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大规模新能源的并网给系统的经济性和稳定性带来明显的影响。作为一种灵活、环保的电源,抽蓄机组承担调峰、调频、备用等功能,能平抑源荷波动,保证电网安全稳定运行。但是我国抽蓄电站运行综合效率和经济效益与国外相差较大,部分电站甚至出现亏损的现象。据此,该文结合国内抽蓄电站运行实例,分析抽蓄电站在独立经营、租赁经营、电网统一经营3种模式下的经济效益以及所面临的问题;进而选取国外成熟市场条件下具有代表性的英国Dinorwig电站和美国Summit电站分析其运营模式;最后借鉴国外成熟抽蓄项目的经营经验,从租赁合约、辅助服务补偿、电价机制等多个角度,为我国抽蓄电站经营模式的选择和发展提出建议。  相似文献   

抽蓄电站地下施工洞室通风质量决定洞室内产生的有毒有害气体能否有效快速排出。文章基于RNG k-ε湍流模型,建立了抽蓄电站地下施工洞室通风系统的数值计算模型,使用Fluent数值模拟软件对施工工况下的金寨抽蓄电站地下洞室全厂通风系统运行时的流体流动特性进行仿真计算。通过现场实测数据对模型可靠性进行了验证。在此基础上,针对目前的通风系统提出改进方案,并进行仿真试验,根据仿真结果给出通风改进建议,为抽蓄电站地下施工洞室的通风系统设计和安全施工提供帮助。  相似文献   

为解决目前光伏电站、抽水蓄能电站参与市场面临的竞标策略不清晰、合作方式不明确、收益分配不合理等问题,采用条件风险价值(CVaR)度量风险,建立光伏抽蓄联合电站参与市场的两阶段随机优化模型,使联合电站的收益最大化,之后基于各类电源主体特性,综合风险水平、贡献率、出力预测精度等因素,提出联盟收益最优分配模型.算例结果表明,...  相似文献   

建立负荷在功率约束与需求响应约束下的激励需求响应模型以及含分布式电源、储能与电动汽车的家庭用电模型,在预测模型多时间尺度能量管理的基础上,以最小化用户自身用电费用与买电功率波动的两层目标函数实时优化调整策略.通过实时调整储电池、电动汽车的充放电,从而保证用户购电满足需求相应的要求.最后采用改进的粒子群算法对多时间尺度目...  相似文献   

为解决可再生能源弃风、弃光现象与不平衡功率惩罚较重等问题,提出了一种多时间尺度下考虑光热—储热的主动配电网主辅联合调度策略.该策略在满足内部负荷前提下参与电能与备用日前市场,考虑含光热—储热的主动配电网协调调度风电、光伏、需求响应,在促进风光消纳、减少不平衡功率的同时提高主动配电网运行经济性.首先根据含储热的光热电站与...  相似文献   

为解决源-荷供需能量不匹配的问题,提出了针对冷热电联供(CCHP)系统的多时间尺度滚动优化运行方法。该策略按照“日前-日内”2个阶段逐级制定机组出力计划,分别构建了以日前运行成本最低为目标的日前优化模型以及以滚动时域内购电成本和储能出力变化惩罚成本最低为目标的日内滚动优化模型,由此得到冷热电联供系统平滑出力计划。在日前优化中考虑多种储能模式对CCHP系统运行经济性的影响;日内滚动优化阶段确定了最佳滚动时长为4 h。结果表明:多元储能模式能够提高CCHP系统的运行经济性;多时间尺度滚动优化不仅可以提高和保证CCHP系统运行的经济性,而且能够有效降低源-荷的波动性对实际系统运行的影响。  相似文献   

为研究多时间尺度电力交易下配电网的最大供电能力,首先从中长期+现货交易模式入手,将多时间尺度下的交易转变为单时间尺度交易;其次,建立考虑多时间尺度电力交易市场下的配电网最大供电能力双层模型,并运用原始对偶内点法和改进的重复潮流算法求解;最后通过算例,对中长期+现货交易模式下的配电网最大供电能力进行计算分析。结果表明,考虑多尺度电力交易下的配电网最大供电能力得到了提升,且随着现货交易的深入,提升得越明显。研究成果可为电力市场环境下提升配电网最大供电能力提供参考。  相似文献   

针对零维均质正庚烷/空气在定压条件下的着火过程,采用多时间尺度(multi time scale,MTS)的方法进行数值模拟.研究结果表明,正庚烷/空气的着火过程涉及到广泛的时间尺度.针对这一特性,引入了MTS方法,在计算过程中对具有不同特征时间的组分采用不同计算步长进行数值积分,从而高效精确地模拟着火过程.对不同初始条件下着火过程的数值实验表明,MTS算法不仅能够保证整个计算过程的精度,同时也能大大提高计算的速度.该方法可以应用到化学反应流的直接数值模拟中,可极大地提高计算速度.  相似文献   

为解决可再生能源和用户负荷波动所造成的能量供需不平衡问题,该文提出多时间尺度优化运行方法。该方法建立“日前-日内滚动-实时调整”的三阶段优化模型来逐级优化机组出力,日前阶段考虑环境成本,日前优化以日运行成本最低为目标,日内滚动优化以滚动控制时域内购能成本和机组出力变化惩罚成本最低为目标,实时调整优化以设备功率总调整率最小为目标,最终得到设备的实时平滑出力计划。日前阶段比较不同的系统结构对CCHP系统日运行成本的影响,并确定了最佳的系统结构。仿真结果验证了所提策略的准确性,优化结果显示:多元储能模式能降低CCHP系统的运行成本;多时间尺度滚动优化不但能提高CCHP系统的运行经济性,而且能减小设备的功率波动,减小设备运行损耗。  相似文献   

基于小波分析的枯水径流多时间尺度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以密云水库1956~2002年共47 a的年最枯一月径流量过程为例,对枯水径流序列进行小波变换并分析其多时间尺度演变特性.结果表明,枯水径流序列具有明显的多时间尺度特征,资料序列具有时间尺度为16、10、5 a的主要周期,2015年前后为枯水流量极小年份.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new type of pumped-storage power station with faster response speed, wider regulation range, and better stability is proposed. The operational flexible of the traditional pumped-storage power station can be improved with variable-speed pumped-storage technology. Combined with chemical energy storage, the failure to achieve second-order response speed and the insufficient safety and reliability of pumped-storage power units could be solved. With the better solar energy and site resources, the integrated performance can be improved by an optical storage system installed in future pumped-storage stations. Through the characteristics analysis of the new type of pumped-storage power station, three types of optimal station locations are proposed, namely, the load concentration area, new energy concentration area, and ultra- high-voltage direct current receiver area. Taking the new pumped-storage power station as an example, the advantages of multi-energy cooperation and joint operation are analyzed. It can be predicted that the frequency and load regulation of the power grid will be more flexible, and the service capacity to the main power grid will be much stronger in the future.  相似文献   

The nuclear power plant is suitable for base-load operation, while the pumped-storage unit mainly gives play to capacity benefit in the electric power system; hence, the integrated development and hybrid operation mode of the two can better meet the needs of the electric power system. This article first presents an analysis of the necessity and superiority of such mode, then explains its meaning and analyzes the working routes. Finally, it proposes the business modes as follows: low price pumping water electricity plus nuclear power in the near term; nuclear power shifted to pumped storage power participating in market competition in the middle term; and, in the long term, nuclear power shifted to pumped storage power as primary and serving as an electric power system when needed.  相似文献   

针对综合能源系统中多种复杂的能量耦合关系和负荷预测误差的变化,提出了一种基于长短时记忆网络(LSTM)和多元负荷预测误差的动态时间尺度调度策略.该策略结合负荷预测的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)曲线与调度员所要求的误差限值,动态地选择每个月适合于各类能量的最佳时间尺度.根据日前调度计划结果,在日内每个时间尺度上对相关设...  相似文献   

介绍了江苏沙河抽水蓄能电站上进出水口设计特点,上进水口体型参数的确定,工程处理措施,结构稳定分析和结构计算。  相似文献   

This paper employs the Conditional Value‐at Risk, largely used in financial risk management, to specify the power reserve capacity of a wind power plant (WPP) under a risk metric. Evidences are shown here that other popular, simpler measure, the Value‐at Risk, is inappropriate for that specification. Under this risk‐based reserve metric, two programs are approached to optimally distribute a reserve request in a WPP subject to a given confidence level in the commitment. The most exhaustive of the two is a two‐level formulation including a solution to the load power flow (LPF) in the WPP. By solving these two programs, for comparison with interior‐point and heuristic solvers, conclusions are drawn. Notably, that a Pareto optimality occurs for stringent reserve requests; that putting off‐line generators is financially more profitable than partial curtailments to respond to low reserve requests; and that in these cases accounting for losses through LPF‐based optimization seems unnecessary. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Competitive structure of power markets causes various challenges for wind resources to participate in these markets. Indeed, production uncertainty is the main cause of their low income. Thus, they are usually supported by system operators, which is in contrast with the competitive paradigm of power markets. In this paper, a new strategy for increasing the profits of wind resources is proposed. In the suggested strategy, a Generation Company (GenCo), who owns both wind and pumped-storage plants, self-schedules the integrated operation of them regarding the uncertainty of wind power generation. For presenting an integrated self-schedule and obtaining a real added value of the strategy, participation of the GenCo in energy and ancillary service markets is modeled. The self-scheduling strategy is based on stochastic programming techniques. Outputs of the problem include generation offers in day-ahead energy market and ancillary service markets, including spinning and regulation reserve markets. A Neural Network (NN) based technique is used for modeling the uncertainty of wind power production. The proposed strategy is tested on a real wind farm in mainland, Spain. Moreover, added value of the strategy is presented in different conditions of the market.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种双层结构的储能电站参与电网二次调频的优化控制策略。首先,综合对比分析了常规机组与储能电站参与电网二次调频的技术特性,并在调度层面对储能电站与常规机组的功率进行解耦;然后研究了储能电站辅助火电机组调频的协调控制框架,以实现不同调频资源的合理分配;在储能电站主控层面,建立了表征储能实时调频能力的评估模型,并采用改进遗传算法对模型进行求解,以对储能各单元出力进行精细化协调管理;最后,基于仿真模型验证了所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

引水式电站过渡过程研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着水电发展逐步成熟,水电事业也开始向山区河流发展,促进了中小型水电站数量的增加,因此引水式电站过渡过程的研究已经引起了广泛的关注.概述了引水式电站过渡过程的研究内容和研究现状,以及过渡过程中遇到的主要问题和主要改善措施,同时针对不同类型的调压室,就调压阀和导叶关闭规律在引水式电站过渡过程中的应用作了详细论述,通过实例针对不同类型的引水式电站简要分析了其选择条件、注意事项以及设置过程.  相似文献   

Web services, emerging as the next generation of integration technology, provide an attractive alternative for enterprise application integration. This article presents a Web-services-based integration framework to address some general integration issues common to electric utilities. As a case study, the Web-services-based integration framework is then applied to design an integrated utility information system.  相似文献   

文章提出了一种电动汽车(EV)与风电协同入网的双层优化模型.该模型上层以电动汽车与风电协同入网时负荷方差与充电站运营商购电成本最小为目标,得到电动汽车与风电联合的负荷指导曲线.模型下层以电动汽车和风电实际等效负荷与负荷指导曲线偏差最小为目标,进行实时负荷跟随.为保证电动汽车进行有序的充放电,提出了用户综合评价系数和放电...  相似文献   

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