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The aim of our search is the analysis of aftershock temporal series following a mainshock with magnitude M ≥ 7.0. Investigating aftershock behavior may find the key to explain better the mechanism of seismicity as a whole.In particular, the purpose of this work is to highlight some methodological aspects related to the observation of possible anomalies in the temporal decay. The data concerning the temporal series, checked according to completeness criteria, come from the NEIC-USGS data bank. Here we carefully analyze the New Guinea 29 April 1996 seismic sequence.The observed temporal series of the shocks per day can be considered as a sum of a deterministic contribution (the aftershock decay power law, n(t) = K·(t + c)p + K1) and of a stochastic contribution (the random fluctuations around a mean value represented by the above mentioned power law). If the decay can be modeled as a non-stationary Poissonian process where the intensity function is equal to n(t) = K·(t + c)p + K1, the number of aftershocks in a small time interval Δt is the mean value n(t)·Δt, with a standard deviation .  相似文献   

The 28 February, 2006 Tiab earthquake (Mw 6.0), is the first earthquake to have occurred in the transition zone between the Zagros continental collision and the Makran subduction zone for which the aftershock sequence is recorded by a temporary local seismic network. The epicentral distribution of the aftershocks is diffuse and we cannot define a simple alignment at the surface. The depth of the aftershocks increases gently northward and they are primarily concentrated between 15 and 21 km depth, implying a deeper seismogenic layer than the Zagros. Very low-angle thrust faulting deduced from this local study supports thrusting of the Arabian plate beneath central Iran at the southeastern end of the Zagros as suggested previously based on teleseismic data. The focal mechanism of the main shock indicates a thrust mechanism similar to that of other strong earthquakes in this region, while most of the focal mechanisms of the aftershocks are dominantly strike-slip. We propose that the strike-slip mechanisms belong to right-lateral fault systems that accommodate differential motion at the transition between the Zagros collision zone and the Makran subduction zone. If so, this suggests that the convergence between Arabia and central Iran is at present accommodated along the transition zone by a partitioning process.  相似文献   

“长江深断裂带”的构造性质:深地震反射证据   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
长江深断裂带自20世纪50年代提出以来,因其在区域控岩、控矿、工程地质和灾害地质研究中的重要意义,一直受到广泛关注和研究,但由于缺乏深部资料,对长江深断裂带的构造性质、空间展布众说纷纭.本文通过分析穿过长江河床及两岸的六条深地震反射剖面,讨论了长江中下游成矿带及长江深断裂带的构造性质及演化,获得如下认识: (1)长江中下游成矿带是燕山期的陆内俯冲带,上地壳发生强烈挤压变形,以大型逆冲、叠瓦、褶皱和推覆构造为特征;下地壳及岩石圈地幔俯冲或叠置到相邻块体之下,在宁芜火山岩盆地和沿江凹陷下形成了"鳄鱼嘴"构造. (2)白垩纪以来,长江深断裂带(CJF)由一系列拆离断层组成,大致沿长江河床分布.该断裂带在燕山期陆内造山阶段为一组逆冲断裂,伸展垮塌阶段反转为正断层或拆离断层,同时控制了沿江凹陷的形成和演化.(3)陆内俯冲或叠置导致地壳加厚、拆沉,引发大规模岩浆活动."鳄鱼嘴"构造或是沟通深部岩浆向上迁移的主要通道,控制了沿江成矿岩浆岩的分布.正是这种特殊的深部过程和构造特征,导致了燕山期长江中下游地区的大规模成岩、成矿作用.  相似文献   

汶川地震后在龙门山断裂带南段建立了精密可控震源发射台,结合布设的28套流动地震仪的信号记录,尝试监测地下介质的动态应力变化。为了提取记录中的主动源发射的信号,本文采用了匹配滤波方法来实现弱信噪比条件下的信号检测并进行了波形变换。在提取出每个周期的主动源信号后,利用信号叠加,分别获得了1、5、10天时间的波形,有效地提高了记录波形的信噪比。然后通过互相关检测精确得出地震波的走时变化,并分析了计算误差。最后,针对实验期间发生的绵竹M_S5.6地震进行分析,获得了地震前后的走时剖面和信号变化,结果表明,距离较远的龙门山断裂北段地震未能对南段实验区域的地下介质波速产生影响。  相似文献   

Abstract Crack-filling clays and weathered cracks were observed in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI) 1800 m cores drilled from the Nojima Fault Zone, which was activated during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kobe earthquake). The crack-filling clays consist mainly of unconsolidated fine-grained materials that fill opening cracks with no shear textures. Most of the cracks observed in the DPRI 1800 m cores are yellow-brown to brown in color due to weathering. Powder X-ray diffraction analyses show that the crack-filling clays are composed mainly of clay minerals and carbonates such as siderite and calcite. Given that the top of the borehole is approximately 45 m above sea level, most of the core is far below the stable groundwater table. Hence, it is suggested that the crack-filling clays and weathered cracks in the cores taken at depths of 1800 m were formed by the flow of surface water down to the deep fractured zone of the Nojima Fault Zone during seismic faulting.  相似文献   

Accurate locations of aftershocks of the January 17, 1983 (M s=7.0) main shock in the Ionian islands have been determined, as well as fault plane solutions for this main shock and its largest aftershock, which are interpreted as a right-lateral, strike-slip motion with a thrust component, on a fault striking in about a NE-SW direction.This is considered as a transform fault in the northwesternmost part of the Hellenic arc.  相似文献   

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