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He-Ne稳频激光广泛地应用在精密干涉测量中,本文论述He-Ne兰姆凹陷稳频激光,He-Ne兰姆凹陷稳功率激光,0.633微米碘稳频激光、偏频锁定碘饱和吸收稳定0.633pm激光系统和He-Ne双频稳定的激光器的稳频原理及如何用拍频比较法测量它们的波长。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新颖的干涉波和探测方法,该方法可用于光学传感系统中测量波长的漂移。在本文法中,采用了另一已知波长的参江与被测光波长的光一起注入探测系统中,其中参考波长用于稳定干涉仪的光程差,以保证波长探测系统对环境扰动(如温度波动、机械振动)的不敏感。初步实验表明,使用本可将系统的信噪比提高25dB。  相似文献   

表面微观形貌的非接触测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

萧鹏  孙晓刚  戴景民 《光电工程》2007,34(8):59-62,81
为了解决金属防热瓦在连续加热过程中热边温度和发射率的测量问题,在基于辐射测温的参考温度数学模型的连续测量法中采用了一种新的发射率假设模型,并在此基础上提出了多波长数据处理方法.该方法假设材料的光谱发射率在选定的光谱处与温度有近似相同的线性关系,通过处理两个不同温度点处的多光谱测量数据以得到防热瓦真温及光谱发射率.使用多波长高速高温计测量了某种防热瓦在900~1300℃的温度范围内的辐射,并进行了数据处理.实验结果表明,只要温度估计初值与真实情况的误差在±200℃以内,即可得到较好的计算温度值和计算发射率值,测量不确定度在2%以内,说明此方法是测量金属防热瓦表面温度及发射率的可行方法.  相似文献   

使用莫尔条纹技术测量物体表面的轮廓及形变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
激光 ,这种具有优良相干性的新光源的发明 ,使古老的光学焕发出青春活力 ,成为当代最活跃的研究科学之一。干涉度量学也获得新的发展 ,激光光源的引入不仅使经典干涉技术开拓了测试范围 ,提高了测量精度 ,而且由于激光技术带动了全息、散斑技术的进展 ,引入了一种新的获取相干光波的技术———二次曝光技术 ,研制出许多种不同经典干涉仪的新型干涉仪 ,拓宽了干涉度量学的概念。传统的经典干涉仪只能检测透明介质的性能和检测光学表面的缺陷等 ,全息、散斑干涉仪的功能扩展到检测任何实际粗糙表面的形变、位移、物体的轮廓等特性 ,而且莫尔干…  相似文献   

提出一种集共路干涉与相关处理为一体的非接触表面轮廓仪。这种新的结构体系克服了同类仪器中环境干扰、导轨误差及光源噪声影响,适合于高精度表面轮廓测试。仪器测量精度优于4nm。  相似文献   

刘卫丽 《上海计量测试》1999,26(4):34-36,55
采用光学干涉仪准确地测量长度是非常容易的。然而,如果没有一个用来计算干涉条纹的运动装置,单频干涉仪的测量范围就被限制于小于半波长。为了解决这个问题,已经研究出一种频率扫描方法。它的相位分辨率不是太高,不过于涉条纹级次的整数部分可以确定下来。我们建议使用一种能够准确地测量长度的方法,那就是将高分辨率的相位测量技术和频率扫描技术相结合。这里使用一台频率扫描外差式干涉仪对这个方法进行研究。使用宽带频率扫描方法,结合外差相位测量,我们可以得到优于四分之一波长的高分辨率。这就意味着,我们测量绝对长度的精度达到纳米级,因为通过频率扫描可以确定条纹干涉级次的整数部分。测量距离在4mm时精度达到3mm。  相似文献   

张学聪  蔡静  王中宇  马兰 《计测技术》2009,29(5):37-38,51
波长外推法作为多波长温度测量法一种数据处理方法,可以充分利用多个波长下测量得到的数据,经过最小二乘线性拟合得到温度测量结果,具有稳定性好,精确度高等优点。文章详细介绍了波长外推法的基本原理和使用方法,并搭建平台进行试验验证,结果表明这种方法对灰体以及在某一波段内近似灰体的目标能够得到很好的结果。  相似文献   

The measurement of torsional vibration is a common practice in certain fields, such as the automotive industry, power generation, or large alternative engines. Similarly, functional analysis and diagnostic of other equipment, which are not traditionally measured, can benefit greatly from this type of measurement. This review discusses some techniques used in industry to measure torsional vibration, briefly describing the types of sensors used and the transduction procedures. Choosing the most appropriate technique in each case not only responds to economic reasons, but also to other conditions of the given equipment, such as its design, coupled machines or devices, functional status and operating environment, and the possibilities to install the instrumentation.  相似文献   

通过两个不同波长的数字全息包裹相位差产生数字拍频,得到一个等效波长相位图以消除相位包裹,然后用该等效波长相位光程与任一记录波长做比较,确定单波长包裹相位中相位跳变的位置和跳变倍率,进而实现了单波长包裹相位展开,使相位噪声不随等效波长相位展开而放大,结果表明该方法可使相位噪声引入的误差减小2Λ/λm倍。用650 nm和632.8 nm两个波长的激光对用快刀伺服加工的微结构光学元件表面进行了数字全息测量,得到了等效波长为0.024 mm的加工纹理相位展开图,并用频谱滤波得到了元件微观形貌的低频和高频三维数据,各频段表面的粗糙度分别为33.2 nm,19.3 nm,23.4 nm,分析了各种微观结构产生的原因,并对快刀加工的切削参数进行了分析。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Experiments to visualise the detailed microstructure of highly heterogeneous plastic-bonded explosives have utilised high-resolution moiré interferometry to measure localised deformations under quasi-static loading. The information obtained has proved valuable in the development of finite element material models, and offers the potential to isolate and examine the influence of particular microstructural features (like binder layer thickness, or explosive crystal size) on deformation characteristics. New insight into failure processes and the implications of ageing effects have been obtained. The experimental methods and modelling have broad applicability to microstructural studies of a variety of composites.  相似文献   

The processing of multi-wavelength pyrometer data is a problem that needs further improvements. The solutions developed in earlier decades generally assumed one particular mathematical relation for emissivity versus wavelength in the wavelength range of the measurements. Sometimes this assumption worked and produced acceptable results, but in many other cases this approach provided erroneous results. Individual results were strongly dependent on the assumed mathematical relation that often needed some prior knowledge of the emissivity behavior in the wavelength range. A new data processing method for a multi-wavelength pyrometer for continuous temperature measurements is presented. A linear relation between emissivity and true temperature at different wavelengths is assumed. Based on this assumption, the true temperatures and spectral emissivities at the two continuous temperature measurement points can be simultaneously calculated. Some experimental results for the practical data processing of measurements performed on a solid propellant rocket engine show that the difference between the calculated true temperature and the theoretical true temperature indicated by the rocket engine designer is within ±20 K. Paper presented at the Seventh International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, October 6–8, 2004, Orléans, France.  相似文献   

为实现激光棒透射波前的测量,改善一般泰曼型或斐索型干涉仪测量小口径激光棒透射波前时的边缘衍射效应,研究了一种变倾角移相马赫-曾德尔干涉仪。通过调整移相反射镜的倾斜姿态,改变入射到马赫-曾德尔干涉光路的光束倾角,参考光束与测试光束的光程差随之变化,从而在相干光之间引入相移,实现了相移干涉测量。利用该干涉仪测量一根口径为Ф6 mm、长度为60 mm激光棒(Nd:YAG)的透射波前,测量结果的峰谷值(PV)为0.391λ,均方根值(RMS)为0.056λ;使用ZYGO激光干涉仪测量同一根激光棒,其透射波前的峰谷值(PV)为0.370λ,均方根值(RMS)为0.064λ。对比结果表明该干涉仪能实现光学元件透射波前的高精度检测,测试结果的一致性验证了该方案的可行性。该变倾角移相方法具有较高的移相精度和较大的移相范围,且该变倾角干涉系统中光束仅一次透过待测激光棒,可有效抑制多光束干涉现象,改善小口径激光棒的边缘衍射效应。  相似文献   

将Carré等步长相移法与白光垂直扫描相结合形成了一种白光等步长相移算法,该方法快速、准确、非接触,垂直分辨力可达亚纳米级.测量系统集成了Mirau显微干涉物镜,并通过高精度压电陶瓷纳米定位器带动物镜进行垂直扫描.分析了Carré法应用于白光干涉信号的相位提取的精度,对不同扫描步距以及不同信噪比情况下的测量进行了计算机仿真,确定了测量参数.结合重心法将相位计算的数据范围直接定位于干涉信号的零级条纹,从而省去了相位解包裹过程.通过对微谐振器和标准台阶的测量说明了该方法的有效性,并使用白光相移干涉、白光垂直扫描和单色光相移干涉对44 nm标准台阶进行了测量,并对测量结果进行了比较.  相似文献   

I. Yamaguchi  T. Ida  M. Yokota 《Strain》2008,44(5):349-356
Abstract: Phase‐shifting digital holography is applied to measure the shapes and positions of rough surfaces from the averaged conjugate product of the reconstructed complex amplitudes, named complex coherence factor, corresponding to dual wavelengths. The phase of the averaged product at the object plane provides the shape of the surface, whereas the peak position of the modulus with respect to reconstruction distance provides the position of the surface. The phase is almost free from speckle noise and easy to be unwrapped. The resultant resolution of surface shape amounts to a few tens of micrometres. The sensitivity of the position measurement that requires no marking on the object is several per cent of object distance from a charge‐coupled device (CCD). The method corresponds to the detection of the position of maximum contrast of the fringes to be observed in conventional holographic interferometry. It makes use of fringe phase for shape measurement and fringe contrast for position measurement. Both the theory explaining the principle and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

The structure and metrological properties have been determined for processing with digital logic applicable to a wide range of heterodyne laser interference systems employing digital phase monitoring in the submicrometer and nanometer resolving power ranges. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 6, pp. 13–18, June, 2006.  相似文献   

迈克尔逊干涉术测量微位移可实现纳米甚至更高的分辨力,并且具备能直接溯源至激光波长等诸多优点,是目前微位移测量的重要技术手段.以限制迈克尔逊干涉仪品质提高的非线性误差为主要切入点,对目前各种基于迈克尔逊干涉原理的激光干涉技术进行了分类介绍,主要讨论了微位移测量中实现高精度和高分辨率的干涉测量技术,最后展望了激光干涉法测量...  相似文献   

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