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针对滚动轴承故障冲击信号难以提取的问题,提出了一种改进辛几何模态分解(Improved Symplectic Geometry Modal Decomposition,ISGMD)滚动轴承故障特征提取方法。首先将振动信号进行辛几何模态分解,然后,利用k均值聚类的方法对分解得到的辛几何分量进行聚类,通过包络谱稀疏度指标筛选出故障特征明显的聚类辛几何分量(Cluster Symplectic Geometry Component,CSGC)并进行重构,对重构分量进行包络解调,提取出故障特征。将该方法运用到轴承故障仿真和实验信号,结果表明,这里提出的方法能够有效提取出滚动轴承故障特征。  相似文献   

为了解决变分模态分解(VMD)的分解层数K选定困难的问题,提出了利用归一化香农熵对变分模态分解进行参数优化,从而可以自适应地确定分解层数K,可以避免信号过分解与欠分解。首先在程序中预先设定分解层数,让程序进行预分解;计算分解后各本征模态函数(IMF)频带的香农熵,再将香农熵归一化处理,以归一化熵值大小作为循环停止条件来进行自适应确定分解层数K;最后对各IMF分量进行包络分析,提取信号中的故障特征频率。将该方法利用仿真信号和实际故障数据进行分析验证,结果表明该方法既能够自适应地确定K值,同时其分解出的各IMF分量均出现规律性故障振动信号或转频的倍频,证明了这种故障特征提取方法是有效的。  相似文献   

针对滚动轴承故障信息微弱且常受到强背景噪声影响,导致故障特征提取困难的问题,提出一种改进变分模态分解(VMD)和Teager能量算子的滚动轴承弱故障特征提取方法.该方法以最大加权频域相关峭度为目标函数,对影响VMD分解的参数进行优化选取,确保获取故障特征最为明显子信号.利用Teager能量算子处理获取的最优子信号,增强...  相似文献   

侵彻过载信号成份复杂,传统盲源分离方法无法有效提取弹体侵彻板靶特征,基于此提出一种不受测试传感器数量限制、具有源数估计的侵彻过载信号盲源分离方法。首先,对单通道测试信号进行总体经验模态分解,将分解后的固有模态与原信号组成多维信号;其次,对组成的多维信号奇异值分解,以"前K次奇异值占优"法则估计信号振源个数,利用"最大互相关系数法"筛选最优IMF函数与原信号重组构造多通道混合信号;最后,对多通道混合信号白化处理和联合近似对角化,计算酉矩阵获得测试信号的混合估计。将其用于单通道侵彻过载信号的特征提取,获得了与源信号相关度为0.974 7的加速度特征信号。与现有方法相比,该方法能有效分离出单通道侵彻过载特征信号,并且信号处理过程具有的自适应特性也解决了不同弹靶工况下过载信号滤波频率的选择困难问题。  相似文献   

针对实际工程信号易受噪声干扰导致提取的故障特征不明显的问题,将小波改进阈值方法和经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)相结合,提出一种基于小波改进阈值的经验模态分解去噪方法,并应用到旋转机械故障特征提取中。首先,为了克服传统小波阈值方法在阈值函数的连续性以及重构误差等方面的不足之处,研究小波改进阈值方法并利用其进行振动信号预处理,减少随机噪声对振动信号的干扰,同时减少EMD分解过程中的分解层数以及其边缘效应对有用信号分解质量的影响。在实际应用中,由于振动信号中混有多种不同性质的噪声,预消噪处理常常不足以消除全部噪声的干扰,因此有必要用EMD相关度方法适当地消噪后处理,提高故障特征提取的准确度,研究为旋转机械故障进一步识别诊断提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

针对实际工程信号易受噪声干扰导致提取的故障特征不明显的问题,将小波改进阈值方法和经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)相结合,提出一种基于小波改进阈值的经验模态分解去噪方法,并应用到旋转机械故障特征提取中。首先,为了克服传统小波阈值方法在阈值函数的连续性以及重构误差等方面的不足之处,研究小波改进阈值方法并利用其进行振动信号预处理,减少随机噪声对振动信号的干扰,同时减少EMD分解过程中的分解层数以及其边缘效应对有用信号分解质量的影响。在实际应用中,由于振动信号中混有多种不同性质的噪声,预消噪处理常常不足以消除全部噪声的干扰,因此有必要用EMD相关度方法适当地消噪后处理,提高故障特征提取的准确度,研究为旋转机械故障进一步识别诊断提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

针对调制信号双谱(MSB)方法仅能处理平稳信号的不足,提出了一种基于加权平均集成经验模态分解(WAEEMD)和MSB的滚动轴承故障特征提取方法.首先,利用WAEEMD将滚动轴承的非平稳振动信号分解成一系列具有平稳特性的固有模态函数(IMF);然后,开发了一种基于Teager能量峭度(TEK)的加权平均方法以强调敏感IM...  相似文献   

轴承动力学行为具有非线性的特点,导致其振动信号特征与运行状态之间存在较强的非线性关系;且振动信号的特征提取与选择往往需要大量的先验知识,导致特征的设计难以准确反映不同的运行状态。针对以上问题,提出一种基于互补集合经验模态分解(Complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition,CEEMD)与卷积神经网络(Convolutional neural networks,CNN)的特征提取方法,从振动信号时频图中自适应提取其敏感特征,反映设备运行状态。首先采用CEEMD算法分解得到振动信号的固有模态函数(Intrinsic mode function,IMF)分量,构造各个IMF时频图,并采用CNN提取时频图的特征;然后,将提取到的特征与小波包分频带能量值相结合,组建特征指标向量,用于构建轴承故障诊断模型。将该方法应用于不同负载、不同故障深度的轴承试验中,结果表明该方法能够在多种工况下有效地提高故障识别率。  相似文献   

为实现对滚动轴承振动信号中特征频率成分的精确提取,提出了将互补总体平均经验模态分解(complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition,简称CEEMD)与小波包变换(wavelet package transform,简称WPT)相结合即CEMMD-WPT特征信号提取算法。两种方法的结合既有效解决了CEEMD分解后依然存在的模态混叠问题,又消除了进行WPT处理后产生虚假频率分量、频率混淆现象的影响。通过仿真试验验证了该方法的有效性,并应用于实际,取得很好的结果。  相似文献   

针对复杂非线性的滚动轴承系统,提出了极点对称模态分解(ESMD)和概率神经网络(PNN)相结合的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。ESMD将固有模态函数的定义进行扩充,采用内部极点对称直接插值的方法替代外部包络线插值,引入最优的自适应全局曲线(AGM)的概念优化分解的趋势线,并由此确定最佳的模态分解次数。PNN是一种基于核函数逼近的神经网络分类器,将指数函数引入神经网络用来替代S型激活函数并进行重新构造,突出体现了梯度最速下降法的概念,减少实际和预测的输出函数之间的误差。通过对经验模态分解(EMD)、屏蔽经验模态分解(MEMD)和ESMD方法进行信号仿真分解对比,以及采用ESMD和PNN对故障数据进行处理,结果表明,该方法能够更加有效地对故障信号进行识别。  相似文献   

Chronic liver diseases' hallmark is the fibrosis that results in liver function failure in advanced stages. One of the serious parasitic diseases affecting the liver tissues is schistosomiasis. Immunologic reactions to Schistosoma eggs leads to accumulation of collagen in the hepatic parenchyma causing fibrosis. Thus, monitoring and reporting the staging of the histopathological information related to liver fibrosis are essential for accurate diagnosis and therapy of the chronic liver diseases. Automated assessment of the microscopic liver tissue images is an essential process. For accurate and timeless assessment, an automated image analysis and classification of different stages of fibrosis can be employed as an efficient procedure. In this work, granuloma stages, namely cellular, fibrocellular, and fibrotic granulomas along with normal liver samples were classified after features extraction. In this work, a new hybrid combination of statistical features with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed. These combined features are further classified using the back‐propagation neural network (BPNN). A comparative study of the used classifier with the support vector machine is also conducted. The comparative results established that the BPNN achieved superior accuracy of 98.3% compared to the linear SVM, quadratic SVM, and cubic SVM that provided 85%, 84%, and 80%; respectively. In conclusion, this work is of special value that provides promising results for early prediction of the liver fibrosis in schistosomiais and other fibrotic liver diseases in no time with expected better prognosis after treatment.  相似文献   

公共场所异常声源定位中时延估计方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HB(Hassab-Boucher)加权广义互相关(generalized cross correlation based on HB weighted function,GCC-HB)是常用的时延估计方法,在环境为弱高斯噪声情况下,可获得较为精确的时延估计值用于声源定位。通过分析认为,通常公共场所异常声音是一种短时信号,背景噪声主要为粉红噪声与脉冲噪声,符合分数低阶α稳定分布(fractional lower order alpha-stable,FLOA)。在此背景噪声的低信噪比环境下,GCC-HB方法的时延估计性能急剧下降。为此,提出基于反正切变换的改进GCC-HB的时延估计方法(improved GCC-HB method based on arc tangent transform,ATAN-IHB)。该方法首先对加噪信号采用反正切变换抑制噪声中尖峰脉冲的影响,然后结合每帧的信噪比对HB加权函数进行改变,并由多帧HB加权后的峰值确定出时延估计值。理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明,所提出的方法即使在低信噪比的环境下,也可以获得比较满意的时延估计值,具有一定的实用性价值。  相似文献   

As the result of vibration emission in air, a machine sound signal carries important information about the working condition of machinery. But in practice, the sound signal is typically received with a very low signal-to-noise ratio. To obtain features of the original sound signal, uncorrelated sound signals must be removed and the wavelet coefficients related to fault condition must be retrieved. In this paper, the blind source separation technique is used to recover the wavelet coefficients of a monitored source from complex observed signals. Since in the proposed blind source separation (BSS) algorithms it is generally assumed that the number of sources is known, the Gerschgorin disk estimator method is introduced to determine the number of sound sources before applying the BSS method. This method can estimate the number of sound sources under non-Gaussian and non-white noise conditions. Then, the partial singular value analysis method is used to select these significant observations for BSS analysis. This method ensures that signals are separated with the smallest distortion. Afterwards, the time-frequency separation algorithm, converted to a suitable BSS algorithm for the separation of a non-stationary signal, is introduced. The transfer channel between observations and sources and the wavelet coefficients of the source signals can be blindly identified via this algorithm. The reconstructed wavelet coefficients can be used for diagnosis. Finally, the separation results obtained from the observed signals recorded in a semi-anechoic chamber demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods .  相似文献   

针对齿轮故障信号的非线性及常伴有大量噪声干扰的问题,提出一种基于变分模态分解(VMD)的自回归(AR)模型和关联维数相结合的故障特征提取方法.该方法采用VMD将齿轮振动信号分解为一系列固有模态函数(IMF),通过频域互相关系数准则选取对信号特征敏感的IMF分量进行信号重构,对重构信号建立AR模型,并以AR模型自回归参数...  相似文献   

针对旋转机械故障诊断问题,提出了一种基于解析模态分解(AMD)的旋转机械故障诊断方法。只要知道信号的频率成分,AMD方法就可以将含不同频率成分的信号分解为单频率信号,尤其能够分解有紧密间隔频率成分的信号。对于可预知故障特征频率的旋转机械的故障诊断,可利用AMD方法提取机械振动信号中故障特征频率所在频段的信号,并求该段信号的频谱,若频谱中含有故障特征频率,则说明机械振动信号中存在该故障。通过对滚动轴承故障信号和转子不对中故障信号的分析以及和经验模态分解(EMD)方法的对比,证明了AMD方法的有效性,且AMD方法比EMD方法更快速、准确。  相似文献   

Aiming at the problems that the incipient fault of rolling bearings is difficult to recognize and the number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) decomposed by variational mode decomposition (VMD) must be set in advance and can not be adaptively selected, taking full advantages of the adaptive segmentation of scale spectrum and Teager energy operator (TEO) demodulation, a new method for early fault feature extraction of rolling bearings based on the modified VMD and Teager energy operator (MVMD-TEO) is proposed. Firstly, the vibration signal of rolling bearings is analyzed by adaptive scale space spectrum segmentation to obtain the spectrum segmentation support boundary, and then the number K of IMFs decomposed by VMD is adaptively determined. Secondly, the original vibration signal is adaptively decomposed into K IMFs, and the effective IMF components are extracted based on the correlation coefficient criterion. Finally, the Teager energy spectrum of the reconstructed signal of the effective IMF components is calculated by the TEO, and then the early fault features of rolling bearings are extracted to realize the fault identification and location. Comparative experiments of the proposed method and the existing fault feature extraction method based on Local Mean Decomposition and Teager energy operator (LMD-TEO) have been implemented using experimental data-sets and a measured data-set. The results of comparative experiments in three application cases show that the presented method can achieve a fairly or slightly better performance than LMD-TEO method, and the validity and feasibility of the proposed method are proved.  相似文献   

Hilbert-Huang变换具有自适应的分析非平稳信号的能力,因此常被用于机械故障诊断.此时,从边际谱中提取与故障特征频率对应的峰值是主要的故障特征提取方式.对于转速变化的旋转机械,故障特征频率常与转频相关,随转频变化而变化,所以常因边际谱中故障谱线不单一而难以进行特征提取.提出了故障特征频率的定常化方法,将故障特征相对某一转速定常化为单一谱线,解决了瞬态信号故障特征难以提取的难题.并用实例验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

Vibration signals measured from a gearbox are complex multi-component signals, generated by tooth meshing, gear shaft rotation, gearbox resonance vibration signatures and a substantial amount of noise. This article presents a novel scheme for extracting gearbox fault features using adaptive filtering techniques for enhancing condition features, meshing frequency sidebands. A modified least mean square (LMS) algorithm is developed and validated using only one accelerometer, instead of using two accelerometers in traditional arrangement, as the main signal and a desired signal is artificially generated from the measured shaft speed and gear meshing frequencies. The proposed scheme is applied to a signal simulated from gearbox frequencies with a numerous values of step size. Findings confirm that 10−5 step size invariably produces more accurate results and there has been a substantial improvement in signal clarity (better signal-to-noise ratio); which make meshing frequency sidebands more discernible. The developed scheme is validated via a number of experiments carried out using two-stage helical gearbox for a pair of healthy gears and one pair suffering from a tooth breakage with severity fault 1 (25% tooth removal), and fault 2 (50% tooth removal) under loads (0%, and 80% of the total load). The experimental results show remarkable improvements and enhance gear fault features. This paper illustrates that the new approach offers a more effective way to detect early faults.  相似文献   

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