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The area of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) represents one of the more interesting fields in neurophysiological research, since it investigates the development of the machines that perform different transformations of the brain's “thoughts” to certain pre-defined actions. Experimental studies have reported some successful implementations of BCIs; however, much of the field still remains unexplored. According to some recent reports the phase coding of informational content is an important mechanism in the brain's function and cognition, and has the potential to explain various mechanisms of the brain's data transfer, but it has yet to be scrutinized in the context of brain-computer interface. Therefore, if the mechanism of phase coding is plausible, one should be able to extract the phase-coded content, carried by brain signals, using appropriate signal-processing methods. In our previous studies we have shown that by using a phase-demodulation-based signal-processing approach it is possible to decode some relevant information on the current motor action in the brain from electroencephalographic (EEG) data.


In this paper the authors would like to present a continuation of their previous work on the brain-information-decoding analysis of visuo-motor (VM) tasks. The present study shows that EEG data measured during more complex, dynamic visuo-motor (dVM) tasks carries enough information about the currently performed motor action to be successfully extracted by using the appropriate signal-processing and identification methods. The aim of this paper is therefore to present a mathematical model, which by means of the EEG measurements as its inputs predicts the course of the wrist movements as applied by each subject during the task in simulated or real time (BCI analysis). However, several modifications to the existing methodology are needed to achieve optimal decoding results and a real-time, data-processing ability. The information extracted from the EEG could, therefore, be further used for the development of a closed-loop, non-invasive, brain-computer interface.

Materials and methods

For the case of this study two types of measurements were performed, i.e., the electroencephalographic (EEG) signals and the wrist movements were measured simultaneously, during the subject's performance of a dynamic visuo-motor task. Wrist-movement predictions were computed by using the EEG data-processing methodology of double brain-rhythm filtering, double phase demodulation and double principal component analyses (PCA), each with a separate set of parameters. For the movement-prediction model a fuzzy inference system was used.


The results have shown that the EEG signals measured during the dVM tasks carry enough information about the subjects’ wrist movements for them to be successfully decoded using the presented methodology. Reasonably high values of the correlation coefficients suggest that the validation of the proposed approach is satisfactory. Moreover, since the causality of the rhythm filtering and the PCA transformation has been achieved, we have shown that these methods can also be used in a real-time, brain-computer interface. The study revealed that using non-causal, optimized methods yields better prediction results in comparison with the causal, non-optimized methodology; however, taking into account that the causality of these methods allows real-time processing, the minor decrease in prediction quality is acceptable.


The study suggests that the methodology that was proposed in our previous studies is also valid for identifying the EEG-coded content during dVM tasks, albeit with various modifications, which allow better prediction results and real-time data processing. The results have shown that wrist movements can be predicted in simulated or real time; however, the results of the non-causal, optimized methodology (simulated) are slightly better. Nevertheless, the study has revealed that these methods should be suitable for use in the development of a non-invasive, brain-computer interface.  相似文献   

Training on a motor task results in performance improvements that are accompanied by increases in motor cortex excitability. Moreover, periods of afferent stimulation result in increased motor cortex excitability. There is increasing evidence to suggest that raised motor cortical excitability may facilitate movement and learning. Here we examined whether a period of electrical stimulation of hand afferents (“associative stimulation”), known to increase motor cortex excitability, facilitated the performance of a complex sensorimotor task. Three groups of nine normal subjects participated in these studies. All subjects were trained on the grooved pegboard test (GPT). Training consisted of three blocks, each of five trials, of placing pegs as quickly as possible. The time to complete each block was recorded. One group of subjects had a 1-h period of associative stimulation prior to training on the GPT. A second group received non-associative stimulation (which does not change cortical excitability) of the same hand afferents while a third group received no stimulation prior to training. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimus (ADM) muscles both prior to and following stimulation and performance of the GPT. In contrast to non-associative stimulation, associative stimulation increased motor cortical excitability, as evidenced by an increase in the amplitude of MEPs evoked in the FDI, one of the stimulated muscles, but not the ADM. Training on the GPT resulted in significant improvements in the time taken to complete the task for all three groups. However, in subjects who had preconditioning associative stimulation, performance on the GPT improved more rapidly. Additionally, there was a strong trend for the improvement in the performance of the stimulated group to be greater than that of the control group. The results of the present study suggest that increased motor cortical excitability, induced by associative stimulation, may facilitate the performance of a novel complex sensorimotor task.  相似文献   

Laboratory tasks used to elicit a cardiovascular stress response in the laboratory can involve either active or passive coping. However, in previous work, passive stress tasks often incorporate a distinct physical stress element, such as the handgrip or cold pressor task, meaning observed changes in cardiovascular parameters may be the result of the physical element of the stressor rather than truly reflecting psychological stress. The present study aimed to establish the validity of a psychological passive stressor; one more analogous to active tasks than those previously employed in laboratory studies. Twenty-six young, healthy adults completed a speech task in the laboratory following a resting baseline period. Twelve months later, they were invited back to the laboratory and watched the video recording of their speech. Analyses confirmed that while both tasks elicited significant SBP and DBP change (all ps < .001), only the active task was associated with HR and CO reactivity (both ps < .001), while only the passive task was associated with TPR reactivity (p = .028). Furthermore, the passive stressor was associated with a mixed hemodynamic profile, whereas the active stressor was associated with a clear myocardial profile. This study confirms that watching a video recording of oneself complete a speech task is associated with a more vascular response profile, a response associated with passive coping contexts.  相似文献   

Changes in movement organization were examined during the learning of a multi-joint throwing task. Six participants threw a modified frisbee into the target area over an extended practice period (total of 1,300 trials). Throwing accuracy scores were recorded while 3-D arm motion was collected. Intrinsic shape and variability of end-point path and joint coordination pattern were assessed quantitatively by using generalized procrustes analysis (GPA) to remove extrinsic variability in location, orientation and size of movement configurations. Results indicated that throwing accuracy followed the power law of practice and had an inverse relationship with the actual variability of end-point path. GPA indicated that the intrinsic pattern of end-point path stabilized early during learning while the intrinsic pattern of joint coordination remained variable throughout practice. These findings support the proposal that skill acquisition is composed of two learning processes that occur at different rates. Topology (intrinsic pattern of end-point path) is acquired early during practice, while dynamic control (represented by joint coordination) occurs at a much slower rate.  相似文献   

The complexity and rapid growth of genetic data demand investment in information technology to support effective use of this information. Creating infrastructure to communicate genetic information to healthcare providers and enable them to manage that data can positively affect a patient's care in many ways. However, genetic data are complex and present many challenges. We report on the usability of a novel application designed to assist providers in receiving and managing a patient's genetic profile, including ongoing updated interpretations of the genetic variants in those patients. Because these interpretations are constantly evolving, managing them represents a challenge. We conducted usability tests with potential users of this application and reported findings to the application development team, many of which were addressed in subsequent versions. Clinicians were excited about the value this tool provides in pushing out variant updates to providers and overall gave the application high usability ratings, but had some difficulty interpreting elements of the interface. Many issues identified required relatively little development effort to fix suggesting that consistently incorporating this type of analysis in the development process can be highly beneficial. For genetic decision support applications, our findings suggest the importance of designing a system that can deliver the most current knowledge and highlight the significance of new genetic information for clinical care. Our results demonstrate that using a development and design process that is user focused helped optimize the value of this application for personalized medicine.  相似文献   

Theories of motor learning argue that the acquisition of novel motor skills requires a task-specific organization of sensory and motor subsystems. We examined task-specific coupling between motor subsystems as subjects learned a novel stick-balancing task. We focused on learning-induced changes in finger movements and body sway and investigated the effect of practice on their coupling. Eight subjects practiced balancing a cylindrical wooden stick for 30 min a day during a 20 day learning period. Finger movements and center of pressure trajectories were recorded in every fifth practice session (4 in total) using a ten camera VICON motion capture system interfaced with two force platforms. Motor learning was quantified using average balancing trial lengths, which increased with practice and confirmed that subjects learned the task. Nonlinear time series and phase space reconstruction methods were subsequently used to investigate changes in the spatiotemporal properties of finger movements, body sway and their progressive coupling. Systematic increases in subsystem coupling were observed despite reduced autocorrelation and differences in the temporal properties of center of pressure and finger trajectories. The average duration of these coupled trajectories increased systematically across the learning period. In short, the abrupt transition between coupled and decoupled subsystem dynamics suggested that stick balancing is regulated by a hierarchical control mechanism that switches from collective to independent control of the finger and center of pressure. In addition to traditional measures of motor performance, dynamical analyses revealed changes in motor subsystem organization that occurred when subjects learned a novel stick-balancing task.  相似文献   

Learning and retention of a shock avoidance task were studied in the absence of proprioceptive or other topographic feedback. Rats with a deafferented hind limb were trained using the instrumental shock avoidance and retention paradigm of Horridge. Rats received shock whenever they lowered an electrode attached to a deafferented hind foot into an electrolyte bath; yoked-control rats received the shocks to a deafferented hind food along with the experimental animals. Experimental animals consistently held their feet above the electrolyte (p<0.01). During the early minutes of the second phase (a testing situation, in which the experimental and control animals were both shocked for leg lowering) the experimentals received fewer shocks than the controls (p<0.001); the controls eventually withheld their feet (p<0.001). These results indicate that rats with deafferented hind limbs provide a simple system for the study of learning and retention in the absence of proprioceptive or other topographic feedback.  相似文献   

Training of skilled movements leads to typical changes in motor evoked potentials (MEPs). To explore how such changes are related to motor performance and hand preference, a goal-directed movement task was implemented on a haptic interface. Right and left hands of right-handed subjects were trained in two sessions separated by a pause of 10 min. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied contralaterally to the trained hand before and after each session. Effects of right hand training: after session #1 MEP-facilitation was +60%, intracortical inhibition (ICI) was reduced and task improvement was +37%. Following session #2 all variables remained unchanged. Left hand training: after session #1 MEP-facilitation was +59%, ICI remained unchanged and task improvement was +30%. Following session #2 all variables remained unchanged. It is concluded that mainly the early phase of skill acquisition induces neuroplastic changes. The asymmetry in ICI obviously reflects functional side differences in hand motor control.  相似文献   

This study sought to characterize changes in the synergy of joint motions related to learning a Frisbee throwing task and, in particular, how the use of abundant solutions to joint coordination changed during the course of learning for successful performance. The latter information was helpful in determining the relative importance of different performance-related variables (PVs) to performance improvement. Following a pre-test, the main experiment consisted of six subjects practicing a Frisbee throw to a laterally-placed target for five days, 150 throws per day, followed by a post-test. A subgroup of three subjects continued to practice for an extended period of extensive practice amounting to 1800–2700 additional throws each, followed by a second post-test. Motor abundance was addressed through the uncontrolled manifold approach (UCM), which was used to partition the variance of joint configurations into two components with respect to relevant PVs, one component leading to a consistent value of the PV across repetitions, and a reflection of motor abundance, and a second component resulting in unstable values of the relevant PV. The method was used to test hypotheses about the relative importance of controlling the PVs that have an impact on successful task performance: movement extent, movement direction, hand path velocity, and the hands orientation to the target. In addition, the amount of self-motion, or apparently extraneous joint motion having no effect on the hands motion, compared to joint motion that does affect the hands motion, was determined. After a week of practice, all subjects showed improvement in terms of targeting accuracy. Hand movement variability also decreased with practice and this was associated with a decrease in overall joint configuration variance. This trend continued to a greater extent in the three subjects who participated in extended practice. Although the component of joint configuration variance that was consistent with a stable value of all PVs was typically substantially higher than variance leading to unstable values of those PVs, both components decreased with practice. However, the decrease in joint configuration variance reflecting motor abundance was less than the other variance component only in relation to control of movement direction and the hands orientation to the target. These results indicate that improvement of throwing performance in this experiment was more related to improved stabilization of movement direction and to the hands orientation to the target than to movement extent and hand velocity. Nonetheless, the relative values of the two joint variance components were such that the instantaneous value of both hand path velocity and movement extent were stabilized throughout the experiment and showed a consistent compensatory relationship at the time of Frisbee release, despite not changing with practice. Finally, the amount of self-motion increased significantly with practice, possibly reflecting better compensation for perturbations due to the limbs dynamics. The results are consistent with other studies, suggesting the need to reevaluate Bernsteins hypothesis of freeing and freezing DOFs with learning.  相似文献   

Neurobiological mechanisms of decision-making have been shown to be modulated by a number of frontal brain regions. Among those areas, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is thought to play an important role in the decision of behavioral actions when faced with alternative options of ambiguous outcome. Here we present a novel neurobehavioral task to study affective decision-making in the rat, based on evaluation of consecutive choices between two levers associated with rewards of different value and probability. Two groups of animals were studied; a sham control group (n=6) and an OFC-lesioned group (n=7). In the first 30 trials both groups had similar preference patterns but at the end of the 90 trials of the task both groups developed specific preferences. The control group systematically preferred the lever associated with smaller but more reliable rewards (low risk lever) while the OFC lesion group preferred the high risk lever (index of preference of 0.21+/-0.21 vs. -0.45+/-0.10; t-test, P<0.05). Analysis of choice persistence (i.e. choosing the same lever in consecutive trials) suggests that the OFC-lesioned group became less sensitive to risk, seeking large rewards irrespective of their success probability.  相似文献   

Cocaine facilitates dopamine transmission from ventral tegmental area (VTA) neurons that project to nucleus accumbens (NAcc), and previous experiments suggest that serotonin-1B (5-HT1B) receptors are involved in this effect. Specifically, activation of 5-HT1B receptors in VTA during cocaine exposure increases dopamine release in NAcc and enhances cocaine-induced locomotor activity, reward, and reinforcement. Thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that blocking 5-HT1B activity may have the opposite effect. To investigate this hypothesis, SB 224289, a highly selective 5-HT1B antagonist, was used to block this receptor. In an open field/novel object exploration test, SB 224289 reduced cocaine-induced locomotion. However, SB 224289 also increased anxiety-like behavior, both alone and in combination with cocaine. This experiment gives evidence that 5-HT1B antagonists may reduce some of the behavioral effects of cocaine, but may have negative effects on anxiety as well.  相似文献   

Younger and older participants (n=8 in each age group) performed a letter-matching task, where they had to respond to identical letters (P=0.15). Task-relevant (target and non-target) letters were presented on two corners of an imagery square, while on the other two corners irrelevant letters were presented. In some trials (P=0.05), pictures of visual objects (novels, unrelated to the matching task) were presented. Reaction times were slower and error rates higher for older adults. The amplitude of the N1 event-related potential component was smaller over anterior locations for the older adults. All target stimuli elicited a late positivity over anterior locations for both age groups, but the late positivity (P3b) was absent over posterior scalp for the older adults. For the younger adults, novel stimuli elicited a large negative component (N2(novel)) that was maximal over the central location. No such activity was observed for older adults. Based on the results, processing of novel stimuli is considered to be compromised in the elderly.  相似文献   

Willuhn I  Steiner H 《Neuroscience》2008,153(1):249-258
Evidence indicates that dopamine receptors regulate processes of procedural learning in the sensorimotor striatum. Our previous studies revealed that the indirect dopamine receptor agonist cocaine alters motor-skill learning-associated gene regulation in the sensorimotor striatum. Cocaine-induced gene regulation in the striatum is principally mediated by D1 dopamine receptors. We investigated the effects of cocaine and striatal D1 receptor antagonism on motor-skill learning. Rats were trained on a running wheel (40-60 min, 2-5 days) to learn a new motor skill, that is, the ability to control the movement of the wheel. Immediately before each training session, the animals received an injection of vehicle or cocaine (25 mg/kg, i.p.), and/or the D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 (0, 3, 10 microg/kg, i.p., or 0, 0.3, 1 microg, intrastriatal via chronically implanted cannula). The animal's ability to control/balance the moving wheel (wheel skill) was tested before and repeatedly after the training. Normal wheel-skill memory lasted for at least 4 weeks. Cocaine administered before the training tended to attenuate skill learning. Systemic administration of SCH-23390 alone also impaired skill learning. However, cocaine given in conjunction with the lower SCH-23390 dose (3 microg/kg) reversed the inhibition of skill learning produced by the D1 receptor antagonist, enabling intact skill performance during the whole post-training period. In contrast, when cocaine was administered with the higher SCH-23390 dose (10 microg/kg), skill performance was normalized 1-6 days after the training, but these rats lost their improved wheel skill by day 18 after the training. Similar effects were produced by SCH-23390 (0.3-1 microg) infused into the striatum. Our results indicate that cocaine interferes with normal motor-skill learning, which seems to be dependent on optimal D1 receptor signaling. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that D1 receptors in the striatum are critical for consolidation of long-term skill memory.  相似文献   

There is a need to provide a more effective user interface to facilitate non-domain experts' health information seeking in authoritative online databases such as MEDLINE. We developed a new topic cluster based information navigation system called SimMed. Instead of offering a list of documents, SimMed presents users with a list of ranked clusters. Topically similar documents are grouped together to provide users with a better overview of the search results and to support exploration of similar literature within a cluster. We conducted an empirical user study to compare SimMed to a traditional document list based search interface. A total of 42 study participants were recruited to use both interfaces for health information exploration search tasks. The results showed that SimMed is more effective in terms of users' perceived topic knowledge changes and their engagement in user-system interactions. We also developed a new metric to assess users' efforts to find relevant citations. On average, users need significantly fewer clicks to find relevant information in SimMed than in the baseline system. Comments from study participants indicated that SimMed is more helpful in finding similar citations, providing related medical terms, and presenting better organized search results, particularly when the initial search is unsatisfactory. Findings from the study shed light on future health and biomedical information retrieval system and interface designs.  相似文献   

Detection of novelty is an essential component of recognition memory, which develops throughout cerebral maturation. To better understand the developmental aspects of this memory system, the novel object recognition task (NOR) was used with the immature rat and ontogenically profiled. It was hypothesized that object recognition would vary across development and be inferior to adult performance. The NOR design was made age‐appropriate by downsizing the testing objects and arena. Weanling (P20–23), juvenile (P29–40), and adult (P50+) rats were tested after 0.25, 1, 24, and 48 hr delays. Weanlings exhibited novel object recognition at 0.25 and 1 hr, while older animals showed a preference for the novel object out to 24 hr. These findings are consistent with previous research performed in humans and monkeys, as well as to studies using the NOR after medial temporal lobe damage in adult rats. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 51: 672–678, 2009  相似文献   

The study investigates the effect of task uncertainty on motor synergies and movement time for a whole-body pointing task employing a Fitts' like paradigm. Thirty-three healthy, young adults were asked to hold a 1.5-m long stick and point it as quickly and accurately as possible to the unmarked center of fixed targets on the ceiling at 150% of the subject's height from the ground. Each subject performed fifteen continuous repetitions for each target size (1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 5cm, 8cm, 13cm and 21cm diameters of circles). It was assumed that the task uncertainty increased as the target size increased. Motion capture was used to collect the data for joint angles in the sagittal plane and uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis was used in order to investigate synergistic actions of joints. Results from the study revealed that the movement time decreased as task uncertainty increased. The variability within the uncontrolled manifold (V(UCM)) systematically increased with task uncertainty, resulting in an increase in the index of inter-joint synergies (ΔV), although the pointing task errors (V(ORT)) were consistent across different target sizes. The results suggest that the central nervous system systematically modulates the inter-joint synergies with task uncertainty in the whole-body pointing task without affecting motor performance.  相似文献   

The impact of prior stress experience on heart rate and task performance in the presence of a novel stressor was studied. During a training phase 42 female students were required to solve arithmetical problems under conditions of either no stressor, delayed auditory feedback, or distraction. Subsequently in a testing phase all subjects performed the same task in the presence of delayed auditory feedback. Training in the presence of stress resulted in decreased heart rate and better performance in the testing phase. These data were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that training under stress-inducing conditions increases stress resistance which generalizes to a novel stressor and which leads subjects to experience the novel stressor as being less stressful.  相似文献   

Numerous changes occur during aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression, including a decline in cholinergic functioning and cognition, as well as alterations in gene expression and activity in the nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate (NO/cGMP) pathway. Donepezil, the current standard of care for Alzheimer's disease, improves cholinergic functioning and has demonstrated effects on multiple domains of cognition, including memory and attention in both preclinical species and patients. We previously found that increasing activation of the NO/cGMP pathway via phosphodiesterase 9 (PDE9) inhibition also improves memory in rodents and suggested that PDE9 might be a promising target for novel treatments for AD. Here we investigated whether PDE9 inhibition also enhances attention using a novel attention task in rats. We validated this task using several pharmacological manipulations and showed that the selective PDE9 inhibitor PF-04447943 produced effects similar to those of donepezil. These data confirm and extend the hypothesis that PDE9 inhibition might serve as a novel treatment for AD and age-related cognitive decline.  相似文献   

PurposePrevious research has shown that information seekers in biomedical domain need more support in formulating their queries. A user study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a metadata based query suggestion interface for PubMed bibliographic search. The study also investigated the impact of search task familiarity on search behaviors and the effectiveness of the interface.MethodsA real user, user search request and real system approach was used for the study. Unlike tradition IR evaluation, where assigned tasks were used, the participants were asked to search requests of their own. Forty-four researchers in Health Sciences participated in the evaluation – each conducted two research requests of their own, alternately with the proposed interface and the PubMed baseline. Several performance criteria were measured to assess the potential benefits of the experimental interface, including users’ assessment of their original and eventual queries, the perceived usefulness of the interfaces, satisfaction with the search results, and the average relevance score of the saved records.ResultsThe results show that, when searching for an unfamiliar topic, users were more likely to change their queries, indicating the effect of familiarity on search behaviors. The results also show that the interface scored higher on several of the performance criteria, such as the “goodness” of the queries, perceived usefulness, and user satisfaction. Furthermore, in line with our hypothesis, the proposed interface was relatively more effective when less familiar search requests were attempted.ConclusionsResults indicate that there is a selective compatibility between search familiarity and search interface. One implication of the research for system evaluation is the importance of taking into consideration task familiarity when assessing the effectiveness of interactive IR systems.  相似文献   

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