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目的系统评价高仿真模拟人在护理教学中的应用效果。方法计算机检索Cochrane图书馆、JBI循证护理中心图书馆、PubMed、EMbase、中国期刊全文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库,搜集有关模拟人对比传统教学法在护理教学中应用的随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)或类随机对照试验(quasi randomized controlled trial,q-RCT)。对纳人研究进行方法学质量评价,而后提取有效数据并采用RevMan5.0软件进行Meta分析。结果最终纳入3个RCT和5个q-RCT,共2732位研究对象。质量评价结果表明,8个研究的总体质量水平不高。由于纳人研究间的同质性较差,本研究仅采用描述性分析。评价结果显示,与传统教学法相比,应用模拟人可提高学生专业知识水平、护理操作技能,培养学生的临床胜任能力、知识的综合运用、团队合作等多项能力。结论应用高仿真模拟人进行护理教学是一种深受学生欢迎的教学模式,但由于有关高仿真模拟人在护理教学中应用的RCT尚少,纳入研究的教学方法和考核标准差异较大,上述结论尚需开展更多高质量的研究予以验证。  相似文献   

高仿真综合模拟人在急救护理教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨高仿真综合模拟人在急救护理教学中的应用效果.方法:选择我院2005级高职护理4个班护生分为实验组(107名)和对照组(103名).实验组在传统教学基础上应用高仿真综合模拟人开展综合急救技能训练,对照组按传统方法教学.结果:实验组护生认为这种教学方式有利于培养他们的急救意识和团队协作精神,有利于提高综合急救能力;实验组护生技能和理论成绩均高于对照组.结论:高仿真综合模拟人有利于提高护生的综合急救能力.  相似文献   

目的探讨高仿真模拟人实训法在急救护理技能实训中的应用效果。方法选取该院急诊护士60名,按随机数字表法分为研究组和对照组各30名。研究组采用高仿真模拟人实训法,对照组采用传统培训方法。比较两组护士的技能实训成绩,采取问卷形式调查研究组急诊护士对高仿真模拟实训法的设计以及实施情况的评价。结果实训结束后,研究组护士的理论及实训技能操作成绩均明显优于对照组(P<0.05);研究组所有急诊护士认为在急救护理技能实训中采取高仿真模拟人法有助于提高急救护理能力,且多数护士认可高仿真模拟人的设计及实施,并认为有利于提高各项急救护理能力。结论高仿真模拟人实训法能有效提高急救护理培训效果,对临床急救护理有指导意义,为培养专业的急救护理人才提供了保障。  相似文献   

模拟人在急救护理教学中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
护士在面对急危重症患者时能否及时无误地做出判断和救护,直接关系到患者的安危和抢救的成败[1],使用模拟人进行急救技能训练,符合学生早期接触临床的教育理念,使学生克服面对急危重症患者时的慌乱、恐惧心理,锻炼了学生的操作技能,缩短了理论与临床实践的距离.但同时模拟人不是真实的患者,它只能让学生机械地掌握操作流程,在教学中显现出一些局限和不足,本文就模拟人在急救护理教学中的应用综述如下.……  相似文献   

目的 探讨高仿真模拟人在《内科护理技术》实践教学中的应用效果。方法 将88名专科护理学生随机分为实验组45名和对照组43名。对照组在《内科护理技术》实践教学中采用传统的教师演示-护生练习-教师指导的方法;实验组采用高仿真模拟人进行实践教学。观察2组教学效果。结果 实验组护生理论成绩和实践技能成绩显著优于对照组。实验组95.6%的护生认为采用高仿真模拟人进行实践教学有利于提高理论知识与操作技能的联系,还有93.3%的护生认为有利于提高自主学习的能力。结论 运用高仿真模拟人进行实践教学仿真性强,能提高教学效果。  相似文献   

陈玉卿  钟玉杰  王鹏举 《护理研究》2011,25(34):3117-3119
介绍了高仿真模拟人在护理教学中的应用背景及其现状,总结了实施高仿真实验教学的优势与存在的问题。建议加强高仿真护理实验室的建设,将高仿真模拟人应用到护理教学中,使其与临床实习相结合共同促进护生实践能力和综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

高仿真模拟人在护理教学中的应用现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了高仿真模拟人在护理教学中的应用背景及其现状,总结了实施高仿真实验教学的优势与存在的问题。建议加强高仿真护理实验室的建设,将高仿真模拟人应用到护理教学中,使其与临床实习相结合共同促进护生实践能力和综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

随着护理学科的发展、医学模式的转变及病人的维权意识日益增强,人们对护理需求的不断提高。传统的的教育方法缺乏综合能力和创新能力的培养,不能满足现代护理发展的要求。为了培养出既具有扎实的护理基本技能又具备评判性思维、分析决策能力的现代型护理人才。国内外护理教育者将“生理驱动技术”引入护理教学中,构建高仿真护理实验室。通过高仿真模拟人技术,可以全面、正规、严格地进行护理技能操作培训,在我国,高仿真模拟技术主要运用于护理学科的教学及临床急救护理培训。对新护士培训及继续教育的临床教学运用比较少,因此在今后的实验教学中,要扩大高仿真模拟人的推广范围,发挥其独特的反复性和可控性等优势。同时要克服模拟人应用中的弊端,根据实际情况,灵活应用护理教育教学方法,把模拟人教学与传统的教学有机地结合起来,优势互补,真正为培养高素质高水平的的护理人才开辟了一条崭新的途径。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高仿真模拟教学在高职儿童护理课程中的应用效果。方法:选取2019级68名护生为观察组,采用高仿真模拟教学实施教学过程;2018级64名护生为对照组,采用传统案例教学法实施教学过程。以理论考试成绩评价两组护生学习效果,以护理高仿真模拟教学中学生行为表现自评量表得分评价观察组护生模拟教学效果。结果:观察组护生各项理论成绩均优于对照组(P<0.01),护理高仿真模拟教学中学生行为表现自评量表得分为(3.94±0.45)分,各维度得分由高到低分别为分工合作(4.11±0.50)分、临床决策(3.98±0.46)分、沟通交流(3.95±0.53)分、专业发展和评判性思维(3.87±0.54)分、专业知识和技能(3.84±0.53)分。结论:在高职儿童护理课程中采用高仿真模拟教学可有效提高护生对儿童护理理论知识的掌握和案例分析能力,培养护生评判性思维、临床决策能力,增强沟通交流和分工合作能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨SimMan综合模拟人在急救护理实训教学中的应用效果。方法:将2010级护理专科两个班学生分为实验组55名和对照组52名,对照组采用传统的教学方法,在简易模型人身上进行操作训练;实验组由急救护理课程组老师共同设计病例,用SimMan综合模拟人进行实训教学。结果:实验组理论考试和操作技能考核成绩优于对照组(P<0.05),学习积极性、综合能力较对照组明显提高(P<0.05)。结论:应用SimMan综合模拟人进行实训教学,能提高学生整体护理能力、沟通交流能力、评判性思维能力和创新能力,有利于培养护生的团队能力和团队协作精神。  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this review was to describe findings of a systematic review of studies that examine the relationship between nursing leadership and patient outcomes. BACKGROUND: With recent attention directed to the creation of safer practice environments for patients, nursing leadership is called on to advance this agenda within organizations. However, surprisingly little is known about the actual association between nursing leadership and patient outcomes. METHODS: Published English-only research articles that examined formal nursing leadership and patient outcomes were selected from computerized databases and manual searches. Data extraction and methodological quality assessment were completed for the final seven quantitative research articles. RESULTS: Evidence of significant associations between positive leadership behaviours, styles or practices and increased patient satisfaction and reduced adverse events were found. Findings relating leadership to patient mortality rates were inconclusive. CONCLUSION: The findings of this review suggest that an emphasis on developing transformational nursing leadership is an important organizational strategy to improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

This study describes knowledge tests in patient education through a systematic review of the Medline, Cinahl, PsycINFO, and ERIC databases with the guidance of the PRISMA Statement. Forty‐nine knowledge tests were identified. The contents were health‐problem related, focusing on biophysiological and functional knowledge. The mean number of items was 20, with true–false or multiple‐choice scales. Most of the tests were purposely designed for the studies included in the review. The most frequently reported quality assessments of knowledge tests were content validity and internal consistency. The outcome measurements for patient‐education needs were comprehensive, validating knowledge tests that cover multidimensional aspects of knowledge. Besides the measurement of the outcomes of patient education, knowledge tests could be used for several purposes in patient education: to guide the content of education as checklists, to monitor the learning process, and as educational tools. There is a need for more efficient content and health problem‐specific knowledge‐test assessments.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper presents a systematic review whose aim was to describe the scope and methods of the current literature on preoperative patient education and to identify the effects of this education. BACKGROUND: Preoperative patient education is a common and important intervention in surgical nursing, yet there is very limited systematic evidence on its precise role. METHODS: The Medline, CINAHL, Eric, Psycinfo and Social Sciences Index databases and the Cochrane Library were searched, covering the period from the beginning of each database to April 2003. Studies were included if they concerned adult orthopaedic patients, preoperative nursing patient education and were based on randomized controlled or clinical trials. Meta-analysis was carried out where appropriate. RESULTS: We identified 11 articles involving 1044 participants. Most studies included one experimental and one control group; only two had more than one experimental and control group. The educational interventions varied widely, but the majority were based on written materials alone, or written materials in combination with other teaching methods. The most common outcome measures related to pain, knowledge, anxiety, exercises and length of stay, and the least common to self-efficacy and empowerment. The methodological quality of the studies varied. Almost all reported one or more statistically significant effects. Based on the findings of the meta-analysis, preoperative education appears to have some impacts on patients' anxiety and knowledge levels. CONCLUSIONS: The review clearly highlights the need for well-designed, methodologically sound research into the outcomes of patient education. It also points to the need to study patient education from the point of view of empowerment.  相似文献   

High fidelity simulators are commonly used educational tools, mainly in anaesthesia. This literature review examines the use of simulators for teaching in emergency medicine and covers some of their advantages and disadvantages, and evidence for their use.  相似文献   

Simulation-based learning in nurse education: systematic review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Title.  Simulation-based learning in nurse education: systematic review.
Aim.  This paper is a report of a review of the quantitative evidence for medium to high fidelity simulation using manikins in nursing, in comparison to other educational strategies.
Background.  Human simulation is an educational process that can replicate clinical practices in a safe environment. Although endorsed in nursing curricula, its effectiveness is largely unknown.
Review methods.  A systematic review of quantitative studies published between 1999 and January 2009 was undertaken using the following databases: CINAHL Plus, ERIC, Embase, Medline, SCOPUS, ProQuest and ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Database. The primary search terms were 'simulation' and 'human simulation'. Reference lists from relevant papers and the websites of relevant nursing organizations were also searched. The quality of the included studies was appraised using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme criteria.
Results.  Twelve studies were included in the review. These used experimental or quasi-experimental designs. All reported simulation as a valid teaching/learning strategy. Six of the studies showed additional gains in knowledge, critical thinking ability, satisfaction or confidence compared with a control group (range 7–11%). The validity and reliability of the studies varied due to differences in design and assessment methods.
Conclusion.  Medium and/or high fidelity simulation using manikins is an effective teaching and learning method when best practice guidelines are adhered to. Simulation may have some advantage over other teaching methods, depending on the context, topic and method. Further exploration is needed to determine the effect of team size on learning and to develop a universal method of outcome measurement.  相似文献   

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