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Using volunteered geographic information (VGI) as a cost‐saving environmental monitoring and public participation mechanism has been thought to be a proof of concept to assist environmental decision‐making with insufficient managerial resources. However, research literature also often found institutional resistance when implementing VGI as part of the decision‐making process. This research develops a conceptual framework as the foundation to conduct a cross‐case comparison for four empirical cases in recreation and invasive species monitoring, but general enough for other such case comparisons. The VGI Reporting Assessment Framework (VGI‐RAF) adopted aspects of the Decision Situation Assessment (DSA) framework as the foundation to address institutional flexibility, stakeholder dynamics, and technical considerations. Using a cross‐case comparison can accumulate deep observations from cases and increase validity of insights through comparing processes. Results show that eight aspects of the VGI‐RAF reveal the suitability of embedding voluntary information within existing institutional decision‐making processes. VGI‐RAF depicts considerations for: (1) existing participation arrangements, (2) institutional arrangements, (3) managers’ needs and stakeholder expectation, and (4) interaction mechanism and technical needs. The cross‐comparison results indicate that a public participation mechanism should be accompanied by VGI development to increase effectiveness. Institutional arrangements should match local government's information needs with participants’ expectations. Knowledge gaps between institutional information needs and volunteer knowledge should be filled through technology enhancements. For ease of implementation and to promote long‐term success, we recommend that volunteered information be connected with existing communication channels to minimize changes to existing information systems.  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing is a popular means of acquiring data, but the use of such data is limited by concerns with its quality. This is evident within cartography and geographical sciences more generally, with the quality of volunteered geographic information (VGI) recognized as a major challenge to address if the full potential of citizen sensing in mapping applications is to be realized. Here, a means to characterize the quality of volunteers, based only on the data they contribute, was used to explore issues connected with the quantity and quality of volunteers for attribute mapping. The focus was on data in the form of annotations or class labels provided by volunteers who visually interpreted an attribute, land cover, from a series of satellite sensor images. A latent class model was found to be able to provide accurate characterisations of the quality of volunteers in terms of the accuracy of their labelling, irrespective of the number of cases that they labelled. The accuracy with which a volunteer could be characterized tended to increase with the number of volunteers contributing but was typically good at all but small numbers of volunteers. Moreover, the ability to characterize volunteers in terms of the quality of their labelling could be used constructively. For example, volunteers could be ranked in terms of quality which could then be used to select a sub-set as input to a subsequent mapping task. This was particularly important as an identified subset of volunteers could undertake a task more accurately than when part of a larger group of volunteers. The results highlight that both the quantity and quality of volunteers need consideration and that the use of VGI may be enhanced through information on the quality of the volunteers derived entirely from the data provided without any additional information.  相似文献   

The development of a wheelchair user friendly route planning application inherits a number of special requirements and details that need to be considered during the generation of the routing graph and the corresponding algorithm, making this task much more complex than car or pedestrian related applications. Each wheelchair type and, more importantly, each individual user might have different needs with regards to the way condition or other criteria. This study proposes a new approach to route planning for wheelchair users tailored for individual and personal requirements provided by the user and the calculation of a reliability factor of the computed wheelchair path. The routing graph is based on the freely available Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) retrieved from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project. The newly created algorithm is evaluated and tested for a selected area in Bonn, Germany. A new reliability factor is introduced that gives direct feedback about the quality of the generated path. Similar factor estimations can also be utilized for multiple route planning applications where VGI or other commercial or administrative data is implemented and more detailed factors than a simple geometric representation of a street network are of importance.  相似文献   

浙江政务地理信息资源采集共享平台中包含由各地政府部门报送的政务地理信息数据,不仅数据量大,且更新频繁,而这些数据又为省级厅局、各市县委办局"最多跑一次"提供地理空间数据支撑,对数据的质量要求较高.本文实现了一种基于众源互联网地图的地理信息位置统筹评价方法,解决了对政务地理信息的位置准确性进行高效、快速、智能的评价的技术难题,增强了位置准确性检查结果的科学性,提高了位置检查的效率.  相似文献   

基于影像匹配的自发地理信息道路精度评价与改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无矢量参考数据自发地理信息道路精度难以评价的问题,提出了一种基于影像匹配的道路精度评价方法。首先提取影像与自发地理信息中的道路交叉口作为控制点,并将对应的交叉口进行匹配,以同名控制点的均方根误差作为自发地理信息的道路精度;然后以两组控制点分别构建Delaunay三角网,利用两组控制点的对应关系对每个三角网进行仿射变换,从而实现对自发地理信息道路的几何纠正,以提高其精度。最后以郑州市的Open Street Map道路数据进行试验,结果表明本文算法能够有效提高自发地理信息的道路精度。  相似文献   

异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
提出了异构地理信息处理环境互操作的Internet GIS方法和基于互操作性的Internet GIS构造模型,即分布式超图模型,阐述了其具体实现过程,并以自主开发的Internet GISGeoSurf为例验证了此方法。  相似文献   

IKONOS(1米)和SPOT-5(2.5米)能否在规模化基础地理信息更新中使用是我们关心的重要问题,本文采用野外实地获取检测点的方法,对两种影像制作的RSDOM以及利用RSDOM进行DLG更新后的矢量数据精度进行检测,分析利用高分辨率遥感影像获取基础地理信息的可行性。  相似文献   

余丽钰  龚知凡  邓淑丹 《测绘通报》2016,(10):113-116,140
为促进地理信息产业创新主体间资源共享与协同服务,汇聚创新资源,提升创新要素活力,促进产业发展,从创新要素构成、创新要素服务模式、公共服务平台研发等方面研究构建了地理信息产业技术公共服务平台,为测绘地理信息人才、技术、设备、数据等资源共享、企业创新发展与协同服务等提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

在特色专业的建设过程中,武汉大学地理信息系统(GIS)专业依托学校的办学资源和学科群优势,充分利用科技创新体系和科研创新成果,以国际化的办学视野,协同创新促进人才的培养,为高等学校开展特色专业建设探索出了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

胡海驹 《测绘通报》2012,(2):68-70,81
为解决以往地理空间信息交换方式的不足,提出采用电子政务门户网站内容管理系统作为数据交换管理途径,通过订阅式概念和网站采集等技术手段,实现地理空间信息的更新通知和自动化交换。  相似文献   

由于地理信息数据种类的不断增加,数据的孤立存储、管理、生产、更新的弊端也日益突显;统一管理、联动更新将极大节约数据生产成本,提高数据生产更新效率。本文提出的基于多库融合的地理信息数据生产体系,是对多源数据充分分析的基础上通过制定规则实现数据的统一管理、同步更新的地理信息数据生产新思路、新方法,是测绘数据管理和生产方式的大胆创新。  相似文献   

基于二三维地理信息系统,结合石油行业的作业区井、间、站等物联网传感器监测数据,综合利用聚类、分类等多种数据挖掘算法,实现关键物联网传感器的采集数据分析建模,并基于实时更新数据进行模型增量式训练,从而实现基于GIS的传感器故障诊断和预警分析。试验结果标明,系统不仅可以实现设备故障的预警,而且在操作层面和用户界面层面具有方便快捷和更佳用户体验的特点。  相似文献   

肖建华  彭清山  郭明武 《测绘通报》2018,(3):130-133,142
针对常规GIS应用系统存在阻碍地理信息进一步社会化共享应用的问题,本文提出并研发了一套网络众筹和用户自助相结合的新型地理信息共享应用平台。该平台结合互联网开放性与参与性的特点,借助网络众筹等思想,通过管理激励机制,让网络中地理信息供需双方精准对接与众筹互助。同时通过组合搭建方式,让地理信息需求方在获取地理信息资源后对其进行自助式组合应用。应用实践表明,该平台具备常规GIS无法比拟的诸多优点,能降低地理信息共享应用的专业门槛,促进地理信息跨部门、跨地区的社会化共享应用。  相似文献   

以厦门市为例,基于地理国情普查数据,采用风暴潮灾害静态情景模拟及指标体系法,实现了基于格网的厦门市风暴潮灾害产业风险评估。通过分析厦门市台风风暴潮灾害产业综合风险及风险评价,为地理国情普查数据在灾害风险评估中的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

三维地理信息技术以其数据承载能力强、可视化效果好,以及能够充分表达各种复杂的空间关系等特点已经成为多个行业应用的关键技术。特高压电网工程具有电压等级高、输送容量大、输送距离远等特点,工程建设面临时间紧、任务重等诸多问题,对工程建设管理创新也提出了更高的要求。本文通过对三维地理信息技术和特高压电网工程进行分析,提出了利用三维地理信息技术对特高压电网工程建设进行工程全数字化表达的方法,通过模型实体三维可视化和工程建设数据可视化表现电网工程建设情况,为特高压电网工程建设管理创新提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

基础地理信息数据在信息化建设中具有极其重要的地位的,其存储问题日渐突出,通过对基础地理信息数据存储问题进行分析和研究后,给出了解决问题的关键技术并简单介绍了海量数据存储的发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于ArcEngine的基础地理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了利用ArcEngine技术开发基础GIS软件的特点,重点讨论了在GIS软件中查询功能、缓冲区功能和注记随地图缩放功能的实现.  相似文献   

介绍利用1:500万地理信息数据库和1:100万数字地面高程数据库制作<西亚地区图>的技术和流程,对所使用的Micro-Station制图系统和计算机生成地貌晕渲进行说明,讨论生产中遇到的一系列技术问题及其解决方法.  相似文献   

农田水利工程地理信息系统管理的对象是一个离散性的、多中心的数据处理群体。如何有效地组织利用数据是农田水利工程信息系统在技术上面临的主要问题。本文根据农田水利工程管理的行业特点,详细阐述水利工程信息管理系统的开发过程及其相关技术。  相似文献   

矢量地形图数据是基础地理信息数据库建设的基础,本文分析了数字城市空间基础数据建设中碰到的一些问题。初步探讨了外业南方Cass6.1地形数据与大比例尺基础地理信息要素数据字典之间的异同,给出了解决方法,并应用于实际项目,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

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