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The Huaxia™ Platinum Kit for short tandem repeat (STR) amplification was designed to meet the needs of the rapidly growing Chinese forensic database. This PCR multiplex allows simultaneous amplification of the following autosomal loci: D3S1358, vWA, D16S539, CSF1PO, TPOX, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, Penta E, D2S441, D19S433, TH01, FGA, D22S1045, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, D6S1043, D10S1248, D1S1656, D12S391, D2S1338, Penta D and the gender-identification markers Yindel, and AMEL.The Huaxia™ Platinum Kit enables direct amplification from blood and buccal samples stored on treated and untreated paper, and features an optimized PCR protocol that yields time to results in less than 45 min. Developmental validation testing followed SWGDAM guidelines and demonstrated that this assay produces reproducible and accurate results. Studies on 798 individuals in 4 major Chinese ethnic groups produced highly concordant results with other commercially available STR genotyping kits. The validation results demonstrate that the Huaxia™ Platinum Kit is a robust and reliable identification system for forensic DNA databasing applications.  相似文献   

The DNATyperY26 PCR Amplification kit, which including 26 low-medium mutating Y-STRs, is designed for Y-STR familial searching casework. The kit combines nine new Y-STR loci in addition to the 17 Y-STR loci from the commercially available AmpFlSTR®Yfiler® kit. The validation of the DNATyperY26 kit was performed in terms of technical index, including accuracy, stability, species specificity, sensitivity, adaptability for various samples, and mixture. Further, mutations of the 26 Y-STRs were analyzed by 1167 DNA-confirmed father-son pairs, and the results indicated that these loci had low or medium mutation rates. Furthermore, these Y-STRs loci were also tested in 1072 random male samples from Henan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Chongqing in China, showing their high power for forensic discrimination in the Chinese population. Thus, the DNATyperY26 PCR Amplification kit is a powerful tool for ‘Y-STRs familial searching’ in actual sexual-assault cases, indicating its unique advantage in familial searching due to Y-STR loci with only low-medium mutation rates.  相似文献   

The interpretation of DNA evidence can entail analysis of challenging STR typing results. Genotypes inferred from low quality or quantity specimens, or mixed DNA samples originating from multiple contributors, can result in weak or inconclusive match probabilities when a binary interpretation method and necessary thresholds (such as a stochastic threshold) are employed. Probabilistic genotyping approaches, such as fully continuous methods that incorporate empirically determined biological parameter models, enable usage of more of the profile information and reduce subjectivity in interpretation. As a result, software-based probabilistic analyses tend to produce more consistent and more informative results regarding potential contributors to DNA evidence. Studies to assess and internally validate the probabilistic genotyping software STRmix™ for casework usage at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory were conducted using lab-specific parameters and more than 300 single-source and mixed contributor profiles. Simulated forensic specimens, including constructed mixtures that included DNA from two to five donors across a broad range of template amounts and contributor proportions, were used to examine the sensitivity and specificity of the system via more than 60,000 tests comparing hundreds of known contributors and non-contributors to the specimens. Conditioned analyses, concurrent interpretation of amplification replicates, and application of an incorrect contributor number were also performed to further investigate software performance and probe the limitations of the system. In addition, the results from manual and probabilistic interpretation of both prepared and evidentiary mixtures were compared.The findings support that STRmix™ is sufficiently robust for implementation in forensic laboratories, offering numerous advantages over historical methods of DNA profile analysis and greater statistical power for the estimation of evidentiary weight, and can be used reliably in human identification testing. With few exceptions, likelihood ratio results reflected intuitively correct estimates of the weight of the genotype possibilities and known contributor genotypes. This comprehensive evaluation provides a model in accordance with SWGDAM recommendations for internal validation of a probabilistic genotyping system for DNA evidence interpretation  相似文献   

In order to increase the power of discrimination, reduce the possibility of adventitious matches, and expand global data sharing, the CODIS Core Loci Working Group made a recommendation to expand the CODIS core loci from the “required” 13 loci to 20 plus three additional “highly recommended” loci. The GlobalFiler® Express Kit was designed to incorporate all 20 required and 3 highly recommended loci along with a novel male-specific Y insertion/deletion marker. The GlobalFiler® Express Kit allows simultaneous amplification of the following loci: D3S1358, vWA, D16S539, CSF1PO, TPOX, Yindel, AMEL, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, DYS391, D2S441, D19S433, TH01, FGA, D22S1045, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820, SE33, D10S1248, D1S1656, D12S391, and D2S1338. The kit enables direct amplification from blood and buccal samples stored on paper or swab and the chemistry features an optimized PCR protocol that yields time to results in less than an hour. Developmental validation testing followed SWGDAM guidelines and demonstrated the quality and robustness of the GlobalFiler® Express Kit over a number of variables. The validation results demonstrate that the 24-locus multiplex kit is a robust and reliable identification assay as required for forensic DNA typing and databasing.  相似文献   

Quantification of the total amount of human DNA isolated from a forensic evidence item is crucial for DNA normalization prior to short tandem repeat (STR) DNA analysis and a federal quality assurance standard requirement. Previous commercial quantification methods determine the total human DNA and total human male DNA concentrations, but provide limited information about the condition of the DNA sample. The PowerQuant¨r) System includes targets for quantification of total human and total human male DNA as well as targets for evaluating whether the human DNA is degraded and/or PCR inhibitors are present in the sample. A developmental validation of the PowerQuant¨r) System was completed, following SWGDAM Validation Guidelines, to evaluate the assay tm)s specificity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy, as well as the ability to detect degraded DNA or PCR inhibitors. In addition to the total human DNA and total human male DNA concentrations in a sample, data from the degradation target and internal PCR control (IPC) provide a forensic DNA analyst meaningful information about the quality of the isolated human DNA and the presence of PCR inhibitors in the sample that can be used to determine the most effective workflow and assist downstream interpretation.  相似文献   

In 2015 the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods published the SWGDAM Guidelines for the Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems [1]. STRmix™ is probabilistic genotyping software that employs a continuous model of DNA profile interpretation. This paper describes the developmental validation activities of STRmix™ following the SWGDAM guidelines. It addresses the underlying scientific principles, and the performance of the models with respect to sensitivity, specificity and precision and results of interpretation of casework type samples. This work demonstrates that STRmix™ is suitable for its intended use for the interpretation of single source and mixed DNA profiles.  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - The GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit is a single multiplex assay that amplifies a set of 24 markers, which encompass the European Standard Set and...  相似文献   

The GlobalFiler™ Express PCR Amplification Kit uses 6-dye fluorescent chemistry to enable multiplexing of 21 autosomal STRs, 1 Y-STR, 1 Y-indel and the sex-determining marker amelogenin. The kit is specifically designed for processing reference DNA samples in a high throughput manner. Validation studies were conducted to assess the performance and define the limitations of this direct amplification kit for typing blood and buccal reference DNA samples on various punchable collection media. Studies included thermal cycling sensitivity, reproducibility, precision, sensitivity of detection, minimum detection threshold, system contamination, stochastic threshold and concordance. Results showed that optimal amplification and injection parameters for a 1.2 mm punch from blood and buccal samples were 27 and 28 cycles, respectively, combined with a 12 s injection on an ABI 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. Minimum detection thresholds were set at 100 and 120 RFUs for 27 and 28 cycles, respectively, and it was suggested that data from positive amplification controls provided a better threshold representation. Stochastic thresholds were set at 250 and 400 RFUs for 27 and 28 cycles, respectively, as stochastic effects increased with cycle number. The minimum amount of input DNA resulting in a full profile was 0.5 ng, however, the optimum range determined was 2.5–10 ng. Profile quality from the GlobalFiler™ Express Kit and the previously validated AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® Direct Kit was comparable. The validation data support that reliable DNA typing results from reference DNA samples can be obtained using the GlobalFiler™ Express PCR Amplification Kit.  相似文献   

DNA mixture interpretation remains one of the major challenges in forensic DNA analysis. DNA mixture samples are inherently complex due to several factors including the variations in the quantity of DNA, the presence of non-allelic artifactual peaks and the presence of multiple contributors with variable levels of allele sharing. The Probabilistic Assessment for Contributor Estimation (PACE) is a fully continuous probabilistic machine learning-based method to predict the number of contributors (n) in a sample, and was previously developed for use with the Identifiler amplification kit. This system required manual preprocessing of data and was limited, exclusively, to samples amplified using said kit. This study introduces PACE™ v1.3.7 for use with both the GlobalFiler and PowerPlex Fusion 6c amplification kits. An automated artifact identification and management system has been added to accompany the rapid estimation of the number of donors in a given mixture. The artifact management module, when evaluated using previously unseen data, identified true allelic peaks and removed artifacts such as elevated baseline noise, stutter, and pull-up with accuracy over 93.5%. The systems yield the correct n classifications in over 90% of the samples, and demonstrate consistent accuracies as the number of donors and the overall mixture complexity increase. Misclassified samples generally exhibited high levels of allele sharing among donors, low DNA template amounts and high incidence of allelic dropout. This system offers a means for both artifact management and n estimation as well as a quantitative and reproducible method of assessing the quality of a profile.  相似文献   

Zhou  Yuxiang  Song  Feng  Dai  Hao  Wang  Shuangshuang  Zhang  Ke  Wei  Xiaowen  Wang  Xindi  Luo  Haibo 《International journal of legal medicine》2022,136(2):501-512
International Journal of Legal Medicine - Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) are widely applied to evolutionary, genealogical, and kinship analyses of male linages in forensic studies, but...  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal loci have proven useful in solving investigations where low levels of male DNA are present in a high female DNA background. An intrinsic limitation of Y-STRs compared with autosomal STRs is a reduced power of discrimination due to a lack of recombination throughout most of the Y-chromosome. Thus, in an effort to increase the power of discrimination we have developed a new 6-dye, 27-plex Y-STR system that includes the 17 loci from the Yfiler® and Yfiler® Direct kits (DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 (Y GATA C4), and Y GATA H4) plus three highly polymorphic Y-STR loci (DYS460, DYS481, and DYS533), and seven rapidly mutating Y-STR loci (DYF387S1a/b, DYS449, DYS518, DYS570, DYS576, DYS627) which allow for improved discrimination of related individuals. The Yfiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit is a dual application assay designed to amplify DNA from extracted casework and database samples from storage cards and swab lysates via direct amplification. Compared to the Yfiler PCR Amplification Kit, the new multiplex shows increased discrimination of male lineages and also improved performance in inhibited samples, improved balance in male DNA samples mixed with female DNA at ratios >1:1000, and faster time to results. The Yfiler Plus Kit shows very high concordance to the Yfiler Kit but discordance with the PowerPlex® Y23 Kit at the DYS481 locus was observed in 2 out of 30 samples tested. This developmental validation work follows the SWGDAM guidelines and demonstrates that the assay is robust and suitable for use on forensic casework and database samples.  相似文献   

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) applications in forensic science highlight the advantages of this technique compared to capillary electrophoresis (CE). The multiplexing of a wide range of genetic markers and access to the full amplicon sequence, allowing the detection of isoalleles, make it a very promising tool which could be applied to the most challenging casework DNA samples. However, the complexity of the manual library preparation protocol, potential DNA contamination and sample tracking issues are the main reasons why forensic scientists still hesitate to implement MPS analytical workflows in their laboratory. Here, we present the automation of all library preparation steps for up to 96 samples using the Verogen’s ForenSeq DNA Signature Preparation kit. This automated protocol, developed on a Hamilton ID STARlet robotic platform, is designed to allow the combined sequencing of rich and poor DNA samples thanks to a final step which adjusts normalized library pooling volume to guarantee a uniform depth of coverage across all samples. Our study includes tests of concordance, repeatability, reproducibility and sensitivity (1000 pg, 700 pg, 500 pg, 250 pg, 100 pg and 50 pg). Sequencing results obtained with the automated protocol were found to be concordant with previous validation studies using the manual protocol in terms of depth of coverage and allele coverage ratio. The results of this study will assist forensic laboratories seeking to acquire a plug and play solution to optimize the processing and analysis of casework samples with MPS.  相似文献   

The Sperm X method uses a nanotechnology derived polymer membrane that functions as a separation medium to effectively trap sperm cells while enabling efficient flow through of the digested epithelial cell DNA. This specialized membrane enabled development of a method that could significantly increase a forensic laboratory’s ability to obtain male sperm fraction DNA profiles. The SpermX device provides a rapid, reproducible procedure that is easy to implement in a single-tube format as well as high-throughput truly automated hands-free workflows.Validation studies, performed using the manual SpermX method, include sensitivity, stability, precision (reproducibility and repeatability), mixtures, and a method comparison to the traditional differential extraction. Sensitivity and method comparison studies demonstrated a wide range of sperm cells, from a high of over 2.78 million cells (9158 ng) to a low of 25 cells (83 pg), can be trapped by the SpermX membrane. Stability studies on various substrates (i.e., carpet, cotton, denim, polyester, and silk) and degraded semen gave the expected male DNA profiles. Data from the same operator and a different operator were consistent with low variance. Mixtures, with ratios ranging from approximately 10:1–18182:1, created to simulate real casework type samples including buccal/semen, vaginal epithelial/semen, and post coital swabs at different time intervals, were tested. A comparison of the SpermX method to the conventional differential extraction method resulted in comparable probative male profile allelic data and associated statistical probabilities. For low level sperm samples, down to 25 sperm cells (83 pg), the SpermX method outperformed the conventional differential extraction with more genotypic information and associated probabilities.  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - Rapid DNA identification is the use of a rugged, field-deployable system to generate short tandem repeat (STR) profiles in law enforcement, military,...  相似文献   

We describe the developmental validation of the probabilistic genotyping software – STRmix™ NGS – developed for the interpretation of forensic DNA profiles containing autosomal STRs generated using next generation sequencing (NGS) also known as massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies. Developmental validation was carried out in accordance with the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) Guidelines for the Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems and the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) recommendations and included sensitivity and specificity testing, accuracy, precision, and the interpretation of case-types samples. The results of developmental validation demonstrate the appropriateness of the software for the interpretation of profiles developed using NGS technology.  相似文献   


Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies enable the simultaneous analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). MPS also enables the detection of alleles of the minor contributors in imbalanced DNA mixtures. In this study, 59 STRs (amelogenin, 27 autosomal STRs, 7 X-STRs, and 24 Y-STRs) and 94 identity-informative SNPs of 119 unrelated Taiwanese (50 men, 69 women) were sequenced using a commercial MPS kit. Forty-eight nondegraded and 44 highly degraded two-person artificial DNA mixtures with various minor to major ratios (1:9, 1:19, 1:29, 1:39, 1:79, and 1:99) were analyzed to examine the performance of this system for detecting the alleles of the minor contributors in DNA mixtures. Likelihood ratios based on continuous model were calculated using the EuroForMix for DNA mixture interpretation. The STR and SNP genotypes of these 119 Taiwanese were obtained. Several sequence variants of STRs were observed. Using EuroForMix software based on the sequence data of autosomal STRs and autosomal SNPs, 97.9% (47/48) and 97.7% (42/43) of minor donors were accurately inferred among the successfully analyzed nondegraded and degraded DNA mixtures, respectively. In conclusion, combined with EuroForMix software, this commercial kit is effective for assignment of the minor contributors in nondegraded and degraded DNA mixtures.


The AmpFℓSTR® NGM SElect™ PCR Amplification Kit is a new 17-plex STR genotyping kit designed for use primarily in forensic casework analysis. The kit was designed to be a counterpart to the AmpFℓSTR® NGM™ Kit for laboratories wishing to add the SE33 locus to the new European Standard Set of STR loci. The NGM SElect Kit shares the same primer sets for 16 common loci with the NGM Kit (D10S1248, D3S1358, vWA, D16S539, D2S1338, amelogenin, D8S1179, D21S11, D18S51, D19S433, TH01, FGA, D22S1045, D2S441, D1S1656 and D12S391), with additional primers for the SE33 locus. Developmental validation studies followed the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) guidelines for STR kit manufacturers and tested several critical areas of kit performance including a sensitivity series, DNA mixtures and inhibited samples. The studies demonstrated that the NGM SElect Kit provides equivalent overall performance to the NGM Kit, but with even greater discriminatory power due to the inclusion of the highly informative SE33 locus.  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - Some STR loci have internal sequence variations, which are not revealed by the standard STR typing methods used in forensic genetics (PCR and fragment...  相似文献   

DNA profiling through the analysis of STRs remains one of the most widely used tools in human identification across the world. Current laboratory STR analysis is slow, costly and requires expert users and interpretation which can lead to instances of delayed investigations or non-testing of evidence on budget grounds. The ParaDNA® Intelligence System has been designed to provide a simple, fast and robust way to profile DNA samples in a lab or field-deployable manner. The system analyses 5-STRs plus amelogenin to deliver a DNA profile that enables users to gain rapid investigative leads and intelligent prioritisation of samples in human identity testing applications. Utilising an innovative sample collector, minimal training is required to enable both DNA analysts and nonspecialist personnel to analyse biological samples directly, without prior processing, in approximately 75 min. The test uses direct PCR with fluorescent HyBeacon® detection of STR allele lengths to provide a DNA profile. The developmental validation study described here followed the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) guidelines and tested the sensitivity, reproducibility, accuracy, inhibitor tolerance, and performance of the ParaDNA Intelligence System on a range of mock evidence items. The data collected demonstrate that the ParaDNA Intelligence System displays useful DNA profiles when sampling a variety of evidence items including blood, saliva, semen and touch DNA items indicating the potential to benefit a number of applications in fields such as forensic, military and disaster victim identification (DVI).  相似文献   

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