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The general transcription factors of RNA polymerase II   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

BACKGROUND: The four members of the INK4 gene family (p16(INK4a), p15(INK4b), p18(INK4c) and p19(INK4d)) inhibit the closely related cyclin-dependent kinases CDK4 and CDK6 as part of the regulation of the G1-->S transition in the cell-division cycle. Loss of INK4 gene product function, particularly that of p16(INK4a), is found in 10-60% of human tumors, suggesting that broadly applicable anticancer therapies might be based on restoration of p16(INK4a) CDK inhibitory function. Although much less frequent, defects of p19(INK4d) have also been associated with human cancer (osteosarcomas). The protein structures of some INK4 family members, determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray techniques, have begun to clarify the functional role of p16(INK4a) and the dysfunction introduced by the mutations associated with human tumors. RESULTS: The crystal structure of human p19(INK4d) has been determined at 1.8 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement methods. The fold of p19(INK4d) produces an oblong molecule comprising five approximately 32-residue ankyrin-like repeats. The architecture of the protein demonstrates the high structural similarity within the INK4 family. Comparisons to other ankyrin-repeat-containing proteins (GABPbeta, 53BP2 and myotrophin) show similar structures with comparable hydrogen-bonding patterns and hydrophobic interactions. Such comparisons highlight the splayed beta-loop geometry that is specific to INK4 inhibitors. This geometry is the result of a modified ankyrin structure in the second repeat. CONCLUSIONS: Among the INK4 inhibitors, the highest amino acid sequence conservation is found in the helical stacks; this conservation creates a conserved beta-loop geometry specific to INK4 inhibitors. Therefore, in addition to models which predict that the conserved helix alpha6 is responsible for CDK inhibition, a binding mode whereby the loops of INK4 proteins bind to the CDKs should also be considered. A similar loop-based interaction is seen in the complex formed between the ankyrin-repeat-containing protein GABPbeta and_GABPalpha. This mode of binding would be consistent with the observation that p16(INK4a) is sensitive to deleterious mutations found throughout this tumor suppressor protein; these mutations probably destabilize the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors known as p15, p16, p18 and p19 have been suggested as candidates for tumor suppressor genes. The main genetic alterations are deletions (bi- or monoallelic) or 5' CpG island methylation of p15 and p16; very few cases or cell lines had p18 or p19 deletions or hypermethylation. Hypermethylation and homozygous deletions of tumor suppressor genes establish a new paradigm of inactivation by lack of expression, in contrast to the previously identified tumor suppressors which are predominantly inactivated by point mutations followed by loss of the wild-type allele. Here, the literature data on alterations of this gene family in more than 4700 primary cases of leukemia or lymphoma and some 320 continuous leukemia-lymphoma cell lines are summarized. Among hematopoietic malignancies, the highest frequencies of p15del and p16del were seen in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (>30%) with striking rates in T-ALL (>50%), but also high rates in B cell precursor (BCP)-ALL (>20%); the rates of deletions in chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), multiple myeloma, acute and chronic myeloid leukemia (AML and CML), and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) were rather low, only some B cell and T cell lymphomas showed increased frequencies. Results are quite different with regard to the second mode of inactivation, hypermethylation of the promoter region. Here, p15 is most often inactivated, at particularly high frequencies in the disorders lacking any p15/p16 deletions: 40-80% p15met in AML, MDS and multiple myeloma. Also p15met rates in BCP- and T-ALL cases were high (c. 40%). There is controversy concerning the prognostic impact of p15 and p16 aberrations with some studies describing a significant correlation between inactivation of these genes and poor prognosis, while most others did not detect any prognostic relevance, at least in pediatric ALL; there may be a worse prognosis for adults with B or T cell lymphomas. Despite the small number of cases studied, paired sequential analyses suggested that disease progression is associated with loss of p15/p16 activity in a certain percentage of adult patients. p15del/p16del and p15met/p16met were also detected in the large panel of leukemia-lymphoma cell lines studied. In general, the results in cell lines reproduce the data seen in primary cells with the important difference that the rates of p15/p16 inactivation are clearly higher in the cultured cells compared with the freshly explanted cells. Retrovirus- or electroporation-mediated ectopic gene transfer of p16 wild-type into p16-deficient cell lines led to growth inhibition, arrest in G1 (without apoptosis) and occasionally to differentiation, suggesting that the malignant phenotype of p16-/- cell lines can, at least partially, be reversed by restoring p16 gene expression. A striking inverse correlation between the absence of p16 (due to deletion) and presence of wild-type retinoblastoma gene was observed in cell lines confirming a common growth suppressor pathway; no comparable relationship of p16 inactivation with p53 was detected. Paired analysis of cell lines and corresponding primary cell material showed that in all instances tested both populations carried the same gene configuration of p15 and p16. Thus, p15del or p16del did not occur during establishment of the cell lines or during prolonged culture. It is likely that p15 or p16 deletions already acquired in vivo provide a dramatic growth advantage for the immortalization process in vitro, thus increasing the success rate for cell line establishment which is commonly extremely difficult. In conclusion, the present review suggests an involvement of the p15 and p16 tumor suppressor genes in leukemo- and lymphomagenesis. Future studies will determine their exact role in the development and progression of hematopoietic neoplasms. These genes may represent interesting targets for new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The recently discovered p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes encoding cell cycle regulating proteins, map to a region on chromosome 9p21 that is commonly deleted in a variety of malignant diseases. The p16INK4 gene has now been shown to be a tumor suppressor gene. It is frequently inactivated in cancer and is possibly the second most often mutated gene in human malignant disease after p53. The role of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes in hematologic malignancies has been the subject of intense investigation since their discovery. In this review we address the function and possible role in tumorigenesis of the p15INK4B and p16INK4 genes and discuss their significance as prognostic markers in hematologic malignancies.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported that protein intake at the level of dietary protein allowance for Japanese adults, i.e. 1.08 g/kg per day, was enough for recommended daily exercise. However, whether or not recommended daily exercise increases the protein requirement for young adults has not been examined. In this study, we investigated the effect of recommended daily exercise on the protein requirement under an isoenergetic state by a nitrogen balance method. After an adaptation period of 3 days, 12 healthy college students exercised for 10 days with a non-exercise control period of 10 days before or after the exercise period. They were given a maintenance level of energy and 0.64 g/kg per day of high-quality mixed proteins, estimated as the average protein requirement for adults by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, throughout the experimental period. They performed treadmill running during the exercise period at about 65% of VO2 max for 25 or 40 min/d, which expended 200 or 300 kcal of extra energy, respectively. Although the exercise increased the dermal nitrogen loss, a compensatory decrease in urinary nitrogen excretion was observed. Consequently, the exercises (200 and 300 kcal/d) did not significantly affect the nitrogen balance. These findings indicate that the recommended amount of daily exercise does not change the protein requirement.  相似文献   

So-called sulfur-turf microbial mats, which are macroscopic white filaments or bundles consisting of large sausage-shaped bacteria and elemental sulfur particles, occur in sulfide-containing hot springs in Japan. However, no thermophiles from sulfur-turf mats have yet been isolated as cultivable strains. This study was undertaken to determine the phylogenetic positions of the sausage-shaped bacteria in sulfur-turf mats by direct cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes amplified from the bulk DNAs of the mats. Common clones with 16S rDNA sequences with similarity levels of 94.8 to 99% were isolated from sulfur-turf mat samples from two geographically remote hot springs. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the phylotypes of the common clones formed a major cluster with members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex, which represents the most deeply branching lineage of the domain bacteria. Furthermore, the bacteria of the sulfur-turf mat phylotypes formed a clade distinguishable from that of other members of the Aquifex-Hydrogenobacter complex at the order or subclass level. In situ hybridization with clone-specific probes for 16S rRNA revealed that the common phylotype of sulfur-turf mat bacteria is that of the predominant sausage-shaped bacteria.  相似文献   

The largest subunit of RNA polymerase II contains a unique C-terminal domain (CTD) consisting of tandem repeats of the consensus heptapeptide sequence Tyr1-Ser2-Pro3-Thr4-Ser5-Pro6-Ser7. Two forms of the largest subunit can be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The faster migrating form termed IIA contains little or no phosphate on the CTD, whereas the slower migrating II0 form is multiply phosphorylated. CTD kinases with different phosphoryl acceptor specificities are able to convert IIA to II0 in vitro, and different phosphoisomers have been identified in vivo. In this paper we report the binding specificities of a set of monoclonal antibodies that recognize different phosphoepitopes on the CTD. Monoclonal antibodies like H5 recognize phosphoserine in position 2, whereas monoclonal antibodies like H14 recognize phosphoserine in position 5. The relative abundance of these phosphoepitopes changes when growing yeast enter stationary phase or are heat-shocked. These results indicate that phosphorylation of different CTD phosphoacceptor sites are independently regulated in response to environmental signals.  相似文献   

A nuclear protein kinase, designated NII, was purified essentially to homogeneity from the Morris hepatoma 3924A. In the presence of excess Mg2+, phosphorylation of casein by the kinase was stimulated by spermine (1-5 mM) and was inhibited completely by 0.1 microgram/ml heparin. The apparent Km for casein was reduced in the presence of spermine. Spermine preferentially augmented phosphorylation of threonine residues. The kinase was also associated with highly purified RNA polymerase I and appears to correspond to two polypeptides (Mr 42,000 and 24,600) of the polymerase. RNA polymerase I polypeptides of Mr 120,000 (S2), Mr 65,000 (S3) and Mr 24,600 (S5) were phosphorylated by the endogenous kinase. Spermine enhanced phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase I subunits as much as 20-fold. Phosphorylation activated RNA polymerase I; the phosphorylated enzyme synthesized longer product with no apparent effect on the number of RNA chains initiated.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylates the regulatory light chains of smooth muscle and cytoplasmic myosin II at three known sites: S1, S2, and T9 [Ikebe, M., Hartshorne, D. J., & Elzinga, M. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9569-9573]. Phosphorylation at these sites inhibits the actomyosin ATPase and inhibits phosphorylation of S19 on the regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) [Nishikawa, M., Sellers, J. R., Adelstein, R. S., & Hidaka, H. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 8808-8814]. To compare the effects of phosphorylation at a subset of PKC sites on the rate of MLCK phosphorylation, we substituted alanines for the known PKC phosphorylation sites in the Xenopus regulatory light chain (XRLC). PKC phosphorylation of S1A/S2A/T9A revealed secondary phosphorylation sites at T7 and T10, which are accessible both on isolated S1A/S2A/T9A and S1A/S2A/T9A-myosin hybrids. Apparent kinetic constants were determined for MLCK phosphorylation of WT XRLC and XRLC mutants: T9A, S1A/S2A, S1A/S2A/T9A, and T7A/T9A/T10A. PKC prephosphorylation of S1/2 had no effect on the rate of MLCK phosphorylation, while PKC prephosphorylation of T7/9/10 inhibited MLCK phosphorylation due to a 6-fold increase in Km. Our results suggest that phosphorylation of RLC S1/2 as observed in vivo may not be responsible for an inhibition of MLCK phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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