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铁素体—奥氏体双相不锈钢焊缝金属的氢致断裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢丽  柯黎明 《金属学报》1997,33(3):297-303
用恒变形速率拉伸试验方法研究了铁素体-奥氏体双相不锈钢焊缝金属的断裂行为。发现裂纹起源与焊缝中氧化物夹杂有关,氢的存在影响裂纹起源点的位置;裂纹的扩展是一个非连续过程,不同阶段的断口形貌不同;γ相阻碍裂纹的扩展,δ相晶粒内的γ片常形成撕裂棱,δ晶粒间的γ相中常形成韧窝;当氢含量、氮含量提高时,易于形成穿晶解理断口。  相似文献   

孙咸 《电焊机》2019,49(11)
综述了焊缝金属强度匹配与扩散氢的关系。结果表明,常用焊接方法焊缝中氢的来源主要是焊接材料中的水分、坡口杂质及电弧周围的水气等。在焊缝中氢的影响因素中,GMAW方法扩散氢最低,电弧中除氢冶金反应取决于焊接方法,辅助除氢工艺作用不可小觑。高强钢采用低强匹配焊缝时,HAZ形成富氢带,是接头的薄弱环节;采用高强匹配焊缝时,HAZ富氢带不显著,而焊缝中的氢含量高,成为接头的薄弱环节。三种焊缝强度匹配与扩散氢关系的工程应用均获得了满意的工程质量;在马氏体耐热钢及其异种钢焊接中,高强匹配焊缝阻止HAZ形成富氢带的创新理论,尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

用X射线衍射的方法 ,研究了充氢以及随后的时效过程中氢致奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属 (30 8L和 347L)的马氏体相变和晶体结构的变化规律。结果表明 ,充氢能造成奥氏体点阵的膨胀和畸变。氢引起的奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属的晶格畸变分别为 2 .7%(30 8L)和 2 .9% (347L) ,明显大于奥氏体不锈钢基体所产生的晶格畸变 1.2 % (30 4L)。充氢过程中 ,奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属能发生ε马氏体相变。并且在随后的时效过程中 ,一部分ε马氏体转变为α′马氏体。即相变的顺序是γ→ε→α′。充氢后以及随后的时效过程中ε α′马氏体的总量大体保持不变 ,时效 2 4h后 ,ε和α′马氏体的相对含量达到稳定 ,并且长时间时效也不消失  相似文献   

奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属氢致滞后断裂门槛值的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
308L和347L奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属能发生氢致滞后断裂。而且比304L母材更敏感,用单边缺口试样动态充氢测出的氢致滞后断裂门槛应力强度因子KIH随可扩散氢浓度c0的对数而线性下降,即KIH=85.2-10.7lnc0(308L),KIH=76.1-9.3lnc0(347L),KIH=91.7-10.1lnc0(304L),三种材料氢致滞后断口形貌与K1以及c0有关,当KI较高或c0较小时是韧窝断口,当KI较低或c0较高时是脆性断口。  相似文献   

控制焊缝金属奥氏体,铁素体的相平衡是双相不锈钢焊管制造质量的一个关键。焊缝金属中铁素体所占体积百分比的测定至今仍是一个难题。分析了双相不锈钢焊缝金属铁素体含量的测定方法;着重探讨了德国Fischer公司的FeritscopeMP-30E型铁素体含量磁测仪的测量精度及其影响因素,磁测仪的维护性校验、校正及校验标样的重要性;指出了焊管生产中控制焊缝金属铁素体含量的有效途径。  相似文献   

采用人工点计数法和铁素体测量仪对低温储罐用06Cr19Ni10奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量进行了测量,并研究了焊接工艺参数对焊缝铁素体含量的影响。结果表明:人工点计数法和铁素体测量仪测得的焊缝铁素体含量基本一致,06Cr19Ni10奥氏体不锈钢焊缝为FA凝固模式,焊缝铁素体含量随热输入的增大而升高,可以通过控制热输入的方法,调控焊缝的铁素体含量。  相似文献   

焊缝金属对高强钢热影响区抗冷裂性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

研究了充氢时间、充氢电流密度、晶体结构对不锈钢氢脆敏感性的影响。结果表明:对于铁素体不锈钢,随着充氢时间的延长、电流密度的增大,塑性显著降低,氢脆敏感性大幅度增加;通过SEM观察实验钢断口形貌,断裂类型由韧性断裂转变为脆性断裂。而相同条件下,奥氏体不锈钢氢脆敏感性较低,抗氢脆性能较好。充氢后实验钢表面存在大量H,且氢含量随试样深度逐渐降低,晶界可能作为氢陷阱影响实验钢的氢脆敏感性。  相似文献   

The effect of various experimental conditions (i.e., hydrogen charging current density, charging time, solution concentration, and temperature) on the embrittlement and cracking susceptibility of 2205 duplex stainless steel was studied by electrochemical hydrogen charging and slow strain rate tests. The results showed that the choice of the experimental conditions had obvious effect on the hydrogen concentration in the specimens. A relationship between the embrittlement and hydrogen charging conditions was established by the investigation of the fracture morphology. Under the free‐charging condition, the fracture surfaces were characteristic of dimples, while on the condition of the dynamic hydrogen charging, the hydrogen‐induced fracture showed the appearance of cleavage. Further examination of fracture cracks confirmed that the ferrite phase acts as a preferential path for crack propagation.  相似文献   

Due to the practical limitations of lowering the diffusible hydrogen content of flux-containing welding consumables, it is now felt that modification of the weld microstructure would alleviate the risk of weld metal cracking in multi-pass weld deposits. Thus, this study aimed to identify and evaluate the effect of the weld microstructure on the cold cracking susceptibility of FCAW weld metals and then to provide a basic guideline for designing new welding consumables from a microstructural point of view. In order to identify the parameter(s) that can quantify the microstructural susceptibility of multi-pass weld deposit, two sets of FCAW wires with tensile strength of about 600 MPa were prepared by controlling the Ni content to allow sufficient variation in the weld microstructure, but with little change in weld metal strength. The cold crack susceptibility of those two chemistries was evaluated by a multi-pass weld metal cracking test at various levels of diffusible hydrogen content. All of the cold cracks developed were Chevron-type, and the occurrence of such cracks depended upon the proportion of grain boundary ferrite (%GF) as well as the diffusible hydrogen (HD) content. In fact, at the same level of HD, higher Ni (1.5%Ni) wire showed better resistance to cold cracking than lower Ni (0%Ni) wire even though the latter was stronger and also higher in carbon equivalent. This result could be explained solely by the difference in grain boundary ferrite content between those two welds since Chevron cracking preferentially initiates at and propagates along grain boundary ferrite. Therefore, we propose the use of a value of %GF as a parameter to quantify the microstructural susceptibility of ferritic multipass weld deposit with a strength level of about 600 MPa. It was further suggested that, in addition to the hydrogen control approach, microstructural modification in the form of reducing the %GF can be pursued to develop welding consumables with improved resistance to cold cracking.  相似文献   

采用焊条电弧焊(SMAW),以E2209作填充材料对2205双相不锈钢与304奥氏体不锈钢异种金属焊接工艺进行研究,通过优化焊接工艺参数,获得了具有良好力学性能和合适双相比例的焊接接头.接头力学性能测试表明,拉伸试样断裂发生在强度相对较低的304母材侧;2205母材侧热影响区的显微硬度值高于焊缝和2205母材,而304...  相似文献   

Super304H奥氏体不锈钢是超超临界火电机组中过热器与再热器管的重要材料,在高温长期服役条件下,管道焊接接头的装配处易产生再热裂纹。本文使用预压缩CT试样的方法系统的研究了温度对Super304H奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属再热裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明,650 ℃试验温度下的焊缝金属产生裂纹所需的时间比600 ℃试验温度下的焊缝金属所需要的时间更短,具有更高的再热裂纹敏感性。导致该现象的主要原因在于650 ℃试验温度下晶界强度随时间衰减更快,应力松弛速率更高,而不同温度下晶内强化差异带来的影响较小。  相似文献   

The effect of chemical compositions and microstructures on hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steel weld metals in high-pressure hydrogen gas was surveyed by using the slow strain rate test (SSRT). As a result, hydrogen embrittlement of the weld metal was hardly influenced by δ ferrite in the weld metal, but by stability of austenite phase, which was estimated by Md30 value or Ni equivalent. In the weld metal with poor stability of austenite, α′-martensite was formed near a crack induced by SSRT. In addition, although the crystal structure of α′-martensite is as same as δ ferrite, susceptibility of hydrogen embrittlement became higher with the increase in α′-martensite. The mechanism to explain the difference between δ ferrite and α′-martensite was considered as following. The hardness, which increases the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility in bcc structure, is higher in α′-martensite than in δ ferrite. In addition, α′-martensite might be formed continuously with propagation of a crack. Therefore, the effect of α′-martensite on hydrogen embrittlement could be larger compared with δ ferrite.  相似文献   

采用预压缩CT试样的方法研究了残余应力对Super304H奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属再热裂纹敏感性的影响。通过ABAQUS模拟结合EBSD表征分析了不同残余应力下的焊缝金属的塑性应变分布和位错密度分布,并从残余应力诱导焊缝金属晶内析出相的方面解释了残余应力对焊缝金属再热裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明:高预压缩载荷的CT试样具有更高的残余应力,更容易产生再热裂纹。随着残余应力的增加,焊缝金属拉伸试样的抗拉强度逐渐降低。焊缝金属CT试样靠近U型口的高残余应力区域具有更高的位错密度和更高比例的亚晶,促进了晶内小颗粒相的析出,使得晶内硬化更为严重,再热裂纹更容易产生。  相似文献   

采用金相显微镜,氢渗透试验和慢应变速率拉伸试验结合扫描电镜研究了微观组织对2205双相不锈钢氢渗透行为及氢脆敏感性的影响。微观组织分析表明,随着固溶处理温度升高,铁素体含量升高,奥氏体含量降低。氢渗透试验结果显示,随着铁素体含量升高,氢在2205双相不锈钢中的扩散系数增大。结合慢应变速率拉伸试验和断口形貌观察发现,950 ℃固溶处理的2205双相不锈钢的氢脆敏感性较高,呈现脆性断裂;而1050 ℃固溶处理试样中的铁素体和奥氏体含量较均衡,氢脆敏感性较低,呈韧性断裂特征。  相似文献   

双相不锈钢以其优良的耐腐蚀性能和抗拉强度,在船舶制造、海洋平台、造纸设备、石化设备和桥梁建造等行业得到越来越多的应用.介绍了双向不锈钢气保焊的操作工艺和焊接参数的选择,为这些行业的双相不锈钢焊接提供一些参考.  相似文献   

2205双相不锈钢MIG焊接研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

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