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1、前言随着国家经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,房地产市场对别墅的需求也逐步增多。人们对别墅的要求也越来越高,不仅仅对于户型,对别墅的设备配套工程也有很高的要求。笔者近些年参与了一些别墅的给排水设计,现结合国家的给排水设计规范分享一些粗浅的心得体会。2、别墅的给水设计2.1冷水给水系统1压力及流量由于别墅内没有多个卫生间,且卫生洁具档次高(净身盆、进口浴缸)局部水损大,户内管线长,还需要设置热水系统,所以户内给水管管径一定要严格按《建筑给水排水设计规范》中的给水流量计算公式计算选用。往往一些建设单位认为别墅虽然用水点多,但使用人数与普通住宅相比增加不大,为节省造价而私自缩小  相似文献   

随着我国城市化水平的不断提高,高层建筑越来越多,建筑水系统呈现复杂化和多样化的特点.目前,建筑水系统仍存在难以实现持续稳定达标、中水回用难落地、排水返臭难控制等问题,是百姓生活的痛点.项目通过户内灰水回用、户内环状供水、建筑雨水处理回用等措施,实现了水资源在建筑水系统内的"微循环"利用,并通过"建筑给水水质安全保障技术"、"建筑节水节能关键技术"、"建筑排水卫生性能安全保障与排水能力预测技术",解决了建筑给水、节水节能、建筑排水卫生等方面问题,实现了建筑水系统"微循环"体系的优化与重构,通过设备产品、工程示范、标准规范推动了成果应用和推广.  相似文献   

给排水施工质量的好坏,直接影响建筑物给排水系统的运行。笔者依据多年从事给排水行业工作的经验,分别对给水、排水和消防给水系统作了若干质量通病的分析。  相似文献   

现阶段,装配式建筑数量逐年递增,且在施工建设时表现出突出的优势,具有传统建筑形式无法比拟的优势.给排水管道设计与施工是装配式住宅建筑中的关键工序,其设计质量将会关系到建筑给水与排水的通畅性和便利性,一旦存在设计漏洞,给排水系统将会出现各种问题.针对装配式住宅建筑的这一特征,探析了给排水管线设计的相关要点,对于提升装配式建筑给排水系统设计的质量具有一定的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

目前我国传统中水系统主要包括:建筑中水系统、区域或小区中水系统、城市中水系统,上述中水利用系统目前运营中存在一定的管理问题、中水水源问题和工程建设问题,导致我国城市中水利用率不高。分户型同层排水中水系统,采用户内小循环模式,同时实现户内中水利用和同层排水,具有操作简单,控制自动化;不受入住率的影响;节约给排水管网投资;既可用于新建建筑也可用于既有建筑改造等优点。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,生产工艺的不断改进和提高,在工程中,给排水工程日趋向着大系统、高参数的方向迅猛发展,因此,给排水工程变成了城市的基础设施、工业生产和人民生活的命脉之一.市政给排水工程是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,做好城市市政给排水规划设计,对给排水工程的设计、施工、维修和运行管理的要求也就越来越高.除要有合理的设计方案外,给排水系统安装质量优劣将会对日后的使用产生极大的影响.为了确保民用给排水在使用过程中充分发挥其安全稳定、高效的作用,对绘排水施工过程中出现的常见问题进行了总结并提出相应的解决方案.  相似文献   

在高层建筑的设计中,给排水系统是十分关键的一个部分,本文结合对我国比较典型的超高层建筑给排水系统的调查,结合自身的实践经验,对这些建筑的设计方案和特点进行分析。首先阐述了高层建筑的界定以及给排水工程的特点,其次从串联和并联给水、减压阀的使用、高位水箱和给水变频泵等方面对这些典型工程的给水系统进行分析,从排水管的承压、单立管排水等方面对其排水系统进行分析。在此基础上以一项具体过程为例,阐述了给排水设计在高层建筑中的具体实践应用。  相似文献   

以某住宅楼为例,从生活给水、生活热水、生活排水、室内外消防等方面对其进行相关给排水设计,并为各系统作了具体分析,提出了系统方案设计及施工要求,从而为今后的同类工程提供一些参考。  相似文献   

新加坡组屋制度消除了其自治之初的贫民窟,到1989年新加坡已经有87%的人口居住在组屋内,政府真正实现了“居者有其屋”的目标。本文分析了新加坡组屋制度的发展背景,从新加坡组屋制度的开发模式、法律法规政策等方面,深入探讨新加坡组屋制度的成功经验和积极意义;通过具有相似背景的深圳市保障房制度与新加坡组屋制度的对比分析,找出我国保障房制度存在问题;指出我国内地保障房建设,应不以盈利为目的,政府要牢牢掌握住保障房的控制权,使保障房真正达到满足低收入者的需求。  相似文献   

杨新荣 《建筑知识》2014,(4):117-117,122
当代社会,民用建筑数量及高度不断增加,随之而来带给设计者更大的困难,尤其是给排水专业设计师,如给水与消防给水的压力分区、加压方式和系统形式,排水体制等方面都有其特点。本文结合具体工程实例,就该高层建筑给水排水工程设计方案进行对比选择,为我国民用高层建筑给排水工程设计者提供参考。  相似文献   

Aerosols are readily transported on airstreams through building sanitary plumbing and sewer systems, and those containing microbial pathogens (known as bioaerosols) are recognized as contributors to infection spread within buildings. When a defect occurs in the sanitary plumbing system that affects the system integrity, a cross-transmission route is created that can enable the emission of bioaerosols from the system into the building. These emission occurrences are characterized as short-burst events (typically <1 min in duration) which make them difficult to detect and predict. The characterization of these emission events is the focus of this research. Two methods were used to characterize bioaerosol emission events in a full-scale test rig: (a) an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) for particle size distribution and concentrations; and (b) a slit-to-agar sampler to enumerate the ingress of a viable tracer microorganism (Pseudomonas putida). The APS data confirmed that most particles (>99.5%) were <5 μm and were therefore considered aerosols. Particles generated within the sanitary plumbing system as a result of a toilet flush leads to emissions into the building during system defect conditions with an equivalence of someone talking loudly for over 6 and a half minutes. There were no particles detected of a size >11 μm anywhere in the system. Particle count was influenced by toilet flush volume, but it was not possible to determine if there was any direct influence from airflow rate since both particle and biological data showed no correlation with upward airflow rates and velocities. Typical emissions resulting from a 6 L toilet flush were in the range of 280–400 particles per second at a concentration of typically 9–12 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 3000 to 4000 particles, whereas the peak emissions from a 1.2 L toilet flush were 60–80 particles per second at a concentration of 2.4–3 number per cm3 and a total particle count in the region of 886 to 1045 particles. The reduction in particles is in direct proportion to the reduction in toilet flush volume. The slit-to-agar sampler was able to provide viable time course CFU data and confirmed the origin of the particles to be the tracer microorganism flushed into the system. The time course data also have characteristics consistent with the unsteady nature of a toilet flush.  相似文献   

The development and implementation of a Fortran computer program called OGSDP to design a least-cost gravity sanitary sewer system are presented. OGSDP is a model that finds the least-cost design for a non-looping, gravity sanitary sewerage system for a given set of design parameters, costs and lay-out. The final design is the least-cost combination of pipe sizes, upstream and downstream invert elevations (of each pipe) and the corresponding manhole sizes. OGSDP respects most Ten States Standards' (1978) design guidelines. OGSDP determines an initial sewer system design using a heuristic procedure, and then improves the design using discrete dynamic programming with successive approximations to obtain the final least-cost design. It is a practical and efficient tool in the design of sanitary sewer systems.  相似文献   

A rapid reaction between free chlorine and the cupric hydroxide [Cu(OH)2] solids commonly found on pipe walls in premise plumbing can convert free chlorine to chloride and rapidly age Cu(OH)2 to tenorite (CuO). This reaction has important practical implications for maintaining free chlorine residuals in premise plumbing, commissioning of new copper pipe systems, and maintaining low levels of copper in potable water. The reaction stoichiometry between chlorine and Cu(OH)2 is consistent with formation of CuO through a metastable Cu(III) intermediate, although definitive mechanistic understanding requires future research. Natural levels of silica in water (0-30 mg/L), orthophosphate, and higher pH interfere with the rate of this reaction.  相似文献   

徐晓波 《山西建筑》2010,36(5):157-158
从管道连接、材料质量、穿墙(板)施工、卫生设备安装、水压试验等方面进行分析,通过全面研究管道安装工程渗漏的原因,制定出相应的渗漏预防措施,进而提出了在管道安装中实施有效的工程质量控制方法。  相似文献   

陈智敏 《建筑科学》2004,20(5):24-25
针对目前住宅厨房卫生间设计的状况,更新思路,改变旧的设计观念,文中对卫生间给水管线暗装布管方式,厨房管道布置方式,管道井的位置,电气设备的位置与预留及各种接口的设计等,提出了新的设计思路,可供设计人员参考。  相似文献   

工业给排水地下管廊是把各种工业给排水管道集中在一起敷设的地下构筑物。地下管廊能充分利用立体空间优势,是给排水综合管线布置的一种有效措施。文章结合冶金行业特点、对地下管廊的分类及特点、管廊主体设计与相关专业的设计、管廊设计中的注意事项等方面进行了系统介绍。  相似文献   

谷志利  李翠娟 《山西建筑》2007,33(23):174-175
就多层住宅建筑给排水设计中给水管材的选用,给排水管道的敷设方式,卫生洁具布置、地漏安装等给排水常见问题进行了探讨,并提出一些具体解决办法,以避免由于管道频繁穿越楼板而引起上下层漏水的现象。  相似文献   

Accumulations of sanitary textile materials often lead to clogging of pumps in the wastewater system. Simulation of clogging phenomena may help to identify means of reducing the risk of clogging. In order to provide realistic initial conditions for clogging simulations, this study characterises textiles in artificial wastewater in the suction pipe to a dry-installed pump at nine different operating points. The textiles are recorded approximately 3.5 pipe diameters from the pump inlet and approximately three pipe diameters from the suction pipe bend at pipe Reynolds numbers in the range 300,000–900,000. Parameters of position, orientation, elongation and projected two-dimensional (2D) area are extracted using image analysis. The resulting parameters from the different operating points are compared using analysis of variance. The results show that the position, orientation and elongation do not change significantly with the operating point, while the projected 2D area decreases with an increased flow.  相似文献   

针对我国城市的高层建筑与小高层建筑二次供水存在的问题,介绍了无负压管网增压稳流供水系统的工作原理、优点与缺点,说明无负压管网增压稳流供水系统是一种节资、节能、卫生、环保的绿色产品.  相似文献   

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