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K–Ar clay fraction ages of brittle faults often vary with grain size, decreasing in the finer size fractions, producing an inclined age–grain‐size spectrum. K–Ar ages and mineralogical characterization of gouges from two normal faults in the Kongsberg silver mines, southern Norway, suggest that inclined spectra derived from brittle fault rocks reflect the mixing of inherited components with authigenic mineral phases. The ages of the coarsest and finest fractions constrain faulting at c. 260–270 Ma and reactivation around 200–210 Ma, respectively. This study demonstrates how wall‐rock contamination influences the K–Ar age of the coarsest size fractions and that authigenic illite and K‐feldspar can crystallize synkinematically under equivalent conditions and thus yield the same K–Ar ages.  相似文献   

While the offshore post‐Caledonian extensional history of the north Norwegian passive margin is well constrained, the tectonic relationship between onshore and offshore regions is less clear because of limited age constraints on the timing of rifting onshore. 40Ar/39Ar dating of K‐feldspar from hydrothermally altered fault rocks in a Precambrian gneiss complex in northern Norway was used to study the timing of extensional faulting onshore. In addition, 40Ar/39Ar dating of K‐feldspar from the host rock provided insight into the regional rock cooling history prior to brittle deformation. Results indicated a dominant Late Permian–Early Triassic (~265–244 Ma) faulting event and found no evidence for later reactivation, which has been documented offshore. The region cooled to below the closure temperature for 40Ar/39Ar K‐feldspar in the Carboniferous to Early Permian, prior to the main brittle faulting event. 40Ar/39Ar dating of fault zone K‐feldspar products provided a means to date brittle faulting events.  相似文献   

Movement within the Earth’s upper crust is commonly accommodated by faults or shear zones, ranging in scale from micro-displacements to regional tectonic lineaments. Since faults are active on different time scales and can be repeatedly reactivated, their displacement chronology is difficult to reconstruct. This study represents a multi-geochronological approach to unravel the evolution of an intracontinental fault zone locality along the Danube Fault, central Europe. At the investigated fault locality, ancient motion has produced a cataclastic deformation zone in which the cataclastic material was subjected to hydrothermal alteration and K-feldspar was almost completely replaced by illite and other phyllosilicates. Five different geochronological techniques (zircon Pb-evaporation, K–Ar and Rb–Sr illite, apatite fission track and fluorite (U-Th)/He) have been applied to explore the temporal fault activity. The upper time limit for initiation of faulting is constrained by the crystallization age of the primary rock type (known as “Kristallgranit”) at 325 ± 7 Ma, whereas the K–Ar and Rb–Sr ages of two illite fractions <2 μm (266–255 Ma) are interpreted to date fluid infiltration events during the final stage of the cataclastic deformation period. During this time, the “Kristallgranit” was already at or near the Earth’s surface as indicated by the sedimentary record and thermal modelling results of apatite fission track data. (U–Th)/He thermochronology of two single fluorite grains from a fluorite–quartz vein within the fault zone yield Cretaceous ages that clearly postdate their Late-Variscan mineralization age. We propose that later reactivation of the fault caused loss of helium in the fluorites. This assertion is supported by geological evidence, i.e. offsets of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments along the fault and apatite fission track thermal modelling results are consistent with the prevalence of elevated temperatures (50–80°C) in the fault zone during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Weckström, J., Seppä, H. & Korhola, A. 2010: Climatic influence on peatland formation and lateral expansion in sub‐arctic Fennoscandia. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 761–769. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00168.x. ISSN 0300‐9843. The initiation and lateral expansion patterns of five small sub‐arctic peatlands in the Fennoscandian tree‐line region were studied by 21 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C‐dated basal‐peat samples representing three to six dates per site. The radiocarbon dates were converted to calendar years and are based on the median probability. When combined with earlier basal‐peat dates from the region, four distinctive periods can be observed in the cumulative record of the dates. The early Holocene, from c. 10 000 to 8000 cal. yr BP, was characterized by the fast initiation and rapid expansion of peatlands, whereas at 8000–4000 cal. yr BP lateral expansion was modest. The most intensive period of peatland expansion occurred at the beginning of the late Holocene at c. 4000 to 3000 cal. yr BP, after which it slowed down towards the present. All these periods are in rough agreement with the main Holocene climatic periods in the area, namely the relatively warm and moist early Holocene, the warm and dry Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) at 8000–4000 cal. yr BP, and the start of the cooler and moister trend (neoglacial cooling) from c. 4000 cal. yr BP to the present, indicating a broad‐scale climatic control on the lateral growth of sub‐arctic peatlands in Fennoscandia. In order to study the lateral expansion of peatlands and to evaluate their Holocene succession patterns, more studies based on multiple dates from the same peatland are needed.  相似文献   

The amphibolite facies grade North Qinling metamorphic unit forms the centre of the Qinling orogenic belt. Results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and biotite dating reveal its Palaeozoic tectonic history. U-Pb zircon dating of migmatitic orthogneiss and granite dykes constrains the age of two possible stages of migmatization at 517 ± 14 Ma and 445 ± 4.6 Ma. A subsequent granite intrusion occurred at 417 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of amphibole ranging from 397 ± 33 Ma to 432 ± 3.4 Ma constrain the cooling of the Qinling complex below ca. 540 °C and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages at about 330–368 Ma below ca. 300 °C. The ages are used to construct a cooling history with slow/non-exhumation during 517– 445 Ma, a time-integrated cooling at a rate < 2.5 °C/Ma during the period of 445–410 Ma, an acceleration of cooling at a rate of 8 °C/Ma from 397 Ma to 368 Ma, and subsequently slow/non-cooling from 368 to 330 Ma. The data show a significant delay in exhumation after peak metamorphic conditions and a long period of tectonic quiescence after the suturing of the North China and South China blocks along the Shangdan suture. These relationships exclude classical exhumation models of formation and exhumation of metamorphic cores in orogens, which all imply rapid cooling after peak conditions of metamorphism.  相似文献   

We propose a deformation dating method that combines XRD quantification and Ar chronology of submicroscopic illite to determine the absolute ages of folds that contain clay-bearing layers. Two folds in the frontal segment of the Mexican Fold-Thrust Belt (MFTB), which was deformed from Late Cretaceous to Eocene, are used to illustrate the method and its future potential.Variations in mineral composition, illite-polytype, crystallite-size (CS) and Ar total gas ages were analyzed in the limbs and hinge of two mesoscopic folds. This analysis examines potential effects of strain variation on illitization and the Ar isotopic system along folded layers, versus possible regional thermal overprints. The Ar total-gas ages for 9 samples in Fold 1 vary between 48.4 and 43.9 Ma. The % of 2M1 (detrital) illite vs. Ar total-gas ages tightly constrains the age of folding at 43.5 ± 0.3 Ma. Nine ages from three samples in Fold 2 range from 76.2 to 62.7 Ma, which results in a folding age of 63.9 ± 2.2 Ma. Both ages are in excellent agreement with more broadly constrained stratigraphic timing. The method offers a novel approach to radiometric dating of clay-bearing folds formed at very low-grade metamorphic conditions, and has the potential to constrain dates and rates of regional and local deformation along and across foreland orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The homogeneity and Ar‐dating suitability of the GL‐O reference material were re‐evaluated to determine whether this material is sufficiently homogeneous to be suitable for the calibration of modern high sensitivity instruments. Based on new micro‐analyses and noble gas determinations, our contribution reveals several kinds of inhomogeneity at the grain scale: disparity in the glauconitisation among and within the pellets, variable occurrence of a phosphatic component within pellets (1% m/m on average), and rare occurrences of calcite and detrital grains. Measurements on test portions of ≤ 1 mg reflect such heterogeneity with variability in 40Ar* content that exceeds analytical uncertainty, including a few highly anomalous values. The lesser evolved glauconite population yielded 40Ar* contents ~ 15% lower than the value of 24.8 nl g?1 recommended by Odin et al. (1982, Numerical dating in stratigraphy. Wiley (Chichester, UK), 123–148). But the measured concentrations of 40Ar* converge towards the aforementioned value as test portion mass increased to > 3 mg. A few rare 3 mg experiments still yielded 40Ar* contents lower than the recommended value (down to 24.0 nl g?1), and we recommend using more conservative minimum masses of 5–10 mg. A further purification step for GL‐O or the intercalibration of its powder version could be considered to diminish the size of the test portions and the intensity of the measured signals.  相似文献   

Yigui  Shihong  Franco  Yu  Yuanhou   《Gondwana Research》2009,16(2):255
The Machaoying fault zone extends along the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) and controlled the regional structures and hydrothermal mineral systems in this area. The fault underwent at least two major deformational phases, as revealed by macro- and micro-structural observations from a well-developed segment of the fault in the Hongzhuang–Baitu area, located south of the Xiong'er Mountains. Early ductile deformation is characterized by thrusting from north to south, which was subsequently overprinted by late brittle faulting. Syntectonic strain shadows of biotite are preserved around rotated porphyroclasts of quartz amygdales in mylonite. The biotite yields a 40Ar–39Ar plateau age of 524.9 ± 1.9 Ma, which is interpreted as the time of regional thrusting along the Machaoying fault zone. The thrusting may be temporally correlated with an Early Cambrian discontinuity in sedimentation observed in the rocks sequences of the NCC, suggesting a compressional regime in this area and a craton-wide tectonic event. Many 540–500 Ma tectonic events have been previously identified in the Qinling–Qilian–Kunlun Orogenic Belt of central China and in massifs in northeastern China, both of which surround the NCC, and some of these were interpreted to be associated with assembly of Gondwana. However, paleomagnetic data indicate that the NCC was unlikely to have been connected with Gondwana in the Early Cambrian and thus our new biotite date cannot record deformation along the Gondwanan margin. Dating of K-feldspar from a quartz–K-feldspar vein formed along one of the brittle faults of the Machaoying fault zone yields a much younger 40Ar–39Ar plateau age of 119.5 ± 0.7 Ma. This is a minimum age for the brittle deformation along the southern margin of the NCC, which also overlaps the age of widespread gold and molybdenum mineralization in the region.  相似文献   

The Rautuvaara section in northern Finnish Lapland has been widely considered as the stratotype for the northern Fennoscandian late Middle and Late Pleistocene. It exposes four till units interbedded with sorted sediments resting on Precambrian bedrock. In order to shed light on the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) history and palaeoenvironmental evolution in northern Fennoscandia through time, a chronostratigraphical study was carried out at the Rautuvaara site. The succession was studied using sedimentological methods and different sand‐rich units between till units were dated using the Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) method. The results obtained indicate that the whole sediment succession at Rautuvaara was deposited during the Weichselian Stage and there is no indication of older deposits. The SIS advanced across Finnish Lapland to adjacent areas to the east at least once during the Early Weichselian, twice during the Middle Weichselian (~MIS 4 and MIS 3) and once during the Late Weichselian substages. Glaciolacustrine sediments interbedded between the till units indicate that a glacial lake repeatedly existed after each deglacial phase. The results also suggest that there were two ice‐free intervals in northern Fennoscandia during the Middle Weichselian close to the SIS glaciation centre.  相似文献   

New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9±2.2 to 160.9±1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)N ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3±3 to 133.9±0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate–K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64–59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Paraná Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma.


Novos dados K–Ar e 40Ar/39Ar de enxames de diques toleíticos e alcalinos localizados no embasamento onshore da Bacia de Santos (SE Brasil) apontam para diferentes pulsos magmáticos ocorridos entre o Jurássico e o Terciário. Os diques de rochas toleíticas (basalto, diabásio e microgabro), são mais velhos, exibem altos teores de TiO2 (3,65% peso na média) e podem ser subdivididos em dois grupos magmáticos. O Grupo A aflora a norte da Bacia de Resende, compreende diques orientados na direção NW, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 15 e 32,3, e idades entre 192.9±2.2 e 160.9±1.9 Ma. O Grupo B aflora a sul e a leste da Bacia de Resende, engloba diques orientados na direção NNW e NNE, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 7 e 16, e idades obtidas entre 148.3±3 e 133.9±0.5 Ma. As rochas alcalinas (sienito, traquito, fonolito, basalto alcalino e lamprófiro) possuem teores médios de K, e afloram como diques, plugs e stocks.. As idades obtidas são de ca. 82 Ma para os diques lamprofíricos, de ca. 70 Ma para os plugs sieníticos, e entre 64 e 59 Ma para os diques félsicos. Como estas idades Jurássicas para diques toleíticos ainda não foram descritas para a região sudeste do Brasil, pode-se especular que durante o emplacement dos diques do GrupoA o cenário tectônico indicaria esforços extensionais anteriores à abertura do Oceano atlântico Sul, e contemporânea ao derrame basáltico do Karoo na África do Sul. Já os diques do Grupo B são contemporâneos ao magmatismo Serra Geral e ao enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa, e portanto este episódio está diretamente relacionado à separação entre o Brasil e África no Cretáceo. O magmatismo alcalino está associado a diversos episódios tectônicos que sucedem à abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e que resultaram no desenvolvimento das Bacias terciárias do sudeste brasileiro. Está provavelmente relacionado à chegada da Pluma de Trindade e as idades obtidas para a região em estudo indicam que o magmatismo lamprofírico é mais antigo (ca. 82 Ma), seguido pelos plútons sieníticos (ca. 70 Ma) e diques associados (64 a 59 Ma.)  相似文献   

The occurrence of synkinematic and authigenic clay minerals is a common feature in fault gouges. Few attempts have been made to date fault gouges. We present the first age data in Australia for synkinematic illite–smectite growth in two fault zones of the northern Sydney Basin, NSW. The faults occur at Burwood Beach, NSW in the northern part of the Sydney Basin and are hosted by Early Permian siltstones, tuffs and coals of the Lambton Formation, Newcastle Coal Measures. The faults are 1.5 m apart, show normal displacement and trend N–S with steep easterly dips. Foliated gouge zones, comminution and dilational breccias are developed along both fault surfaces. K–Ar ages extracted from samples in the gouge and tuffs in the damage zones are 172 (6–10 μm) to 119 Ma (<0.4 μm), respectively. Older ages of 272–281 Ma for the coarse fractions (>2 μm), 237–245 Ma for the <2 μm fraction, 218 Ma for the <0.4 μm fraction and 196 Ma for the <0.1 μm fraction have been obtained from siltstones within and outside the damage zone. We believe the younger ages of 196–237 Ma indicate the time at which diagenetic illite–smectite formed and the 122–150 Ma dates from the <2 μm fraction represent the maximum age of gouge formation. The younger ages are thought to reflect the last slip event occurring on the faults, which is related to the rifting and dispersal of the eastern margin of the Australian continent.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphically constrained Permo-Triassic Emeishan Volcanic Province (EVP), extending over wide areas in southwest China, has been recently considered as a Large Igneous Province contemporaneous with the Siberian Traps and the siliceous tuffs at the P–T boundary in South China. We report the first 40Ar/39Ar ages on this igneous province. Minimum ages have been obtained on phenocrystic plagioclase of the Emeishan basalt, which has undergone a pervasive metamorphism, most likely during subsequent tectonization as a consequence of terrane amalgamation. Comparison between the Ar–release spectra obtained on clear vs. cloudy plagioclase indicates a 40–30 Ma sericite resetting time. A minimum apparent age of 246 ± 4 Ma for plagioclase from a plagiogranite, a late-differentiate of the Panzhihua Layered Complex, and an age of 254 ± 5 Ma for phlogopite from a pyroxenite near Lake Erhai, provide the first absolute age constraint on this igneous province. Additional Ar–Ar age measurements on post-Emeishan alkaline and mafic magmatism yielded 104 ± 2 and 100 ± 2 Ma for an alkaline complex near Panzhihua, and 42 ± 1 Ma for a gabbro sill emplaced near the Ertan Dam. Further study is still needed to determine the age of the Emeishan volcanic emission accurately, and to test the validity of the assumed short duration of the eruption.  相似文献   

Sapphirine-kornerupine-bearing rocks from the Reynolds Range, Northern Territory, Australia preserve spectacular metamorphic reaction textures that provide valuable insights into the regional metamorphic uplift history. The rocks occur in pods that are several meters in diameter within high-temperature, low-pressure (750 to 800°C and 4 to 5 kbar) granulite facies exposures of the early Proterozoic Lander Rock beds, a laterally extensive sequence of folded pelitic and quartzose metasediments. The pods are not associated with large volumes of partial melts and are likely to have formed by metasomatism near the peak of M2 metamorphism. The rocks in the pods consist of high-temperature Mg- and Al-rich minerals such as boron-free korneurpine, and are coarse-grained (0.5 to >15 cm), non-foliated, and locally nearly monomineralic. The growth of the coarse minerals in the pods largely post-dated the high-grade regional metamorphic D2 fabric and completely reconstructed the precursor rocks. The retrograde metamorphic reaction textures show that the early retrogression from the M2 granulite facies conditions was characterized not by isobaric cooling as previously proposed, but by nearly isthermal decompression. These data imply that the Reynolds Range did not follow a simple anticlockwise P-T-t path. Because rocks such as these preserve information from a only restricted portion of the metamorphic history and can preserve evidence of decompression reactions more clearly than many more ordinary lithologies, they can be especially important for discerning metamorphic P-T-t paths.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304, Lower Crustal Processes.  相似文献   

Yu Wang 《地学学报》2006,18(6):423-431
In eastern China, the Dabie Shan–Su–Lu orogenic belt has been separated by the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip fault. Mylonites are exposed along the strike–slip fault system in the southern segment, and along the eastern margin of the Dabie Shan orogenic belt. The country rocks of the mylonites are retrograde UHP eclogites, gneissic granites, muscovite granites and gneisses. The ductile strike–slip shear zone trends 30–40°N (NE30–40°‐trending) and exhibits stretching lineations and nearly vertical, SE‐dipping foliations. Most of the zircon grains separated from mylonites have a weighted average radiometric age of 233 ± 6–225 ± 6 Myr. These data constrain the onset of the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip movement and imply that the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip motion developed after retrograde UHP metamorphism. The related phengite within the eclogite rocks on the western side of the Tan–Lu fault, with 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of c. 182–190 Myr, is also deformed and aligned parallel to the almost NE trending stretching lineations. Non‐metamorphosed granites exhibit sinistral strike–slip shearing and indicate that the Tan–Lu fault initially developed after 182–190 Myr. Muscovite collected from the mylonite yields 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 162 ± 1–156 ± 2 Myr. The zircon SHRIMP age data, the muscovite 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages, together with structural and petrological field information support the interpretation that the Tan–Lu strike–slip fault was not related to the Yangtze–north China plates collision, but corresponded to the formation of a NE‐trending tectonic framework in eastern China starting c. 165–160 Ma.  相似文献   

正华南构造应力场在燕山期由挤压变为拉伸体制,基本已达成共识。但其构造转换过程中伸展的时限仍未确证。以往对华南燕山期构造的研究多集中于花岗岩和碱性杂岩,近年来对基性岩脉的研究也日渐重视。相比之下,对煌斑岩的报道则较少,而对煌斑岩岩脉的地球化学及同位素特征进行综合研究可以很好地限定其研究区的岩石圈拉张特征、构造属性和地幔源区性质,对区域构造演化格  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of hydrothermal alteration and K–Ar age data from the Toyoha‐Muine area (TMA), where the Toyoha polymetallic (Ag–Pb–Zn–Cu–In) deposit is located near the Pliocene andesitic volcano that formed Mt Muine. Systematic prospect‐scale mapping, sampling, X‐ray analysis and microscopic observation show that hydrothermal alteration is divided into two groups: acid‐pH and neutral‐pH alteration types. The former is further divided into mineral assemblages I, II and III, while the latter into mineral assemblages IV and V. Different mineralogical features in five mineral assemblages are summarized as follows: (I) Quartz (silicified rock); (II) Pyrophyllite or dickite; (III) Kaolinite or halloysite ± alunite; (IV) Sericite or K‐feldspar; and (V) Interstratified minerals (illite/smectite and chlorite/smectite) and/or smectite. K–Ar radiometric ages determined on twenty‐eight K‐bearing samples (whole volcanic rocks and separated hydrothermal minerals) mainly fall into one of three periods: Early Miocene (24.6–21.4 Ma), Middle–Late Miocene (12.5–8.4 Ma) and Pliocene–Pleistocene (3.2–0 Ma). These three periods are characterized as follows. Early Miocene: A minor hydrothermal activity, which might be genetically related to the intermediate or felsic magmatic activities, formed mineral assemblage IV at 24.6 Ma in the northern part of the TMA. Middle to Late Miocene: The basaltic intrusion, andesitic eruption, and granodiorite intrusions induced hydrothermal activities between 12.5 and 8.4 Ma, resulting in the formation of a mineral assemblage IV with some base metal mineralization. Pliocene–Pleistocene: An andesitic eruption formed Mt Muine between 3.2 and 2.9 Ma. The andesitic activity was associated with acid‐pH mineral assemblages I, II and III locally around the volcano. Latent magmatic intrusions subsequent to the andesitic eruption generated hydrothermal activities that formed mineral assemblages IV and V between 1.9 and 0 Ma in the southern and southeastern parts of Toyoha deposit at depth, overprinting the Middle to Late Miocene alteration. The hydrothermal activities also formed mineral assemblages I, II and III along the Yunosawa fault (east of the Toyoha deposit) and assemblage III in the south and southeast of the Toyoha deposit near the surface.  相似文献   

辽东半岛出露大量片麻状花岗岩,其锆石U-Pb年龄为180~157Ma,该套岩石的最大特点表现在岩石明显经历了早期上盘向NW推覆和后期近EW向伸展作用的韧性改造,然而其变形时代却一直未得到确定。本文以丹东市西南部黑沟二云母二长花岗岩岩体为例,通过激光^40Ar/^39Ar年代学研究探讨该岩体的变形时代。激光^40Ar/^39Ar定年结果表明,黑沟岩体经历的早期推覆、挤压事件发生在~143Ma,而后期地壳伸展作用则发生在121~113Ma,并且该区在早白垩纪期间经历了快速冷却、抬升过程。从而表明在晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪期间(143~113Ma)辽东半岛经历了区域构造体制变革。结合前人大地构造研究成果,本文认为辽东半岛晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪NW向推覆、挤压事件是古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲作用的结果,而晚期(早白垩纪)的地壳伸展事件是古太平洋板块俯冲作用的转向和变速、华北东部岩石圈较薄以及挤压后地壳松弛等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

The Late Weichselian Tinglev outwash plain in southwestern Denmark slopes gently from east to west, but certain areas of the topography show unusual irregularities. Analysis of LiDAR data reveals a mosaic of smaller areas with pronounced changes in slope magnitude and orientation between neighbouring areas. The outwash plain also features notable changes in elevation across kilometre‐long lineaments and areas lying lower and higher than the expected level. The depressions in the area have previously been interpreted as the result of melting dead‐ice blocks left by the Late Weichselian ice sheet. However, borehole samples from Lake Tinglev on the outwash plain show that lake sedimentation did not start until the early Holocene (9000 years ago), which is more than 9000 years after the ice sheet had retreated. The topographical irregularities are located above the Tønder Graben structure, and we interpret these as the result of Holocene strike‐slip movements along the graben faults resulting in areas of both subsidence and uplift. The deformations of the outwash plain are interpreted as the effect of deglaciation tectonics acting within a limited time frame at the beginning of the Holocene. As the event can be related to stress release from the weight of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, we expect that other fault zones in northern Europe would be equally prone to reactivation. Tectonic events related to deglaciation would most likely be recurrent, and the stress changes appear to have been able to induce short‐lived tectonic instability to areas normally considered tectonically stable. We conclude that this type of tectonics has had a significant impact on topography and sedimentation throughout the Quaternary.  相似文献   

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