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In this article,the 2-D unsteady viscous flow around two circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement is numerically simulated in order to study the characteristics of the flow in both laminar and turbulent regimes.The method applied alternatively is based on the finite volume method on a Cartesian-staggered grid.The great source term technique is employed to identify the cylinders placed in the flow field.To apply the boundary conditions,the ghost-cell technique is used.The implemented computational method is firstly validated through simulation of laminar and turbulent flows around a fixed circular cylinder.Finally,the flow around two circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement is simulated and analyzed.The flow visualization parameters,the Strouhal numbers,and drag and lift coefficients are comprehensively presented and compared for different cases in order to reveal the effect of the Reynolds number and gap spacing on the behavior of the flow.The obtained results have shown two completely distinct flow characteristics in laminar and turbulent regimes.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the unsteady, viscous, incompressible and 2-D flow around two side-by-side circular cylinders was simulated using a Cartesian-staggered grid finite volume based method. A great-source term technique was employed to identify the solid bodies (cylinders) located in the flow field and boundary conditions were enforced by applying the ghost-cell technique. Finally, the characteristics of the flow around two side-by-side cylinders were comprehensively obtained through several computational simulations. The computational simulations were performed for different transverse gap ratios (1.5≤T/D≤4) in laminar (Re=100,200) and turbulent (Re=104) regimes, where T and D are the distance between the centers of cylinders and the diameter of cylinders, respectively. The Reynolds number is based on the diameter of cylinders,D. The pressure field and vorticity distributions along with the associated streamlines and the time histories of hydrodynamic forces were also calculated and analyzed for different gap ratios. Generally, different flow patterns were observed as the gap ratio and Reynolds number varied. Accordingly, the hydrodynamic forces showed irregular variations for small gaps while they took a regular pattern at higher spacing ratios.  相似文献   

An experiment concerning the sound propaga-tion in aerated open channel flow was designed and conductedin a variable slope chute. The acquisition of sound data wasdone by the hydro-phones installed into the bottom wall of thechute. The data were analyzed and processed by the tape re-corder and a 3562A analyzer. The primary experimetal resultsindicated that the sound speed in aerated flow is varied with the air concentration and highly lower than each of the soundspeed in pure water or air. As released by the derived theoryformula, the minimum sound of 24m/s in aerated flow hap-pened when the air concentration achieved to 50%. This resultshows that the compressibility of high speed aerated flowshould be considered when the air concentration is near to50%. A criterion of compressibility of high speed aerated flowwas also giv. En in this paper.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONInnaturalriver,theshapesofboundariesandsec tionsareoftenirregular ,whichisadifficultproblemfornumericalsimulation .Tosolvethisproblem ,acoordi natetransformationmethodisoftenusedtotransformtheirregularregioninthephysicalplane(X ,Y)totheregula…  相似文献   

The optimum shape of a two-dimensional undulatory plate in its motion in fluid flow is analyzed and the physical parameters(the thrust and the power)are calculated by the boundary element method.With the commonly used Lagrange multiplier method,only a saddle point of the optimum solution can be obtained,but not the solution itself due to the singularity of the problem.To eliminate the singularity,a method is proposed by adding an amplitude constraint.The new method is a generalization of that proposed by Wu,and it can be applied to more complex cases.The optimum shape of the linearly varying amplitude motion is studied in detail.It is shown that both the maximum and the minimum solutions exist when the frequency is higher than a critical value.For a high frequency,the maximum efficient motion with a large amplitude at the leading edge and a small amplitude at the trailing edge induces a large leading edge suction force.As the frequency decreases,the leading edge suction force decreases to a minimum and then increases.For high wavenumbers,there exists an optimum frequency with the maximum efficiency.High efficiency holds over a large range of frequency.The optimum efficiency increases as the wavenumber increases.The increase of the wavenumber can also reduce the leading edge suction force.The optimization method can also be applied to a quadratically varying amplitude motion.It is found that the optimum efficiency is larger than that for the linearly varying amplitude motion.However,the additional efficiency is relatively small,especially as the original efficiency is already high enough.  相似文献   

ANINVERSEPROBLEMOFWATERWAVEGENERATIONINAWAVETANKMiaoGuo-ping;YouYun-xiang;LiuYing-zhong(ShanghaiJaoTongUniversityShanghai2000...  相似文献   

For a two layered coalbed system in possession of the slightly permeable interlayer, a mathematical model was established to describe the methane and water flows between coal seams and the internal migration and the distribution of fluids in a slightly permeable interlayer. Meanwhile, this model has included the potential effect of matrix shrinkage associated with desorption on the coal permeability. The numerical results were obtained by the finite difference method, and then the production forecasts for the two layered coalbed system were conducted in combination with the geological data of a certain area in the Qinshui Basin. Through analyzing the internal migration and distribution of fluids in the slightly permeable interlayer and its effect on the coalbed methane well production, the results indicate that the prediction of the gas production rate and the cumulative gas production will be higher if the permeability of the interlayer is neglected. Furthermore, it is also found that the matrix shrinkage could produce an effect on the coal permeability, thus affecting the production performance.  相似文献   

In this paper a method for calculating the resistance force in high concentrationnon-homogeneous pipe flow is suggested.Comparing with experiment,it is shown that the theo-retical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones.  相似文献   

A Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) with two-distribution functions is employed for simulating the two-phase flow induced by a liquid droplet impinging onto the film of the same liquid on solid surface.The model is suitable for solution of twophase flow problem at high density and viscosity ratios of liquid to vapor and phase transition between liquid and its vapor.The roles of the vapor flow,the density ratio of liquid to vapor and the surface tension of the droplet in the splashing formation are discussed.It is concluded that the vapour flow induced by the droplet fall and splash in the whole impinging process may affect remarkably the splash behaviour.For the case of large density ratio of liquid to vapor a crown may engender after the droplet collides with the film.However,for the case of small density ratio of liquid to vapor a "bell" like splash may be observed.  相似文献   

The combined T junctions used for the oil-water separation have the advantages of compactness in structure,consistency in effects and economy in cost.The mixture turbulence model and the Eulerian multi-fluid model are used to simulate the flow and phase distribution in the combined T junctions.The effects of structural parameters such as the branched pipe interval and height on the flow distribution and the separation behaviors are studied.The results show that the combined T junctions under fixed inlet and outlet boundary conditions form a single hydraulic equilibrium system in which the fluid energy distributes freely till a balance is achieved.The split-flow promotes the separation of the immiscible oil and the water.The separation efficiency increases with the increase of the branched pipe interval and changes slightly with the increase of the branched pipe height.The structural change of the combined T junctions may change the flow direction in the branched pipes.Simulation results can provide some guidance for the design of the combined T junctions as one kind of oil-water separator.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONMany phenomena of silt-laden water flow can be seen in most rivers of China.Theabrasion of silt-laden water flow to hydraulic turbine has become the most concern forhydraulic power station or pump station.It is always of interest to many engineers andresearchers because of its seriously destroying to the blade ofhydraulic turbine.And mostoftheir works are mainly the performance effect caused by silt-laden water flow,namely thestudy ofouter characteristic.Surface coatisful…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONTwophaseflowinstabilityareoftenencounteredinawiderangeofengineeringsystems,suchasnuclearreactors,steampowerplants,specialheatexchangers,steamgenerators,chemicalindustryequipmentsandsoon[1][2] .Inthesesystems,twophaseflowinstabilit…  相似文献   

This article explores the mechanisms of acupuncture meridians by determining characteristics of the tissue fluid flow in the connective tissue along meridians. Based on deep dissection of acupoints on the upper and lower limbs of the human body and micro and macro observation and measurement, a mathematical model of the flow of tissue fluid in interosseous membranes is constructed. It is shown that the signal transmission along acupuncture meridians may be determined by unique anatomical and physiological factors that govern the flow of tissue fluid in the connective tissue and involve mast cell degranulation. Our results provide a preliminary explanation of the phenomenon of the “de qi” sensation and the mechanism of acupuncture signal transmission along acupuncture meridians.  相似文献   

This article experimentally investigated the pressure and cavitation characteristics of high velocity flow over a surface irregularity with and without aeration in a non-circulating water tunnel system. The surface irregularity is a cylindrical protrusion made of stainless steel of 6 mm diameter and 2 mm height. Pressures with and without aeration were measured with MPX400D pressure transducers and real-timely acquired by a SINOCERA YE6263 data acquisition system. Variations in flow regimes with and without aeration were observed. Pressure profiles and their variations with air concentration upper and lower cylindrical protrusion on the invert and obvert walls were determined. Variations of cavitation number with air concentration lower cylindrical protrusion were analyzed. Also, cavitation numbers in the presence and absence of aeration were compared.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic loads on a multi-bladed helicopter rotor in hovering flight were calculated by solving the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The rotor wake effects were accounted by the correction of local geometric angle of attack according to a free-wake modeling in addition to an empirical modification for the tip flow effect. The validity and efficiency of the present method were verified by the comparisons between numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a classification of different natural flow regimes found in Ebro basin, one of the largest in the Mediterranean region. Determination of flow regimes was based on multivariate analyses using long‐term discharge series of unaltered flow data. Mean monthly discharges of the 30 ‘best’ flow series and a total of 52 flow series containing unaltered flow data were selected to represent baseline flow conditions for tributaries throughout the basin. Metrics representing magnitude, duration and frequency components of flow were used to identify hydrologic differences across the basin. A total of six natural flow regimes were identified in the Ebro Basin, using a Ward cluster method. The flow patterns identified and their spatial distribution largely corresponded with climatic zones previously reported for the Ebro Basin, with regime types ranging from pluvio‐oceanic in the western part of the basin to Mediterranean in the eastern region. Geologic characteristics of the catchment and altitude of headwaters were also found to play an important role in defining flow regime type. A 19‐hydrologic variable subset was used to explain main hydrologic differences among groups (such as magnitude and frequency of extreme flow conditions or magnitude and variance of average flow conditions). However, stepwise discriminant analysis was not able to identify consistent subsets of hydrologic variables that adequately identified the six natural flow regime types in this basin. Canonical discriminant analysis was useful to understand class separation and for the interpretation of results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamics of two-phase flows with a constant driving force inside a micro-channel is studied by using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and the Shan-Chen multiphase model in this article. Flow regimes under different wall wettabilities and over smooth and grooved geometric surfaces are investigated. It is found that flow behaviors are strongly affected by the wall wettability and topography. Our results show that the LBM is efficient and accurate, and has very good application prospect in the study of drag reduction of microscopic seepage of reservoir.  相似文献   

Nonnative plant invasions are a management concern, particularly in riparian forests, but little is known about mechanisms through which they influence vertebrate communities. In the American Southwest, native trees such as cottonwood (Populus spp.) are thought to provide better habitat for breeding birds than nonnative plants, which are more tolerant of human‐altered conditions. To evaluate effects of riparian forest composition on riparian‐nesting birds, we examined nest plant use along two rivers in New Mexico that differed in abundance of nonnative vegetation. Of the nests we observed, 49% along the Middle Rio Grande were constructed in nonnative plants, compared with 4% along the Gila River. Birds in the canopy and cavity‐nesting guilds constructed less than 5% of their nests in nonnative plants along either river. At the Middle Rio Grande, birds in the subcanopy/shrub guild constructed 67% of their nests in nonnative plants. Despite the relatively low availability of cottonwoods, they were used by greater numbers of species than any other woody plant at either river. Riparian obligates and species of conservation concern in the canopy and cavity guilds were especially dependent on cottonwood and Arizona sycamore (Platanus wrightii). Our results show that, although nonnative trees and shrubs support large numbers of nests for certain birds, cottonwoods and other large native trees are disproportionately important to riparian bird communities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic alterations to river systems, such as irrigation and hydroelectric development, can negatively affect fish populations by reducing survival when fish are routed through potentially dangerous locations. Non‐physical barriers using behavioural stimuli are one means of guiding fish away from such locations without obstructing water flow. In the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, we evaluated a bio‐acoustic fish fence (BAFF) composed of strobe lights, sound and a bubble curtain, which was intended to divert juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) away from Georgiana Slough, a low‐survival migration route that branches off the Sacramento River. To quantify fish response to the BAFF, we estimated individual entrainment probabilities from two‐dimensional movement paths of juvenile salmon implanted with acoustic transmitters. Overall, 7.7% of the fish were entrained into Georgiana Slough when the BAFF was on, and 22.3% were entrained when the BAFF was off, but a number of other factors influenced the performance of the BAFF. The effectiveness of the BAFF declined with increasing river discharge, likely because increased water velocities reduced the ability of fish to avoid being swept across the BAFF into Georgiana Slough. The BAFF reduced entrainment probability by up to 40 percentage points near the critical streakline, which defined the streamwise division of flow vectors entering each channel. However, the effect of the BAFF declined moving in either direction away from the critical streakline. Our study shows how fish behaviour and the environment interacted to influence the performance of a non‐physical behavioural barrier in an applied setting. Published 2012. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

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