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绿色勘查是地质勘查领域践行生态文明思想的具体举措,是绿色发展理念在地质勘查领域的具体实践。安徽省池州市三峰尖水泥配料用砂页矿普查是安徽省2020年实施的5个地勘基金绿色勘查示范项目之一,以该绿色勘查示范区为例,详细介绍槽探、钻探施工等绿色勘查过程。根据项目所在地自然地理、勘查手段及项目进展实际,选择因地制宜的绿色勘查设计方案,在工程施工、恢复治理、和谐勘查等方面进行总结,形成安徽省低山丘陵区非金属矿绿色勘查可复制、可推广的经验做法。为安徽省今后在开展绿色勘查工作提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

绿色勘查作为地质行业贯彻落实绿色发展理念的具体抓手,是促进地质勘查工作和生态环境保护协调发展的有效途径。随着矿产资源勘查进程的推进,勘查与环境之间的矛盾不断增加,如工程活动、槽探施工、钻探施工对植被造成的影响及破坏,机器漏油对环境造成污染等。本文在详细分析贵州省道真县新民铝土矿绿色勘查示范区从勘查设计、实施、恢复和验收全过程具体做法、技术应用及取得成效后,认为在满足地质勘查设计的前提下,以绿色勘查理念为指导,选择和应用先进的绿色勘查技术、方法、工艺及设备,可在很大程度上减少地质勘查活动对生态环境的影响破坏,达到地质勘查与生态环境保护相协调发展的目的,实现地质找矿和环境保护双赢的绿色勘查模式。同时,在指导企业及地方制定绿色勘查制度、推广应用绿色勘查科学技术与理念等方面取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

绿色勘查作为生态文明思想建设的具体措施之一,在矿产资源勘查与生态环境保护协同发展方面起到了至关重要的作用。本文介绍了贵州省正安县马鬃岭铝土矿勘探项目从绿色勘查工作部署、实施、验收等方面的具体做法和取得的成效,认为严格控制用地面积、施工过程中加强防护、施工后及时修复是绿色勘查实施的总体思路;合理选择机械,合理调整孔位是确定施工方案的主要思路;矿心1/4采样法是可溶性试验样品采集的可选方法之一。  相似文献   

绿色地质勘查是生态文明建设要求下地质勘查行业转型发展的新阶段,围绕标准研制发布与贯彻应用开展的标准化活动,在服务支撑地质勘查行业转型发展方面发挥着重要的基础性、引领性作用。针对当前标准化工作总体滞后于推进绿色地质勘查实施需要的问题,本文系统梳理了现行地质勘查标准落实生态环境保护要求的具体情况,总结了绿色地质勘查标准化工作进展,并分析指出了其在标准化对象、标准研制及实施应用等方面存在的问题。在借鉴循环经济发展理念与原则的基础上,研究提出了地质勘查标准化工作落实绿色发展理念的“6R”原则,以此为指导,提出了通过系统开展标准制修订、加强标准实施应用、积极进行试点示范、创新改进标准化文件供给机制等方式加强推动绿色勘查标准化工作的建议。以期为加快地质勘查标准更新升级和标准化工作持续改进提供意见参考,进而为地质勘查行业高质量绿色发展提供强有力的标准化支撑保障。  相似文献   

绿色勘查是指在矿产资源总体规划、地勘工作部署、地勘项目申报设立、设计编审、组织实施、监督管理过程中,贯彻生态环境保护优先和绿色发展理念,通过科学规划,优化地勘工作部署,依托技术创新,有效运用先进的工作手段、仪器设备,使地质勘查活动最大限度地减轻对生态环境的影响,实现地质勘查工作对生态环境扰动的可控制、可恢复、可接受。  相似文献   

绿色勘查是指在矿产资源总体规划、地勘工作部署、地勘项目申报设立、设计编审、组织实施、监督管理过程中,贯彻生态环境保护优先和绿色发展理念,通过科学规划,优化地勘工作部署,依托技术创新,有效运用先进的工作手段、仪器设备,使地质勘查活动最大限度地减轻对生态环境的影响,实现地质勘查工作对生态环境扰动的可控制、可恢复、可接受。  相似文献   

郑杰  张福良  靳松  李晓宇 《中国矿业》2021,30(11):37-41
为响应党中央生态文明建设,加快传统地质勘查工作方式转型,促进勘查与环境的协调发展,自2019年开展绿色勘查项目示范工作以来,绿色勘查示范已由最初的示范点覆盖到全国二十五个省市自治区,涉及不同景观区、不同矿种、不同勘查阶段、不同资金来源等,各申报单位因地制宜制定了符合企业、适用新需求的绿色勘查技术要求,健全绿色勘查工作各类管理办法,着力推进勘查技术、工艺装备等方面的技术创新,初步实现了地质勘查、生态环境保护、矿地和谐的多赢效果。本文通过梳理总结了两年来绿色勘查项目示范的主要进展与存在问题,结合当前勘查形势与新时代地勘工作的发展要求,建议进一步部署绿色勘查示范工作,着力推广技术创新与培训交流,完善细化项目过程中的各项要求,促进绿色勘查工作常态化发展。  相似文献   

孟祥瑞 《钻探工程》2023,50(S1):286-290
河南省绿色勘查实施情况不太理想,急需通过绿色勘查示范工程的建设,规范勘查工作的全过程。通过河南某金矿生产勘探项目绿色勘查技术的研究与实践,从设计上探索了“以钻代槽”、“一基多孔,一孔多支”技术;在施工方面,从钻机的选型、设备的搬迁、场地的建设、冲洗液的配置和管理以及场地的修复等方面全面研究和探索了绿色勘查技术,总结了一套适合豫西南地区的绿色勘查工作流程,即从设计上采用先进的绿色勘查理念,减少勘查工作对植被的破坏;施工中尽量采用可拆卸的模块化钻机及轻便式配套设施、设备的搬迁采用便携式搬迁设备,施工场地的建设尽量选用轻便的、可移动的、可重复利用的设施,减少占地面积,施工中产生的垃圾及废浆集中运至有处理能力的单位集中处理,在最大程度上减少占用土地、植被破坏和对环境的影响。通过示范项目的实施形成以点带面营造示范带动效应,将绿色勘查的成功经验逐步推广到以后的项目施工中。  相似文献   

不久前,由中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所组织、山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第三地质大队实施的大陆架科学钻探项目CSDP-2井2000m钻探野外施工顺利完成,岩心等资料于4月19日在青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室通过验收,并被评定为优秀级。中国地质调查局、青岛海洋地质调查所、山东地矿三院、中国石油海洋工程公司、胜利油田海洋钻井总公司、山东省煤田地质局等单位的专家学者出席了评审会。  相似文献   

为满足新时期地质勘查行业生态文明建设需要,将绿色发展理念具体实践在地质勘查领域,本文在总结分析矿区地质特征和矿床成因、调查研究矿区环境质量现状的基础上,对矿区进一步的勘查工作方向提出建议,对勘查过程中环境影响因素进行分析评价,为避免、减少或控制地质勘查活动对环境的影响,提出了有效的环境影响防治措施。  相似文献   

<正>Rare earth luminescent material is one of the most important application sectors of rare earths.China enjoys the exceptional advantage to develop rare earth luminescent material for its abundant rare earth resources.After several decades'endeavor,China's rare earth luminescent material industry,headed by rare earth phosphor for lamp and LED and high efficient rare earth energy-saving light source,has been gradually developed into a scale industry.China has become a major production base of rare earth phosphor for lamps and rare earth  相似文献   

正June 1~10,2014Rare earth market remained weak.Quoted price of rare earth products was similar to that in May.There was no sign of recovery in downstream market.The market of NdFeB magnetic materials and phosphor was depressed.Catalyst,polishing powder and ceramic industries remained inactive.Demand from downstream industry was soft.Consumers purchased on their needs.Suppliers had strong intention to sell.Prices of rare earth products  相似文献   

<正>Chinese rare earth-related listed companies have published their 2013 annual reports.It can be understood from their reports that production and operation activities of Chinese rare earth-related companies were still heavily affected by macro economy and industrial policies.They basically followed the steps of national economy.In 2013,world economy recovered slowly but the economy  相似文献   

正1.Status of rare earth polishing powder Rare earth polishing powder with high content of cerium oxide began to replace iron oxide for glass polishing and became one of the key materials in glass polishing process since 1940.Compared with traditional iron oxide,rare earth polishing powder has many advantages,such as fast polishing rate,high polishing quality and long service life.It can achieve good surface quality and improve operation conditions.For example,in lens polishing,the polishing work that cerium  相似文献   

正Pyrometallurgy Laboratory of Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths had independently developed a new preparation technology of rare earth alloy for NdFeB.The alloy can remarkably enhance the coercivity of NdFeB magnet but also evidently reduce the production cost of the magnet.The new master alloy was prepared in the kA pilot-scale electrolytic cell by the independent technology.The rare earth master alloy can be used as the raw material for NdFeB.Compared  相似文献   

正November 21~30,2014Due to weak demand from downstream industries,transactions of rare earth in Chinese domestic market were inactive.It was difficult to sell any rare earth products except for dysprosium oxide and terbium oxide.Suppliers lost confidence in recent market.Demand for rare earth products was soft.Consumers continued to take a wait-and-see attitude.Rare earth export market remained slow.  相似文献   

正Galaxy Magnet announced its financial results for the first half of 2014 on August 14.For the first six months ended on 30 June 2014,Galaxy Magnet achieved operation income of RMB 182.3 million,up8.40% over the same period of 2013,and the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company of 34.02 million yuan,increasing 35.49% over the same period of last year.Stable performance increase was led by development of new customers and application market of magnets.  相似文献   

<正>China has rich rare earth resources.Output of rare earth and steel in China ranks the top first in the world.However,there is still certain distance between the steel produced in China and developed countries from the point of varieties and quality.China still has to import some types of steel.Improving the quality should be emphasiZed in future development of steel industry in China.Rare earth can be used to upgrade traditional steel  相似文献   

<正>Developing ecological lighting source The world is facing the big problem of energy shortage today and the contradiction between economy development and environmental protection is worsened.Therefore,people are more likely to choose an ecological light source that is more energy efficient and environmental friendly.The choice provides great opportunity for the development of rare earth optical material industry in China.The concept of green lighting positions rare earth luminescent material as a leading player in illumination market.The light source of both rare earth luminescent lamp and LED lamp is ecological and energy saving.This is why  相似文献   

分析了近年来国内外稀散金属产业的生产、应用、资源与市场状况.铟锡氧化物靶材、砷化镓晶片、锗红外材料、铼高温合金和硒在电解锰及玻璃的应用等已成为稀散金属的主要应用领域.稀散金属的产量快速增长达到历史高位而导致了市场的失衡.以GaInP_2/GaAs/Ge,CIGS和CdTe为代表的非硅系太阳能电池是稀散金属的新兴应用领域,将给稀散金属带来日益增长的需求.  相似文献   

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