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The possible mechanisms of colloid generation at the near field/far field interface of a radioactive repository have been investigated by means of novel column experiments simulating the granite/bentonite boundary, both in dynamic and in quasi-static water flow conditions. It has been shown that solid particles and colloids can be detached from the bulk and mobilised by the water flow. The higher the flow rate, the higher the concentration of particles found in the water, according to an erosion process. However, the gel formation and the intrinsic tactoid structure of the clay play an important role in the submicron particle generation even in the compacted clay and in a confined system. In fact, once a bentonite gel is formed, in the regions where the clay is contacted with water, clay colloids can be formed even in quasi-static flow conditions. The potential relevance of these colloids in radionuclide transport has been studied by evaluating their stability in different chemical environments. The coagulation kinetics of natural bentonite colloids was experimentally studied as a function of the ionic strength and pH, by means of time-resolved light scattering techniques. It has been shown that these colloids are very stable in low saline (approximately 1 x 10(-3) M) and alkaline (pH > or = 8) waters.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Knowledge of the behavior of highly compacted expansive clays, as an engineered barrier, in disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW) systems to...  相似文献   

Medical X-ray computed tomography (CT) was applied to the measurement of the diffusion coefficients of heavy ions in an artificial barrier material for the disposal of nuclear wastes. Cs(+), Sr(2+), I(-), and Br(-) are the heavy ions measured and the barrier used is the water-rich gel of Wyoming montmorillonite (86.5-100 wt.% H(2)O). X-ray CT yields an inevitable artifact (beam-hardening) in the obtained images. Before the diffusion experiments, the polychromatic primary X-ray spectrum of the CT scanner was measured by a CdZnTe detector, and the effects of the artifact were examined for an aqueous CsCl solution sample. The results show that the beam-hardening artifact derived from the polychromatic photon energy distribution can be suppressed by applying a special image reconstruction method assuming the chemical composition of samples. The transient one-dimensional diffusion of heavy ions in a plastic container filled with the gel was imaged nondestructively by the X-ray CT scanner with an in-plane resolution of 0.31 mm and slice thickness of 2 mm. The results show that diffusivities decrease with increasing clay weight fraction. The degree of the diffusivity decrease was high for cations (Cs(+) and Sr(2+)) and low for anions (I(-) and Br(-)). The quantitative decomposition of the contribution of the geometrical tortuosity and of the sorption to the diffusivity was performed by subtracting the diffusivity of nonsorbing I(-) from the measured diffusivities. The results show that the contribution of the sorption is large for Cs(+), Sr(2+) and small for Br(-). Because X-ray CT allows nondestructive and quick measurements of diffusivities, the technique would be useful particularly for measuring the diffusive migration of harmful radioactive elements.  相似文献   

毛细屏障作为核废物处置库顶盖的工程屏障之一,已经在国内外得到了广泛应用.采用箱体实验方法,研究了非饱和稳定流条件下粗石英砂层厚度和倾角对毛细屏障效应的影响.结果表明,随着粗石英砂层厚度的增大,水分的相对绕流量增大,毛细屏障效应增强;随着粗石英砂层倾角的增大,其表面积水减少,水的横向流动能力增强,毛细屏障效应增强.  相似文献   

Ke  Han  Liu  Ying  Meng  Meng  Hu  Jie  Zhao  Shi Yu  Qin  Rui  Wu  Xiao Wen 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2022,29(25):37359-37374
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a highly heterogeneous porous medium that contains a variety of components and has complex pores and solid structures....  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

原位柱撑改性膨润土在微污染饮用水除磷中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用Al3+离子较易水解聚合的性质,微波辅助合成了keggin Al13原位柱撑改性膨润土(PMCs),并探究了其对微污染饮用水中磷元素的去除作用,研究表明,PMCs对磷的混凝和去除作用优于原土、工业 PAC和传统的柱撑改性膨润土(CPMCs);影响除磷效果的主要因素有:搅拌时间、搅拌速度、水样的pH值以及初始浓度等,其最佳除磷条件是:在500 mL 10 mg/L含磷水样中加入1.5 g改性膨润土,搅拌速度为180 r/min,搅拌时间为5 h,水样pH为6~8。  相似文献   

为了比较不同土壤的污水渗滤土地处理系统对磷的去除效果,在模拟土柱中采用磷同位素(32P)示踪技术,研究污水中磷进入红壤和紫色土不同土层后的行为动力学特征.实验结果表明,污水中磷在红壤中滞留率高于紫色土,而在紫色土中的迁移性则强于红壤.对于紫色土,污水带入的各无机磷组分按比例大小排序为;磷酸铁盐(Fe-P)>闭蓄态磷(O...  相似文献   

随着我国污水处理率不断提高,污泥产量快速增加,污泥的资源化利用问题日益突出。针对这一问题,采用污泥土壤化植物床技术处理小城镇污水厂污泥。通过一个小试装置和4个中试单元,对植物床处理过程中的污泥泥质以及滤液水质变化进行了分析,研究比较了甜象草床、芦苇床、香蒲床对污泥的处理效果。研究表明,污泥土壤化植物床对投加到其中的污泥会产生一系列复杂作用,有助于污泥脱水和稳定化,同时能有效地对污泥渗滤液进行截流净化。  相似文献   


In this study, wastes originating at each production station during refrigerator manufacturing were identified and classified based on a waste tree. A mass balance study revealed a total waste production factor of 0.046 kg/kg of a product of which 75.3%, 23.9%, and 0.8% were non-hazardous wastes (NHWs), packaging wastes (PWs), and hazardous wastes (HWs), respectively. Wastes produced during refrigerator manufacturing were grouped under 35 different waste codes. Waste codes that contributed more than 5% by weight were 15 02 02 (contaminated absorbent material), 15 01 10 (contaminated packaging), 16 02 13 (electronic cards), 07 02 14 (polyol) and 08 05 01 (isocyanates), 19 08 13 (treatment sludge), 16 02 15 (capacitors), and 13 01 13 (hydraulic oil) for HWs, 12 01 01 (ferrous metal), and 16 02 16 (components) for NHWs, and, finally, 15 01 03 (wooden), 15 01 01 (paper&cardboard), and 15 01 02 (plastic) for PWs over 5 years. Scrap costs were used as a surrogate to determine production stages that generated high amounts of metal and plastic wastes. Logarithmically, increasing and decreasing trends were observed for PWs and NHWs over the study period, respectively. HW amounts did not exhibit a statistically significant trend. Twenty-eight BATs (best available techniques) were identified that could be applied in refrigerator manufacturing for waste minimization and management. Among those, 8 of them were proposed for further improvement for waste management in the facility.


油田废弃物中污染物数量众多,对环境危害较大,需要对其中的主要污染物进行识别,以便有重点的监管油田废弃物.采用化学品评分排序模式(SCRAM)对油田废弃物中的污染物进行筛选,针对SCRAM在应用过程中存在的问题,对SCRAM进行了修正:在总分计算时增加了检出率和检出浓度2个因子,并且使用几何级数法定义检出浓度的5级赋分标准.在确定油田废弃物中污染物的初选名单后,应用修正SCRAM对液态废弃物、固态废弃物中直接检测以及使用浸出毒性法检测的污染物进行排序.通过对比SCRAM修正前后污染物排名的变化,论证了模型修正的必要性.最终得出54种油田废弃物中的主要污染物.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Crushed waste rocks can be used as materials for backfilling goafs, so as to achieve the simultaneous goals of processing solid waste and controlling...  相似文献   

带元器件的废线路板的手工拆解劳动繁重,在拆解中产生的有害气体损害工人的健康,拆解后的残留物污染环境,因此,废线路板的自动拆解就显得十分必要.针对废线路板上电子元器件自动拆解中焊点的熔焊问题,采用FLUENT计算机软件进行模拟研究,分析了导热介质、初始温度、流体速度对焊点加热熔化效率的影响.结果表明,焊点在初始温度为47...  相似文献   

Contamination has occurred many non-indurated and bedrock systems wherein the groundwater flows almost exclusively through a network of connected, open fractures. The matrix surrounding the fractures often possesses porosity which allows contaminant diffusion into the matrix. If the diffusion rates are fast relative to the fracture groundwater velocity, transport effects may be predicted by considering the system to be an equivalent porous medium (EPM). The rapidity with which fracture/immobile-matrix equilibrium is established will be determined in part by the: fracture aperture (2b); interfracture spacing (2B); porosity in the immobile matrix im); and the matrix diffusion coefficient (D′). Two systems which are characterized by very different values of the above parameters have been studied by our laboratories. At Alkali Lake, Oregon, the EPM approach describes contaminant transport well. At Bayview Park, Ontario, the EPM approach is not appropriate. Several features of the two sites are compared to illustrate the different nature of these two sites. These features include: (1) natural characteristics of the groundwater systems; (2) contaminant distributions; (3) observed transport; and (4) computed fracture/immobile-matrix diffusion times.  相似文献   

结合有效应力原理与变形多孔介质渗流原理,给出了垃圾压缩过程的气固耦合方程,并给出了初始条件。针对封闭式垃圾压缩中转装置,提出了排气压缩原理,分析压缩机构的结构,构建垃圾压缩物理模型,应用ABAQUS数值模拟软件,探索城市固体垃圾(MSW)箱内排气压缩规律,并对传统封闭式垃圾压缩中转装置进行优化。实验表明,数值模拟与实验较吻合,优化后结构更利于提高垃圾压缩量与降低压缩能耗。  相似文献   

为深入探究生活垃圾焚烧设施二恶英的防控方法,采用k-Means算法对华南某生活垃圾焚烧发电厂焚烧设施的运行状态和不同炉内状态下二恶英排放特征及控制机理进行研究。结果表明,该厂3台焚烧炉具有显著不同的运行状态 (类别1和2) (p<0.05) ,在不同状态下,其常规污染物及二恶英排放特征差异显著 (p<0.05) ,类别1炉内状态较差,其排放的CO质量浓度是类别2状态下的2倍,二恶英的质量浓度是类别2状态下的1.5倍。类别1和类别2状态下二恶英的主导生成机理分别为“前驱物合成反应”和“从头合成反应”。为降低二恶英的排放,该厂首先应保证烟气流量大于10.5×104 m3·h−1 (均值11.8×104 m3·h−1) ,其余参数最优范围为:烟气含氧量大于7.0% (均值8.6%) 、CO质量浓度低于9.0 mg·m−3 (均值3.5 mg·m-3) 、烟气湿度小于23.7% (均值21.3%) 、烟气温度为140~154 ℃ (均值145.7 ℃) 。当通过运行控制手段无法保持上述参数控制范围时,应分析原因并考虑停炉检修。本研究结果可为优化焚烧过程、降低二恶英排放、生活垃圾焚烧发电厂长期稳定运行的判别和精细化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

杜冰冰  侯慧敏  侯琼  徐鹤  张墨  陈瑛 《环境工程学报》2023,17(12):3832-3842
我国铅蓄电池每年的报废量十分庞大,其不正规回收利用给环境带来了严重污染。近年来,国家为规范废铅蓄电池的回收利用已出台多项政策,但行业内部仍存在许多问题。基于调研说明了废铅蓄电池回收利用的现状,阐述了回收利用过程中的电池流向和保障机制。基于废铅蓄电池回收利用过程各利益相关方复杂的博弈关系引入演化博弈模型,从模型构建、求解和结果可视化几方面说明演化博弈的流程。通过梳理废铅蓄电池回收利用过程中各利益相关方的矛盾冲突,针对正规回收、生产者延伸责任落实、正规再生利用等方面构建三方演化博弈模型。最后,结合模型分析提出相应建议,包括强化物联网技术的应用、出台经济激励政策、建立规范的回收体系、合理规划布局再生铅企业、打击违法行为等。  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾的有机组成是影响其干式厌氧消化甲烷转化率的重要因素.通过批量实验并结合混料模型设计,以馒头、豆腐和食用油分别代表餐厨垃圾中多糖类、蛋白质类和脂质类为主的底物,研究餐厨垃圾有机组成对干式厌氧消化各有机组分降解率、甲烷产生量的影响;并探讨了餐厨垃圾有机组分降解对甲烷转化率的限制性因素.结果表明,多糖、蛋白质和脂质的...  相似文献   

Multiple factors may affect the scale-up of laboratory multi-tracer injection into structured porous media to the field. Under transient flow conditions and with multiscale heterogeneities in the field, previous attempts to scale-up laboratory experiments have not answered definitely the questions about the governing mechanisms and the spatial extent of the influence of small-scale mass transfer processes such as matrix diffusion. The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of multiscale heterogeneity, mechanistic and site model conceptualization, and source term density effect on elucidating and interpreting tracer movement in the field. Tracer release and monitoring information previously obtained in a field campaign of multiple, conservative tracer injection under natural hydraulic gradients at a low-level waste disposal site in eastern Tennessee, United States, is used for the research. A suite of two-pore-domain, or fracture-matrix, groundwater flow and transport models are calibrated and used to conduct model parameter and prediction uncertainty analyses. These efforts are facilitated by a novel nested Latin-hypercube sampling technique. Our results verify, at field scale, a multiple-pore-domain, multiscale mechanistic conceptual model that was used previously to interpret only laboratory observations. The results also suggest that, integrated over the entire field site, mass flux rates attributable to small-scale mass transfer are comparable to that of field-scale solute transport. The uncertainty analyses show that fracture spacing is the most important model parameter and model prediction uncertainty is relatively higher at the interface between the preferred flow path and its parent bedrock. The comparisons of site conceptual models indicate that the effect of matrix diffusion may be confined to the immediate neighborhood of the preferential flow path. Finally, because the relatively large amount of tracer needed for field studies, it is likely that source term density effect may exaggerate or obscure the effect of matrix diffusion on the movement of tracers from the preferred flow path into the bedrock.  相似文献   

重金属污染物原位监测是对废弃金属尾矿库重金属污染治理的基础,由于缺乏基础监测数据,基础数据采集工作量巨大.采用对应分析法建立某尾矿库的土壤样本和污染物之间的联系,以达到优化监测点和监测因子的目的.将监测点和监测因子反映到同一因子轴的图形上,能清晰直观地表述监测点和污染物间的内在联系和分布特征;确定主监测点和主监测指标,...  相似文献   

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