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Apoptosis is a potent immune barrier against viral infection, and many viruses, including poxviruses, encode proteins to overcome this defense. Interestingly, the avipoxviruses, which include fowlpox and canarypox virus, are the only poxviruses known to encode proteins with obvious Bcl-2 sequence homology. We previously characterized the fowlpox virus protein FPV039 as a Bcl-2-like antiapoptotic protein that inhibits apoptosis by interacting with and inactivating the proapoptotic cellular protein Bak. However, both Bak and Bax can independently trigger cell death. Thus, to effectively inhibit apoptosis, a number of viruses also inhibit Bax. Here we show that FPV039 inhibited apoptosis induced by Bax overexpression and prevented both the conformational activation of Bax and the subsequent formation of Bax oligomers at the mitochondria, two critical steps in the induction of apoptosis. Additionally, FPV039 interacted with activated Bax in the context of Bax overexpression and virus infection. Importantly, the ability of FPV039 to interact with active Bax and inhibit Bax activity was dependent on the structurally conserved BH3 domain of FPV039, even though this domain possesses little sequence homology to other BH3 domains. FPV039 also inhibited apoptosis induced by the BH3-only proteins, upstream activators of Bak and Bax, despite interacting detectably with only two: BimL and Bik. Collectively, our data suggest that FPV039 inhibits apoptosis by sequestering and inactivating multiple proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, including certain BH3-only proteins and both of the critical “gatekeepers” of apoptosis, Bak and Bax.Apoptosis is a highly conserved form of programmed cell death that plays an important role in the immune defense against pathogens. The controlled and deliberate destruction of virally infected cells comprises a potent innate immune barrier against rampant viral replication and infection. As such, many viruses, including poxviruses, encode numerous proteins that inhibit a variety of steps in the biochemical pathways that lead to cell death (29, 69).The mitochondria, and the Bcl-2 family of proteins that preside over them, serve as an important control point in the regulation of apoptosis (87). United by the presence of one to four highly conserved Bcl-2 homology (BH) domains, the Bcl-2 family regulates the integrity of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and controls the release of apoptogenic molecules from the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Bak and Bax, the two proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, possess BH domains 1 to 3 and, upon activation, commit the cell to death (53, 77). Whereas Bak resides constitutively at the OMM, Bax exists in an inactive form in the cytoplasm and, upon apoptotic insult, undergoes a conformational change that exposes its C-terminal transmembrane domain and results in its relocalization to the OMM (10, 34, 41, 56). The attendant exposure of the N termini of both Bak and Bax precedes Bak and Bax homooligomerization, which facilitates mitochondrial damage and, ultimately, the release of cytochrome c (3, 4, 36, 37, 76). Cytochrome c, in turn, triggers the activation of caspases, a group of cysteine proteases responsible for dismantling the apoptotic cell (59). Bak and Bax are therefore crucial for the induction of apoptosis and, because either Bak or Bax alone is sufficient to facilitate the release of cytochrome c, both must be inactivated to effectively inhibit apoptosis (53, 77, 90). The activation of Bak and Bax is counteracted by the antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, including Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Mcl-1. These three proteins, which possess all four BH domains, reside at the mitochondria and prevent apoptosis by directly interacting with and inhibiting Bak and Bax or the BH3-only proteins (87). The BH3-only proteins, which possess only the BH3 domain, act as sentinels responsive to a variety of cellular stresses, including virus infection (79). Upon receipt of an apoptotic stimulus, BH3-only proteins become activated and subsequently activate Bak and Bax or inhibit the antiapoptotic function of Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Mcl-1 (15). Of the eight BH3-only proteins that are directly involved in the induction of apoptosis—namely, Bim, Bid, Puma, Bik, Bmf, Bad, Noxa, and Hrk—each displays a specific and characteristic ability to bind and inhibit Bcl-2 proteins (79).Like cellular antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, viral inhibitors of apoptosis have evolved especially to interfere with the activation of Bak and Bax (18, 40). For example, E1B 19K, encoded by adenovirus, and M11L, encoded by myxoma virus, bind and inactivate both Bak and Bax to inhibit apoptosis (26, 49, 65, 67, 72). Similarly, ORF125, the antiapoptotic protein encoded by the poxvirus Orf virus, also inactivates Bak and Bax, but exactly how ORF125 mediates this inactivation remains unknown (78). Although interacting with Bak and Bax is ostensibly the most direct way to prevent apoptosis, several viral antiapoptotic proteins appear to inhibit apoptosis by functioning upstream of Bak and Bax at the level of the BH3-only proteins. The vaccinia virus protein F1L, for example, interacts with Bak but not Bax, yet F1L is nonetheless capable of inactivating Bax, likely a result of F1L interacting with the BH3-only protein and Bax activator, Bim (61, 70, 74). Moreover, the Bcl-2 homolog encoded by Kaposi''s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and BHRF-1, encoded by Epstein-Barr virus, each interact with a specific and distinct array of BH3-only proteins, yet neither protein interacts detectably with Bak or Bax (14, 27, 44). Thus, to effectively inhibit apoptosis, it may not be necessary for viral proteins to directly target Bak and Bax but, instead, to prevent the activation of Bak and Bax by interfering with the upstream BH3-only proteins (15).Recently, our lab has shown that FPV039, encoded by fowlpox virus, localizes to the mitochondria, where it inhibits apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli (6). Interestingly, FPV039 is the only characterized poxvirus protein that shares obvious, albeit limited, sequence homology with cellular Bcl-2 proteins (1, 6). FPV039 possesses a highly conserved BH1 and BH2 domain but lacks an obvious BH3 and BH4 domain. Importantly, however, we predicted structural homology between the Bcl-2 BH3 domain and a corresponding region in FPV039, and we validated the prediction by showing that this cryptic FPV039 BH3 domain is functionally important (6). Indeed, the ability of FPV039 to interact with the proapoptotic protein Bak is dependent on this cryptic BH3 domain (6). Thus, despite lacking sequence conservation of a highly conserved BH3 domain, FPV039 is able to interact with, and inactivate, the proapoptotic protein Bak. Nevertheless, to completely inhibit apoptosis, both Bak and Bax must be inactivated.Accordingly, we wanted to determine whether FPV039, in addition to inactivating Bak, could inactivate Bax. We report here that FPV039 inhibited Bax activity and prevented critical steps in Bax activation. FPV039 did not appear to interact with endogenous inactive Bax; however, FPV039 was able to interact with active Bax. Moreover, FPV039 inhibited apoptosis induced by the BH3-only proteins despite interacting with only BimL and Bik. Together, these data strongly suggest FPV039 inhibits apoptosis by inactivating multiple proapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, including the critical Bak and Bax, as well as a discrete subset of BH3-only proteins.  相似文献   

Caseins, the main milk proteins, interact with colloidal calcium phosphate to form the casein micelle. The mesostructure of this supramolecular assembly markedly influences its nutritional and technological functionalities. However, its detailed molecular organization and the cellular mechanisms involved in its biogenesis have been only partially established. There is a growing body of evidence to support the concept that αs1-casein takes center stage in casein micelle building and transport in the secretory pathway of mammary epithelial cells. Here we have investigated the membrane-associated form of αs1-casein in rat mammary epithelial cells. Using metabolic labelling we show that αs1-casein becomes associated with membranes at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum, with no subsequent increase at the level of the Golgi apparatus. From morphological and biochemical data, it appears that caseins are in a tight relationship with membranes throughout the secretory pathway. On the other hand, we have observed that the membrane-associated form of αs1-casein co-purified with detergent-resistant membranes. It was poorly solubilised by Tween 20, partially insoluble in Lubrol WX, and substantially insoluble in Triton X-100. Finally, we found that cholesterol depletion results in the release of the membrane-associated form of αs1-casein. These experiments reveal that the insolubility of αs1-casein reflects its partial association with a cholesterol-rich detergent-resistant microdomain. We propose that the membrane-associated form of αs1-casein interacts with the lipid microdomain, or lipid raft, that forms within the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, for efficient forward transport and sorting in the secretory pathway of mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A dynamic cell-matrix interaction is crucial for a rapid cellular response to changes in the environment. Appropriate cell behavior in response to the changing wound environment is required for efficient wound closure. However, the way in which wound keratinocytes modify the wound environment to coordinate with such cellular responses remains less studied. We demonstrated that angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) produced by wound keratinocytes coordinates cell-matrix communication. ANGPTL4 interacts with vitronectin and fibronectin in the wound bed, delaying their proteolytic degradation by metalloproteinases. This interaction does not interfere with integrin-matrix protein recognition and directly affects cell-matrix communication by altering the availability of intact matrix proteins. These interactions stimulate integrin- focal adhesion kinase, 14-3-3, and PKC-mediated signaling pathways essential for effective wound healing. The deficiency of ANGPTL4 in mice delays wound re-epithelialization. Further analysis revealed that cell migration was impaired in the ANGPTL4-deficient keratinocytes. Altogether, the findings provide molecular insight into a novel control of wound healing via ANGPTL4-dependent regulation of cell-matrix communication. Given the known role of ANGPTL4 in glucose and lipid homeostasis, it is a prime therapeutic candidate for the treatment of diabetic wounds. It also underscores the importance of cell-matrix communication during angiogenesis and cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R) is an intracellular IP3-gated calcium (Ca2+) release channel and plays important roles in regulation of numerous Ca2+-dependent cellular responses. Many intracellular modulators and IP3R-binding proteins regulate the IP3R channel function. Here we identified G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting proteins (GIT), GIT1 and GIT2, as novel IP3R-binding proteins. We found that both GIT1 and GIT2 directly bind to all three subtypes of IP3R. The interaction was favored by the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and it functionally inhibited IP3R activity. Knockdown of GIT induced and accelerated caspase-dependent apoptosis in both unstimulated and staurosporine-treated cells, which was attenuated by wild-type GIT1 overexpression or pharmacological inhibitors of IP3R, but not by a mutant form of GIT1 that abrogates the interaction. Thus, we conclude that GIT inhibits apoptosis by modulating the IP3R-mediated Ca2+ signal through a direct interaction with IP3R in a cytosolic Ca2+-dependent manner.The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)3 receptor (IP3R) consisting of three subtypes, IP3R1, IP3R2, and IP3R3, is a tetrameric intracellular IP3-gated calcium (Ca2+) release channel localized at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with its NH2 terminus and COOH-terminal tail (CTT) exposed to the cytoplasm (1, 2; see Fig. 1A). IP3Rs are composed of five functional domains. The long NH2-terminal cytoplasmic region contains three domains, a coupling/suppressor domain, an IP3-binding core domain, and an internal coupling domain. The COOH-terminal region has a six-membrane spanning channel domain and a short cytoplasmic CTT “gatekeeper domain” that is critical for IP3R channel opening (2, 3). Ca2+ release activity of the IP3R channel is regulated by many intracellular modulators (ATP, calmodulin, and Ca2+), protein kinases, and IP3R-binding proteins (2, 4), and the tight regulation of IP3R channel activity by these factors generates various spatial and temporal intracellular Ca2+ patterns such as Ca2+ spikes and Ca2+ oscillations, leading to numerous cellular responses (1, 2, 5, 6).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.GIT1 and GIT2 bind to all three subtypes of IP3R. A, schematic of ER residential IP3R. The CTT of IP3R1 is used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen. B, schematic representation of GIT1, GIT2, and two GIT1 fragments identified from the yeast two-hybrid screen. Functional domains are indicated. ARF-GAP, ARF-specific GTPase-activating protein domain; ANK-REP, ankyrin repeats; CC, coiled-coil domains; SHD, the Spa2-homology domain; EF, EF-hand; IQ, IQ-like motifs; aa, amino acid. C, GIT1 binds to IP3R1 in vitro. GST and GST-IP3R1/CTT were incubated with mouse brain lysate for a pull-down assay. The input and pulled-down samples were probed with α-GIT1. D and E, GIT1 binds to IP3R1 in vivo. Mouse brain lysates were processed to control IgG and α-IP3R1 (D) or α-GIT1 (E) for IP. The input and IP samples were probed with α-GIT1 and α-IP3R1. F and G, both GIT1 and GIT2 bind to all three IP3R subtypes. HeLa cells coexpressing GFP-fused IP3R1, IP3R2, or IP3R3 and mRFP-fused GIT1 (F) or GIT2 (G) were processed for IP using α-RFP. The input and IP samples were blotted with α-GFP (top) and α-RFP (bottom).One of the physiological roles of IP3R-mediated Ca2+ signaling is a pro-apoptotic regulator during apoptosis. Ca2+ released from ER can stimulate several key enzymes activated during apoptosis such as endonucleases (7) and calpain (8). In addition, the close proximity of ER to mitochondria may facilitate the mitochondrial overload of Ca2+ released from the IP3Rs with certain apoptotic stimuli, triggering the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and the release of apoptotic signaling molecules, such as cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor, which leads to the activation of caspases (5, 6). Moreover, several key components of apoptotic cascades, such as cytochrome c (9) and anti-apoptosis proteins Bcl-2 (10, 11) and Bcl-XL (12), have been reported to interact with the internal coupling domain and/or the CTT of IP3R and enhance the Ca2+-release activity of IP3Rs during apoptosis. In this study, we identified the ubiquitously expressed G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting proteins (GIT) (13), GIT1 and GIT2, as novel IP3R-binding proteins that bind to the CTT of IP3R and inhibit apoptosis by regulation of IP3R-mediated Ca2+ signal.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) causes cognitive impairment in one third of the patients, although the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Recent studies showed that mutations in the distal part of the dystrophin gene correlate well with the cognitive impairment in DMD patients, which is attributed to Dp71. The study on the expression of the shortest isoform, Dp40, has not been possible due to the lack of an isoform specific antibody. Dp40 has the same promoter as that found in Dp71 and lacks the normal C-terminal end of Dp427. In the present study, we have raised polyclonal antibody against the N-terminal sequence common to short isoforms of dystrophin, including Dp40, and investigated the expression pattern of Dp40 in the mouse brain. Affinity chromatography with this antibody and the consecutive LC-MS/MS analysis on the interacting proteins revealed that Dp40 was abundantly expressed in synaptic vesicles and interacted with a group of presynaptic proteins, including syntaxin1A and SNAP25, which are involved in exocytosis of synaptic vesicles in neurons. We thus suggest that Dp40 may form a novel protein complex and play a crucial role in presynaptic function. Further studies on these aspects of Dp40 function might provide more insight into the molecular mechanisms of cognitive impairment found in patients with DMD.  相似文献   

During vaccinia virus morphogenesis, intracellular mature virus (IMV) particles are wrapped by a double lipid bilayer to form triple enveloped virions called intracellular enveloped virus (IEV). IEV are then transported to the cell surface where the outer IEV membrane fuses with the cell membrane to expose a double enveloped virion outside the cell. The F12, E2 and A36 proteins are involved in transport of IEVs to the cell surface. Deletion of the F12L or E2L genes causes a severe inhibition of IEV transport and a tiny plaque size. Deletion of the A36R gene leads to a smaller reduction in plaque size and less severe inhibition of IEV egress. The A36 protein is present in the outer membrane of IEVs, and over-expressed fragments of this protein interact with kinesin light chain (KLC). However, no interaction of F12 or E2 with the kinesin complex has been reported hitherto. Here the F12/E2 complex is shown to associate with kinesin-1 through an interaction of E2 with the C-terminal tail of KLC isoform 2, which varies considerably between different KLC isoforms. siRNA-mediated knockdown of KLC isoform 1 increased IEV transport to the cell surface and virus plaque size, suggesting interaction with KLC isoform 1 is somehow inhibitory of IEV transport. In contrast, knockdown of KLC isoform 2 did not affect IEV egress or plaque formation, indicating redundancy in virion egress pathways. Lastly, the enhancement of plaque size resulting from loss of KLC isoform 1 was abrogated by removal of KLC isoforms 1 and 2 simultaneously. These observations suggest redundancy in the mechanisms used for IEV egress, with involvement of KLC isoforms 1 and 2, and provide evidence of interaction of F12/E2 complex with the kinesin-1 complex.  相似文献   

Bcl—2家族蛋白与细胞凋亡   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
Bcl 2家族蛋白是在细胞凋亡过程中起关键性作用的一类蛋白质。在线粒体上 ,Bcl 2家族蛋白通过与其他凋亡蛋白的协同作用 ,调控线粒体结构与功能的稳定性 ,发挥着细胞凋亡“主开关”的作用。Bcl 2家族包括两类蛋白质 :一类是抗凋亡蛋白 ,另一类是促凋亡蛋白。在细胞凋亡时 ,Bcl 2家族中的促凋亡蛋白成员发生蛋白质的加工修饰 ,易位到线粒体的外膜上 ,引起细胞色素c、凋亡诱导因子等其他促凋亡因子的释放 ,导致细胞凋亡 ;而平时被隔离在线粒体等细胞器内的该家族的抗凋亡蛋白成员则抑制细胞色素c和凋亡诱导因子等促凋亡因子的释放 ,具有抑制细胞凋亡的功能。但一旦这类抗凋亡蛋白成员与激活的促凋亡蛋白发生相互作用后 ,便丧失了对细胞凋亡的抑制作用 ,造成线粒体等细胞器的功能丧失和细胞器内促凋亡因子的释放 ,导致细胞凋亡。现以Bcl 2家族调控细胞凋亡的最新研究进展为基础 ,对Bcl 2家族成员及其蛋白质结构、分布和调控细胞凋亡的分子机制进行综述。  相似文献   

ZAP是一种抗病毒因子,能够特异性结合病毒RNA并招募细胞中的RNA酶降解所结合的靶RNA,从而抑制某些病毒的复制,如鼠白血病病毒(MLV)、辛德比斯病毒(SIN).ZAP对HIV病毒抑制作用并不明显.Tat和Rev是HIV编码的两种可以特异性结合HIVRNA的蛋白质,将它们与ZAP构建成融合蛋白,使得融合蛋白通过Tat或Rev结合HIVRNA并通过ZAP降解HIVRNA,从而抑制HIV假病毒载体携带基因的表达.这一结果为抑制HIV病毒提供了一个新思路,也支持了ZAP招募mRNA降解机器降解靶RNA的模型.  相似文献   

Recent studies support the role of cysteine oxidation in actin cytoskeleton reorganization during cell adhesion. The aim of this study was to explain whether protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is responsible for the thiol-disulfide rearrangement in the β-actin molecule of adhering cells. First, we showed that PDI forms a disulfide-bonded complex with β-actin with a molecular mass of 110 kDa. Specific interaction of both proteins was demonstrated by a solid phase binding assay, surface plasmon resonance analysis, and immunoprecipitation experiments. Second, using confocal microscopy, we found that both proteins colocalized when spreading MEG-01 cells on fibronectin. Colocalization of PDI and β-actin could be abolished by the membrane-permeable sulfhydryl blocker, N-ethylmaleimide, by the RGD peptide, and by anti-αIIbβ3 antibodies. Consequently, down-regulation of PDI expression by antisense oligonucleotides impaired the spreading of cells and initiated reorganization of the cytoskeleton. Third, because of transfection experiments followed by immunoprecipitation and confocal analysis, we provided evidence that PDI binds to the β-actin Cys374 thiol. Formation of the β-actin-PDI complex was mediated by integrin-dependent signaling in response to the adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix. Our data suggest that PDI is released from subcellular compartments to the cytosol and translocated toward the periphery of the cell, where it forms a disulfide bond with β-actin when MEG-01 cells adhere via the αIIbβ3 integrin to fibronectin. Thus, PDI appears to regulate cytoskeletal reorganization by the thiol-disulfide exchange in β-actin via a redox-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1 (Mst1) is a critical component of the Hippo signaling pathway, which regulates a variety of biological processes ranging from cell contact inhibition, organ size control, apoptosis and tumor suppression in mammals. Mst1 plays essential roles in the heart disease since its activation causes cardiomyocyte apoptosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. However, the mechanism underlying Mst1 activation in the heart remains unknown. In a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human heart cDNA library with Mst1 as bait, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was identified as an Mst1-interacting protein. The interaction of GAPDH with Mst1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in both co-transfected HEK293 cells and mouse heart homogenates, in which GAPDH interacted with the kinase domain of Mst1, whereas the C-terminal catalytic domain of GAPDH mediated its interaction with Mst1. Moreover, interaction of Mst1 with GAPDH caused a robust phosphorylation of GAPDH and markedly increased the Mst1 activity in cells. Chelerythrine, a potent inducer of apoptosis, substantially increased the nuclear translocation and interaction of GAPDH and Mst1 in cardiomyocytes. Overexpression of GAPDH significantly augmented the Mst1 mediated apoptosis, whereas knockdown of GAPDH markedly attenuated the Mst1 activation and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in response to either chelerythrine or hypoxia/reoxygenation. These findings reveal a novel function of GAPDH in Mst1 activation and cardiomyocyte apoptosis and suggest that disruption of GAPDH interaction with Mst1 may prevent apoptosis related heart diseases such as heart failure and ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that BET inhibitors are effective anti-cancer therapeutics. Here we show that BET inhibitors are effective against murine primary mammary tumors, but not pulmonary metastases. BRD4, a target of BET inhibitors, encodes two isoforms with opposite effects on tumor progression. To gain insights into why BET inhibition was ineffective against metastases the pro-metastatic short isoform of BRD4 was characterized using mass spectrometry and cellular fractionation. Our data show that the pro-metastatic short isoform interacts with the LINC complex and the metastasis-associated proteins RRP1B and SIPA1 at the inner face of the nuclear membrane. Furthermore, histone binding arrays revealed that the short isoform has a broader acetylated histone binding pattern relative to the long isoform. These differential biochemical and nuclear localization properties revealed in our study provide novel insights into the opposing roles of BRD4 isoforms in metastatic breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

Hemojuvelin (HJV) and matriptase-2 (MT2) are co-expressed in hepatocytes, and both are essential for systemic iron homeostasis. HJV is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked membrane protein that acts as a co-receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins to induce hepcidin expression. MT2 regulates the levels of membrane-bound HJV in hepatocytes by binding to and cleaving HJV into an inactive soluble form that is released from cells. HJV also interacts with neogenin, a ubiquitously expressed transmembrane protein with multiple functions. In this study, we showed that neogenin interacted with MT2 as well as with HJV and facilitated the cleavage of HJV by MT2. In contrast, neogenin was not cleaved by MT2, indicating some degree of specificity by MT2. Down-regulation of neogenin with siRNA increased the amount of MT2 and HJV on the plasma membrane, suggesting a lack of neogenin involvement in their trafficking to the cell surface. The increase in MT2 and HJV upon neogenin knockdown was likely due to the inhibition of cell surface MT2 and HJV internalization. Analysis of the Asn-linked oligosaccharides showed that MT2 cleavage of cell surface HJV was coupled to a transition from high mannose oligosaccharides to complex oligosaccharides on HJV. These results suggest that neogenin forms a ternary complex with both MT2 and HJV at the plasma membrane. The complex facilitates HJV cleavage by MT2, and release of the cleaved HJV from the cell occurs after a retrograde trafficking through the TGN/Golgi compartments.  相似文献   

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