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利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料以及卫星和雷达资料,对2018年6月25—26日副热带高压(简称“副高”)边缘切变线暖区暴雨的大尺度环流背景、雨带的移动与传播、中尺度特征以及温湿特征等方面进行分析。结果表明:此次暖区暴雨过程是在副高稳定维持,500 hPa西风槽东移,并有低空急流配合,低空暖切变线触发不稳定能量释放的有利背景下产生的;暴雨落区位于700 hPa暖切变线和925 hPa暖切变线之间;暴雨期间,小尺度对流单体在鲁南地区触发,云顶亮温tbb≤-60 ℃,并沿引导气流向东北方向移动;强降水区域有多个强回波中心持续影响,有明显的“列车效应”,强回波持续时间长;红外云图能很好地反映天气系统的发生、发展和消亡,而水汽图像上色调暗区不明显,冷空气活动较弱;低层暖湿气流强烈发展,是造成此次暖区暴雨过程层结不稳定的主要原因;暴雨的水汽源地是孟加拉湾和南海,且强降水期间,随着西南暖湿气流的增强,水汽通量有一个跃增现象;云顶tbb≤-70 ℃覆盖的区域、水汽通量散度负值中心可以作为暖区暴雨落区预报的参考点。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/FNL再分析资料和中尺度数值模拟方法探讨2018年8月27日—9月1日季风低压环境下广东特大暴雨过程的形成成因。利用扰动天气图方法分析发现,季风低压和西南急流为此次广东暴雨过程提供了有利的水汽条件和能量条件。熵变零线位置与降水落区位置有较好的对应,零线处能量有最大累积,有利于暴雨的发生发展,对预报暴雨降水落区有一定的指示意义。为进一步验证季风低压的影响机制,构建不同季风低压尺度的敏感性试验,即通过滤去季风低压环流中的扰动分量来改变季风低压的强度。结果表明:暴雨强度与季风低压尺度和强度存在密切的关系。当季风低压强度较强时,暴雨过程总雨量强;当季风低压强度较弱时,降水大为减少甚至无降水。诊断分析指出,能量螺旋度指数能够较好反映出不同情形下降水发生发展,在季风低压背景下,暴雨区能量螺旋度指数较大,降水强度较强。反之,随着季风低压强度减弱,能量螺旋度指数减小,降水减弱。  相似文献   

双TC和梅雨锋共同作用下的一次暴雨过程分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过NCEP再分析资料计算各种物理量和应用卫星云图、雷达资料,并用WRF中尺模式做数值模拟,从动力过程、水汽输送过程、中小尺度系统等3个方面对TC和梅雨锋共同作用在浙北产生的一次暴雨过程进行分析。结论如下:(1)动力过程特点:300 hPa急流出口区辐散,中层3支气流汇合形成变形场锋生,产生强烈上升运动。低层TC外围的东南气流输入暖平流和湿位涡,使海上台风倒槽向北传播发展,最终形成气旋。TC高层流出气流对梅雨锋南侧垂直环流的维持有利;(2)水汽主要由两个TC外围的环流输送;(3)卫星云图和雷达回波显示有不同的降水云团合并且有加强的过程。用WRF中尺模式做数值模拟显示:700 hPa中小尺度的切变线或辐合区与强降水回波相对应。过程主要特点是中低层两个TC外围的气流与西风带气流在华东地区汇合,形成变形场锋生,产生强烈的辐合上升。在不同的气流汇合后产生了强急流输送水汽,加强垂直环流和中小尺度的辐合,是强降水产生的主要原因。西南季风经过台风绕流后在合适的环境场下仍有可能到达华东地区,这时往往与中纬度西风带汇合,在这种情况下会加强梅雨降水。  相似文献   

利用ERA Interim Daily的0.5°×0.5°资料对2011年6月9—10日的一次江淮气旋大暴雨天气过程进行天气学分析。结果表明:江淮气旋和低空急流是本次大暴雨过程的主要影响系统;高空200 hPa西风急流右侧的上升支和锋面的抬升作用提供了动力条件;低空西南急流提供了水汽条件,此次过程对流条件较好,具有较大的对流有效位能(Convective Available Potential Energy, CAPE);大气的对流不稳定性远大于斜压性,强降水发生在湿位涡正负值过渡的等值线密集带附近。过程最强降水时段由一次长生命史的中尺度飑线过程导致,利用WRF v3.9可以进行较好地模拟。研究飑线的环境条件和结构特征发现,环境大气具有较大的CAPE值和较小的对流抑制能(Convective Inhibition Energy,CIN),有利于对流的触发;较强的0~3 km垂直风切变,有利于飑线的维持;尽管冷池较浅薄,但冷池出流的抬升作用有利于对流的触发和飑线的维持。  相似文献   

An extreme rainstorm hit southern China during 13–17 December 2013, with a record-breaking daily rainfall rate, large spatial extent, and unusually long persistence. We examined what induced this heavy rainfall process, based on observed rainfall data and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data through composite and diagnostic methods. The results showed that a Rossby waveguide within the subtropical westerly jet caused the event. The Rossby wave originated from strong cold air intrusion into the subtropical westerly jet over the eastern Mediterranean. With the enhancement and northward shift of the Middle East westerly jet, the Rossby wave propagated slowly eastward and deepened the India–Burma trough, which transported a large amount of moisture from the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea to southern China. Strong divergence in the upper troposphere, caused by the enhancement of the East Asian westerly jet, also favored the heavy rainfall process over Southeast China. In addition, the Rossby wave was associated with a negative-to-positive phase shift and enhancement of the North Atlantic Oscillation, but convergence in the eastern Mediterranean played the key role in the eastward propagation of the Rossby wave within the subtropical westerly jet.  相似文献   

强热带风暴“碧利斯”的暴雨特征和成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
朱健 《气象科学》2010,30(1):93-98
本文采用常规探测资料、中尺度自动气象站资料、卫星云图以及中尺度数值模式输出的高分辨率资料对强热带风暴"碧利斯"的暴雨特征和成因进行分析;结果表明,在大陆高压、西太平洋高压的阻挡下,台风环流云系得到西南季风的补充作用,水汽热量和动力都得到大量补偿,从而大大推迟了台风环流的衰亡,造成"碧丽斯"超长的生命史和缓慢的移动速度,给华南地区带来持续强降水;环流云系中的中小尺度辐合线、强烈的上升运动、低层辐合高层辐散的配置以及华南地区的地形对环流维持和降水增幅具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

利用实时资料和中央气象台提供的副热带高压资料,对2003年汛期陕西暴雨和500hPa副热带高压的活动特征关系统计分析,并对ECMWF、T213数值预报产品对副高的预报能力作了客观分析。结果表明,汛期7、8、9月副高偏强,副高脊线在25~28°N、西脊点在104~112°E进退,是陕西关中陕南多阴雨、暴雨频繁的主要原因;陕西连续暴雨产生于副高脊线沿25~28°N持续西伸、持续东移经过105°E时段。ECMWF对副高的进退、热带气旋路径预报准确率较高。  相似文献   

利用1949~2010年广西88个气象观测站的降水资料和1961~2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了影响广西热带气旋的数量、路径及其影响广西暴雨的特征,通过数值模拟研究了广西大范围暴雨物理量环境场的变化特征,结果表明:影响广西热带气旋个数有显著的减少趋势,并存在着明显的2a、4a和10a周期振荡信号,年日最多暴雨站数有增多的趋势。热带气旋影响下沿海地区发生暴雨的可能性最大,桂北山区最小。热带气旋从沿海地区登陆进入广西,造成广西各站发生暴雨概率最高,其次为从梧州、玉林进入广西的路径,最少的为热带气旋在北部湾西行进入越南。热带气旋的中低层环流中心一般为强降水区域,中心滞留时间越长降雨量越大,极大风速始终位于台风前进方向的右侧,大范围暴雨区域位于急流的左侧。在热带气旋影响日最多暴雨站数发生时中低层风速及高度场在近30年的变化特征:广西的东北面存在一个呈西北-东南向的风速增高带,西南面为风速减弱带;西北面为高度场减弱区,黄海一带为一个显著增强区。  相似文献   

采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、FY2E卫星资料和加密自动站资料,结合中尺度WRF模式对2013年苏皖地区的一次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行诊断与模拟。观测资料分析表明:在有利的环流背景和热动力条件下,此次暴雨发生在梅雨锋前暖区,雨带呈现"先带状后串波状"的分布特征,并随锋面南移。前期降水由地面中尺度辐合线触发,受两个相继发展的中α尺度的线状对流系统直接影响;后期降水受地面暖式切变线触发,有多个中β尺度对流系统沿切变线串状排列,并不断东移发展。模拟结果分析表明:降水过程中,大尺度非地转强迫作用也是强对流的触发机制之一。地面辐合线产生条带状的低层辐合区,从而产生条带状连续分布的上升运动,形成线状对流系统及带状降水。此外地面辐合线能够在暴雨区形成南北两个中尺度垂直次级环流,这是降水的增强机制。暖式切变线上的局部扰动在低层局部地区产生强辐合,由此沿切变线形成强上升弱下沉间隔分布的现象,局部强上升区使得对流系统于该处得到发展,并形成分散的强降水区。  相似文献   

高青云 《四川气象》2001,21(3):11-14
对发生在嘉陵江到渠江流域的一次西南低涡暴雨天气过程的结构分析表明:本次过程属于长江流域季风雨带形势下中-α尺度雨带中的-β尺度雨团;与其对应的中小尺度初始扰动同次天气尺度低涡、切变线和急流核的形成有关;并利用中尺度扰动的对称不稳定理论诊断扰动波包的发展,指出了热成风偏差和对流不稳定局地变率在暴雨形成中的作用。  相似文献   

热带扰动与远距离暴雨关系的统计分析与数值试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2006—2011年5—9月90~150°E、0°~50°N范围内远距离暴雨进行统计与合成分析,并选取典型个例进行诊断分析与数值试验,研究结果表明:1)在有利的大气背景下,强度较低的热带扰动也可以与中纬度系统共同作用引发远距离暴雨,对统计得出的21例依据水汽通道的类型分为3类:S型水汽通道、双水汽通道和西北向型水汽通道,其中S型水汽通道发生次数最多。2)低空急流合成分析表明,不论扰动强弱,热带扰动东侧的偏南低空急流是形成远距离暴雨的关键,是联系中低纬度系统的纽带和桥梁,对S型的个例进行诊断分析与数值试验也进一步显示,热带扰动东侧低空急流是中纬度暴雨区水汽输送的主要通道,偏南低空急流的强弱是影响远距离暴雨强度的主要因子之一。3)敏感性试验结果表明,热带扰动也可以引起Rossby波能量向东北方向传播,其强度与扰动强度成正比,从而改变远距离降水分布;去除热带扰动则无法形成波列,不利于能量的传播与远距离降水发展。  相似文献   

对发生在嘉陵江到渠江流域的一次西南低涡暴雨天气过程的结构分析表明:本次过程属于长江流域季风雨芾形势下中~α尺度雨带中的中~β尺度雨团;与其对应的中小尺度初始扰动同次天气尺度低涡、切变线和急流核的形成有关;并利用中尺度扰动的对称不稳定理论诊断扰动波包的发展,指出了热成风偏差和对流不稳定局地变率在暴雨形成中的作用.  相似文献   

副热带高压对登陆台风影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国登陆台风多发于夏季,尤其对于登陆后继续北上深入内陆的热带气旋,逐渐与其所处的中纬度环境场发生相互作用,强度衰减缓慢甚至再次发展,且伴随有台风动力、热力结构的转变(ET过程).同时,夏季多伴有副热带高压的活跃与西伸趋势,然而该系统与台风之间相互作用的物理机制仍不十分清楚,这已成为提高台风预报能力的主要障碍之一.文中选取1997年第11号台风"温妮"为研究个例,通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程.采用Davis等提出的片段位涡反演方法,改变模式积分初始时刻台风东部副热带高压强度,通过数值模拟与诊断分析的方法,深入研究不同强度副热带高压系统对台风陆上维持、变性和发展的影响.研究表明,副热带高压强度的加强加快了台风中心的北移速度,冷空气提前下沉入侵台风中心,加快台风的变性,配合暖气团的强迫抬升激发强烈的对流层中高层锋生,台风变性后冉次加强幅度增大.副热带高压强度的改变直接影响台风中心上空高空形势,而后者与台风强度的变化有较好的相关性.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the characteristics of the asymmetric flow associated with tropical cyclone (TC) motion using the Final Analysis dataset produced after the Tropical Cyclone Motion Experiment (TCM-90). The wind data vertically-integrated between 850 and 300 hPa around a TC are first separated into an environment flow and a vortex circulation using the filtering algorithm of Kurihara et al. (1995). The latter is then Fourier-decomposed azimuthally to obtain the symmetric and asymmetric components. Nine TCs that occurred during the TCM-90 Experiment are examined.For generally westward-moving TCs, the wavenumber-1 (WN-1) component is found to dominate the asymmetric flow. However, its pattern does not always exhibit a pair of counterrotating gyres as would be expected from previous modelling results (Fiorino and Elsberry, 1989). Further, the ventilation flow associated with WN-1 does not necessarily point towards the northwest. For a TC undergoing recurvature, the WN-2 flow becomes significant, and even has a larger magnitude than the WN-1 component, starting from about one day before recurvature. Consistent with the modelling results of Williams and Chan (1994), the WN-2 component also rotates counter-clockwise with time.The growth and decay of the asymmetric components result from the interaction between the environmental flow and the symmetric flow of the TC through an energy exchange, in addition to such exchanges between the asymmetric components. Energy generally flows from the environment and the symmetric circulation of the TC to the WN-1 component during intensification but vice versa when the TC is weakening. The growth of the WN-2 component in recurving TCs is due to a transfer of energy from the environment, the symmetric circulation and the WN-1 flow. It is for this reason that the WN-1 flow becomes weaker than the WN-2 flow in such cases. The WN-1 component of fast-moving TCs is found to extract energy from the WN-2 component, in addition to those from the environment and the symmetric flow.With 15 Figures  相似文献   

The effects in climate models of changes in albedo and soil moisture which are expected to follow from tropical deforestation are reviewed. The major results from experiments with tropical forest regions (a) forested (Experiment F) and (b) grass-covered (Experiment G) are compared over South America and Central Africa. Then, Experiment F is compared with Experiment 2 which has constant snowfree albedo of 0.2, close to that of grassland; in both South America and Zaire regions, the albedo changes for (G-F) and (2-F) are similar and, as Experiment 2 is an eight year run, assessments of the statistical significance can be made.The results for December to February and March to May show a decrease of rainfall over the Amazon region and also to the southeast outside the area which has changed albedos in (G-F). These decreases are common to both (G-F) and (2-F) and are statistically significant in the comparison with the eight year record for Experiment 2. Deforestation in the Zaire regions is associated with similar changes, which, though less extensive, are generally larger in relation to the albedo changes. In June to August, changes are small south of the equator because the rainbelt has moved north; in South America larger, significant decreases are obtained north of the equator.The drying with increased albedo is due to decreases in both evaporation and moisture convergence. The decreases in evaporation result both from a reduction in absorbed energy at the surface and an increase in surface resistance to evaporation due to greater soil moisture deficits arising from earlier decreases in rainfall.  相似文献   

During the last interglacial insolation maximum (Eemian, MIS 5e) the tropical and subtropical African hydrological cycle was enhanced during boreal summer months. The climate anomalies are examined with a General Circulation Model (ECHAM4) that is equipped with a module for the direct simulation of 18O and deuterium (H 2 18 O and HDO, respectively) in all components of the hydrological cycle. A mechanism is proposed to explain the physical processes that lead to the modelled anomalies. Differential surface heating due to anomalies in orbital insolation forcing induce a zonal flow which results in enhanced moisture advection and precipitation. Increased cloud cover reduces incoming short wave radiation and induces a cooling between 10°N and 20°N. The isotopic composition of rainfall at these latitudes is therefore significantly altered. Increased amount of precipitation and stronger advection of moisture from the Atlantic result in isotopically more depleted rainfall in the Eemian East African subtropics compared to pre-industrial climate. The East–West gradient of the isotopic rainfall composition reverses in the Eemian simulation towards depleted values in the east, compared to more depleted western African rainfall in the pre-industrial simulation. The modelled re-distribution of δ18O and δD is the result of a change in the forcing of the zonal flow anomaly. We conclude that the orbitally induced forcing for African monsoon maxima extends further eastward over the continent and leaves a distinct isotopic signal that can be tested against proxy archives, such as lake sediment cores from the Ethiopian region.  相似文献   

The Advanced Research Weather Forecasting (ARW) model was used to simulate the sudden heavy rainstorm associated with the remnants of Typhoon Meranti in September 2010. The results showed that the heavy rainfall was produced when the remnant clouds redeveloped suddenly, and the redevelopment was caused by rapid growth of micro/mesoscale convective systems (MCSs). As cold air intruded into the warm remnant clouds, the atmosphere became convectively unstable and frontogenesis happened due to strong wind shear between weak northerly flow and strong southwesterly flow in the lower levels. Under frontogenesis-forcing and warm-air advection stimulation in updrafts, vertical convection developed intensely inside the remnant clouds, with MCSs forming and maturing along the front. The genesis and development of MCSs was due to the great progress vertical vorticity made. The moist isentropic surface became slantwise as atmospheric baroclinity intensified when cold air intruded, which reduced the convective instability of the air.Meanwhile, vertical wind shear increased because the north cold air caused the wind direction to turn from south to north with height. In accordance with slantwise vorticity development (SVD), vertical vorticity would develop vigorously and contribute greatly to MCSs. Buoyancy, the pressure gradient, and the lifting of cold air were collectively the source of kinetic energy for rainfall. The low-level southwesterly jet from the western margin of the Western Pacific Subtropical High transported water and heat to remnant clouds. Energy bursts and continuous water vapor transportation played a major role in producing intense rainfall in a very short period of time.  相似文献   

登陆热带气旋降水增幅的合成诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用动态合成分析方法,对登陆后降水增幅类和非增幅类热带气旋的大尺度环流特征做了合成分析和动力诊断.结果表明:增幅类热带气旋处于强经向型环流之中,中高纬度为阻塞形势,高层有急流入口区南侧的强辐散,并与西风槽相互叠加;低层有急流和水汽通道的长时间联结;热带气旋东侧还有次级环流相伴.非增幅类热带气旋环流背景相对平直,高空辐散弱,无西风槽叠加;低空急流减弱迅速,且水汽通道较早出现断裂;无次级环流出现.增幅类热带气旋高层存在显著非地转运动,高层南风急流入口区的强次地转运动和降水增幅紧密相关.  相似文献   

王宇 《贵州气象》2009,33(5):19-21
利用常规资料和数值预报资料分析了贵州省一次大暴雨过程,分析表明:此次贵州大暴雨天气过程是在稳定的环流形势下发生的。青藏高压和西太平洋副热带高压的势力强弱是决定此次强降水落区的重要因素。昌都附近出现高压,对于中低层横切变南段的移动起到关键作用。  相似文献   

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