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In addition to rainfall, high-resolution measurements of water level, pH, specific conductivity and temperature of Landiantang epikarst spring at Nongla, Mashan county in Guangxi Province, China were recorded in summer rainy season by using a data logger with time interval of fifteen minutes. Water from the spring issues along a karst conduit. During the rainstorms in summer, it was found that the pH and temperature of Landiantang spring increased while its specific conductivity decreased. As HCO3 , Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the dominant ions, linear relationships between concentrations of those ions and specific conductivity were developed. According to the ion concentrations from the linear relationships, the saturation indexes of calcite (SIC), the saturation indexes of dolomite (SID) and CO2 partial pressure (Log ) of the spring were calculated. Results indicated that the Log of the spring during the rainstorms was lower than that without rain, and its SIC and SID was also lower. Combined with the characteristics of the epikarst zone, it was inferred that the above results were caused by the dilution of rainwater, because overland flow with high pH (due to neutralization of carbonate rock dusts in the air to rainwater) and low specific conductivity traveling through the conduit rapidly during rainstorms, showed greater influences on the hydrochemical variations of the epikarst spring.  相似文献   

利用多参数自动记录仪(CTDP300)对广西马山县弄拉监测站的降雨量及表层岩溶泉水的水位、水温、pH值、电导率进行了监测。结果表明,系统对环境变化响应及时。其地球化学行为表现为明显的季节与昼夜动态变化,且在不同的气候条件下,水化学动态变化有不同的表现。在正常气候(无雨)条件下,水温、pH与电导率之间具有较好的正相关关系。暴雨期间,降雨开始阶段稀释作用明显。降雨中后期,CO2效应逐渐占主导地位。因此有必要把水、岩、CO2气体作为一个整体来解释表层岩溶作用的水文地球化学行为。  相似文献   

Miljacka is a karst spring situated in Dalmatia, Croatia. The interpretation of the Miljacka Spring catchment area boundary has repeatedly changed in the past, and the main conclusions of previous studies were that the spring, which is located in the Krka River canyon, receives all of its water from another karst river, Zrmanja. Here, we review a new hypothesis that the Miljacka Spring receives some of its water from the Krka River. It was not possible to verify the hypothesis by solely studying the geological composition, structural–tectonic relations and tracer test results. Therefore, a hydrochemical study was performed to confirm the hypothesis. By studying the geological composition, it was found that part of the catchment area of the Krka River is built of evaporites (gypsum and anhydrite), which are different in their mineral composition than carbonates, the usual rock mass of the Dinaric karst. The hydrochemical model was made using the NETPATH-WIN and PHREEQC software packages. The mixing model results confirmed the hypothesis that the Miljacka Spring waters come from both the Zrmanja (including smaller proportion of precipitation infiltrated directly in the karst aquifer) and Krka rivers. This case study shows the great importance of the application of hydrochemical investigations in karst hydrogeology, where research is often difficult due to the complexity of the groundwater system.  相似文献   

常见的碳酸盐岩主要有灰岩和白云岩, 两者的岩溶作用机理不同, 因而常形成不同的地貌格局。在我国西南地区, 若在小范围内有灰岩和白云岩出露时, 往往在山体陡峭的部位出露质纯层厚的灰岩, 而山间平原多出露白云岩。这种地层组合结构致使表层岩溶带的发育具有独特的双重岩性结构。基于兰电堂表层岩溶系统的研究, 发现绝大部分水样的水化学类型均为HCO3-Ca·Mg型, 其主要阳离子Ca2+和Mg2+质量浓度的季节动态变化趋势不明显, 但对短期降水稀释效应及森林植被CO2效应的响应则非常迅速。将降水量小且比较均匀的8、9、10及12月水样的ρ(Ca2+)和ρ(Mg2+)关系曲线定义为"同比例溶解线", 并用其判别不同降水条件下泉水化学成分差异的成因。另外, 为了研究次生森林生态功能逐步恢复条件下岩溶作用强度的变化趋势, 对近10年来弄拉表层岩溶泉水化学组分进行分析对比, 发现岩溶水化学中主要阴、阳离子浓度均有增加趋势, 也进一步佐证了森林植被的岩溶效应。  相似文献   

降水对广西马山兰电堂泉水化学动态变化观测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用多参数自动记录仪(CDTP300)对广西马山兰电堂泉的降雨量、水位、水温、pH值和电导率进行自动化监测,数据采集间隔为15 min。结果发现,降雨期间泉水pH值和温度呈升高趋势的同时却出现电导率急剧降低的现象。通过进一步利用WATSPAC软件计算泉水方解石饱和指数(SIC)、白云石饱和指数(SID)和二氧化碳分压(LogP-CO2),发现其SIC、SID和LogPCO2值在降雨期间均呈明显降低趋势。由此可以推断,兰电堂泉水化学动态变化是由雨水的稀释作用造成的,因为研究区具有较高pH值和低电导率的雨水能够形成坡面流快速通过岩溶管道系统影响泉水的水化学性质,并使稀释作用成为控制表层岩溶泉在雨季水化学动态变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

以广西马山县弄拉岩溶动力系统监测站为例,通过人工及自动记录,分别对表层岩溶泉水的物理、化学指标的多日和昼夜变化规律进行了研究.在不同的植被条件下,水的物理、化学指标的多日与昼夜动态变化有不同的表现.在次生林条件下, 泉水物理化学指标动态变化相对稳定:电导率较高,在599~603μs/cm之间,钙离子浓度变化在73~90mg/l之间,岩溶作用强度较大;在灌丛条件下,泉水电导率较低,为435~460μs/cm,钙离子浓度在52~83mg/l之间,多日和昼夜变化幅度较大,说明灌丛区表层岩溶泉更易受地表环境变化的影响,敏感性更强,总体上岩溶作用强度不及次生林区.  相似文献   

本文在表层岩溶泉域植被结构特征分析的基础上,监测桂林丫吉试验场S31号泉域内香椿和云实两种主要植被的穿透雨和树干径流特征以及钻孔和表层岩溶水的变化。结果表明:香椿林的总穿透雨量1 861.83 mm,占总降雨总量的59.65%;云实灌丛总的穿透雨量为1 626.42 mm,占总降雨量的52.11%;穿透雨率随降雨量增加而减少。香椿林的树干径流总量为89.4 mm,占总降雨量的2.86%;云实灌丛的树干径流总量为27.79 mm,占总降雨量的0.89%;香椿林和云实灌丛的林冠截留总量分别为1 169.97 mm和1 466.99 mm,平均截留率为37.48%和47.01%;用水量平衡法计算得出以灌丛覆盖为主的S31号表层岩溶泉域年蒸散量为1 623.81 mm,占降水量的52.03 %,年径流深度为1 497.39 mm,占降水量的47.97%。植被冠层改变了降雨对表层岩溶带的补给形式和补给量。降雨经过植被冠层的截留后转化成穿透雨和树干径流进入表层岩溶带,穿透雨以连续波状的形式补给表层岩溶带,而树干径流则以快速集中的方式补给表层岩溶带。   相似文献   

Nongla, a typical karst dynamic system (KDS) monitoring site, is located at Nongla Village, Mashan County, Guangxi, China. The data from a Greenspan CTDP300 multichannel data logger indicates that the KDS is highly sensitive to environmental changes. Multi-day and diurnal physico-chemical composition of epikarst spring water is quite different under different climatic conditions. During a day with no rainfall, water temperature and air temperature have similar variations. Electrical conductivity (EC) has good positive correlation with pH value and water temperature. During rainstorms, the physico-chemical composition of the spring water is initially strongly effected by dilution, pH and EC drop rapidly. However, half to one hour later, EC returns to normal and the CO2 effects will be the dominant physical effect. This is due to the high fissure rates and high permeability in the epikarst zone. Dilution effects were observed during the entire rainstorm event,whereas, it only acts during the earliest period of light rain. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the water–rock–CO2 combination as a whole system to explain the hydrochemical behavior of epikarst processes.  相似文献   

以表层带岩溶洞穴Velika Pasica溶洞内两个滴水点为研究对象,利用数字滤波法、最小平滑值法,以及两者结合的最小平滑值滤波法,对岩溶表层带水流进行基流分割分析。结果表明:对于特殊的岩溶表层带含水层,递归数字滤波法在滤波参数值(α)为0.925和0.95时,经过正反正三次滤波处理后得到比较好的基流分割效果;经过最小平滑值法处理后再进行一次数字滤波处理,得到结果与在α=0.95时经过三次滤波得到的结果相近。表层带基流分割处理的研究为其调蓄机制的研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

利用标准溶蚀试片法测定了重庆金佛山水房泉流域林地、草地和灌丛三种土地利用类型不同深度年溶蚀速率。结果表明,不同土地利用类型、不同季节、不同土壤深度的溶蚀速率具有很大的差异。通过对各土地利用类型下不同季节不同深度土壤有机质、土壤CO2浓度和土壤pH分析发现:土壤有机质和pH相互耦合共同对溶蚀速率产生影响,有机质含量越高,则pH值越低,溶蚀速率就越大;三种土地利用方式下土壤CO2浓度与溶蚀速率具有一定的相关性,夏秋季土壤CO2浓度较冬春季高,相对应地,其土下溶蚀速率也比冬春季大。最后利用试片溶蚀数据对泉域内年碳汇量进行了估算,结果约为:25.595t/a。   相似文献   

This article demonstrates a key role that geoscience and geoscientists could be playing in promoting sustainable catchment and resource management. A new geoscience-based approach supported by a landscape-genesis (LG) model was employed to provide an alternative approach for integrated catchment management and sustainable resource use and development. The Ben Chifley Catchment case study is used to explain the application of the approach and the landscape-genesis model. The study confirmed that lithological composition, tectonic and diagenetic processes, and landform were critical factors in determining the intrinsic properties and variation in soil type, land use, land capability, steepness of terrain, erosion, and resource degradation within the catchment. The landscape-genesis model, which is based on the geological and geomorphic genesis of the landscape, proved to be a powerful tool to predict the inherent carrying capacity and resilience of the various biophysical systems in the catchment. Although this approach is still in its infancy, its application has demonstrated that it has a strong potential in terms of undertaking sound integrated assessment, predicting potential resource degradation under different land uses, and developing sound management practices and solutions to advance the goal of ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

Analysis of the total heavy metal (Cr, Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co) concentration was performed on 33 soil samples taken from different profiles and soil types in a highly urbanized and industrial sector of Addis Ababa, central Ethiopia. They were analyzed using aqua regia extraction coupled with a four-stage sequential extraction (SE) procedure. The objectives of the analysis were to investigate the degree of soil heavy metal contamination, its binding forms, mobility and the implications for the groundwater resource. The results show a relatively high content of the analyzed trace metals in the soil attributed to anthropogenic and geogenic sources. Although most of the trace metals are found in the upper few centimeters of the residual soils, because of churning processes within the black cotton soils, vertical distribution of the trace metals is complex. According to the heavy metal SE analysis, the major heavy metal contribution is from the residual followed by the hydroxide phases. Groundwater heavy metal contamination is present with more than 90 and 50% of the analyzed groundwater samples exceeding WHO guidelines for Cr and Cd, respectively. Since the degree of soil heavy metal contamination has apparently not surpassed the soil’s buffering capacity, it appears that the transport path of these toxic metals to the groundwater is through fractures, joints, and related preferential flow paths.  相似文献   

The ESAs (Environmentally sensitive areas) procedure was recently developed in the framework of MEDALUS European project to identify desertification-sensitive areas and used in many Mediterranean countries (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Egypt). The identification of areas sensitive to desertification by using the ESAs model was carried out in the Tusciano River basin (261 km2) located in southern Italy (Campania region). All data characterizing the four groups of parameters related to soil quality, climate quality, vegetation quality and management quality were introduced in a geographical database, and superimposed using a GIS. A sensitivity analysis highlighted the impact of desertification on the river Tusciano catchment, highly diversified in terms of morphological, geological, climatic and land use features. The results of the ESAs model, showing that more than half of the area is sensitive to desertification, were compared with those related to soil loss, achieved by Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, based approximately on the same environmental factors. Nevertheless, ESAs procedure considers a wider range of parameters, allowing to characterize in greater detail the catchment in terms of climate, geomorphology, vegetation cover and socio-economic features. The drawn map therefore characterizes the sensitivity to erosion/desertification of the Tusciano catchment and can be regarded as a synthesis-sensitivity map, showing the areas with higher vulnerability on which mitigation measures should be focused.  相似文献   

High temporal resolution (15 min) measurements of stage, pH, electric conductivity, temperature, and other hydrochemical parameters of groundwater at two sites in the Jinfo Mountain Nature Reserve of China were collected using automatic data loggers. Bitan Spring (BS 700 m a.s.l.) sits in subtropical climate zone, while Shuifang Spring (SS 2,060 m a.s.l.) is located in plateau temperate climate. The data show that hydrochemistry of epikarst springs at different altitudes is very sensitive to the changes of their physical environment, especially two factors: air temperature and soil CO2 concentration. Springs at lower altitude are associated with higher air temperature and soil CO2 concentration, thus more likely leading to more active karst processes than those at higher elevation. Water temperature and pH of BS showed a noticeable diurnal circle with high values in daytime and low values at night. The data also indicate that at least there are two effects that could impact the variations of groundwater hydrochemistry during flood pulse: dilution effect and CO2 effect.  相似文献   

于栖兰山庄二次林与宜兰县大同乡之玉兰茶园内,以蒸发皿法量测与估算此二试验区之日潜在蒸散发量,了解在不同土地利用型态下,其日潜在蒸散发量的表现差异情况。研究结果发现,茶园生态系统之日潜在蒸散发量明显高于二次林生态系统之日潜在蒸散发量。究其原因为,茶园生态系统的经营型态属开放式经营型态,故整体茶园生态系统均匀曝晒于阳光下,因此接收足量之太阳辐射能,导致其日潜在蒸散发量较高。而栖兰山庄二次林生态系之表现情形则不尽相同,由于二次林生态系统内,其高、矮茎植物丛生,此差异性结构将产生互相遮阴现象,使得土壤之蒸发量与矮茎植物之蒸散量减少。此外,二次林生态系统的组成中亦多含深根性植物,其水土保持特性相对于茶园生态系统也有较佳的表现。研究中亦发现,在冬季时期,若将二次林生态系统开辟为茶园生态系统时,二次林生态系统每公顷土地之水分逸失量将增加100~150 t。  相似文献   

Rainfall, throughfall, stemflow and spring were studied in a secondary forest during a wet season from April to August in 2006. Some of the chemicals in throughfall, stemflow and spring were increased in contrast with incident rainfall. Specifically, Cl, HCO3 , Na+ and Ca2+ were leached negatively in throughfall, but K+ and Mg2+ were leached positively. In stemflow, Cl and Na+ were leached negatively, the others were leached positively and their concentrations were higher than those in throughfall. Total carbon, organic carbon and inorganic carbon in throughfall and stemflow were increased as rainfall went through the secondary forest. The concentration of free CO2 in rainfall was lower than both, throughfall and stemflow; the relationship between total acidity and free CO2 was linear. pH of throughfall and stemflow , such as maximum, minimum and mean, were lower than that of rainfall and the extent of pH in spring was changed minimally. We came to a conclusion that rainfall via the secondary forest can lead to further erosion, accelerate the biogeochemical cycle in epikarst zone, enhance the effective state of alkali elements in the soil, supply vegetation with more nutrients and advance vegetation’s growth and succession, which are reasonably sufficient to form a stable karst ecosystem.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle in a global sense is the biogeochemical process by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the earth. For epikarst systems, it is the exchange of carbon among the atmosphere, water, and carbonate rocks. Southern China is located in the subtropical zone; its warm and humid weather creates favorable conditions for the dynamic physical, chemical, and ecological processes of the carbon cycle. This paper presents the mechanisms and characteristics of the carbon cycle in the epikarst systems in south China. The CO2 concentration in soils has clear seasonal variations, and its peak correlates well with the warm and rainy months. Stable carbon isotope analysis shows that a majority of the carbon in this cycle is from soils. The flow rate and flow velocity in an epikarst system and the composition of carbonate rocks control the carbon fluxes. It was estimated that the karst areas in south China contribute to about half of the total carbon sink by the carbonate system in China. By enhancing the movement of elements and dissolution of more chemical components, the active carbon cycle in the epikarst system helps to expand plant species. It also creates favorable environments for the calciphilic plants and biomass accumulation in the region. The findings from this study should help in better understanding of the carbon cycle in karst systems in south China, an essential component for the best management practices in combating rock desertification and in the ongoing study of the total carbon sink by the karst flow systems in China.  相似文献   

我国水土保持和石漠化防治是以小流域为单元来开展工作的,而在喀斯特地区进行小流域划分的研究还比较少。以1∶5万地形图作为工作底图,进行数字化采集并结合空间插值的方法生成贵州省金沙县DEM数据,并以GIS的水文分析模块为基础,经过自动提取微流域,微流域归并,流域边界验证等过程,最终提取金沙县小流域338个。从提取的结果来看,小流域的面积集中分布在3~10 km2范围内,占小流域总数的79.29%;在完整型、区间型和坡面型三种小流域类型中,研究区小流域类型以完整型小流域为主;绝大部分流域的分界线能够达到要求,在峰林、峰丛、洼地分布的地方会出现分界线偏离山顶点或者鞍部,这些地方水系网络复杂,自动提取的小流域与实际不相符合,需要进行手动修改。   相似文献   

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