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本文主要在岩心观察和描述的基础上,借助于薄片分析、扫描电镜分析和阴极发光分析,通过不同成岩组构的识别及其成岩作用特征分析,结合区域地质背景,恢复珠江口盆地东沙隆起珠江组灰岩经历的成岩环境。结果表明:(1)整体的海侵背景和渐进埋藏过程使得珠江组灰岩中不发育表生成岩作用,但是频繁的海平面变化使得古地貌高部位生长的灰岩受到大气淡水的成岩改造,珠江组灰岩主要经历了海水潜流、大气淡水渗流、大气淡水潜流和埋藏环境等成岩环境;(2)不同成岩环境具有明显不同的成岩组构特征。海水潜流环境的成岩组构主要有广泛发育的藻的包壳作用和藻类-生物的相互包裹、生物钻孔的发育、泥晶化作用、海绿石的形成以及等厚纤维状环边胶结物、颗粒表面的刀刃状或叶片状胶结物、犬牙状胶结物和共轴生长方解石胶结物的发育;淡水潜流环境的主要成岩特征包括粒状亮晶方解石胶结物、棘皮多期共轴加大边和有限的溶解作用;淡水渗流环境中识别的成岩特征有非组构选择性溶解作用、示底构造、微型钟乳状胶结物和新月形胶结物;埋藏成岩环境的成岩作用主要包括压实、压溶作用、晚期溶蚀作用以及油气的侵位。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Fahliyan Formation (middle part of the Khami Group), is one of the important reservoir rocks in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. The Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt is located on the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates and formed from collision between Eurasia and advancing Arabia during the Cenozoic. In this study area, the Fahliyan Formation with a thickness of 325 m, consists of carbonate rocks (limestone and dolomite). This formation overlies the Late Jurassic Surmeh Formation unconformably and underlies the Early Cretaceous Gadvan Formation conformably at Gadvan Anticline. The formation was investigated by a detailed petrographic analysis to clarify the depositional facies, sedimentary environments and diagenetic features in the Gadvan Anticline. Petrographic studies led to recognition of the 12 microfacies that were deposited in four facies belts: tidal flat, lagoon, and shoal in inner ramp and shallow open marine in mid-ramp environments. The absence of turbidite deposits, reefal facies, and gradual facies changes show that the Fahliyan Formation was deposited on a carbonate ramp. Calcareous algae and benthic foraminifera are abundant in the shallow marine carbonates of the Fahliyan Formation. The diagenetic settings favored productioning a variety of features which include cements from early to late marine cements, micritization, dolomitization, compaction features, dissolution fabric, and pores. The diagenetic sequence can be roughly divided into three stages: (1) eugenic stage: marine diagenetic environment, (2) mesogenic stage: burial environment, and (3) telogenic stage: meteoric diagenetic environment.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the diatoms from the sedimentary sequence exposed in Abu Qada basin, west central Sinai, was used to determine the palaeoenvironmental changes during the Lower to Middle Miocene. A total of 85 diatom species and varieties belonging to 37 genera were identified from 154 samples collected throughout the stratigraphic succession. The lithological characters of the studied samples varied between sandstone, silty interbeds, sandy shales, shales, and terminated with anhydrite and limestones. These rock units are included in two lithostratigraphic formations (Rudies and Kareem), which are separated by a marked unconformity. The distribution and preservation of fossil diatoms in the sedimentary record are examined with the aim of outlining the temporal and spatial variation in the composition of the diatom assemblages, in order to estimate the changes in depositional environments during the Lower to Middle Miocene. The distributional pattern of the recorded diatom taxa distinguished four diatom eco-zones. The environment of each eco-zone is deduced and a proposed paleobathymetric change and depositional history of the Miocene sediments in the studied area are given.  相似文献   

Five sedimentary facies are described from SCUBA diving examination and sampling of Mannin Bay, Ireland. A Bank facies is built up by the unattached coralline algae Lithothamnium corallioides and Phymatolithon calcareum. This autochthonous facies occurs in shallow sheltered environments. In exposed areas a rippled Clean Algal Gravel facies is found composed of coralline and molluscan debris. In intermediate energy areas a Muddy Algal Gravel facies is found with small amounts of live corallines. Sheltered creeks have a Mud facies which is partly carbonate and partly terrigenous. The shallow water coralline algal sediments are overlapped by a Fine Sand facies of mixed biogenic composition. Each facies is characterized by particular phenotypic growth forms of the unattached corallines. Rates of organic calcium carbonate production are obtained which are found to be similar to rates from shallow tropical non-reef environments. The carbonate sediments of Mannin Bay are compared with similar sediments from Kilkerrin Bay. Ireland, from Brittany and from Falmouth Harbour. From these comparisons, facies models are proposed for these carbonate sediments. The major factor controlling facies distribution is coastal morphology. The present day shelf is considered to be too exposed to preserve complete sequences of the shallow water sediments.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延长组储层定量成岩相研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用铸体薄片、阴极发光、扫描电镜等资料,对陇东地区延长组储层成岩作用类型及定量强度进行了综合研究,用定量指标划分成岩相类型,建立了不同类型成岩相测井响应特征模板,并对成岩相纵向及平面分布进行了研究。压实、胶结、溶解3种主控成岩作用的强度计算与分级研究表明,研究区压实作用较强,主要为强压实、中压实,在粒度较细、杂基含量较高的砂岩中可达到极强压实;胶结作用强度差异较大,以弱胶结为主,局部地区发育强胶结;溶解作用强度较大,以中溶解、强溶解为主。成岩相类型可划分为中压实强溶解相、中压实中溶解相、中压实中胶结中溶解相、中压实强胶结相、强压实强溶解相、强压实中溶解相、强压实强胶结相、极强压实相8种成岩相类型。相对优质储集相(中压实中强溶解相和强压实强溶解相)在纵向上主要分布在长3油层组和长8油层组,平面上不同油层组相对优质储集相分布区存在差异,主要呈条带状和透镜状分布。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the evaporite units, depositional systems, cyclicity, diagenetic products and anhydritization patterns of the Calatayud Basin (nonmarine, Miocene, central Spain). In outcrop, the sulphate minerals of these shallow lacustrine evaporites consist of primary and secondary gypsum, the latter originating from the replacement of anhydrite and glauberite. In the evaporative systems of this basin, gypsiferous marshes of low salinity can be distinguished from central, saline lakes of higher salinity. In the gypsiferous marsh facies, the dominant, massive, bioturbated gypsum was partly replaced by synsedimentary chert nodules and siliceous crusts. In the saline lake facies, either cycles of gypsiferous lutite‐laminated gypsarenite or irregular alternations of laminated gypsum, nodular and banded glauberite, thenardite and nodular anhydrite precipitated. Early replacement of part of the glauberite by anhydrite also occurred. Episodes of subaerial exposure are represented by: (1) pedogenic carbonates (with nodular magnesite) and gypsiferous crusts composed of poikilitic crystals; and (2) nodular anhydrite, which formed in a sabkha. Additionally, meganodular anhydrite occurs, which presumably precipitated from ascending, highly saline solutions. The timing of anhydritization was mainly controlled by the salinity of the pore solutions, and occurred from the onset of deposition to moderate burial. Locally, a thick (>200 m) sequence of gypsum cycles developed, which was probably controlled by climatic variation. A trend of upward‐decreasing salinity is deduced from the base to the top of the evaporite succession.  相似文献   

In southeastern Morocco, Early Jurassic inter- to supratidal carbonates can be followed for 200–300 km along the southern slopes of the High Atlas mountains. These beds form intervals of several tens to more than one hundred metres.Tepee structures, which are common in these beds, are confined to coarse-grained, early lithified beaches. Comparison with similar features in the Recent, and analysis of the diagenetic history of the sheetcrack-fills suggests that the formation of the tepees is an early, almost synsedimentary event.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系白云岩成岩相地球化学特征*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白云岩是鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系海相碳酸盐岩层系最主要的岩石类型和天然气藏的主要储集层。文中探讨了鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系马家沟组白云岩成岩相的岩相与地球化学特征及其识别方法。根据岩心及露头观察、薄片鉴定、全岩X衍射、元素分析和碳、氧、锶同位素测试数据,识别出8种白云岩成岩相类型(准同生云化相、膏盐溶角砾相、活跃回流云化相、隐伏回流云化相、海水云化相、表生岩溶角砾相、埋藏溶蚀相和埋藏重结晶相),其分别形成于蒸发海水、中等盐度海水、正常海水、早期淡水、表生淡水及地层水成岩环境,隶属于近地表、风化壳及中—深埋藏3个成岩系统。建立了Fe-Mn、Cs-Sc、(K×Tl)/Na-(Sc×Ni)/Sr、δ13C-87Sr/86Sr 成岩相判别模版。弱活动性元素Sc、Ni和稳定重同位素13C、18O富集于蒸发海水类成岩相,较活动性元素Cs富集于中等盐度及正常海水类成岩相;K、Tl富集于还原环境成岩相,Fe、Mn富集于氧化环境成岩相;表生类成岩相以富含大量吸附态分散元素和 87Sr 为特征。研究结果表明,近地表及风化壳成岩系统决定了研究区马家沟组白云岩的成岩相及其地球化学特征,且岩相学研究及地球化学实验是开展白云岩成岩机理研究的有效手段。  相似文献   

根据物性分析、高压压汞、薄片观察、扫描电镜及X衍射资料,以及陕北直罗油田长6储层的成岩作用特征,认为该区长6储层处于晚成岩A期阶段.强烈的压实及胶结作用破坏了砂岩的原生孔隙结构,其中碳酸盐、硅质和粘土矿物胶结物是造成砂岩物性降低的重要原因,碎屑颗粒周围形成的绿泥石衬边阻止了部分石英、长石次生加大及碳酸盐胶结物的沉淀,使部分原生粒间孔隙得以保存.溶蚀作用形成次生孔隙,使储层物性得到一定程度的改善.研究区长6储层发育4种成岩相,优质储层与成岩相关系密切,其中次生孔隙成岩相物性最好,绿泥石膜相次之,它们成为储层发育的有利成岩相带.  相似文献   

白薷  张金功  李渭  孙兵华  朱富强 《地质通报》2013,32(05):790-798
根据物性分析、高压压汞、薄片观察、扫描电镜及X衍射资料,以及陕北直罗油田长6储层的成岩作用特征,认为该区长6储层处于晚成岩A期阶段。强烈的压实及胶结作用破坏了砂岩的原生孔隙结构,其中碳酸盐、硅质和粘土矿物胶结物是造成砂岩物性降低的重要原因,碎屑颗粒周围形成的绿泥石衬边阻止了部分石英、长石次生加大及碳酸盐胶结物的沉淀,使部分原生粒间孔隙得以保存。溶蚀作用形成次生孔隙,使储层物性得到一定程度的改善。研究区长6储层发育4种成岩相,优质储层与成岩相关系密切,其中次生孔隙成岩相物性最好,绿泥石膜相次之,它们成为储层发育的有利成岩相带。  相似文献   

本文依据铸体薄片、电镜扫描、镜质体反射率、有机质成熟度等分析化验资料并结合岩石学特征,研究了长庆白豹油田长3、长4+5油层组的主要成岩作用,认为主要有压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用和烃类侵位作用,而压溶作用不显著,总体上以破坏性成岩作用为主。总结了各成岩阶段的特征,建立了成岩演化序列。采用遗传神经网络算法求取成岩储集相参数,确定了A、B、C、D四种成岩储集相类型及其平面展布。  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of dissolved Se species [Se(IV), Se(VI) and organic Se] and diagenetic constituents [Fe(II) and Mn(II)] were obtained in porewater samples of two Sudbury area lakes (Clearwater and McFarlane). The sedimentary concentration profiles of total Se, Se species bound to Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and to organic matter, and of elemental Se were also determined along with the concentrations of Fe, Mn and S in different extractable fractions. Results indicated that the concentrations of total dissolved Se in porewater samples were very low, varying from around 2.0 nM to a maximum level of 6.5 nM, while the concentrations of total Se species in the solid phase varied between 2 and 150 nmol/g on a dry weight basis. The two lakes showed striking differences in the presence of Se(IV) and Se(VI) at the sediment–water interface (SWI). In Clearwater Lake, Se(VI) was present at this interface and Se(IV) was not detectable, whereas the opposite was found in McFarlane Lake. This suggests that reducing conditions might have existed near the SWI of McFarlane Lake at the sampling time; this hypothesis was confirmed by several other measured chemical parameters. The profiles of total dissolved Se of both lakes suggest upward and downward diffusion of dissolved Se species along the concentration gradients. Assuming that no precipitation occurred at the SWI, the fluxes of dissolved Se species across the SWI in Clearwater and McFarlane lakes were estimated to be 0.108 and 0.034 nmol cm−2 a−1, respectively. These values do not include the possible losses of volatile Se species due to microbial methylation. In the reducing sediments of both lakes, the formation of elemental Se and pyritic Se were found to be important mechanisms for controlling the solubility of Se in this environment. The main geochemical processes involving Se identified in this study are: the adsorption of Se onto Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides at or near the SWI, the release of adsorbed Se by the reduction of the same oxyhydroxides and the mineralization of organic matter, and the removal of Se from porewaters to form elemental Se and a S mineral phase such as Se–pyrite or pure ferroselite.  相似文献   

姚泾利  李渭  王亚玲  姜亭  黄锦绣 《地质通报》2014,33(11):1842-1852
通过大量野外地质调查、钻井岩心观察和室内分析测试,对陕北地区长101储层的成岩作用和成岩相进行了研究。结果表明,研究区长101储层处于中成岩A期阶段,压实作用与碳酸盐、粘土(高岭石、伊利石)矿物胶结、浊沸石胶结和硅质胶结作用是造成储层原生孔隙丧失的主要原因;绿泥石胶结抑制孔隙充填,长石、浊沸石矿物的溶蚀作用使孔隙间的连通性得到改善,储层物性得到提高。成岩相类型可划分为8种,优质储层与成岩相关系密切,其中压实相、碳酸盐胶结相、粘土矿物胶结相、石英加大相、浊沸石充填相不利于储层的发育,而长石溶蚀相、绿泥石膜胶结相、浊沸石溶蚀相对储层物性的改善具有重要作用。  相似文献   

黎盼 《地质与勘探》2019,55(2):649-660
针对鄂尔多斯盆地马岭油田长8_1储层微观非均质性强、微观孔隙结构复杂、流体分布特征差异性明显等问题,利用核磁共振技术对不同成岩相类型储层可动流体进行定量评价,辅助以常规物性、图像孔隙、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、高压压汞和恒速压汞等微观实验,分析不同类型的成岩相可动流体赋存特征差异性及其主控因素。研究结果表明,研究区主要分成四种成岩相,分别为绿泥石+伊利石胶结-粒间孔相、伊利石+高岭石胶结-粒间孔+溶蚀相、绿泥石+伊利石胶结-溶蚀相和碳酸盐胶结致密相。四种不同成岩相类型的微观孔隙结构有着明显的差异,微观孔隙结构差异是造成可动流体饱和度差异的主要因素。不同成岩相类型的储层渗透率与可动流体参数的相关性较强,储层物性越好,可动流体参数变化幅度越大;孔喉半径大小、孔喉半径比、分选系数、孔喉进汞饱和度以及粘土矿物的充填是影响不同成岩相类型可动流体赋存特征差异的主控因素。其中有效喉道半径、孔喉进汞饱和度、孔喉半径比是影响可动流体饱和度的主要因素,分选系数对可动流体饱和度影响较明显,储层物性对可动流体饱和度的影响较小。  相似文献   

基于大量钻井资料分析及数据统计,运用地层学、沉积学和岩相古地理学等理论和研究方法,在老挝桑怒地区新近纪中新世含煤盆地内识别出13种岩石类型、5种沉积相和2种沉积体系。依据单因素分析多因素综合作图法,定量恢复了该地区中新世的岩相古地理格局。当时沉积古地理特征表现为: 陡坡带位于盆地西南缘,发育冲积扇—扇三角洲—湖泊沼泽沉积体系;缓坡带位于盆地东北缘,发育辫状河三角洲—湖泊沼泽沉积体系;物源剥蚀区位于盆地西南缘及东北部三叠纪古陆;水流方向由西南部及东北部汇入盆地中心;沉积最大厚度区位于盆地中心区域。  相似文献   

Miocene coral-bearing limestones, distributed in the western Makran Basin, are attributed to Aquitanian and Burdigalian. This investigation is focused on three Early Miocene coral-bearing limestone sections in western Makran. Remarkably, well-preserved scleractinian corals and other components could be very definitive to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Lithologically, there are some differences between the studied sections. Furthermore, zooxanthellate corals are diverse and abundant in all sections. Based on different components and richness of zooxanthellate corals, it seems that the studied carbonate corals are precipitated in a subtropical condition, between 19 and 20 °C in all sections. In light of the dominancy of corals, the presence of symbiont-bearing larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), lithological features, bioeroding features, and encrusting organisms, the oligotrophic to slightly mesotrophic conditions are considered for Tejek section and the mesotrophic condition had been prevailed in Kermestan and Irer sections. According to light intensity in water column and coral morphotypes, Tejek section is considered to precipitate under euphotic to slightly mesophotic condition, while Kermestan and Irer sections were deposited under mesophotic to euphotic light conditions. In transparent water, photic zones continue to deeper depths, while in less transparent water, these zones are limited to shallower parts. A defined depth in the photic zone may represent euphotic, mesophotic, or oligophotic zone. Based on the water transparency, a taxon in a defined photic zone can occur in various depths. On the basis of trophic-light intensity-depth chart, the estimated depth ranges are 12–85 m for Tejek section and 5–62 m for Kermestan and Irer sections. Water energy as another important factor in environmental condition is acquired from coral morphotypes. Accordingly, Tejek section is precipitated under moderate-high energy and Kermestan and Irer sections are deposited in low to moderate-high energy. The presence of encrusting coralline algae, corals, and other constituents is indicative of different substrates in the studied areas. Corals favorably develop in normal salinity waters. The existence of colonial corals and occurrence of benthic foraminifera with hyaline wall indicate normal seawater conditions.  相似文献   

The early diagenetic environment of intertidal sandy sediments (sands) and muddy sediments (muds) is described and compared from two cores taken from an unpolluted part of the Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. Extraction techniques characterized the form of the trace elements (Fe, Mn, S, C, Pb, Zn, Cu) at different depths in the sediment. Dissolved forms of Fe, Mn, and S were measured in interstitial water. Nonresidual metal concentrations, humic acid, FeS, and FeS2 are an order of magnitude higher in the muds than in the sands because of dilution by unreactive sand particles. Muds contain a larger proportion of metals in the mobile fractions; exchangeable (Mn), carbonate (Mn, Fe, Zn), and easily-reducible oxide (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb). This is due to greater surface area (for Mn adsorption); the favorable conditions for MnCO3, FeCO3, and FeS precipitation; and higher concentrations of easily reducible iron oxide and humic acid. Therefore, compared to the sands, muds are more important as reservoirs for toxic metals, both in terms of quantity and availability. At either site there was very little difference between the forms of Zn, Pb or Cu identified by sequential extraction as sediments changed from oxic to anoxic conditions. One reason for this is that the amounts and proportions of some of the important components that bind metals, viz., amorphous iron hydrous oxides, humic acids, and FeS2, do not change much. Other components that do change with redox conditions, for example, manganese phases and FeS, are only minor components of the sediment. Redox conditions, then, have relatively little effect on trace-metal partitioning in the sediment matrix of these unpolluted sediments.  相似文献   

利用铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X-衍射、物性、压汞等分析化验资料,对阜北地区下侏罗统三工河组二段储层岩石学特征、物性及孔隙结构特征、成岩作用、成岩矿物、成岩环境、所处成岩阶段、成岩演化序列、成岩相等进行研究。结果表明,阜北地区三工河组二段储层砂岩现今已进入中成岩B期,主要发育压实压溶、胶结、溶蚀等成岩作用,压实作用和胶结作用是孔隙度降低的主要原因,溶蚀作用形成的次生孔隙在一定程度上改善了储层物性。根据成岩作用类型和强度、成岩矿物及其对储层物性的影响,划分出3种成岩相:中等压实弱胶结弱溶蚀相、中等压实中等胶结中等溶蚀相、中等压实强胶结中等溶蚀相,其中,中等压实弱胶结弱溶蚀相和中等压实中等胶结中等溶蚀相为有利成岩相带。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地彬长地区长6油层组发育与深湖相泥岩相伴生的细粒砂岩沉积,是致密油勘探的有利区域。根据岩心观察、铸体薄片鉴定及各类分析测试资料,研究彬长地区长6油层组砂岩储层的孔隙类型及物性特征、成岩演化过程,建立成岩相分类方案,并通过成岩相带平面展布指出勘探有利区。结果表明,研究区长6储层成岩阶段主要处于晚成岩A-B期,压实作用造成原始孔隙大量损失,后期高岭石胶结作用使得渗透率进一步降低。早期绿泥石薄膜的发育可以使原生孔隙得到保存;后期长石、岩屑等不稳定组分发生的溶蚀作用,使孔隙再次分配,物性得到提高。根据成岩作用对物性的影响,划分出强压实成岩相、强溶蚀成岩相、弱溶蚀成岩相、强钙质胶结成岩相,以及微裂缝成岩相等5种成岩相带。优质储层与成岩相密切相关,强溶蚀成岩相的砂体物性、含油性最好,是研究区长6储集层油气最为富集的成岩相带。  相似文献   

滇东早奥陶世阿莫里坎砂岩相沉积   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
李军  袁训来 《地层学杂志》1995,19(1):58-61,T001
根据沉积特征、大化石、遗迹化石及微体化石等诸方面证据,认为滇东早奥陶世地层属于广泛分布于西南欧、北非、中东及纽芬兰东部的阿莫里坎砂岩相沉积。  相似文献   

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