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The Gulf of Gabes located in southern Tunisia is one of the most productive ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological importance, it is subject to high fishing pressure affecting the different components of the ecosystem. Given the multispecies, multigear nature of the fishery, there is a need to manage trade-offs between environmental and economic objectives. In this study, an Ecospace model was developed based on the previously constructed Ecopath model of the Gulf of Gabes and calibrated for the period 1995–2008 to investigate the response of the ecosystem to a set of alternative spatial management scenarios. These scenarios were derived from the current fishery regulation owing the important interest expressed by local fishery managers to assess new management measures. The results showed for each management scenario how bottom trawling and coastal fishing impact the different trophic groups and the complexity of interaction between these two fishing activities. Furthermore, spatially explicit simulations were performed to identify regions where the management measures are effective. Results suggested that for some trophic groups, these regions are well-defined which would be interesting to propose more accurate spatial measures. Finally, several indicators were calculated to evaluate the proposed management plans and provide managers with a straightforward set of decision rules to describe the potential trade-offs and fulfill both fisheries and conservation management objectives in the context of an ecosystem approach. The decision rules were based on observed trends to reduce uncertainty relative to the model complexity and provide consistent advice to decision-makers.  相似文献   

Variations in phytoplankton pigments and community composition were examined in the Gulf of Gabes in relationship to water mass properties, characterised by the influence of the Modified Atlantic Water and by the thermal stratification. Data were collected on board the R/V Hannibal during July 2005.Distinct water masses were identified using cluster analysis of temperature–salinity (TS) characteristics. Three major clusters appeared based on the combined effects of temperature and salinity. The first cluster was identified as the cool and less salty bottom Modified Atlantic Water (MAW). The warmer and saltier Mediterranean Mixed Water (MMW) represented the second cluster. The third cluster was the Transition Water (TW) separating the two previous clusters.The pigment and taxonomic composition of these water masses were examined. Chlorophyll a was rather low (<200 ng l−1). Chlorophyll b was generally the most abundant accessory pigment and fucoxanthin dominated the accessory pigments in the MAW. Proportions of chlorophyll a associated with different phytoplankton classes were estimated using CHEMTAX software, and did not present significant variations among water groups. The results pointed out variations in the relative contribution of each phytoplankton taxa in each station group. Chlorophytes and prasinophytes accounted for 65% of chlorophyll a in the MMW. Diatoms and chlorophytes were relatively abundant in the MAW contributing to almost 63% of chlorophyll a. An unstructured community, slightly dominated by prasinophytes, chlorophytes and cryptophytes, characterised the TW. Different trophic statuses were observed in these water masses, the MMW and the MAW being characterised by mesotrophy, while an oligotrophy was observed in the TW. Nutrient availability, particularly the P-limitation supported by the summer stratification, as revealed by the high N:P ratio (greater than 20), seems to enhance the development of small-sized phytoplankton, thereby supporting the regenerated production.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the distribution of meiofaunal abundance in relation to environmental factors in the Beibu Gulf,a natural semi-enclosed part of the South China Sea,surrounded by China and Vietnam.Meiofauna and ten benthic environmental factors were determined at 27 sampling stations in the Beibu Gulf in four surveys during 2006-2007.The results show a clear geographical trend in meiofaunal abundance,water depth,salinity and clay content.The meiofaunal abundance and the clay content decreased,whereas the water depth and the salinity increased from the north to the south of the Gulf.The percentage of meiofaunal abundance in the 0-2 cm layer increased,whereas in the 2-5 cm and 5-10 cm layers it decreased from the north to the south of the Gulf.Correlation analysis show significant negative correlations between meiofaunal abundance and water depth,benthic temperature,salinity and pH,but significant positive correlations between meiofaunal abundance and dissolved oxygen,chlorophyll a and clay content.  相似文献   

报道了2009年夏季北部湾A、B两个断面浮游纤毛虫的丰度和生物量。纤毛虫的平均丰度为521±369个·L-1,平均生物量(以碳为单位)为0.63±0.54μg·L-1。表层纤毛虫丰度和生物量的水平分布格局基本一致,高值主要位于湾的北部近岸、西南部近岸及湾中部A5站。两个断面纤毛虫丰度和生物量的垂直分布特点不同,纤毛虫在A断面水体中的垂直分布较均匀,在B断面主要分布在15m层以浅。共鉴定出砂壳纤毛虫13属20种,其中较为优势的种类为原始筒壳虫Tintinnidium primitivum、薄壳真铃虫Eutintinnus tenuis、三亚条纹虫Rhabdonella sanyahensis、未定种砂壳纤毛虫和斯氏拟铃虫Tintinnopsis schotti,且表现出不同的水平分布和垂直分布规律。  相似文献   

Patterns of species richness are governed by processes that act at vastly different spatial scales. In the marine system of southwest Australia, macroalgal assemblage structure and richness is thought to be strongly influenced by both the Leeuwin Current, which acts at large regional spatial scales, and small-scale processes such as competition, wave disturbance and habitat heterogeneity. We examined macroalgal species richness and diversity at multiple spatial scales using a three-factor hierarchal design. Spatial extents ranged from metres (between quadrats) to many hundreds of kilometres (between regions), and the study encompassed almost 2000 km of temperate coastline. Macroalgal assemblages were highly speciose and the number, identity, and diversity of species varied considerably at all spatial scales. Small scale variability, at the scale of site or quadrat, contributed most to total variation in species richness and diversity, suggesting that small-scale processes are important drivers of ecological pattern in this system. Species richness, diversity and taxonomic distinctness increased sequentially along the coastline, from warmer to cooler waters. Small scale variability was most likely maintained by wave disturbance and habitat heterogeneity at these scales, while regional scale diversity and richness clines were attributed to the fact that most species had cool-water affinities and the southern coast of Australia is a hotspot of floral speciation and diversity. Macroalgal assemblages in southwest Australia are speciose and largely endemic, and biodiversity patterns are structured by multiple processes operating at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

Variations in environmental factors can alter the species distribution pattern in intertidal rocky shores. The Persian Gulf (PG) and the Gulf of Oman (GO) vary substantially with respect to environmental and oceanographic conditions. The abundance and biodiversity of intertidal rocky gastropods in five locations across the northern PG and the GO were compared, and the environmental variables underlying the distribution pattern of these organisms were investigated. A total of 67 gastropod species were identified. The largest average density (294 ind./m2) and diversity (N = 43) for gastropods occurred in the Hotel Lipar station (LIP) located in Chabahar Bay in the GO. Clypeomorus bifasciata (107.43 ind./m2) followed by Cerithium caeruleum (94.67 ind./m2) were the most abundant species. Planaxis sulcatus and Siphonaria spp. occurred in all locations during both sampling occasions. Species richness and abundance of gastropods showed significant differences between LIP and remaining locations. A significant difference was found in assemblage structure across locations. In general, the species richness and density in the locations at GO were significantly larger than those locations in the PG, suggesting that the harsh environmental condition in the PG might be the forcing factor for this diminish. Distinct grouping was observed in both assemblage structure and species composition between locations in the PG and the GO. The spatial and temporal distribution patterns of gastropods assemblages were significantly correlated with variation in salinity and substrate rugosity.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of microphytoplankton, ciliates and mesozooplankton in relation to environmental factors in the coastal waters around the Kerkennah Islands. Diatom species were more abundant in winter, representing 74% of the total microphytoplankton abundance, whereas dinoflagellate abundance was higher in summer (58%). Naked ciliates dominated during the winter (73%) and loricate ciliates dominated during the summer (67%). Copepods were the most abundant mesozooplankton group present during the entire period of study, comprising 93%–98% of the total mesozooplankton community. The results indicate that (i) species distribution differed significantly between winter and summer, (ii) environmental factors such as temperature, salinity and nutrients influenced plankton assemblages; and (iii) the highest abundance of several pollution indicator species was due to direct exposure to the polluted coast of Sfax and the effect of tidal asymmetries generating nutrient‐rich inputs from the city.  相似文献   

This study describes the macrofauna of the three beaches situated in central Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia): Ouderef, Gabès and Zarrat. The Gulf of Gabès has the largest tides in the Mediterranean and the beaches showed a wide intertidal zone. The beaches were sampled once during the spring low tides of June 2005. A transect was extended at each beach, from above the drift line to below the swash line at five sampled levels; at each level six 0.05 m2 replicates were taken to a depth of 30 cm and sieved through a 1-mm mesh, and the organisms collected and preserved. The three beaches showed a different physical environment. Sediment type was medium sand at the steeper Ouderef beach, fine sands at Gàbes beach, and very fine sands at the flatter Zarrat beach. The total number of species collected was 31: 12 crustaceans, 10 polychaetes, four molluscs and five insects. The supralittoral and mediolittoral zones were very different. The supralittoral zone was dominated by Talitrus saltator and insects. The most abundant mediolittoral species were the amphipod crustacean Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana at Ouderef beach (23069 ind.m−1), the surf clam Donax trunculus at Gabès beach (60711 ind.m−1) and the spionid polychaete Scolelepis mesnili at Zarrat beach (18345.6 ind.m−1).  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of the main planktonic halophilic microorganisms were studied in 12 ponds of different salinity levels, ranging from 38 to 328, in the saltern of Sousse, Tunisia, in relation to environmental factors. Nutrient concentrations increased with decreasing salinity in the ponds. Phytoplankton, ciliate and zooplankton communities were very diverse and varied spatially in relation to salinity in the ponds and to nutrient availability. Phytoplankton were dominated by diatoms, followed by dinoflagellates, in primary ponds where salinities were <100, and by the Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae in ponds with higher salinity. Zooplankton were dominated by copepods in the ponds of lowest salinity and by the brine shrimp Artemia salina in the most saline ponds. Within the planktonic community as a whole, diatoms, Spirotrichaea and copepods (68.9%, 89.9% and 71.05%, respectively) dominated in the lower-salinity ponds whereas Chlorophyceae, heterotrichs and Artemia salina (49.19%, 50.4% and 90%, respectively) dominated in the ponds of higher salinity. Despite the considerable constraint imposed by salinity, other environmental factors such as temperature also play a role in regulating the planktonic communities.  相似文献   

北部湾广西沿岸全新世海侵过程的区域差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘涛  黎广钊 《海洋学报》2015,37(3):70-76
通过分析北部湾广西沿岸3个地质钻孔的岩性、地球化学和有孔虫含量特征,确定了其沉积相序,在统一的高程坐标内,对各钻地层中沉积相的高程和年代进行了对比,分析了该区全新世以来海侵过程的区域差异;并以东亚全新世海平面波动曲线作为参照,估算了广西沿岸各主要海湾的构造沉降速度。研究表明:全新世以来,广西沿岸的海侵开始时间并不一致,这是由于各海湾构造沉降运动的区域差异造成的,东部的廉州湾构造基本稳定,而廉州湾以西则经历了较大幅度的构造沉降。构造沉降又导致了海平面波动过程的区域差异,进而影响到了地层形成,如海陆过度相沉积只发育于廉州湾以西遭受海侵时间较晚、相对海平面上升速度较低的区域。  相似文献   

The biogeography of macrobenthic communities with large-scale differences in species distribution and abundance was studied along the eastern and western coastal regions of the Gulf of Suez to indicate biodiversity of benthos in relation to the prevailing environmental conditions. In general, benthos have a wide variety of species of mainly polychaet worms, crustaceans, bivalves, and other bottom invertebrates living in burrows in/or on the sediment surface. Coastal development clearly affects the ecosystem after the construction of coastal projects. The highest values of benthic diversity, evenness, richness and dominance are found at the Gulf of Suez (WG 1, WG 3), Ras Gharib (WG 7, WG 8) and Ras Shukier (WG 9a) by contrast to others. The abundance of macrobenthic organsims along the coasts of Gulf of Suez can be arranged in the following sequence: other groups (34%) greater than crustaceans (25%) greater than polychaetes (22%) greater than molluscs (17%) greater than echinoderms (2%). The biomass of benthic assemblages at different sampling sites can also be ranked as follows: echinoderms (52%) greater than molluscs (27%) greater than crustaceans (16%) greater than polychaetes (2%) greater than other groups (3%). Some benthic groups or species indicated a distinctive correlation to pollution sources in the marine ecosystem which obviously increased in the coastal areas due to the extension of the coastal development. These activities needed regular information to establish database for the biology and distribution of marine benthic communities. The density and diversity of benthos are significantly affected by eutrophication at Ain Sukhna, whereas the benthos in the open Gulf of Suez do not seem to be adversely affected by pollution.  相似文献   

本文采用"初值方法"研究了芬迪湾、缅因湾和圣劳伦斯湾的潮汐共振情况。结果表明,缅因-芬迪湾系统共振是由陆架共振造成的,最强共振周期约为13.0h。芬迪湾次强共振周期约为9.2h,是由该海湾本身的四分之一波长共振引起的。圣劳伦斯湾共振现象主要体现在其东北海区,共振周期约为9.2h,可能是由半波长共振引起的。  相似文献   

Processes underlying the temporal and spatial variations observed in the distribution of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton in the Gulf of Oman are not well understood. This information gap is clearly a major issue in controlling the harmful blooms of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Samples of jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton were collected from six stations in Chabahar Bay and three stations in Pozm Bay within four seasons. At each station, environmental variables were also recorded from bottom and surface water. A total of 83 individuals of medusae representing four species of Scyphozoa (i.e., Cyanea nozakii, Chrysaora sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) and species of Hydrozoa (i.e., Diphyes sp., Rhacostoma sp., Aequorea spp.) were observed in the study area. A total of 70,727.25 individuals/m?3 of non‐gelatinous zooplankton dominated by copepods and cladocerans were collected in nine stations within the four seasons. The results of a RELATE analysis yielded no significant association between species composition for jellyfish and non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Among environmental variables, water transparency, nitrite concentration, water depth and temperature were better associated with the total variation in jellyfish species composition than with that of non‐gelatinous zooplankton. Dissolved oxygen, pH, and phosphate concentration were significant environmental variables associated with the variation in the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages. Although some jellyfish species (i.e., Rhacostoma sp., Pelagia noctiluca, Catostylus tagi) occur independently of non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages, other jellyfish (i.e., Chrysaora sp., Aequorea spp., Cyanea nozakii, Diphyes sp.) are strongly correlated with non‐gelatinous zooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

北部湾入海河流营养盐的分布特征及入海通量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
于2018年2月(枯水期)和8月(丰水期)对南流江、大风江、钦江、茅岭江和防城江等北部湾主要的入海河流开展调查,分析这些河流各形态营养盐的浓度特征及入海通量。结果表明,不同时期营养盐浓度差异较为明显,主要表现为枯水期防城江、茅岭江和钦江的营养盐浓度较丰水期高,而丰水期大风江和南流江的营养盐浓度高于枯水期,表明丰水期大风江和南流江污染较为严重。丰水期,${\rm {NO}}_3^- $是溶解态无机氮的主要成分,但枯水期防城江和大风江${\rm {NH}}_4^+ $比例升高。根据径流量资料和河流营养盐浓度,估算出2018年北部湾入海河流的氮和磷的入海通量分别为1014607 t和47929 t,其中溶解态无机氮占总氮的77%,${\rm {PO}}_4^{3-} $占总磷的40%。丰水期,南流江营养盐入海通量总体较高,其次是大风江,防城江、茅岭江和钦江的营养盐入海通量相对较小。枯水期,受区域污染影响,不同河流营养盐的入海通量变化较大。与历史对比,北部湾河流的营养盐入海通量显著升高,表明河流营养盐输入的升高可能是北部湾近海水体富营养化加重的重要因素。北部湾河流不同时期氮和磷输入量的差异,可能会对北部湾近岸及邻近海域生态系统产生较大影响。  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of 21 marine sediment samples were investigated, collected from five different localities along the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. According to the chemical parameters, sediments were categorized into three groups: carbonate (80% CaCO3), composed mainly of materials of calcareous skeletal structures; terrigenous (<10% CaCO3) depositional areas for land-derived materials from surrounding rocks and alluviums; and a admixture of the first two (19–37% CaCO3). High significant linear correlations were found between organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), indicating the occurrence of these components in a common phase (organic matter). Despite the co-occurrence of TP in organic matter, these two elements were negatively correlated, indicating anthropogenic sources of pollution such as phosphate exportation (hotel areas and clinker port sites) and industrial activities (industrial complex site). The study found that variations in texture properties and mud contents were due to differences in sediment sources, topography and their response during currents and waves. The finer, well-sorted sediments contain lower elemental concentrations of OC, calcium carbonate and TN (excluding TP) than coarser, poorly-sorted sediments.  相似文献   

The influence of large-scale natural disturbance from winter storms (‘northers’) and river runoff on the macrobenthic community structure of the southern Gulf of Mexico was investigated in both carbonate and transitional carbonate–terrigenous sedimentary environments. Samples of the infauna were obtained in three seasons from 13 stations from two 250 km transects along 80–170 and 20–50 m water depth. Samples after the northers season had the lowest total number of families and individuals, 114 and 2940, respectively, compared to the dry and rainy seasons with 129 and 132 families and 11580 and 15266 individuals, respectively. Spatial patterns of macroinfauna composition varied across and along the shelf as a response to sedimentary environments and depth. Coarser sediments from the carbonate area harboured the highest mean densities per station with 500–24,000 individuals m−2 and 108–122 families in total, compared to the transitional sediment with 500–8200 individuals m−2 and 56–74 families across the three seasons. Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques demonstrated that low densities and number of taxa were associated with winter storms, but storm influence was dependent on depth and sediment type. Multiple linear regression analysis and BIOENV analysis indicated that sediment mean grain size, percentage of clay and organic matter best explained the macroinfauna spatial patterns, although BIOENV indicated that depth has an overriding role. An increase in densities of opportunistic taxa (numerous polychaetes of small sizes) was observed four months after the ‘northers’ and this was more evident in the area of carbonate sediment. Additionally a combined disturbance from northers and river runoff is suspected to be responsible for a naturally impoverished macroinfauna community in the transitional sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

Generation, morphology, and distribution of authigenic minerals directly reflect sedimentary environment and material sources. Surface sediments were collected from the western Gulf of Thailand during 2011–2012, and 159 samples were analyzed to determine detrital minerals. Authigenic minerals, including siderite, pyrite, and glauconite, are abundant whereas secondary minerals, such as chlorite and limonite, are distributed widely in the study area. Siderite has a maximum content of 19.98 g/kg and appears in three types from nearshore to continental shelf, showing the process of forming-maturity-oxidation. In this process, the Mn O content in siderite decreases, but Fe_2O_3 and Mg O content increase. Colorless or transparent siderite pellets are fresh grains generated within a short time and widely distributed throughout the region; high content appears in coastal area where river inputs are discharged. Translucent cemented double pellets appearing light yellow to red are mature grains; high content is observed in the central shelf. Red-brown opaque granular pellets are oxidized grains,which are concentrated in the eastern gulf. Pyrite is mostly distributed in the central continental shelf with an approximately north–south strip. Pyrite are mainly observed in foraminifera shell and distributed in clayey silt sediments, which is similar to that in the Yangtze River mouth and the Yellow Sea. The pyrite in the gulf is deduced from genetic types associated with sulfate reduction and organic matter decomposition. Majority of glauconite are granular with few laminar. Glauconite is concentrated in the northern and southern parts within the boundary of 9.5° to 10.5°N and is affected by river input diffusion. The distribution of glauconite is closely correlated with that of chlorite and plagioclase, indicating that glauconite is possibly derived from altered products of chlorite and plagioclase. The K_2O content of glauconite is low or absent, indicating its short formation time.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of Ibla cumingi DARWIN on different types of hard substrata along 30 km of coast in the Gulf of Elat was studied. I. cumingi was found among and underneath Tetraclita squamosa rufotincta , in oyster beds, underneath slabs of beachrock, and in fissures in igneous rocks. In the Tetraclita belt, I. cumingi is most frequent in empty shells of dead Tetraclita while in the oyster bed it is common inside the meshwork made by the oysters. The distribution is regarded as clustered distribution. The density and size of the clusters of I. cumingi is determined by the available sheltered space within the midlittoral zone. The form of the habitat determines the shape of the animals. Those found in the oyster bed and fissures are usually longer than those found in the Tetraclita belt due to the depth of the fissures or to the bigger spaces within the oyster bed. I. cumingi is orientated so that the capitulum with the cirri is projecting towards the open water, and the water current. It is concluded that I. cumingi can withstand the physical stress encountered in a tropical intertidal zone, but that the distribution pattern is caused by predation.  相似文献   

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