地、州、市环保部门负责环境统计、监测、监察工作的领导、业务骨干参加了此次会议。自治区环保局副局长王联社作了重要讲话。  相似文献   

对校准曲线通过标准化余差法进行点位离群检验,通过相关系数相关性检验,对截矩进行检验,根据检验结果确定出基本上消除系统误差,随机误差较小的回归方程。  相似文献   

北京秋冬季空气严重污染的特征及成因分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
近年来北京大气环境质量达标天数明显增加,但是严重污染日依然占近6个百分点,并且没有明显减少的迹象。弄清严重污染,尤其是秋冬季节(9-12月,1-2月)积累型严重污染的时空分布特征和成因,对于污染预警、污染控制具有重要意义。文章首先分析了2000-2005年秋冬季节北京市大气污染达到4-5级的44个案例,发现该类严重污染具有发生时间连续、空间范围广和垂直散布高等特点。运用追踪过程的诊断分析方法剖析了2004年国庆期间和2005年11月初两个典型严重污染过程,说明了气象因子在秋冬季严重污染发生、持续和结束过程中的主导作用。文中最后给出了44个严重污染日气象条件的统计特征:850百帕温度偏高,可高于月均值5-15℃;海平面气压偏低;低空逆温发生概率大于75%;高湿度发生概率大,地面温露差在0-7.5之间约占80%;各层风速都很小,海平面0-2米/秒,850百帕风速2-16米/秒。  相似文献   

Two methods were used to calculate the meteorologically adjusted ground level ozone trends in southern Taiwan. The first method utilized is a robust linear regression method. The second approach uses a multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network (ANN) method. The observations obtained from 16 monitoring stations were analyzed and divided into six groups by hierarchical divisive clustering procedure. The daily maximum 1 and 8 h ozone concentrations for each group are then calculated. The meteorologically adjusted trends obtained by linear regression and MLP methods are smaller than the unadjusted trends for all groups and average time. It indicts that the meteorological conditions in Taiwan tend to increase ambient ozone concentrations in recent years.  相似文献   

固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   

The long-term water quality monitoring program implemented by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority in 1992 is extensive and has provide substantial understanding of the seasonality of the waters in both Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay and the response to improvements in effluent quality and offshore transfer of the effluent in September 2000. The monitoring program was designed with limited knowledge of spatial and temporal variability and long-term trends within the system. This led to an extensive spatial and temporal sampling program. The data through 2003 showed high correlation within physical parameters measured (e.g., salinity, dissolved oxygen) and in biological measures such as chlorophyll fluorescence. To address the potential sampling redundancies in the measurement program, an assessment of the impact of reduced levels of monitoring on the ability to make water quality decisions was completed. The optimization was conducted by applying statistical models that took into account whether there was evidence of a seasonal pattern in the data. The optimization used model survey average readings to identify temporal fixed effects, model survey-average-corrected individual station readings to identify spatial fixed effects, corrected the individual station readings for temporal and spatial fixed effects and derived a correlation model for the corrected data, and applied the correlation model to characterize the correlation of annual average readings from reduced monitoring programs with true parameter levels. Reductions in the number of sampling stations were found less detrimental to the quality of the data for annual decision-making than reductions in the number of surveys per year, although there is less of a difference in this regard for dissolved oxygen than there is for chlorophyll. The analysis led to recommendations for a substantially lower monitoring effort with minimal loss of information. The recommendation supported an annual budget savings of approximately $183,000. Most of the savings was from fewer surveys as approximately $21,000 came from the reduction in the number of stations monitored from 21 to 7 and associated laboratory analytical costs.  相似文献   

This study reports the spatio-temporal changes in water quality of Nullah Aik, tributary of the Chenab River, Pakistan. Stream water samples were collected at seven sampling sites on seasonal basis from September 2004 to April 2006 and were analyzed for 24 water quality parameters. Most significant parameters which contributed in spatio-temporal variations were assessed by statistical techniques such as Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA), Factor Analysis/Principal Components Analysis (FA/PCA), and Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA). HACA identified three different classes of sites: Relatively Unimpaired, Impaired and Less Impaired Regions on the basis of similarity among different physicochemical characteristics and pollutant level between the sampling sites. DFA produced the best results for identification of main variables for temporal and spatial analysis and separated eight parameters (DO, hardness, sulphides, K, Fe, Pb, Cr and Zn) that accounted 89.7% of total variations of spatial analysis. Temporal analysis using DFA separated six parameters (E.C., TDS, salinity, hardness, chlorides and Pb) that showed more than 84.6% of total temporal variation. FA/PCA identified six significant factors (sources) which were responsible for major variations in water quality dataset of Nullah Aik. The results signify that parameters identified by statistical analyses were responsible for water quality change and suggest the possibility of industrial, municipal and agricultural runoff, parent rock material contamination. The results suggest dire need for proper management measures to restore the water quality of this tributary for a healthy and promising aquatic ecosystem and also highlights its importance for objective ecological policy and decision making process.  相似文献   

介绍放射性平行样品服从的统计分布,据此提出平行样品结果统计检验方法,用该方法对1组平行样品结果做统计检验,并与计算标准偏差的检验方法作比对。结果表明,虽然2种检验方法得出了相反的结论,但统计检验方法的结果更符合放射性测量的规律。  相似文献   

比较了稳健统计法和误差系数法在水中苯系物实验室间比对结果中的应用,分别采用两种方法对比对结果进行了分析,探讨了两种统计方法的差异和适用范围。结果显示,两种方法对此次比对结果的分析结论基本一致,在实际应用中应跟据实验室间比对的目的和样品特点选择合适的统计方法。  相似文献   

Biodiversity monitoring surveys are rarely optimised statistically before being initiated. Here, we optimised the monitoring of plants in a temperate forest. The total inventory cost, the number and size of quadrats were optimised to detect a 10% change in species richness over 5 years with α = β = 0.05, using data from ongoing long-term floristic monitoring programs. The procedure showed that the inventory cost would be ca 15% lower using 100-, 200-m2 quadrats instead of 300- or 400-m2 quadrats. Despite the cost associated with the optimisation (e.g. gathering preliminary data) and the imprecise estimates (due to the typically small sample size of the pilot studies), optimisation would often be a better option than expert opinion when designing a monitoring survey.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of artificial neural network (ANN) based carbon monoxide (CO) persistence (ANNCOP) models to forecast 8-h average CO concentration using 1-h maximum predicted CO data for the critical (winter) period (November–March). The models have been developed for three 8-h groupings of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2–10 p.m., at two air quality control regions (AQCRs) in Delhi city, representing an urban intersection and an arterial road consisting heterogeneous traffic flows. The result indicates that time grouping of 2–10 pm is dominantly affected by inversion conditions and peak traffic flow. The ANNCOP model corresponding to this grouping predicts the 8-h average CO concentrations within the accuracy range of 68–71%. The CO persistence values derived from ANNCOP model are comparable with the persistence values as suggested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA. This work demonstrates that ANN based model is capable of describing winter period CO persistence phenomena.  相似文献   

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