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鸢乌贼是南海重要的渔业资源之一,是大型光诱罩网渔船的主要捕捞对象。以2011年4个季度西沙海域光诱罩网船作业随机采集的542尾鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)为样本,研究其摄食与繁殖生物学特性。结果表明:鸢乌贼雌雄比为1∶1,雌性成熟高峰期为冬季,平均性成熟指数(gonad somatic index,GSI)为2.97,雄性成熟高峰期为夏季,平均GSI为1.89;胴长171 mm以上雌性个体出现一次性腺发育高峰期,GSI达到8.59,111~140 mm胴长组雄性个体出现一次性腺发育高峰期,GSI为1.92,雌、雄GSI随胴长变化均较显著(p值<0.05);雌、雄初次性成熟胴长分别为159 mm和83 mm;同一胴长组中雌、雄个体的平均饵料质量差异性不显著(p值>0.05),但雌性个体最大饵料质量大于雄性个体;雌雄鸢乌贼摄食强度随胴长增加呈现总体上升的趋势,摄食等级除夏季以2级和3级为主外,其余各季度均以3级和4级为主,其中,3、4级在春季和冬季分别占71.02%和79.02%;空胃率(摄食等级为0)在秋季所占比例较高,为16.22%,其余3个季度空胃率均不超过5%,摄食对象以鱼类、头足类和甲壳类为主,且有同类相残现象。  相似文献   

【目的】通过耳石形态参数对南海鸢乌贼(Sthenoeuthisoualaniensis)不同群体进行判别。【方法】采用2012年4月-2013年1月采自南海南沙群岛、东沙群岛和中沙西沙群岛周边海域灯光罩网渔获的268尾鸢乌贼耳石样本(雌性166尾、雄性102尾),通过耳石总长(TSL)、最大宽度(MW)、侧区长(LDL)、背侧区长(DLL)、吻侧区长(RLL)、吻区长(RL)、吻区宽(RW)、翼区长(WL)和翼区宽(WW)9个形态参数进行主成分分析,采用不同校正方法判别分析3个不同海域和3个不同体型群体的耳石差异性。【结果】统计并分析鸢乌贼耳石形态参数可知,南海鸢乌贼耳石具有翼区宽大、侧区次之、背区稍小、吻区长窄的形态特征。主成分分析表明,鸢乌贼的耳石长度参数TSL、LDL、DLL、WL和宽度参数MW可代替9项形态参数来描述耳石的形态特征;函数拟合结果,5项表征与鸢乌贼胴长有较强的线性函数关系。判别分析表明,比值校正法对3个地理群体判别中具有较好稳定性,总体成功率为60.4%;中沙西沙群体和微型群体的耳石形态在判别中有较好的区分度。【结论】不同群体的南海鸢乌贼耳石形态特征具有较大差异性,中、西沙群体和微型群体与其他群体存在较高的区分度。  相似文献   

The age, growth and maturation of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis were determined with statolith data collected with a light purse seine from the Bashi Channel of central Pacific Ocean. The estimated longevity of the squid was no more than 6 months for females, and no more than 5 months for males. Growth in mantle length (ML) was best described by logistic models for both females and males, while growth in body weight (BW) was best fitted by power curves. The maximum absolute growth rate (AGR) and instantaneous growth rate (IGR) in ML or BW both occurred at 91–105 days for females and 76–90 days for males. Back calculated hatching dates were from October to January, with a peak in December, although the short duration of sampling date might have had an influence on the result. The lower percentage of mature females (37.2%) suggested that the study area during the sampling date was not a spawning ground for the species. Size and age at first maturity were 183 mm ML and 136 days for females, whereas they were 156 mm ML and 85 days for males.  相似文献   

分析柔鱼的资源现状、种群结构、洄游和集群分布等,介绍其渔场形成、类型、分布以及影响渔场时空分布的海洋环境因子,并以柔鱼早期生活史为线索,分析了影响柔鱼资源补充量的环境因子、气候条件,并归纳了柔鱼渔场预报模型及资源评估常用模型。研究认为,今后应开展国际合作,加强对北太平洋柔鱼生活史过程的研究,了解其产卵场和索饵场的范围,以及洄游路线及时空变化规律,分析大尺度范围气候变化、捕捞作业、被捕食压力等对其资源的影响,结合海洋遥感、地理信息系统、物理海洋学等学科,开展多学科合作,对其种群动力学过程进行系统研究。  相似文献   

印度洋西北海域鸢乌贼9-10月栖息地适宜指数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度洋西北部海域的鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)具有一定的开发潜力,可作为商业性捕捞的对象,准确预报中心渔场可为指导生产提供依据。根据2003、2004年9~10月份期间我国鱿钓船在2°~24°N、57°~69°E海域的探捕数据,结合表温、盐度、海表面高度和叶绿素a,以CPUE作为适应性指数,利用算术平均法(AM)和几何平均法(GM)分别建立基于环境因子的综合栖息地指数模型。结果表明,9月份在栖息地指数(HSI)大于0.8的中心渔场作业次数比例超过24%,平均日产量在5.48 t/d左右;10月份在HSI大于0.8的中心渔场作业次数比例在43%以上,平均日产量在5.2 t/d以上。基于表温、盐度、海表面高度和叶绿素a的HSI模型能较好预测印度洋鸢乌贼中心渔场,且AM模型优于GM模型。  相似文献   

The neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) is a short-lived opportunistic species widely distributed in subtropical and temperate waters in the North Pacific Ocean. The life cycle of O. bartramii from planktonic eggs to nektonic adults is closely linked to oceanographic conditions. The fluctuations in O. bartramii abundance and distribution tend to increase and widen continuously due to the heavy influences of ocean-climate events on various spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we reviewed the interaction between O. bartramii and oceanography variability in the North Pacific with respect to large-scale climatic-oceanic phenomena including El Ni?o, La Ni?a, Kuroshio, Oyashio and Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO), as well as regional environmental variables such as sea surface temperature(SST), sea surface height(SSH), sea surface salinity(SSS), chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) concentration, and plankton density. The population dynamics of O. bartramii is mediated mainly by meso- and large-scale climatic-oceanic events(e.g., Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents) rather than other local environmental conditions(e.g., SST and Chl-a concentration), because all of the oceanographic influences are imposed on the context of large-scale climate changes(e.g., PDO). An unstructured-grid finitevolume coastal ocean model coupled with an individual-based model is proposed to simulate relevant physical-biological oceanographic processes for identifying ocean-climate influence and predicting O. bartramii distribution and abundance in the North Pacific. Future research needs to be focused on improving the knowledge about early life history of O. bartramii and evaluating the relationship between marine physical environment and two separate passive drifting life stages of O. bartramii including free-floating eggs and planktonic paralarvae.  相似文献   

Neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartramii, is a squid species of the North Pacific Ocean, which plays an important economical role in the international fishery. Logbook data for Chinese squid-jigging fishery over 2004–2011 were used to evaluate the relationship between the fishing grounds of the squid and the convergent frontal areas, which were defined by the contour lines of specific sea surface temperature(SST) and chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) concentration. Our results indicate that the SST in the range of 15 to 19℃ and the Chl-a concentration in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 mg m~(-3) are the favorable conditions for the aggregation of the squid. Additionally, we deduced that the SST at 17.5℃ and the Chl-a concentration at 0.25 mg m~(-3) are the optimal environmental conditions for the aggregation of O. bartramii. In August, the annual CPUE is positively correlated with the proportion of the fishing grounds with favorable SST and Chl-a concentration, as well as the combination of the two variables, implying that the abundance of the squid annually is largely depending on the presence of the favorable environmental conditions for fishery in August. Minor spatial difference between mean latitudinal location of the 17.5℃ SST and 0.25 mg m~(-3) Chl-a fronts can increase the CPUEs of O. bartramii. Furthermore, the monthly latitudinal gravity centers of the CPUE closely followed the mean latitudinal position of the contour lines of the 17.5℃ SST and the 0.25 mg m~(-3) Chl-a concentration. Our findings suggest the convergent oceanographic features(fronts) play significant roles in regulating the distribution and abundance of the western stock of the winter-spring cohort of O. bartramii, which can help people to improve their ability to discover the O. bartramii fishing grounds with higher productivity.  相似文献   

根据2012年2月—2013年5月间在南沙群岛、中西沙群岛和东沙岛海域12个航次采集的3 245尾鸢乌贼样本,测量了胴长、腕长等12项形态参数,运用多元统计分析方法对南海鸢乌贼群体进行形态差异分析与判别。结果显示:南海3个海域均分布胴背有或无卵形光斑的鸢乌贼;3个地理群体的形态差异属于种内差异,各群体间在TCL(触腕穗长)/ML(胴长)、FL(鳍长)/ML、HW(头宽)/ML和MW(胴宽)/ML均数差异极显著;前6个主成分形态特征值的贡献率分别为30.1%、9.6%、9.2%、8.6%、8.2%、7.4%,合计73.1%;3个地理群体间形态差异显著(P0.01),所建立的鸢乌贼地理群体判别函数的判别准确率为61.7~78.1%,综合判别率为65.6%。多元分析结果表明,南海鸢乌贼可划分为东沙、中西沙及南沙3个地理群体。  相似文献   

Wang  Xuehui  Qiu  Yongsong  Zhang  Peng  Du  Feiyan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(4):902-911
Based on the biological data of purpleback flying squid(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)collected by light falling-net in the southern South China Sea(SCS) during September to October 2012 and March to April 2013,growth and mortality of 'Medium' and 'Dwarf' forms of squid are derived using the Powell-Wetherall,ELEFAN methods and length-converted catch curves(FiSAT package).Given a lack of commercial exploitation,we assume total mortality to be due entirely to natural mortality.We estimate these squid have fast growth,with growth coefficients(k) ranging from 1.42 to 2.39,and high natural mortality(M),with estimates ranging from 1.61 to 2.92.To sustainably exploit these squid stocks,yield per recruitment based on growth and natural mortality was determined using the Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model.We demonstrate squid stocks could sustain high fishing mortality and low ages at first capture,with an optimal fishing mortality 3.0,with the optimal age at first capture increased to 0.4-0.6 years when fishing mortality approached optimal levels.On the basis of our analyses and estimates of stock biomass,we believe considerable potential exists to expand the squid fishery into the open SCS,relieving fishing pressure on coastal waters.  相似文献   

东太平洋赤道公海茎柔鱼生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2013年4~6月在赤道公海探捕期间采集茎柔鱼样本,研究赤道公海茎柔鱼渔业生物学特性。结果表明,不同性别、不同月份,茎柔鱼胴长和体质量组成不同。雌、雄性样本的胴长范围分别为93~495 mm和94~406 mm,优势胴长组分别为260~340 mm和240~320 mm,分别占样本总数72.53%和70.26%;雌、雄性样本体质量范围分别为25~3 900 g和33~2170 g,优势体质量组分别为400~1 200 g和200~1 000 g,分别占样本总数82.71%和87.82%。雌、雄性茎柔鱼净体质量比例分别介于31.69%~80.51%和37.05%~81.35%之间,平均值分别为60.45%和62.73%。协方差分析表明,茎柔鱼胴长与体质量、胴长与净体质量的生长均存在性别间差异,胴长与体质量的生长都最适合用幂函数表示,而胴长与净体质量的生长,雌、雄性样本分别最适合用幂函数和指数函数表示。不同月份茎柔鱼性别比例构成不同,4月、5月和6月性别比例分别为1.87∶1、1.61∶1和1.17∶1,全部样本的性别比例为1.61∶1。不同月份茎柔鱼性腺成熟度的组成不同。不同性别、不同月份间茎柔鱼胃含物等级组成存在差异。  相似文献   

印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼的触腕和腕足钓捕断裂强度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。通过现场实测,分析了印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼(Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis)的腕足断裂强度对手钓作业脱钩率产生的影响。结果表明,鸢乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当于体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;而另外的第Ⅰ一Ⅳ腕足的断裂强度分别是其体重的2.30、2.05、2.06和1.87倍;5对腕足整体的平均脱钩率接近10%。  相似文献   

印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼的触腕和腕足钓捕断裂强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。通过现场实测,分析了印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼(Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis)的腕足断裂强度对手钓作业脱钩率产生的影响。结果表明,鸢乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当于体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;而另外的第I-IV腕足的断裂强度分别是其体重的2.30、2.05、2.06和1.87倍;5对腕足整体的平均脱钩率接近10%。  相似文献   

2004年北太平洋柔鱼钓产量分析及作业渔场与表温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年5~11月我国鱿钓船在北太平洋生产数据,结合表温资料,按经纬度1°×1°的格式,利用Marineexplorer 4.0软件作图进行柔鱼钓产量及渔场与表温的关系分析。结果表明,5~7月在160°E以东海域作业,产量较低;8~10月在150°~160°E海域作业,为生产作业的产量高峰期,占总产量的62.5%;11月在150°E以西海域作业,产量也较低。在150°E以西海域CPUE最高,150°~160°E中部海域次之,160°E以东海域最低。作业渔场的适宜表温呈现出季节性变化。各月适宜表温分别为:5月12~14℃;6月15~16℃;7月14~16℃;8月18~19℃;9月16~17℃;10月15~16℃;11月12~13℃。  相似文献   

根据1998-2013年中西太平洋鲣鱼围网生产统计数据以及海洋环境数据,采用BP人工神经网络模型,分别以初值化后的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE,Catch per unit of effort)和捕捞努力量(Fishing Effort)作为中心渔场的表征因子,并作为BP模型的输出因子,以时间因子、空间因子、海洋环境因子(包括海表温度SST、海面高度SSH、Nino3.4区海表指标及叶绿素浓度Chl-a)等作为输入因子,构建22个BP神经网络模型,以最小拟合残差作为判断标准,比较渔场预报模型优劣。实验结果,以捕捞努力量为输出因子的模型的最小拟合残差均小于以CPUE为输出因子的模型,表明捕捞努力量更适合作为表征中心渔场的因子;同时,拟合残差的平均值随着输入因子的增加而减少,表明本研究所选的时间、空间、海洋环境因子等对鲣鱼中心渔场预报均极为重要。其中,以月份、经度、纬度、SST、SSH、Nino3.4a、Chl-a为输入因子,以初值化后的捕捞努力量为输出因子,结构为7-5-1的BP神经网络模型预报精度为最高,影响因子的重要性从高到低依次是经度、Chl-a、SST、纬度、NINO3.4a、SSH、月份。  相似文献   

Both low clouds and elevated ducts are common phenomena in the oceanic atmosphere. Low clouds affect elevated ducts by changing the structure of atmospheric temperature and humidity. However, due to the limitation of met-ocean measurements, research on them is still scattered. This paper presents the distribution of elevated ducts and clouds over the central Western Pacific Ocean(WPO) based on Global Position System(GPS) sounding data and Himawari-8 satellite products from November 2015 to January 2016. Results show that the frequency of elevated ducts detected by ship-based GPS soundings was as high as 77% over the central WPO. The height and frequency of elevated ducts are closely related to the low clouds. If there are no clouds, the occurrence probability and mean base height of the elevated ducts are 14% and 730 m, respectively. By comparison, the occurrence probability and mean base height increase up to 24% and 1471 m, respectively, in the presence of cumulus(Cu) clouds, and 22% and 1511 m, respectively, in the presence of stratocumulus(Sc) clouds. Elevated ducts occur near the cloud top. The analysis of geopotential height and wind fields from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) reanalysis dataset(ERA-interim) shows that the study area is covered by a strong and stable subtropical high, and slowly sinking dry air masses inside the subtropical high are above the moist boundary-layer air mass. The appearance and evolution of low clouds will adjust the temperature and humidity structure of the lower troposphere. If there are no clouds, the marine boundary layer(MBL) is the classic mixed boundary layer. Humidity gradient and subsidence inversion are formed atop the mixed layer. When low clouds are present, long wave radiation and entrainment atop clouds form a strong temperature inversion and humidity gradient, which strengthen elevated ducts. However, when Sc clouds are decoupled, a weaker temperature inversion and humidity gradient may occur between the surface mixed layer and subcloud layer, leading to a weak elevated duct atop the mixed layer.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of Levitus data, the climatic states of the warm pool in the Indian Ocean (WPIO) and in the Pacific Ocean (WPPO) are studied. it is found that WPIO has a relatively smaller area, a shallower bottom and a slightly lower seawater temperature than those of WPPO. The horizontal area at different depths, volumes, central positions, and bottom depths of both WPIO and WPPO show quite apparent signals of seasonal variation. The maximum amplitude of WPIO surface area’s seasonal variation is 58% larger over the annual mean value. WPIO’s maximum volume variation amplitude is 66% larger over the annual mean value. The maximum variation amplitudes of the surface area and volume of WPPO are 20.9% and 20.6% larger over the annual mean value respectively. WPIO and WPPO show different temporal and spatial characteristics mainly due to the different wind fields and restriction of ocean basin geometry. For instance, seasonal northern displacement of WPIO is, to some extent, constrained by the basin of the Indian Ocean, while WPPO moves relatively freely in the longitudinal direction. The influence of WPIO and WPPO over the atmospheric motion must be quite different.  相似文献   

对 2 0 0 0年 5~ 7月北太平洋中东部海域鱿钓探捕调查所获的不同深度海水温度和柔鱼渔获量等资料进行分析 ,结果表明在西经调查水域的 1 74°W和 1 71°W附近 ,1 0 0m ,2 0 0m和 3 0 0m水温分布均形成明显的暖水舌 ,其特征水温依次为 1 0~ 1 1℃ ,9~ 1 0°C及 8~ 9°C ;在东经调查水域 ,表层以下各层水温较往年有所偏低 1~ 2度。分析结果还表明 ,西经调查水域的中心渔场均处在暖水舌前锋一侧 ,中心渔场形成的水温指标为 :表层 1 3~ 1 4°C ,1 0 0m水层 1 0~ 1 1°C、2 0 0m水层 9~ 1 0°C及 3 0 0m水层 8~ 9°C ;在东经调查水域 ,调查期间没有形成中心渔场 ,这可能与深层水温偏低有关  相似文献   

Chen  Yu  Yang  Jichao  Dada  Olusegun A.  Yang  Yaomin  Lin  Zhen  Cui  Zhen  Xu  Yue  Yu  Hongjun  Liu  Baohua 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(3):665-678
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Magnetic minerals in marine sediments are often masked by the primary natural remanent magnetization and material source signals. In order to understand...  相似文献   

Trait structure is increasingly used in plankton ecology to understand diversity and biogeography.However,our knowledge of micro zooplankton(e.g.planktonic ciliates) trait structure and its variation with hydrography is limited.In this study,we analyzed planktonic ciliate trait structure in waters with different hydrography and deep Chlorophyll a maximum(DCM) layers over three seamounts:Yap,Mariana,and Caroline seamounts.Mariana seamount had a lower surface temperature than the Yap and Caroline seamounts.DCM layers over Mariana and Caroline seamounts were deeper than Yap seamount.There was a weak upwelling in upper 50 m around top of Mariana seamount.The ciliate distribution showed bimodal pattern(high abundance appeared in the surface and DCM layers) over three seamounts.At surface layer,the large size-fraction(30 μm) abundance proportion to aloricate ciliate over Yap seamount(44.4%)was higher than Mariana(32.8%) and Caroline(36.1%) seamounts.For tintinnid abundance proportion to total ciliate,Mariana(12.0%) and Caroline(11.5%) seamounts at about 100-m depth were higher than that of Yap seamount(6.4%).Vertically,tintinnid could be divided into 4 groups over the three seamounts.At30-m depth,group I(species occurring from surface to 100 m only) was dominant component over Yap and Caroline seamounts,while group IV(species occurring at every depth) changed into dominant component over Mariana seamount,the weak upwelling might be the reason.Salpingella faurei was the top dominant species,which corresponded to deeper DCM layers over Mariana and Caroline seamounts.Our results showed that the upwelling and the deeper DCM could influence the planktonic ciliate trait structure.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONResearchesonsea floorhydrothermalactivitiesandhydrothermalsulfidesyieldedthenewestknowledgeaboutmodernmarinegeologicalevolutionandmineralizationpatterns.Sincethe 1 980s,scientistshavebeenapplyingtheoxygenisotopemethodtorecoverthenotdirectlyde…  相似文献   

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