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锡林是精梳机的心脏,没有毛刷的有效清理,锡林就不能充分发挥梳理作用。毛刷作用不良,会造成锡林嵌花太多、纤维缠绕锡林。普通毛刷是用毛针钉把棕毛推入到毛刷体的孔内,拔出毛针钉时棕毛中间会留下空隙,导致棕毛不紧密,根部不牢固,如图1(a)所示。毛刷使用过程中棕毛孔会有磨损变大、脱毛、掉毛等问题。  相似文献   

精梳毛刷的状态和作用的好坏,与精梳棉条的质量密切相关。毛刷由棕毛和毛刷体组成,通过人工或机械方法把棕毛用铁钉钉入带孔的毛刷体,由于钉毛针拔出时棕毛中间会留下钉毛针的空隙,在使用过程中会产生脱毛、掉毛或整束  相似文献   

钢丝毛刷在精梳机上的试用精梳机所用毛刷质量的好坏,对有效排除结杂及短绒、控制落棉波动及提高精梳条质量关系很大。我国从50年代起使用国产精梳机以来,对毛刷的使用在实践中也是不断提高和进步。先是黄棕毛刷,由于其粗细不匀、易断裂、弹性低,清除棉结杂质效果差...  相似文献   

一、风斗喷花、棉网破洞的改进精梳机风斗喷花、不仅影响车间清整洁,增加值车工劳动强度,而且还直接影响精梳产品的条干和重量不匀率。精梳机风斗喷花、棉网破洞除与毛刷、锡林工艺状态等因素直接有关外,风机吸风量及风斗内气流是否合理流动也极其关键。1.风斗气流浅析如图1所示.当毛刷与锡林高速回转时,棕毛和针齿带动其周围的空气流动,在毛刷和锡林周围形成气流层,由于受空气粘性阻力影响,毛刷(φ120mm,1000~1200r/min)气流②的速度远大于锡林(φ150mm,100~200r/min)气流⑤的流速,毛刷表面附面层气流②,携带着从锡林…  相似文献   

梳棉机大毛刷的改进国产梳棉机大毛刷大都采用圆柱木棍螺旋汉三级棕毛组成。其作用是剧清责板上附着的灰土、纤维、籽清等杂质,以达到清洁盖板的目的,从而保证盖板的有效作用。在实际牛产中,受原棉质量、各棉工序的除杂效果、盖板工作状态等诸多因素的影响,盖板上常会...  相似文献   

精梳机的锡林“挂花”问题,影响精梳条的质量。解决这一问题的关键在于如何提高毛刷清洁锡林的效率。过去我们在改进毛刷质量、合理配置毛刷速度、适当增加毛刷插入锡林的深度等各方面做了不少工作,毛刷清洁锡林的效率有所提高。但是,毛刷的维修工作是以四个月的周期,结合平车进行的。平车后的前两个月,毛刷的清洁效果  相似文献   

许逊 《国外丝绸》1999,(4):37-37,36
为扩大生丝应用范围,除了业已开发的和服以外,有必要向西服、床上用品、室内饰品、工业用材料或日用品等丝绸还未充分进入的领域延伸。这次我们开发了用生丝制造的毛刷类(简称丝毛刷——译者注)产品。由于人们习惯于使用猪毛刷、马毛刷等动物毛刷或尼龙刷、PVC毛刷等产品,丝毛刷还未被人们认识并使用。 为使丝毛刷向传统毛刷领域渗透,使其为人们认识和接受,在试制产品的同时,就其特性作如下概要介绍。  相似文献   

过去国内、外整理机器上的毛刷器都采用交流电动机驱动,不能调速。现采用毛刷电子自动装置后,保证了毛刷电机的线速度与超喂辊线速度的同步,同时对毛刷的线速  相似文献   

王荣 《棉纺织技术》2001,29(3):58-59
精梳棉网中棉结杂质的多少与毛刷清刷锡林效果有很大关系 ,毛刷轴又是毛刷传动部件的关键件之一。A2 0 1D型精梳机原尾端毛刷轴承座内部设计装配的滚针轴承不尽合理 ,表现为高速转动的毛刷轴难以长期承受来自胶带上的径向张力 ,此处的磨损尤为突出。毛刷轴一旦磨损 ,就会出现第 6眼锡林上的清洁不良 ,影响棉网质量 ,同时还会造成锡林不同程度的损伤 ,严重者需关车维修。为此 ,我们将毛刷滚针轴承改用 1 0 4型滚珠轴承替代。( 1 )改造方法从传动上 ,由毛刷轴表面直接与轴承滚针滚动摩擦 ,改变为滚珠轴承的内部间的滚动摩擦 ,解决了毛刷轴的…  相似文献   

为减少海湾扇贝加工过程中人工的参与,提出螺旋毛刷辊式清洗海湾扇贝的方法,结合相关清洗机构,针对海湾扇贝的特点对主要功能部件进行了改良和创新设计。采用空心的螺旋毛刷辊同时起到清洗和运输的作用,毛刷辊上方设有喷水管,毛刷辊与水共同作用使清洗效果更好。  相似文献   

应用X-射线衍射法分别研究了在不同结晶条件下制作的猪油基起酥油和棕榈油基起酥油的晶型结构,以便决定能否用廉价的棕榈油取代猪油生产起酥油并丰富有关固体脂肪的晶型结构研究资料。结果表明,猪油和猪油基起酥油的晶型在任何结晶条件下均表现为β型;而棕榈油基起酥油的晶型主要受熟化温度的影响,当熟化温度为15~20℃时表现为β型、当熟化温度25~28℃时表现为β’型。说明棕榈油比猪油更适合成为制作起酥油所需要的固相基料油。  相似文献   

Palm wine and pasteurised palm sap volatiles were collected, concentrated on a Tenax GC and analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Eighty-two components were identified: 47 esters, 9 alcohols, 5 acids, 6 carbonyls, 2 acetals, 4 terpenes and 9 hydrocarbons. These had all been found previously in conventional wines. Odour evaluation of the separated palm wine components as they eluted suggested that no one compound is responsible for the characteristic palm wine odour. The acetates of higher alcohols and the ethyl esters of straight-chain aliphatic C6-C10 acids seemed to be important and may play a big role in imparting the fruity nuances of characteristic palm wine odour. Their association with alcohols seemed also to be necessary for the expression of typical palm wine odour. The qualitative difference between palm sap aroma and palm wine aroma appeared to be due mainly to the presence of these esters and alcohols in palm wine and their apparent absence from palm sap, as well as to the presence of some low-boiling esters and alcohols in palm sap and their apparent absence from palm wine.  相似文献   

胡小中 《粮油食品科技》2012,20(2):55-57,60
棕榈油作为世界主要油脂品种之一,其生产量和贸易量均位居世界第一,在植物油生产和消费市场中占有极其重要的地位。详细论述了近年世界棕榈油的生产及进出口贸易情况;并对近年我国棕榈油的进口数量、品种、消费以及分提加工现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

A novel technique for palm oil hydrogenation with very low trans-fatty acid formation using non-thermal dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma with parallel-plate configuration has been successfully demonstrated. This green technique does not require catalyst and is highly environmental-friendly. With 15% H2: 85% He mixed carrier gas concentration ratio and initial 31 °C (rising to 50 °C due to plasma), after 4 h of plasma hydrogenation, iodine value (IV) was reduced from 60.89 to 48.39 and detected trans-fat was 1.44%. This represents trans-fat generation rate of only 0.07% per % decrease in IV, which is about 6.12 times lower than a conventional method relying on high temperature, high pressure and catalyst. About 8 h was required to produce margarine with texture closest to commercial margarines. Acid value (AV) reduced from 0.47 to 0.27%, or 43% reduction, after 12–20 h of treatment, significantly indicating that plasma hydrogenation can also help extend shelf life of oil or margarine. Large portion of DBD plasma hydrogenated palm oil can, thus, be mixed with palm olein and interesterified palm oil to produce margarine with overall trans-fatty acid content no higher than regulatory requirement. Continuous production scheme was presented. This novel plasma hydrogenation technique offers promising possibility for commercial utilization by edible oils industry.  相似文献   

通过常规理化指标和现代电子舌味觉指纹分析技术甄别来自5种不同产地的棕榈油。结果显示:通过传统的常规理化指标不能有效区分不同产地的棕榈油;通过使用电子舌味觉指纹分析技术及主成分和判别因子数据分析,优化传感器后识别指数为95分(满分100分),验证得分为100分(满分100分);通过5种不同产地棕榈油样品之间的相似性分析也发现,绝大部分的指纹分辨指数高于98%。研究表明,通过电子舌味觉指纹分析技术可有效定性检测和甄别不同产地的棕榈油。  相似文献   

常规加热和微波加热对两种植物油维生素E含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究常规加热和微波加热两种加热方式对植物油中维生素E的8种异构体的影响。方法 大豆油、棕榈油进行常规加热和微波加热后, 用异辛烷进行超声提取, 最后用正相高压液相色谱法测定。结果 两种加热方式都会使植物油中维生素E的含量降低, 其中微波加热对维生素E的影响更大。结论 加热时间过长会影响植物油的品质, 同时也能通过对植物油中维生素E的检测推论该植物油是否经过加热处理。  相似文献   

胡明明 《中国油脂》2021,46(8):123-130
目前棕榈油是全球第一大产量的植物油,其性状稳定,含有丰富的维生素 E和类胡萝卜素等营养成分,且价格具有竞争力,因此被广泛应用于食品加工及饲料等行业。马来西亚作为世界棕榈油主要生产国和出口国之一,对全球棕榈油市场具有重要贡献。综述了马来西亚棕榈油生产、贸易及可持续发展状况,并对棕榈油在食品和饲料行业的应用进行总结,以期为棕榈油的消费和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:探寻棕榈油在生产馕、面包、馒头、苏打饼干及冷冻面制品等发酵面团中的应用工艺。方法:利用旋转流变仪测定棕榈油添加量对发酵面团流变特性的影响,并通过扫描电镜观察面团微观结构分析棕榈油添加量对面团组分的作用机理。结果:在小麦粉中分别添加4%,6%,8%,10%,12%(以小麦粉的总质量为100%计)的棕榈油,面团的发酵特性和流变特性发生显著变化。当棕榈油添加量为4%~10%时,有效地改善了面团发酵特性,延缓了面团老化速度。但当棕榈油添加量为12%时,会稀释面筋蛋白,降低面筋网络结构的稳定性,增大发酵面团的硬度和黏性。随着棕榈油添加量的增加,面团的发酵体积、持水性和黏弹性先递增后递减。结论:添加适量棕榈油有利于面筋网络结构的形成和稳定,改善面团的发酵及流变特性,棕榈油添加量为6%~8%时面团发酵效果较好。  相似文献   

Chemical interesterification is an important technological option for the production of fats targeting commercial applications. Fat blends, formulated by binary blends of palm stearin and palm olein in different ratios, were subjected to chemical interesterification. The following determinations, before and after the interesterification reactions, were done: fatty acid composition, softening point, melting point, solid fat content and consistency. For the analytical responses a multiple regression statistical model was applied. This study has shown that blending and chemical interesterifications are an effective way to modify the physical and chemical properties of palm stearin, palm olein and their blends. The mixture and chemical interesterification allowed obtaining fats with various degrees of plasticity, increasing the possibilities for the commercial use of palm stearin and palm olein.  相似文献   

Recently, organic and inorganic chlorinated compounds were detected in crude and commercially refined palm oils. Further, the predominant formation mechanism of monochloropropanediol (MCPD) diesters at high temperatures (>170–180°C) was revealed. The present study involved the development and comparison of solutions to mitigate MCPD diester levels in oils from various stages of palm oil production. Partially refined palm oil samples and oil extracted from fresh palm fruits were submitted to bench-top deodorisation experiments. Application of glycerol and ethanol as refining aids during the deodorisation of refined-bleached palm oil proved to be moderately effective; about 25%–35% reduction of MCPD diester levels was achieved. Washing crude palm oil with ethanol–water (1:1) prior to deodorisation was also an effective strategy yielding an ~30% reduction of MCPD diester contents. Washing palm fruit pulp before oil extraction, however, was most impactful, resulting in a 95% reduction of MCPD diesters when compared to the deodorised control oil. This suggests that intervention upstream in the process chain is most efficient in reducing levels of these contaminants in refined oils. Following the study, a root-cause analysis was performed in order to map the parameters potentially responsible for the occurrence of MCPD diesters in refined palm oil and related fractions.  相似文献   

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