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1. INTRODUCTION The ability of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to measure ocean waves has been widely proved since the launch of Seasat in 1978[1] Compared with traditional in-situ instruments, SAR is superior for its wide spatial coverage and high spatial…  相似文献   

A 2 D KdV equation of two-layer stratified ocean with 2-D topography is recapitulated in the present paper. Based on a reduced version of this 2-D KdV equation, the fission laws of the initially internal solitary waves are studied by means of numerical calculation. From the numerical results, it is shown that the initially interface solitary waves can fission on the continental slope like the initially surface solitary waves and the fission process is a significant generating mechanism of internal interface soliton packet on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONInternaltidalinteractionwithbottomfeaturesappearstobethedominantmechanismforgenera tionofthecoherentoceanicinternalwavesthatareobservablewithSAR ,closertoshore ,riverineorglacialintrusionandcontinentalbreakprovidesec ondarygeneratingmecha…  相似文献   

This dissertation deals with the internal waves generated by a submerged moving body in stratified fluids by combining theoretical and experimental methods. Our purpose is to provide some scientific evidences for non-acoustic detection of underwater moving bodies based on the principles of dynamics of the internal waves. An approach to velocity potentials obtained by superposing Green‘s functions of sources and sinks was proposed for Kelvin waves at the free surface or interface in a two-layer fluid. The effects of interacting surface and internal wave modes induced by a dipole on the surface divergence field were investigated. A new theoretical model formulating the interaction of a two dimensional submerged moving body with the conjugate flow in a three-layer fluid was established. An exact solution satisfying the two dimensional Benjamin Ono equation was obtained and the vertically propagating properties of the weakly nonlinear long waves were studied hy means of the ray theory and WKB method. The above theoretical results are qualitatively consistent with those obtained in the experiments conducted by the author.  相似文献   

The analysis of sea level data from tide stations and ocean general circulation model (OGCM) shows that the intraseasonal long Rossby wave results in the intraseasonal variations of Kuroshio axis and transport in the upper reaches of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea (ECS). Due to the transport modulation induced by Ryukyu Islands, the intraseasonal variation is very weak in the lower reaches of the Kuroshio in the ECS. A two-layer model reveals the relation among Kuroshio frontal unstable wave with topography,transport and the axis position of the Kuroshio, from which we can infer that the intrusion of intraseasonal long Rosshy wave may stimulate the Kuroshio frontal unstable wave in the upper reaches of the Kuroshio in the ECS. The altimeter data also shows that the sea level anomaly resulting from intraseasonal long Rossby wave could pass the channel between Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands and propagate northeastward in accord with the Kuroshio frontal unstable wave. However, the sea level anomalies passingIslands are relative weak and Kuroshio variation.through the gaps of Ryukyu have negligible effects on the Kuroshio variation.  相似文献   

Based on a three-dimensional primitive equation dynamic numerical mod-el,the general circulation in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea is studied with a O.25°×0.25°horizontal grid and a realistic bottom topography.As the first step,we con-sider the tidel current and Kuroshio(Japan current).The main results are:1)the modeltidal harmonic constants agree surprisingly well with the observations at the 81 coastlinestations in this area.The average amplitude difference is 1.7cm and the average phase dif-ference is 5.2°for the diurnal component,and those for the semi-diurnal tide 4.1 cm and3.7 °2)the path of the Kuroshio agrees with long—term observations; 3)after enteringthe studied area, a branch of the Kuroshio enters the East China Sea.This pattern agreeswith the nation-wide comprehensive ocean investigations; 4)a branch of the Kuroshiogoes northward and forms the Tsushima warm current,and the origin of Tsushima warmcurrent is multi-source.In the Tsushima Strait,the warm current goes into the Sea o  相似文献   

A theoretical model was used to investigate the influences of environmental and topographic parameters on the atmospheric three-layer internal ship waves. The results show that both the wavelength and the wedge angle decrease with an increase in the Scorer parameter, and the rate of changes in the wavelength and wedge angle are also alike. The results also show that the wedge angle decreases with an increase in the width of mountain, but the wavelength varies little with it. It is suggested that the wedge angle is determined by the ratio of the wavelength to the scale of the mountain. Besides, numerical sensitivity experiments were performed to test the former numerical experiments. The simulated results are consistent with the analytical results.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONWhenashipisinmotionontheocean ,aV shapedshipwakeappearsbehindtheship .Itiswellknownthatshipwakecanbeimagedbyair andspaceborneradarsystems[1 ] .SyntheticApertureRadar (SAR)isanactive ,allweathercapablesys temto producehigh resolutionimagesofthegr…  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis on the internal wave generation via the gravity collapse mechanism is carried out based on thetheoretical formulation and the numerical simulation. With the linear theoretical model, a rectangle shape wave is generated andpropagates back and forth in the domain, while a two-dimensional non-hydrostatic numerical model could reproduce all the observedphenomena in the laboratory experiments conducted by Chen et al. (2007), and the related process realistically. The model resultsfurther provide more quantitative information in the whole domain, thus allowing an in depth understanding of the correspondinginternal solitary wave generation and propagation. It is shown that the initial type of the internal wave is determined by the relativeheight between the perturbation and the environmental density interface, while the final wave type is related to the relative height ofthe upper and lower layers of the environmental fluid. The shape of the internal wave generated is consistent with that predicted bythe KdV and EKdV theories if its amplitude is small, as the amplitude becomes larger, the performance of the EKdV becomes betterafter the wave adjusts itself to the ambient stratification and reaches an equilibrium state between the nonlinear and dispersion effects.The evolution of the mechanical energy is also analyzed.  相似文献   

As a substitute for the original displaced pole grids, a simple rotated spherical coordinate system was intro duced into the Community Sea Ice Model version 4(CSIM4), which is a component of the Community Climate System Model(CCSM) of the American National Center of Atmospheric Researeh(NCAR), to deal with the "pole problems". In the new coordinates, both the geographical North Pole and South Pole lie in the model equator and grid sizes near the polar region are more uniform. With reanalysis dataset of American National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) and Levitus dataset without considering sub-mixed layer heat flux, the model was integrated for 100 years with thermodynamics proce.ss involved only in the former 49 years and both dynamic and thermodynamic processes involved in the left time. Inner consistency of model results was checked with no contradiction found. The results of last 10 years' model output were analyzed and it is shown that the simulated sea ice seasonal variation is rational whereas sea ice extent in the Barcnts Sea in winter is larger than that of observation, Numerical experiment on influence of sub-mixed layer heat flux was also carried out and it is shown that the sub-mixed layer heat flux can modulate seasonal variation of sea ice greatly. As a model component, the sea ice model with rotated spherical coordinates was coupled with other models (the oceanic general cir culation model is the LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model (LICOM) with reduced grid, other models are components of NCAR CCSM2) forming a climate system model and its preliminary results were also given briefly.  相似文献   

Natural rivers usually possess sand waves and sand bars. In this article, the rapid distortion theory was used to study the turbulent flow over sand waves. The results show that the pre-existing shearing motion and upstream anisotropy of the turbulence flow would have significant effect on the turbulent structures, and hence the memory effect should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, the 2-D mathematical model was employed to simulate the unsteady flow around the Taiping Sand Bar in the lower reach of the Yangtze River and the time step effect on the unsteady flow simulation with the implicit scheme was discussed at the same time. The results show that the implicit scheme keeps effective until the time step reaches a certain number, and the calculated water levels and velocities are in agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

Based on the COHERENS (a Coupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for Regional Shelf seas), a three-dimensional baroclinic model for the summer of East China Sea (ECS) was established with the sigma-coordinate in the vertical direction and spherical coordinate in the horizontal direction. The circulation patterns of the Kuroshio Current, the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), the Tsushima Current and the Yangtze Diluted Water (YDW) were successfully simulated with this model. The calculated results are fairly consistent with previous observations and studies. Based on this baroclinic current field, the Lagranian particles tracking was simulated to estimate the possible origins of the red tides frequently occurring in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea areas. If there are “seeds” (cysts) of the red tide algae at the seabed of the Taiwan Strait, the offshore of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces and the northeast Taiwan Island, those are extremely possible sources of the red tides in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea areas. Field data are needed to confirm it. Numerical simulation to estimate the source of the red tides is a new application of the Lagrangian transport in the marine ecology.  相似文献   

Generally speaking,the background shear current U( z ) must be taken into account in eigenvalue problems of nonlinear internal waves in ocean,as is different from those of linear internal waves. A numerical calculation method for eigenvalue problems of nonlinear internal waves is presented in this paper on the basis of the Thompson-Haskell's calculation method. As an application of this method,at a station(21oN,117 o15′E) in the South China Sea,a modal structure and parameters of nonlinear internal waves ar...  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONThe geomorphology of beach is controlled by natural and unnatural effects. In coastal reclaimed land, the topography change is based on suspended sediment transport and near-bed sediment transport. No matter whether the topography change is…  相似文献   

In this article,the use of a high-order Boussinesq-type model and sets of laboratory experiments in a large scale flume of breaking solitary waves climbing up slopes with two inclinations are presented to study the shoreline behavior of breaking and non-breaking solitary waves on plane slopes.The scale effect on run-up height is briefly discussed.The model simulation capability is well validated against the available laboratory data and present experiments.Then,serial numerical tests are conducted to study the shoreline motion correlated with the effects of beach slope and wave nonlinearity for breaking and non-breaking waves.The empirical formula proposed by Hsiao et al.for predicting the maximum run-up height of a breaking solitary wave on plane slopes with a wide range of slope inclinations is confirmed to be cautious.Furthermore,solitary waves impacting and overtopping an impermeable sloping seawall at various water depths are investigated.Laboratory data of run-up height,shoreline motion,free surface elevation and overtopping discharge are presented.Comparisons of run-up,run-down,shoreline trajectory and wave overtopping discharge are made.A fairly good agreement is seen between numerical results and experimental data.It elucidates that the present depth-integrated model can be used as an efficient tool for predicting a wide spectrum of coastal problems.  相似文献   

A new mathematical model for the overtopping against seawalls armored with artificial units in regular waves was established. The 2-D numerical wave flume, based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and the standard k-ε turbulence model, was developed to simulate the turbulent flows with the free surface, in which the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method was used to handle the large deformation of the free surface and the relaxation approach of combined wave generation and absorbing was implemented. In order to consider the effects of energy dissipation due to the armors on a slope seawall, a porous media model was proposed and implemented in the numerical wave flume. A series of physical model experiments were carried out in the same condition of the numerical simulation to determine the drag coefficient in the porous media model in terms of the overtopping discharge. Compared the computational value of overtopping over the seawall with the experimental data, the values of the effective drag coefficient was calibrated for the layers of blocks at different locations along the seawalls.  相似文献   

介绍一种简支吊车梁最大内力的简易计算方法,它能简单快捷地计算吊车梁的最大剪力和最大弯矩,为吊车梁的设计和验算提供依据.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONWindgeneratesbothwavesandstormsurges,sotheir generationiscloselyrelated .Further more ,stronglynonlinearinteractionsbetweentidesandstormsurgesexistinshallowwater .Theinteractionsbetweenwaveandtide surgemotion ,betweenwaveandthemeanfloworwate…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONIn density stratified ocean,vertical displaments can cause internal waves.Take the effectdensity compactness of seawater into account,toscillation frequency isN=(-ρg0ddρz0-Cg22)1/2(whereNis one of the most i mportant environmparameters of ocean dynamics which is callBrunt-Vaisala frequency,gthe gravity acceletion,Cthe traveling speed of sound in seawatBothgandCcan be deemed as constants.Soscholars neglectedg2/C2in expression(1).Itbeen proved that in the seawater200m bel…  相似文献   

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