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This article highlights two large gaps in the business school curriculum: the neglect of historical and ethical dimensions. An overview is provided of progress made so far in the UK in the evolution of business history as an academic discipline; and also of the take–up of business ethics in university teaching. Both have had some success, but overall the response to these areas has been somewhat lacklustre — at least in the UK. A justification is provided for adding both components to a fully relevant business education. When the two are combined, the result can be a highly rewarding combination that provides insights that may not be possible for management writers, who work only in the present. Corporate ethics, the social responsibility of companies, disclosure, the environment, the actions of multinational companies overseas, the dilemmas of whistle–blowing, the impact of lobby groups and health and safety issues can all be understood more fully by students if they approach these subjects from an ethical and historical standpoint.  相似文献   

The subject of Integrated Management Systems in terms of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management has become of increasing interest to researchers and business alike during the last 3 years or so. This paper focuses on a review of the various models of integration found in the academic literature and also those advocated by the standards bodies, such as the British Standards Institution and the International Organization for Standardization. A number of writers advocate alignment of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and present models to facilitate this; however, integration into a single standard is, in general, not favoured. Various models have been developed to overcome these difficulties, but the authors believe that none is completely satisfactory. It is considered that a model of integration based on the EFQM Model for Business Excellence will allow the limitation of the standards to be overcome and the total systems approach to integration to be facilitated.  相似文献   

传统管理学批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构成一个组织的基本要素应该是管理学的重要内容,但许多教科书并没有这样来说明。因此,管理学应该从组织的要素和对组织的分类开始。现有的管理学大多是针对已经存在的组织而言的。管理学不应仅仅涉及对现存组织的管理,还要考虑组织的产生、消亡及其法人性。现代企业管理的实践对管理科学最大的功绩之一在于提出了“治理”的概念。治理是“依法管理”的表现形式,是管理的前提和广义的管理。在最早的管理学中并没有把激励当成管理的一项职能。激励是经济的办法而不是管理的办法。激励是用经济手段来管理,管理在激励中消失自我并得以升华。管理的目的是为了经营,不可以离开经营来谈管理或把经营排斥在管理之外。广义的管理包含经营,广义的经营包含管理,没有经营就没有管理。  相似文献   

现今中国社会存在一种综合的儒家商业伦理,从《易经》的思维角度看,这种商业伦理有着较为复杂的结构.中国的商业伦理以《易经》的宇宙本体论作为向导,与哲学流派间有趣地融合,成为中国商业与经济中一种指导经济行为的实践哲学.从《易经》的思考模式解析了这种从儒家德行伦理到升级的儒家伦理的发展融合过程,以及后者在商业上的实际运用.通过整合责任伦理、功利主义甚至是权利伦理来完成一种现代性的转换.这种转换的成果称之为综合的儒家商业伦理.在兼顾经济发展与国家整体发展的过程中,它将是中国商业与经济领袖们手中的有力武器.  相似文献   

企业与社会相分离、管理与伦理相割裂的发展模式不可持续,迫切需要有新的商业模式、新的管理理论和管理模式出现。在此背景下,2014年6月10日,于上海召开的"第一届中国企业·管理·伦理论坛"对相关问题进行了研讨。在此,结合论坛的主要报告和讨论内容,就企业社会责任、企业伦理、管理伦理以及这一领域未来应关注的主题等几个方面的主要观点进行综述,并归纳了与会者对论坛的可持续发展的各种建议。  相似文献   

胡宗仁 《领导科学》2020,(10):43-46
以关系为研究对象,从关系的角度研究领导活动,是领导学研究的主要内容和基本方式。领导伦理是维持领导者与追随者之间关系必须遵循的行为规则和规范系统,它赋予领导活动特定的伦理属性和价值标准。领导伦理观以及由此形成的伦理困境主要有:功利主义伦理观与权力困境、利己主义伦理观与责任困境。塑造伦理型领导者,应坚持价值定位上的以人为本、个人品质上的信誉至上、心理动机上的利他倾向和行为策略上的鼓舞激励。  相似文献   

This paper examines the method of Jewish business ethics. MichaelWalzer, in his work, Interpretation and Social Criticism (1987), suggeststhree common and important approaches to moral philosophy. He labels thesethe path of discovery, the path of invention, and the path ofinterpretation. The first part of this paper argues that Jewish businessethics is best thought of in terms of interpretation. Without question, thereligious ethicist immediately recognizes Walzers metaphor of the moralworld as a home occupied by a single family over many generations... as his own. Ethical arguments from a Jewish perspective must of necessityhave a lived-in quality and always make reference to and are based on thememory-laden objects and artifacts. The second part of the paper exploressome of the implications of Jewish business ethics as interpretation.  相似文献   

There has been some important research conducted in India between 1990 and 1994 on the question of Business Ethics and based on the data collected from the corporate sector of Indian Industry, this polemic has been attempted. In the first part it clarifies the positions taken by the Indian academia and in the second part gives some insights into the character of the Indian corporate decision makers. To that extent it lays claim to a being a contribution to the understanding of Business Ethics in India, and what sort of managers are produced by the corporate sector, the society within which this sector exists and the culture it imbibes.  相似文献   

我国税务信息化经过多年发展已积累了大量数据,基于商务智能技术的税务决策支持系统可以充分利用这些数据支持税收征管工作.本文介绍了商务智能技术在税务分析和税收征管决策中的支持应用,以及构建基于商务智能的税务决策支持系统的关键问题:数据库统一规划、模型的构造、知识库的建设、业务规则库的建设、缺乏相关复合型人才.  相似文献   

International Human Resource Management: Review and Critique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research agenda for the field of international human resource management (IHRM) is clear. For a better understanding and to benefit substantially, management scholars must study IHRM in context (Jackson, S.E. and Schuler, R.S. 1995. Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environment. Annual Review of Psychology , 46: 237–264; Geringer, J.M., Frayne, C.A. and Milliman, J.F. 2002. In search of 'best practices' in international human resource management: research design and methodology. Human Resource Management , forthcoming). IHRM should be studied within the context of changing economic and business conditions. The dynamics of both the local/regional and international/global business context in which the firm operates should be given serious consideration. Further, it could be beneficial to study IHRM within the context of the industry and the firm's strategy and its other functional areas and operations. In taking these perspectives, one needs to use multiple levels of analysis when studying IHRM: the external social, political, cultural and economic environment; the industry, the firm, the sub-unit, the group, and the individual. Research in contextual isolation is misleading: it fails to advance understanding in any significant way (Adler, N.J. and Ghadar, E. 1990. Strategic human resource management: a global perspective. Human Resource Management in International Comparison. Berlin: de Gruyter; Locke, R. and Thelen, K. 1995. Apples and oranges revisited: contextualized comparisons and the study of comparative labor politics. Politics & Society , 23 , 337–367). In this paper, we attempt to review the existing state of academic work in IHRM and illustrate how it incorporates the content and how it might be expanded to do so.  相似文献   

Within the general frame of proposals for an adequate management of business ethics, this paper is based on the vision of corporate culture as a pattern to achieve such purpose. If we consider ethics as a specific value of corporate culture, we may resort to the mechanism of cultural change and implementation in order to manage ethics. Despite the difficulties it entails in terms of time and money investment, this procedure is one of the safest ways to reach ethical values which are known, shared and then practiced by all the members of a corporation, whatever the category. From this central standpoint, and basing ourselves on our own proposal for the management of culture, we shall describe which specific steps must be taken in order to achieve a set of ethical values which are both realistic and furthermore shared by all collaborators of an organization.  相似文献   

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