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Capital cost correlations are given for aeration basins, mechanical aerators, diffused aeration, conventional activated sludge process, extended aeration, contact stabilization, oxidation ditch, rotating biological contactor, trickling filter, aerobic lagoons, facultative lagoon, aerated lagoons and liners. Most of the correlations are accurate to ±30%, expressed in Canadian dollars and adjusted to a Marshall and Swift value of 1000. Details as to what components are included in the cost are given. Data are given for the labour and material costs to create a working process module. Data for oxidation ditches are accurate to ±50%. To put the current data into perspective, several hundred sources of cost data were analyzed. The major correlations are compared, on a consistent basis, with current data.  相似文献   

Capital cost correlations are given for oil-water separators, equalization basins, primary clarifiers, clarifiers and clarifier mechanisms, reverse osmosis unit, ultrafiltration units, gravity filters and miroscreens. Data are included for raw sewage, intermediate and recirculation pumping stations and for preliminary treatment (or bar screens, grit removal, overflow and bypass chamber and Parshall flume), for grit removal, comminution and gas stripping. The correlations are accurate to ± 30%, expressed in Canadian dollars and adjusted to a Marshall and Swift value of 1000. Details as to what components are included in the cost are given. Data are given for the labour and material costs to create a working process module. For inflation indices, a critique of the Engineering News Record, EPA small city, Marshall and Swift, Chemical Engineering and Southam inflation indices suggested that the Marshall and Swift index is most appropriate for the construction and process equipment studied here. Concerning the currency exchange, for the equipment and processes in this study, equipment costs the same whether expressed directly in US or Canadian dollars. To put the current data into perspective, several hundred sources of cost data were analyzed. The major correlations are compared, on a consistent basis, with current data.  相似文献   

以4种化工废盐为原料,利用高温处理法对化工废盐进行处理,考察了化工废盐中有机物脱除的温度条件,分析了高温处理后的产物盐成分及有机物脱除效果。实验结果表明,随着温度的升高,废盐中的有机物逐渐减少;X射线荧光光谱(XRF)和X射线衍射(XRD)的结果表明,4种化工废盐在电炉中经800 ℃焚烧60 min后,化工废盐中的有机物已基本脱除,盐熔化以熔融盐形式产出。熔融盐经冷却、破碎、除杂后可得到产物盐,实现了化工废盐的无害化处理。  相似文献   

重点介绍了废弃电子化学品定义、产生来源、处理处置现状、处理处置标准化现状及标准发展方向。从废弃电子化学品行业实际情况出发,具体分析了行业现状、处理处置水平及标准化工作的开展情况等。通过标准的制定实施,以及其创新驱动作用的发挥,规范了行业处理处置行为,推动行业科技进步,对全面提升废弃电子化学品处理处置技术水平,实现循环经济、绿色产业和资源化利用有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: At concentrations higher than 1 mg L?1, 4‐chlorophenol (4‐CP) is very toxic to living organisms, and if ingested beyond the permitted concentration it causes health disorders such as cancer and mutation. This laboratory study investigates treatment of contaminated water laden with 4‐CP using coconut shell charcoal (CSC) waste. Batch studies were conducted to study the effects of dose, pH, and equilibrium time on 4‐CP removal. To improve 4‐CP removal, surface modification of the adsorbent with TiO2, HNO3, and/or NaOH was undertaken. RESULTS: At an initial 4‐CP concentration of 25 mg L?1 under optimized conditions (dose 13.5 g L?1, pH 2.0; agitation speed 150 rpm and 50 min equilibrium time), the NaOH‐treated CSC demonstrated a greater removal of 4‐CP (71%) than those oxidized with HNO3 (40%) and/or coated with TiO2 (52%). The adsorption capacity of the NaOH‐treated CSC (54.65 mg g?1) was higher than those treated with HNO3 (23.13 mg g?1) or coated with TiO2 (48.42 mg g?1). CONCLUSION: Although treatment results using the NaOH‐treated CSC alone were promising, the treated effluents were still unable to meet the required limit of less than 1 mg L?1. Therefore, subsequent treatments are still required to complement the removal of 4‐CP from the wastewater. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

高润  殷进  张楠  高婷  刘瑞勇 《无机盐工业》2022,54(11):25-31
中国化工行业废盐总量大、来源广且难处理,研究废盐的资源化利用具有重要意义。综述了化工废盐的来源、分类及性质,列举了当前废盐处理处置政策和所面临的问题。重点讨论了农药、医药、印染、煤化工、环氧树脂等五大废盐高产行业对其产生废盐的相关处置技术和研究进展。提出了依据行业不同进行分类资源化利用,提高有机物去除率和化工反应转化效率,以及实现源头减排和原料回收再利用等处理处置新思路,以期为相关行业废盐资源化利用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

FCC催化剂是当前用量最大的炼油催化剂,FCC废催化剂的综合处理和资源化利用必然会取代现有的填埋处理方式。综述近年来国内外关于FCC废催化剂中污染金属的分布规律及存在形态方面的研究进展。对于FCC废催化剂的处理和利用,明确污染金属分布状态和物质存在形式将有利于处理方案的选择与制定。在各种污染金属元素中,Ni是FCC废催化剂中最为关键的一种污染金属,对于Ni是以何种化合物形式存在,仍有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

通过对3种有机缓蚀阻垢剂及3种灭藻杀菌剂的筛选,研究了用化学方法处理甲醛生产中循环水系统的结垢和腐蚀问题。生产实践表明,在甲醛生产循环冷却水处理系统中,采用m(TS-609):m(HEDP)为1:2,m(优氯净):m(JN-2)为1:1的有机复合水处理剂、浓缩倍数为3.5、QM/QR=8.3%、QB/QR=6.3%、水中阻垢缓蚀剂总质量浓度为12mg/L等操作参数,不仅在阻垢缓蚀方面取得了明显效果,而且可大幅度节省水的消耗。  相似文献   

介绍了国内典型煤化工项目的废水处理工艺,提出了国内煤化工废水处理的几种主流技术。分析了几种工艺的优缺点,指出了实际运行中存在的问题。实践证明:EBA工艺有效地解决了浮油和泡沫问题,前期的厌氧和低氧操作阻止了多元酚的氧化;Bio Dopp工艺结构紧凑,运行费用低,主生化系统具有除油能力;SDN工艺的除油效果较好。这些工艺的成功运行为在建和拟建的煤化工项目污水处理工艺的确定提供了参考。  相似文献   

阐述了填料技术在生物接触氧化法处理高浓度氯碱化工废水中的应用,介绍了目前国内外应用较广的几种主要填料的工艺特点,对它们的性能进行了比较;并结合锦化化工(集团)有限责任公司污水处理厂多年的生产运行经验,讨论了生物接触氧化法中应用的几种较理想的填料;扼要分析了填料技术的发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

通过对XDA-200大孔聚苯乙烯树脂进行哌嗪修饰制备了一种亲水性的NDA-201树脂,采用静态吸附方法考察了NDA-201对水溶液中诺氟沙星的静态吸附和脱附特征。结果表明,NDA-201树脂对诺氟沙星具有良好的吸附性能,在研究的浓度范围内,Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程均能很好地拟合吸附平衡数据,吸附为放热的物理过程,吸附动力学符合Lagergren准二级速率方程,吸附速率受颗粒内扩散和液膜扩散双重作用。  相似文献   

This paper assesses, from a thermodynamic perspective, the conversion of coal to power and hydrogen through gasification simultaneously with a dual chemical looping processes, namely chemical looping air separation (CLAS) and water–gas shift with calcium looping CO2 absorption (WGS-CaL). CLAS offers an advantage over other mature technologies in that it can significantly reduce its capital cost. WGS-CaL is an efficient method for hydrogen production and CO2 capture. The three major factors, oxygen to coal (O/C), steam to coal (S/C) and CaO to coal (Ca/C) were analyzed. Moreover, the comparisons of this suggested process and the traditional processes including integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), integrated gasification combined cycle with carbon capture and storage (IGCC-CCS) and integrated gasification combined cycle with calcium-based chemical looping (IGCC-CaL) were discussed. And, the exergy destruction analysis of this suggested process has also been calculated.  相似文献   

For heterogeneously catalyzed multiphase reactions the formation of bubbles may have an influence on mass and heat transfer as well as on the effective reaction rate. This first of two contributions deals with the Ni‐catalyzed decomposition of H2O2, which was used as a model system for an (almost) isothermal reaction with a gaseous product. (In part II the strongly exothermic hydrogenation of hexene will be analyzed, where gas/vapor bubbles may be generated by overheating of the catalyst.) The discharge of O2 bubbles formed by decomposition of H2O2 enhances the external mass and heat transfer up to one order of magnitude. This is in analogy to the well‐known phenomena during nucleate boiling. The experiments and theoretical considerations also show that the internal mass transfer depends on the intensity of the reaction and thus on the H2O2 concentration, which is in contradiction to the classical Thiele approach. This discrepancy could be explained by a modified model that takes the formation of bubbles into account.  相似文献   

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