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郭辉  赵宁  张淑艳 《航空动力学报》2014,29(11):2743-2750
介绍了采用碟形砂轮磨削面齿轮的原理及过程,研究了齿廓包络和齿宽包络两种包络方式产生包络残差的机理.分别建立了两种加工方式下包络残差的计算模型和方法,并研究了所产生包络残差的特点.通过数值算例分析了包络过程中刀具周向进给角度、齿宽方向进给量以及碟形砂轮外径对齿面包络残差的影响规律.计算结果表明:齿宽包络比齿廓包络具有更高的效率.进行了以齿廓包络方式的面齿轮磨齿加工实验,当刀具周向进给角度分别取为2°,1°,0.5°及0.2°时,齿面表面粗糙度逐渐明显提高,齿面磨削加工印痕的数目和方向与包络仿真计算结果一致.初步证明根据包络残差计算结果选取合适的进给量参数,可以保证面齿轮磨齿加工的表面粗糙度水平并能提高加工效率.   相似文献   

根据面齿轮专用磨齿机的机械结构,提出了偏置曲线修整方法,设计了砂轮修整装置,并运用VERICUT软件进行修整加工仿真.推导了含各类修整误差情况下面齿轮的齿面方程表达式,并运用MATLAB软件生成了齿面误差云图,为修整过程的误差补偿提供了理论参考.最后进行了磨削及检测试验,将检测结果与误差云图对比,分析可能产生这种误差的原因,并在修整过程中进行误差补偿,使齿面最大法向误差值减少了31.14%,面齿轮齿形精度得到了提高.   相似文献   

基于成形磨削的几何原理和机床运动学原理,提出了斜齿轮副的一种分段拓扑修形方法.通过改变齿顶和齿根处渐开线的发生线长度实现齿廓分段修形;给砂轮附加一个抛物线+直线的径向进给运动实现齿向分段修形.推导出基于成形磨削过程中拓扑修形齿面的计算公式,对修形齿面的边界进行了划分,建立成形磨齿机各伺服轴的运动方程.根据齿面的数值模拟结果,在五轴数控(CNC)成形磨齿机上进行磨削加工与在机拓扑测量,验证了成形法实现齿面拓扑修形的可行性. 对给定转速和负载工况下的齿轮箱进行加载试验,齿轮箱振动能量级幅值下降0.008dB,噪声减小约2dB.研究表明分段拓扑修形有利于降低齿轮传动振动和噪声.   相似文献   

In this article, a grinding force model, which is on the basis of cutting process of single abrasive grains combined with the method of theoretical derivation and empirical formula by analyzing the formation mechanism of grinding force, was established. Three key factors have been taken into accounts in this model, such as the contact friction force between abrasive grains and materials, the plastic deformation of material in the process of abrasive plowing, and the shear strain effect of material during the process of cutting chips formation. The model was finally validated by the orthogonal grinding experiment of powder metallurgy nickel-based superalloy FGH96 by using the electroplated CBN abrasive wheel. Grinding force values of prediction and experiment were in good consistency. The errors of tangential grinding force and normal grinding force were 9.8% and 13.6%, respectively. The contributions of sliding force, plowing force and chip formation force were also analyzed. In addition, the tangential forces of sliding, plowing and chip formation are 14%, 19% and 11% of the normal forces on average, respectively. The pro-posed grinding force model is not only in favor of optimizing the grinding parameters and improving grinding efficiency, but also contributes to study some other grinding subjects (e.g. abrasive wheel wear, grinding heat, residual stress).  相似文献   

As for ultra-precision grinding of difficult-to-process thin-walled complex components with ball-end grinding wheels, interference is easy to occur. According to screw theory and grinding kinematics, a mathematical model is established to investigate the interference and grinding characteristics of the ball-end wheel. The relationship between grinding wheel inclination angle, C axis rotation angle, grinding position angle and grinding wheel wear are analyzed. As the grinding wheel inclination angle increases, the C axis rotatable range decreases and the grinding position angle increases. The grinding position angle and wheel radius wear show a negative correlation with the C axis rotation angle. Therefore, a trajectory planning criteria for increasing grinding speed as much as possible under the premise of avoiding interference is proposed to design the grinding trajectory. Then grinding point distribution on the ball-end wheel is calculated, and the grinding characteristics, grinding speed and maximum undeformed chip thickness, are investigated. Finally, a complex structural component can be ground without interference, and surface roughness and profile accuracy are improved to 40.2 nm and 0.399 μm, compared with 556 nm and 3.427 μm before ultra-precision grinding. The mathematical model can provide theoretical guidance for the analysis of interference and grinding characteristics in complex components grinding to improve its grinding quality.  相似文献   

直升机起落架轮轴表面喷涂碳化钨涂层后可提高轮轴的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,但是受超声速火焰喷涂工艺方法的限制,喷涂碳化钨的轮轴必须通过磨削工艺保证表面质量和尺寸精度,然而轮轴的弱加工刚性和涂层的高耐磨性导致磨削过程中易产生让刀、颤刀等现象,造成零件磨削质量不合格。首先采用正交试验法研究四种精磨工艺参数对于磨削表面粗糙度的影响;然后研究装夹工具和磨削策略对于零件圆柱度的影响;最后加工并收集15 件轮轴的各段外圆尺寸并计算其过程能力指数。结果表明:选择高砂轮线速度、小切深以及适中的砂轮轴向进给速度与工件线速度可以获得粗糙度为0.4 μm 的零件表面,增加装夹工具的夹持长度和刚性并采用“粗磨—精磨—光磨”策略可保证零件外圆的圆柱度不大于0.01 mm。轮轴过程能力指数的计算结果不小于1.33,验证了整个磨削工艺的可靠性与稳定性。  相似文献   

针对内斜齿轮数控成形磨削中较难解决的磨削干涉问题,研究了内斜齿轮成形磨削的砂轮修形方法.在建立内斜齿轮成形磨削数学模型的基础上,用截圆法得到磨削内斜齿轮时砂轮与齿槽接触点所满足的条件方程组,通过牛顿迭代法解此方程组求出砂轮廓形.用数值法模拟出所求砂轮的实际磨削齿形并与理论渐开线齿形作比较,以检验磨削是否干涉及砂轮半径和安装角的选取是否正确.基于 Visual C++ 6.0 编制内斜齿轮砂轮修形及误差分析软件,通过仿真正确选择砂轮安装角、砂轮半径,并输出数控砂轮修整程序.最后通过磨削和检测实例,验证了理论的正确性和软件的可行性.   相似文献   

Nickel-based alloy has been widely used due to its outstanding mechanical properties.However, Nickel-based alloy is a typical difficult-to-machine material, which is a great constrain for its application in the manufacturing field. To improve the surface quality of the ground workpiece, a new high-shear and low-pressure grinding wheel, with high ratio of tangential grinding force to normal grinding force, was fabricated for the grinding of selective laser melting(SLM) manufactured Inconel718 all...  相似文献   

渐开线碟形砂轮磨削面齿轮数控加工研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进行面齿轮数控精密加工,提出了一种渐开线碟形砂轮磨削面齿轮加工方法.根据面齿轮成形过程及磨削加工原理,推导了渐开线碟形砂轮磨削面齿轮齿面方程,进行了面齿轮磨削加工机床设计,给出了基于机床结构的面齿轮磨削加工方法,进行了磨削加工过程中的啮合点刀位计算;借助VERICUT软件进行了面齿轮数控磨削加工仿真,最后进行了面齿轮磨削加工试验,通过对面齿轮齿面进行检测,得到齿面偏差最大值为-10.1~12.1μm,结果验证了渐开线碟形砂轮磨削加工面齿轮方法的正确性.   相似文献   

王鹏  王莹  汪鼎  田莹 《航空工程进展》2018,9(3):388-395
磨齿加工时齿坯几何中心与回转工作台轴心存在安装偏心误差,降低了磨齿加工精度。以数控成型砂轮磨齿机工作原理为基础,建立偏心误差磨削加工几何模型;提出安装偏心误差补偿法,建立偏心误差补偿数学模型,通过数学模型求出磨削砂轮在X、Y两个方向的进给补偿增量;以YK73125数控成型砂轮磨齿机为例,进行安装偏心误差补偿实验,齿轮的左右齿面单个齿距极限偏差绝对值分别减小了0.9μm和1.6μm,齿距累积总偏差绝对值分别减小了49.6μm和43.3μm。结果表明:安装偏心误差与单个齿距偏差和齿距累积总偏差成正比;采用安装偏心误差补偿进行磨齿加工,有效地减小了单个齿距偏差和齿距累积总偏差,齿轮的精度有所提高。  相似文献   

考虑面齿轮实际齿面的加工误差客观存在的基础上,采用一种迭代方法建立测量坐标系,使得测量坐标系尽量接近设计坐标系,并根据加工误差对测量坐标系与设计坐标系之间关系的数学模型进行约束,从而实现精确求解。在此基础上,建立了实测点与理论测量点之间的数学模型,并由此补偿加工误差引起的相关测量误差。最后进行实际测量实验,结果显示本方法的测量坐标系与设计坐标系之间的误差相比于传统方法降低了89%以上,最大测量偏差降低了54%以上,测量结果更加真实可靠。  相似文献   

Profiled monolayer cBN wheel was induction brazed for grinding of titanium dovetail slot in this study. Aimed at acquiring a uniform temperature distribution along the profiled surface and reducing the thermal deformation of the brazed wheel, a finite element model was established to investigate the temperature uniformity during induction brazing. A suitable induction coil and the related working parameters were designed and chosen based on the simulation results. Ag-Cu-Ti alloy and cBN grains were applied in the induction brazing experiment. The results showed geometric deformation of the brazed wheel was no more than 0.01 mm and chemical reaction layer were found on the brazed joint interface. Further validation tests were carried out by grinding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Compared to the electroplated wheel, the brazed wheel showed better performance such as low specific grinding energy and good ground quality in grinding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Abrasion wear was found to be the main failure mode for the induction brazed wheel, while adhesion and grains pull-out were the main failure mode for the electroplated wheel.  相似文献   

未修形直齿锥齿轮啮合时为线接触,为减小两齿面啮合对安装误差敏感性,对主动轮齿面采用鼓形修形,改变刨刀运动轨迹进行齿向抛物线修形、改变瞬时滚比进行齿廓修形,从而实现两齿面点接触啮合.为进一步降低安装误差的敏感性,以齿廓、齿向修形系数为优化变量,减小接触迹线上啮合点的差曲面高斯曲率波动,同时增大参考点的差曲面高斯曲率值,降低安装误差敏感性;为避免齿面接触应力过大,控制参考点的差曲面主曲率,保证瞬时接触椭圆的长度不小于齿宽的1/3.算例分析及加工和滚检实验显示:经过优化设计后的修形齿面安装误差敏感性较低,总轴向错位量和总轴向分离量分别达到法向模数的30%,齿面印痕仍具有较好的稳定性.   相似文献   

Too high grinding force will lead to a large increase in specific grinding energy, resulting in high temperature in grinding zone, especially for the aerospace difficult cutting metal materials,seriously affecting the surface quality and accuracy. At present, the theoretical models of grinding force are mostly based on the assumption of uniform or simplified morphological characteristics of grains, which is inconsistent with the actual grains. Especially for non-engineering grinding wheel,most g...  相似文献   

成型砂轮在高频感应钎焊过程中存在温度分布不均匀导致钎焊质量无法满足使用要求,这是长期困扰超硬磨料砂轮高频感应钎焊技术的难题。针对该问题,提出温度均匀性的表征方法,以温度均匀度和平均温度为响应值,基于有限元仿真数据获得了响应曲面法模型。基于该模型,采用方差分析成型砂轮感应钎焊温度均匀性的影响因素显著程度由大到小依次为加热间隙、感应电流、导磁体长度。以平均温度值和温度均匀度为优化目标,基于响应曲面法优化线圈结构和工艺参数,开展了感应加热试验,证明响应曲面法模型优化结果的误差在6.94%以内。高频感应钎焊的成型立方氮化硼(cubic boron nitride,CBN)砂轮宏观形貌显示,钎料在成型面各处铺展的一致性好,表明钎焊过程中在成型面的温度分布具有较好的均匀性。  相似文献   

To improve the bonding strength between the nickel bond and the hub of the electroplated diamond grinding wheel, a hybrid technique was proposed to combine laser pre-quenching steel substrate and post-electroplating nickel. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed technique, AISI 1045 substrate was nickel-coated. The bonding properties between the electroplated nickel coating and substrate with or without laser-discrete-quenching were discussed comparatively by scratch, indentation, and thermal shock tests. The results show that the pre-quenching treatment leads to phase transformation of AISI 1045 microstructure from the mixed pearlite and ferrite phases into the martensitic phase. Since the martensitic phase is characterized as a high corrosion resistance, the interface of substrate/coating is smooth and flat in the pre-quenched zone, and the coating is bonded well with the steel substrate. In contrast to the steel substrate without pre-quenching treatment, the proposed technique significantly enhanced the bonding strengths of the electroplated nickel-coating. On one hand, the average hardness of electroplated nickel-coating on the laser pre-quenched zone is increased by 18.7%, and the scratch depth with the same load become narrower and shallower. On the other hand, the coefficient of friction (CoF) and the vibration amplitude are reduced, and the coating is bonded effectively with the substrate to inhibit the crack initialization at the interface. This prevents effectively the coating from peeling off and improves significantly the thermal shock resistance property.  相似文献   

基于承载传动误差幅值最小的斜齿轮齿面修形优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了减小振动与噪声,提出了以承载传动误差幅值最小为优化目标的修形齿面设计方法:通过两段曲线与一段直线分别设计齿廓、齿向、三维修形(齿廓与齿向修形的叠加)修形曲线,通过三次B样条拟合了相应的修形曲面,与理论齿面叠加构造了斜齿轮修形齿面,推导了其法矢,将斜齿轮修形技术与承载接触分析技术结合起来,采用遗传算法对修形曲线参数进行优化,编制了一套齿面修形优化分析程序,能对修形后的斜齿轮副进行齿面接触分析(TCA)、承载接触分析(LTCA).结果表明:无修形齿轮副的传动误差幅值随载荷增加而增大,修形后随载荷的增加重合度逐渐增大,幅值会产生波动,然后保持稳定,为斜齿轮修形齿面优化设计提供了新的方法.   相似文献   

孙小娟  刘波  贾宏光 《航空动力学报》2009,24(11):2538-2544
对最高转速7000 r/min的3N·m·s偏置动量轮轮体综合其静动态特性建立结构优化数学模型,进行优化设计.依据人工材料变密度法,对轮体进行三维静动态拓扑优化,得到趋于4根工字梁辐条结构的概念模型;并提出工字梁与矩形辐条两种模型,采用ANSYS零阶方法分别进行尺寸优化,所得体积均为1.51×10-4m3,但工字梁辐条轮体一阶弹性频率(1468.0 Hz)高于矩形辐条轮体(1413.5 Hz),结构更优,进而验证了拓扑优化结果的合理性.研究方法对减小设计质量、降低轮体振动水平等具有借鉴作用.   相似文献   

根据回转对称曲面的特点,利用轨迹包络的原理建立了一种光学曲面磨削的数学模型;分析砂轮半径误差和砂轮定位误差对回转对称光学曲面面形精度的影响;针对回转对称曲面建立了误差模型,将砂轮半径误差和砂轮定位误差进行分离和辨识;利用误差补偿机制补偿磨削过程中砂轮半径误差和砂轮定位误差,提高了回转对称曲面精度;在自主研发的磨床上通过实验验证了这种误差补偿机制的有效性。  相似文献   

Ni3Al-based superalloy IC10 is widely used in high temperature components of aero-engines because of its superior mechanical properties. In this paper, the creep feed grinding properties of IC10 were investigated experimentally. The effects of grinding parameters on the grinding forces and temperature were examined. Moreover, the influences of surface roughness and hardening on the high-cycle fatigue life of IC10 specimens were studied. To control the creep feed grinding parameters and enhance the fatigue life of IC10 components, the experimental results were summarized to offer a useful reference point. It is concluded that, the grinding depth is the most important factor which influencing the grinding forces and temperature; the surface roughness is the main and unfavorable factor on the fatigue life of IC10, while the surface hardening has a positive influence on the fatigue life; to obtain a better surface quality and improve the fatigue life of IC 10, the recommended grinding parameter domain involves wheel speed ∈ [15, 20] m/s, feed rate ∈ [150, 200] mm/min, and grinding depth ∈ [0.4, 0.5] mm.  相似文献   

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