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《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3425-3433
Nerve endings of the posterior pituitary are densely populated by dense- core neurosecretory granules which are the storage sites for peptide neurohormones. In addition, they contain numerous clear microvesicles which are the same size as small synaptic vesicles of typical presynaptic nerve terminals. Several of the major proteins of small synaptic vesicles of presynaptic nerve terminals are present at high concentration in the posterior pituitary. We have now investigated the subcellular localization of such proteins. By immunogold electron microscopy carried out on bovine neurohypophysis we have found that three of these proteins, synapsin I, Protein III, and synaptophysin (protein p38) were concentrated on microvesicles but were not detectable in the membranes of neurosecretory granules. In addition, we have studied the distribution of the same proteins and of the synaptic vesicle protein p65 in subcellular fractions of bovine posterior pituitaries obtained by sucrose density centrifugation. We have found that the intrinsic membrane proteins synaptophysin and p65 had an identical distribution and were restricted to low density fractions of the gradient which contained numerous clear microvesicles with a size range the same as that of small synaptic vesicles. The peripheral membrane proteins synapsin I and Protein III exhibited a broader distribution extending into the denser part of the gradient. However, the amount of these proteins clearly declined in the fractions preceding the peak of neurosecretory granules. Our results suggest that microvesicles of the neurohypophysis are biochemically related to small synaptic vesicles of all other nerve terminals and argue against the hypothesis that such vesicles represent an endocytic byproduct of exocytosis of neurosecretory granules.  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of Hsc70 and auxilin in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) during neuronal endocytosis. We identified two peptides that inhibit the ability of Hsc70 and auxilin to uncoat CCVs in vitro. When injected into nerve terminals, these peptides inhibited both synaptic transmission and CCV uncoating. Mutation of a conserved HPD motif within the J domain of auxilin prevented binding to Hsc70 in vitro and injecting this mutant protein inhibited CCV uncoating in vivo, demonstrating that the interaction of auxilin with Hsc70 is critical for CCV uncoating. These studies establish that auxilin and Hsc70 participate in synaptic vesicle recycling in neurons and that an interaction between these proteins is required for CCV uncoating.  相似文献   

神经末梢突触囊泡释放神经递质过程的调控蛋白   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经末梢突触囊泡释放神经递质是一个复杂且受到精细调控的过程,涉及多种蛋白质间的相互作用。位于突触囊泡膜上的突触囊泡蛋白/突触囊泡相关膜蛋白(synaptobrevin/VAMP),与位于突触前膜上的syntaxin和突触小体相关蛋白SNAP-25,三者聚合形成的可溶性N-甲基马来酰胺敏感因子(NSF)附着蛋白受体(SNARE)核心复合物是突触囊泡胞吐过程中的核心成分。本文主要围绕参与空触囊泡胞吐过程,以及调节SNARE核心复合物的形成,解离及其功能的蛋白质,并对突触囊泡胞吐过程的分子模型作一概述。  相似文献   

The fluorophore FM1-43 appears to stain membranes of recycled synaptic vesicles. We used FM1-43 to study mechanisms of synaptic vesicle clustering and mobilization in living frog motor nerve terminals. FM1- 43 staining of these terminals produces a linear series of fluorescent spots, each spot marking the cluster of several hundred synaptic vesicles at an active zone. Most agents we tested did not affect staining, but the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) disrupted the fluorescent spots, causing dye to spread throughout the terminal. Consistent with this, electron microscopy showed that vesicle clusters were disrupted by OA treatment. However, dye did not spread passively to a uniform spatial distribution. Instead, time lapse movies showed clear evidence of active dye movements, as if synaptic vesicles were being swept along by an active translocation mechanism. Large dye accumulations sometimes occurred at sites of Schwann cell nuclei. These effects of OA were not significantly affected by pretreatment with colchicine or cytochalasin D. Electrophysiological recordings showed that OA treatment reduced the amount of acetylcholine released in response to nerve stimulation. The results suggest that an increased level of protein phosphorylation induced by OA treatment mobilizes synaptic vesicles and unmasks a powerful vesicle translocation mechanism, which may function normally to distribute synaptic vesicles between active zones.  相似文献   

The relationship between the size of synaptic vesicles and their distance from the active zone of the synapse was investigated quantitatively in axon terminals on dendritic spines and branches of neurons of the cat motor cortex in a resting state (moderate barbiturate anesthesia) and after prolonged repetitive stimulation of somatosensory area SII. The dimensions of the vesicles belonging to each of the three layers distinguishable in transverse section through the terminals on electron micrographs were recorded as a diminishing variance series. They were characterized by the value of a special rank statistic. Predominance of vesicles of the smallest sizes in layer I, next to the active zone of the synapse, in both the control and the experimental material was established by statistical analysis (using, in particular, the criterion of signs and 2). After stimulation of cortico-cortical projections a significant gradient of decrease in the mean size of the vesicles from peripheral layer III to layer I developed in the terminals studied. Compared with the control, the size of the vesicles decreased both in layer I and in the intermediate layer II. The functional significance of the phenomenon is discussed.A. A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 639–646, November–December, 1975.  相似文献   

Gan WB 《Neuron》2003,38(5):677-678
Dissecting the mechanisms underlying synapse formation and elimination is fundamental to understand how the nervous system is constructed and subsequently modified. Two studies by Tashiro et al. and by Hashimoto and Kano in this issue of Neuron provide new insights into the roles of neurotransmitter glutamate release in regulating the motility of hippocampal mossy fiber filopodia and synaptic competition among climbing fibers.  相似文献   

In response to calcium influx, synaptic vesicles fuse very rapidly with the plasma membrane to release their neurotransmitter content. An important mechanism for sustained release includes the formation of new vesicles by local endocytosis. How synaptic vesicles are trafficked from the sites of endocytosis to the sites of release and how they are maintained at the release sites remain poorly understood. Recent studies using fast freezing immobilization and electron tomography have led to insights on the ultrastructural organization of presynaptic boutons and how these structural elements may maintain synaptic vesicles and organize their exocytosis at particular areas of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Gaffield MA  Rizzoli SO  Betz WJ 《Neuron》2006,51(3):317-325
We used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to measure the mobility of synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve terminals. Vesicles belonging to the recycling pool or to the reserve pool were selectively labeled with FM1-43. In resting terminals, vesicles in the reserve pool were immobile, while vesicles in the recycling pool were mobile. Nerve stimulation increased the mobility of reserve pool vesicles. Treatment with latrunculin A, which destroyed actin filaments, had no significant effect on mobility, and reducing the temperature likewise had little effect, suggesting that recycling pool vesicles move by simple diffusion. Application of okadaic acid caused vesicle mobility in both pools to increase to the same level. We could model these and others' results quantitatively by taking into account the relative numbers of mobile and immobile vesicles in each pool, and vesicle packing density, which has a large effect on mobility.  相似文献   

The presynaptic proteome controls neurotransmitter release and the short and long term structural and functional dynamics of the nerve terminal. Using a monoclonal antibody against synaptic vesicle protein 2 we immunopurified a presynaptic compartment containing the active zone with synaptic vesicles docked to the presynaptic plasma membrane as well as elements of the presynaptic cytomatrix. Individual protein bands separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were subjected to nanoscale-liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Combining this method with 2-dimensional benzyldimethyl- n -hexadecylammonium chloride/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight and immunodetection we identified 240 proteins comprising synaptic vesicle proteins, components of the presynaptic fusion and retrieval machinery, proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction, a large variety of adhesion molecules and proteins potentially involved in regulating the functional and structural dynamics of the pre-synapse. Four maxi-channels, three isoforms of voltage-dependent anion channels and the tweety homolog 1 were co-isolated with the docked synaptic vesicles. As revealed by in situ hybridization, tweety homolog 1 reveals a distinct expression pattern in the rodent brain. Our results add novel information to the proteome of the presynaptic active zone and suggest that in particular proteins potentially involved in the short and long term structural modulation of the mature presynaptic compartment deserve further detailed analysis.  相似文献   

Diversification of synaptic strength: presynaptic elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synapses are not static; their performance is modified adaptively in response to activity. Presynaptic mechanisms that affect the probability of transmitter release or the amount of transmitter that is released are important in synaptic diversification. Here, we address the diversity of presynaptic performance and its underlying mechanisms: how much of the variation can be accounted for by variation in synaptic morphology and how much by molecular differences? Significant progress has been made in defining presynaptic structural contributions to synaptic strength; by contrast, we know little about how presynaptic proteins produce normally observed functional differentiation, despite abundant information on presynaptic proteins and on the effects of their individual manipulation. Closing the gap between molecular and physiological synaptic diversification still represents a considerable challenge.  相似文献   

Lee S  Jung KJ  Jung HS  Chang S 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e38045
Although quantum dots (QDs) have provided invaluable information regarding the diffusive behaviors of postsynaptic receptors, their application in presynaptic terminals has been rather limited. In addition, the diffraction-limited nature of the presynaptic bouton has hampered detailed analyses of the behaviors of synaptic vesicles (SVs) at synapses. Here, we created a quantum-dot based presynaptic probe and characterized the dynamic behaviors of individual SVs. As previously reported, the SVs exhibited multiple exchanges between neighboring boutons. Actin disruption induced a dramatic decrease in the diffusive behaviors of SVs at synapses while microtubule disruption only reduced extrasynaptic mobility. Glycine-induced synaptic potentiation produced significant increases in synaptic and inter-boutonal trafficking of SVs, which were NMDA receptor- and actin-dependent while NMDA-induced synaptic depression decreased the mobility of the SVs at synapses. Together, our results show that sPH-AP-QD revealed previously unobserved trafficking properties of SVs around synapses, and the dynamic modulation of SV mobility could regulate presynaptic efficacy during synaptic activity.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative analysis has been made of the distribution of presynaptic profiles containing round (or spheroidal) and flattened (or ellipsoidal) synaptic vesicles in the apical and basal dendritic zones and in the layer of pyramidal cell somata of fields CA1 and CA3 of the hippocampus, and in the molecular and granular layers of the dentate gyrus of the rat and cat.In the apical and basal dendritic zones of fields CA1 and CA3 the overwhelming majority of the synapses are of the asymmetrical variety, the axon terminals ending principally upon dendritic spines, and to a lesser extent upon the shafts and secondary or tertiary branches of the dendrites. Between 1 and 8% of the axon terminals in these zones contained flattened vesicles: all of these formed symmetrical contacts upon medium-sized or large dendritic shafts. In the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus a slightly higher percentage of flattened vesicle containing profiles was observed (10%); again these formed symmetrical contacts upon dendritic shafts. In the stratum pyramidale of the hippocampal fields and the stratum granulosum of the dentate gyrus of the rat, flattened vesicle containing synapses are two or three times more numerous than those with spheroidal vesicles. In the cat hippocampus the axosomatic synapses are about equally distributed between those containing round, and those with flattened vesicles.The finding that at the focus of post-synaptic inhibition, at the level of the pyramidal cell somata, the majority of the axon terminals contains flattened synaptic vesicles, whereas in the region of termination of the extrinsic, commissural and long association pathways (all of which are excitatory) virtually all the synapses contain round vesicles, strongly supports the view that endings containing flattened vesicles mediate post-synaptic inhibition in the hippocampal formation.Supported in part by Grant EY-00599 from the National Eye Institute.We should like to thank Mr. Paul Myers and Mr. Milburn W. Rhoades for their technical assistance, and Mrs. Doris Stevenson for secretarial help.  相似文献   

W J Betz  G S Bewick  R M Ridge 《Neuron》1992,9(5):805-813
We stained synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve terminals with FM1-43 and studied changes in the shape and position of vesicle clusters during nerve stimulation. Each stained vesicle cluster appeared as a fluorescent spot. During repetitive nerve stimulation the spots gradually dimmed, most without changing shape or position. Occasionally, however, a spot moved, appearing in some cases to stream toward and coalesce with a neighboring spot. This suggests the existence of translocation mechanisms that can actively move vesicles in a coordinated fashion between vesicle clusters. Within single clusters, we saw no signs of such directed vesicle movements. Fluorescent spots in terminals viewed from the side with a confocal microscope did not shrink toward the presynaptic membrane during nerve stimulation, but dimmed uniformly. This suggests that vesicles continuously mix within a cluster during destaining and provides no evidence of active vesicle translocators within single vesicle clusters for moving vesicles to the presynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

Depolarization and excitation-secretion coupling in presynaptic terminals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Alpha-synuclein is the major component of Lewy bodies in patients with Parkinson's disease, and mutations in the alpha-synuclein gene are responsible for some familial forms of the disease. alpha-Synuclein is enriched in the presynapse, but its synaptic targets are unknown. Synphilin-1 associates in vivo with alpha-synuclein promoting the formation of intracellular inclusions. Additionally synphilin-1 has been found to be an intrinsic component of Lewy bodies in patients with Parkinson's disease. To understand the role of synphilin-1 in Parkinson's disease, we sought to define its localization and function in the brain. We now report that, like alpha-synuclein, synphilin-1 was enriched in neurons. In young rats, synphilin-1 was prominent in neuronal cell bodies but gradually migrated to neuropil during development. Immunoelectron microscopy of adult rat cerebral cortex demonstrated that synphilin-1 was highly enriched in presynaptic nerve terminals. Synphilin-1 co-immunoprecipitated with synaptic vesicles, indicating a strong association with these structures. In vitro binding experiments demonstrated that the N terminus of synphilin-1 robustly associated with synaptic vesicles and that this association was resistant to high salt washing but was abolished by inclusion of alpha-synuclein in the incubation medium. Our data indicated that synphilin-1 is a synaptic partner of alpha-synuclein, and it may mediate synaptic roles attributed to alpha-synuclein.  相似文献   

The reserve pool (RP) and readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles within presynaptic nerve terminals were physiologically differentiated into distinctly separate functional groups. This was accomplished in glutamatergic nerve terminals by blocking the glutamate transporter with dl-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA; 10 microM) during electrical stimulation with either 40 Hz of 10 pulses within a train or 20- or 50-Hz continuous stimulation. The 50-Hz continuous stimulation decreased the excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude 60 min faster than for the 20-Hz continuous stimulation in the presence of TBOA (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the train stimulation and 20-Hz continuous stimulation in the run-down time in the presence of TBOA. After TBOA-induced synaptic depression, the excitatory postsynaptic potentials were rapidly (<1 min) revitalized by exposure to serotonin (5-HT, 1 microM) in every preparation tested (P < 0.05). At this glutamatergic nerve terminal, 5-HT promotes an increase probability of vesicular docking and fusion. Quantal recordings made directly at nerve terminals revealed smaller quantal sizes with TBOA exposure with a marked increase in quantal size as well as a continual appearance of smaller quanta upon 5-HT treatment after TBOA-induced depression. Thus 5-HT was able to recruit vesicles from the RP that were not rapidly depleted by acute TBOA treatment and electrical stimulation. The results support the notion that the RRP is selectively activated during rapid electrical stimulation sparing the RP; however, the RP can be recruited by the neuromodulator 5-HT. This suggests at least two separate kinetic and distinct regulatory paths for vesicle recycling within the presynaptic nerve terminal.  相似文献   

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