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The binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a wurtzite (WZ) GaN/AlGaN quantum dot (QD) is investigated, including the strong built-in electric field effect due to the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. Numerical results show that the strong built-in electric field induces an asymmetrical distribution of the donor binding energy with respect to the center of the QD. The donor binding energy is insensitive to dot height when the impurity is located at the right boundary of the QD with large dot height.  相似文献   

We study planar waves in a circulating, draining fluid flow, which: (i) exhibit an analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect in Quantum Mechanics; (ii) obey a Klein-Gordon equation on an ‘effective spacetime’ which resembles the Kerr spacetime of General Relativity; and (iii) may be observed in the laboratory using gravity waves in a shallow basin. We describe a modified AB effect which depends on two dimensionless parameters, associated with the circulation α and draining β rates; we call this the ‘αβ effect’. We show that the αβ effect is inherently asymmetric even in the low-frequency limit, and that it leads to novel interference patterns which carry the signature of both rotation and absorption.  相似文献   

C. Filgueiras 《Annals of Physics》2008,323(12):3150-3157
A quantum neutral particle, constrained to move on a conical surface, is used as a toy model to explore bound states due to both a inverse squared distance potential and a δ-function potential, which appear naturally in the model. These pathological potentials are treated with the self-adjoint extension method which yields the correct boundary condition (not necessarily a null wavefunction) at the origin. We show that the usual boundary condition requiring that the wavefunction vanishes at the origin is arbitrary and drastically reduces the number of bound states if used. The situation studied here is closely related to the problem of a dipole moving in conical space.  相似文献   

The mechanism of how the magnetic field controls the critical end point of the first-order valence transition is clarified, which is essentially ascribed to charge degrees of freedom. It is shown that the quantum critical point is induced by applying the magnetic field, which explains a peculiar magnetic response in CeIrIn5 and sharp contrast between X=Ag and Cd for YbXCu4. Significance of the proximity of the first-order valence transition in the Ce- and Yb-based heavy fermions is pointed out.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate the spin accumulation in two parallel coupled quantum dots (QDs) with ferromagnetic and superconducting electrodes. Due to the ferromagnetic lead, the spin accumulation appears on the resonance of Andreev reflection. The spin accumulation in each of the two QDs can be controlled by the gate voltage. The sign of the spin accumulation is also controllable by tuning the bias. Furthermore, tuning the magnetic flux can exchange the amplitude of the spin accumulation in the two QDs. The Aharonov-Bohm oscillation effects also provides a way to control the spin accumulation of each QD.  相似文献   

Jianhua Zhang  Yougui Wang 《Physica A》2009,388(10):2020-2024
By analyzing the data of top 500 Chinese firms from the year 2002 to 2007, we reveal that their revenues and ranks obey the Zipf’s law with exponent of 1 for each year. This result confirms the universality of firm size character which has been presented in many other empirical works, since China possesses a unique ideological and political system. We offer an explanation of it based on a simple economic model which takes production and capital accumulation into account.  相似文献   

We analyse base-pair breathing in a DNA sequence of 12 base-pairs with a defective base at its centre. We use both all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and a system of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In both cases, Fourier analysis of the trajectories reveals self-organised critical behaviour in the breathing of base-pairs. The Fourier Transforms (FTs) of the inter-base distances show power-law behaviour with gradients close to −1. The scale-invariant behaviour we have found provides evidence for the view that base-pair breathing corresponds to the nucleation stage of large-scale DNA opening (or ‘melting’) and that this process is a (second-order) phase transition. Although the random forces in our SDE system were introduced as white noise, FTs of the displacements exhibit pink noise, as do the displacements in the AMBER/MD simulations.  相似文献   

J.S. Høye 《Physica A》2010,389(7):1380-1390
We study time dependent correlation functions of ideal classical and quantum gases using methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics. The basis for this is the path integral formalism of quantum mechanical systems. By this approach the statistical mechanics of a quantum mechanical system becomes the equivalent of a classical polymer problem in four dimensions where imaginary time is the fourth dimension. Several non-trivial results for quantum systems have been obtained earlier by this analogy. Here we will focus upon particle dynamics. First ideal gases are considered. Then interactions, that are assumed weak and of long range, are added, and methods of classical statistical mechanics are applied to obtain the leading contribution. Comparison is performed with known results of kinetic theory. These results demonstrate how methods developed for systems in thermal equilibrium also is applicable outside equilibrium. Thus, more generally, we have reason to expect that these methods will be accurate and useful for other situations of interacting many-body systems consisting of quantized particles too. To indicate so we sketch the computation of the induced Casimir force between parallel plates filled with ions for the situation where the ions are quantized, but the interaction remains electrostatic. Further in this respect we establish expressions for a leading correction to ab initio calculations for the energies of the quantized electrons of molecules. To our knowledge these two latter applications go beyond earlier results.  相似文献   

The ABC effect-an intriguing low-mass enhancement in the ππ invariant mass spectrum-is known from inclusive measurements of two-pion production in nuclear fusion reactions. First exclusive measurements carried out at CELSIUS-WASA for the fusion reactions leading to d or 3He reveal this effect to be a σ-channel phenomenon associated with the formation of a ΔΔ system in the intermediate state and combined with a resonance-like behavior in the total cross-section. Together with the observation that the differential distributions do not change in shape over the resonance region the features fulfill the criteria of an isoscalar s-channel resonance in pn and NNππ systems, if the two emitted nucleons are bound. It obviously is robust enough to survive in nuclei as a dibaryonic resonance configuration. In this context also the phenomenon of NΔ resonances is reexamined.  相似文献   

Anomalous X-ray diffraction was used for the investigation of shape and chemical composition of self-organized PbSe quantum dots covered by PbEuTe capping layers. From reciprocal-space maps of diffracted intensities measured at two energies of the primary radiation, we discriminated the contributions of the dot volumes and the surrounding crystal lattice to the diffracted intensity. We have found that the presence of Eu atoms suppresses the flattening of the dots during their overgrowth.  相似文献   

We investigated the phonon scattering effects on the transport properties of carbon nanotube devices with micron-order lengths at room temperature, using the time-dependent wave-packet approach based on the Kubo formula within a tight-binding approximation. We studied the scattering effects of both the longitudinal acoustic and the optical phonons on the transport properties. The conductance of semiconducting nanotubes is decreased by the acoustic phonon, instead of the optical phonon. Furthermore, we clarified how the electron mobilities of the devices are affected by the acoustic phonon.  相似文献   

Using the effective mass and parabolic band approximations and a variational procedure we have calculated the combined effects of intense laser radiation, hydrostatic pressure, and applied electric field on shallow-donor impurity confined in cylindrical-shaped single and double GaAs-Ga1−xAlxAs QD. Several impurity positions and inputs of the heterostructure dimensions, hydrostatic pressure, and applied electric field have been considered. The laser effects have been introduced by a perturbative scheme in which the Coulomb and the barrier potentials are modified to obtain dressed potentials. Our findings suggest that (1) for on-center impurities in single QD the binding energy is a decreasing function of the dressing parameter and for small dot dimensions of the structures (lengths and radius) the binding energy is more sensitive to the dressing parameter, (2) the binding energy is an increasing/decreasing function of the hydrostatic pressure/applied electric field, (3) the effects of the intense laser field and applied electric field on the binding energy are dominant over the hydrostatic pressure effects, (4) in vertically coupled QD the binding energy for donor impurity located in the barrier region is smaller than for impurities in the well regions and can be strongly modified by the laser radiation, and finally (5) in asymmetrical double QD heterostructures the binding energy as a function of the impurity positions follows a similar behavior to the observed for the amplitude of probability of the noncorrelated electron wave function.  相似文献   

We study the Josephson effect in the superconductor/diffusive half metal/superconductor junctions by using the recursive Green function method. In the presence of spin-flip scatterings at the interface, odd-frequency spin-triplet Cooper pairs penetrate deeply into a half metal and carry Josephson current. The critical Josephson current increases with decreasing temperatures near the transition temperature. At low temperatures, however, the critical current decreases with decreasing temperatures. Such reentrant behavior is unusual in the case of s-wave superconductor junctions. The penetration of odd-frequency pairs modifies quasiparticle density of states in a half metal near the Fermi energy, which is responsible for the nonmonotonic temperature dependence of critical Josephson current.  相似文献   

We explore the pattern of frequency-dependent linear and non-linear optical (NLO) response of one electron quantum dots harmonically confined in two dimensions. For some fixed values of transverse magnetic field strength (ωc), and harmonic confinement potential (ω0), the influence of effective mass (m*) of the system and the symmetry breaking anharmonic interaction on the frequency-dependent linear (α), and the first (β), and second (γ) NLO responses of the dot is computed through linear variational route. The investigation reveals interesting roles played by the anharmonic interaction and effective mass in modulating the response properties.  相似文献   

The magnetoresistance (MR) effect is theoretically investigated in a periodic magnetically modulated nanostructure, which can be realized experimentally by depositing periodic parallel ferromagnetic strips on the top of a heterostructure. We find that there exists a significant conductance difference for electrons through the parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) magnetization configurations, which results in a considerable magnetoresistance effect. We also find that the magnetoresistance effect depends not only on the temperature but also on the number of the periodic magnetic barriers.  相似文献   

The effect of bias voltage on electron tunneling across a junction with a ferroelectric-ferromagnetic composite barrier is investigated theoretically. Because of the inversion symmetry breaking of the spontaneous ferroelectric polarization, bias voltage dependence of the electron tunneling shows significant differences between the positive bias and the negative one. The differences of spin filtering or tunnel magnetoresistance increase with the increasing absolute value of bias voltage. Such direction preferred electron tunneling is found intimately related with the unusual asymmetry of the electrical potential profile in two-phase composite barrier and provides a unique change to realize rectifying functions in spintronics.  相似文献   

The percolation under Quantum Hall Effect conditions in inhomogeneous medium has been studied. The lower and upper bound possible values for effective Hall conductivity values have been established. It has been shown that these bound values for Hall conductivity differ from bound values for metal conductivity. It comes from unusual character of current percolation under Quantum Hall Effect conditions. The physical sense of obtained results has been discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated magnetic properties of Co clusters coated with CO molecules by first-principles density functional calculations. Total magnetic moment of the system decreases with the increase of CO molecule concentration regardless of adsorption sites for CO molecules. Spin polarization slightly increases as CO molecules are adsorbed on the most stable sites of Co cluster, which is caused by the increased local spin polarization of p-electrons due to charge transfer from Co clusters to CO molecules.  相似文献   

A proximity effect in an s-wave superconductor/ferromagnet (SC/F) junction is theoretically studied using the second order perturbation theory for the tunneling Hamiltonian and Green's function method. We calculate a pair amplitude induced by the proximity effect in a weak ferromagnetic metal (FM) and a half-metal (HM). In the SC/FM junction, it is found that a spin-singlet pair amplitude (Ψs) and spin-triplet pair amplitude (Ψt) are induced in FM and both amplitudes depend on the frequency in the Matsubara representation. Ψs is an even function and Ψt is an odd function with respect to the Matsubara frequency (ωn). In the SC/HM junction, we examine the proximity effects by taking account of magnon excitations in HM. It is found that the triplet-pair correlation is induced in HM. The induced pair amplitude in HM shows a damped oscillation as a function of the position and contains the terms of even and odd functions of ωn as in the case of the SC/FM junction. We discuss that in our tunneling model the pair amplitude of even function of ωn only contributes to a Josephson current.  相似文献   

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