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Developments in breeding cereals for organic agriculture   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
The need for increased sustainability of performance in cereal varieties, particularly in organic agriculture (OA), is limited by the lack of varieties adapted to organic conditions. Here, the needs for breeding are reviewed in the context of three major marketing types, global, regional, local, in European OA. Currently, the effort is determined, partly, by the outcomes from trials that compare varieties under OA and CA (conventional agriculture) conditions. The differences are sufficiently large and important to warrant an increase in appropriate breeding. The wide range of environments within OA and between years, underlines the need to try to select for specific adaptation in target environments. The difficulty of doing so can be helped by decentralised breeding with farmer participation and the use of crops buffered by variety mixtures or populations. Varieties for OA need efficient nutrient uptake and use and weed competition. These and other characters need to be considered in relation to the OA cropping system over the whole rotation. Positive interactions are needed, such as early crop vigour for nutrient uptake, weed competition and disease resistance. Incorporation of all characteristics into the crop can be helped by diversification within the crop, allowing complementation and compensation among plants. Although the problems of breeding cereals for organic farming systems are large, there is encouraging progress. This lies in applications of ecology to organic crop production, innovations in plant sciences, and the realisation that such progress is central to both OA and CA, because of climate change and the increasing costs of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

In 1987, the Ekhaga Experimental Farm in Sweden was established on a site that previously had been subjected to conventional farming, and has been managed since then as an organic farm. To study the effects of organic farming on weed population development and crop yields, two different crop rotations were designed, one adapted for animals (six fields) and one without animals (six fields). Each field contained a fixed 1 m2 reference plot in which all the weed observations were done each year. During the period 1988–2002, number of weed plants in spring and weed biomass at harvest were recorded in the reference plots. No differences in these two parameters were observed between the crop rotations. Number of weed plants in spring did not differ between annual crops and did not increase over the 15-year period. Neither did weed biomass at harvest nor weed species diversity change over the 15 years. The two crop rotations kept weed pressure at the same level as under the previous conventional farming practice. General field observations suggest that invasion of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. is occurring along the field borders. Competitive ability of the crop showed to be important in weed regulation. Peas, a weak competitor, had significantly higher weed biomass at harvest compared with oats and winter wheat. Weather conditions during the period from April to September caused weed occurrence and development through the season to vary between years. To improve weed management in organic farming, advisors and farmers should recognise the importance of individual field and farm analyses to design location-specific, farm-adapted crop rotations.  相似文献   

Intensive tillage by means of mouldboard ploughing can be highly effective for weed control in organic farming, but it also carries an elevated risk for rapid humus decomposition and soil erosion. To develop organic systems that are less dependent on tillage, a two-year study at Reinhardtsgrimma and Köllitsch, Germany was conducted to determine whether certain legume cover crops could be equally successfully grown in a no-till compared with a reduced tillage system. The summer annual legumes faba bean (Vicia faba L.), normal leafed field pea (Pisum sativum L.), narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) were examined with and without sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as a companion crop for biomass and nitrogen accumulation, symbiotic nitrogen fixation (N2 fixation) and weed suppression. Total cover crop biomass, shoot N accumulation and N2 fixation differed with year, location, tillage system and species due to variations in weather, inorganic soil N resources and weed competition. Biomass production reached up to 1.65 and 2.19 Mg ha−1 (both intercropped field peas), and N2 fixation up to 53.7 and 60.5 kg ha−1 (both common vetches) in the no-till and reduced tillage system, respectively. In the no-till system consistently low sunflower performance compared with the legumes prevented significant intercropping effects. Under central European conditions no-till cover cropping appears to be practicable if weed density is low at seeding. The interactions between year, location, tillage system and species demonstrate the difficulties in cover crop species selection for organic conservation tillage systems.  相似文献   

Deployment of diversity at the species and at the genetic levels can improve the ability of crops to withstand a wide range of biotic and abiotic stressors in organic and low-input cropping systems, where the response to stresses through external input is limited or restricted in comparison with conventional systems. Although there are several strategies to use agrobiodiversity in wheat-based systems, their implementation is limited by the lack of a clear relationship between agrobiodiversity and provision of key agroecosystem services. In a three-year field trial in Central Italy we compared common wheat Italian and Hungarian pure lines, Italian old cultivars and Hungarian and British Composite Cross Populations (CCPs), grown with or without a contemporarily sown Subterranean clover living mulch. We aimed at linking crop performance, in terms of yield, weed reduction and disease susceptibility, to three categories of functional diversity: (1) functional identity, represented by the identifying traits of cultivars, (2) functional diversity, represented by the genetic heterogeneity of wheat crop population, and (3) functional composition, represented by the co-presence of wheat and the living mulch.Concerning cultivars, effects of functional identity were predominant for weed reduction and grain yield. Old cultivars tended to better suppress weeds but to be less yielding. Italian cultivars were more advantaged than cultivars of foreign origin, thanks to a better matching of their growth cycle into local climate. Functional diversity effects on yield and weed reduction were confounded with identity effects, given that all the CCPs were of foreign origin. In fact, the performance of CCPs was generally aligned with a central-European pure line. However, differences in yield components suggest that CCPs can evolve peculiar yield formation strategies. Moreover, CCPs were less susceptible than pure lines to foliar diseases. For functional composition, the living mulch was able to reduce dicotyledonous weed abundance and weed biomass without reducing wheat yield unless wheat was poorly established. Despite the strong morphological and phenological differences among the tested cultivars, no interactions were found between cultivar and living mulch presence, suggesting that, in conditions similar to our experiments, there is room to freely combine elements of crop diversity. Crop diversification strategies in wheat should be further explored and optimized, especially by constituting CCPs from locally adapted germplasms and by improving the feasibility and efficacy of legume living mulches.  相似文献   

The performance of winter wheat was evaluated under organic (ORG) and conventional (CON) management systems in the Nafferton Factorial Systems Comparison (NFSC) long-term field trial. The present study separates out the crop protection and fertility management components of organic and conventional production systems using two levels each of crop protection (CP) and fertility management (FM). The experimental design provided the four combinations of crop protection and fertility (CON-CP CON-FM, CON-CP ORG-FM, ORG-CP CON-FM and ORG-CP ORG-FM) to evaluate their effects on yield, quality (protein content and hectolitre weight) and disease levels during the period 2004–2008. The conventional management system (CON-CP CON-FM) out-yielded the organic management system (ORG-CP ORG-FM) in all years by an average of 3.1 t ha−1, i.e. 7.9 t ha−1 vs. 4.8 t ha−1. Fertility management was the key factor identified limiting both yield and grain protein content in the ORG management system. The CON-FM produced on average a 3% higher protein content than ORG-FM in all years (12.5% vs. 9.7%). However the ORG-CP system produced higher protein levels than CON-CP although it was only in 2008 that this was statistically significant. In contrast to protein content it was ORG-FM which produced a higher hectolitre weight than the CON-FM system (71.6 kg hl−1 vs. 71.0 kg hl−1). The clear and significant differences in yield and protein content between the ORG-FM and CON-FM systems suggest a limited supply of available N in the organic fertility management system which is also supported by the significant interaction effect of the preceding crop on protein content. The pRDA showed that although fertilisation had the greatest effect on yield, quality and disease there was also a considerable effect of crop protection and the environment.  相似文献   

In the optimisation of grain yield and quality of wheat, plant distribution is a key factor. In contrast to high yield levels, at moderate levels, widening the row space did not decrease grain yield. To gain information about changes in the quality and yield with changing in row spacings in organic farming systems, experiments were conducted at two locations in the Swiss midlands in 2001/2002. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Titlis) was directly drilled in rows 0.1875 and 0.3750 m apart at the same seeding rate per area. An unfertilised treatment and the usual application of 60 m3 ha−1 liquid farmyard manure were compared. While the grain yield was not decreased by the wider row spacing, the thousand kernel weight (TKW), and grain protein content were increased from 42.6 to 43.5 g and from 11.7 to 12.7%, respectively, compared to the narrow row spacing. Liquid manure, on average of both experimental sites, increased the yield (from 3.725 to 4.765 Mg ha−1) and the grain protein content (from 12.0 to 12.5%). Doubling the space between the rows from 0.1875 to 0.3750 m seemed to be a suitable strategy for managing directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming systems.  相似文献   

Breeding for organic agriculture: the example of winter wheat in Austria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Breeding for organic agriculture (BFOA) is a strategy for a commercial breeding company based on the exploitation of the frequently observed high correlation for many traits between conventional, low input (LI) and organic agriculture (ORG). Indirect selection under LI can be useful to roughly divide the germplasm into the genotypes better adapted to high input and those better adapted to LI or ORG conditions. BFOA is an evolving process, in which two methods are currently applied: early generations are either selected following the pedigree system under LI, or grown as bulk populations on ORG fields. In the latter case the system switches to LI after individual ear selection under ORG conditions. In both methods, the first replicated yield trial is grown parallel under ORG and LI. Subsequently, the genotypes are grouped into conventional or ORG advanced trial series. The BFOA strategy allows that the larger genetic variability of both the organic and conventional gene pool can be exploited in the selection for ORG. Hitherto, seven winter wheat varieties were released in Austria after exclusive organic VCU testing.  相似文献   

Organic farming requires cultivars that are specifically adapted to this low input cropping system. Hence, organic farmers and scientists joined in a participatory breeding approach to develop region-specific genotypes of spring faba bean for organic conditions in Germany. A set of 49 genotypes with contrasting degrees of heterozygosity and heterogeneity was used in field trials across five locations in Germany during 3 years 2004, 2005 and 2006. The material involved 18 inbred lines, their 18 polycross progenies, one blend of inbred lines, one blend of polycross progenies, one blend of hybrids and ten checks. Inbred lines are uniform, thus giving the option to be specifically adapted; whereas the polycross progenies and synthetics (Syn-1; predicted from the inbred lines and polycross progenies performance) are partly heterogeneous and heterozygous, thus giving the option to evolve. Agronomic performance was assessed and a “personal appreciation” score of the material was assigned to each genotype by each partner. This personal appreciation was strongly influenced by biotic and abiotic constraints faced by the crop in each location and by the expected grain yield of the genotypes. Uniformity was apparently appreciated by organic farmers. In all locations, the highest yielding inbred line yielded slightly better than the predicted highest yielding synthetic. However, this slight disadvantage of the synthetic is very likely to disappear if the synthetic (Syn-1) is propagated during successive generations.  相似文献   

利用我国发现并鉴定的陆地棉核雄性不育系—洞A为工具,将国内外现有的十多个抗(耐)棉花黄萎病的品种(系)和种质系导入到二个轮回群体中,拓建了棉花抗黄萎病轮回选择基础群体。从而为同步提高棉花的产量、品质和抗病性打下基础。  相似文献   

Wheat landraces and old varieties could have an important role for food security not only as source of gene readily available for breeders, but also because they perform well in marginal environments and are more resilient as compared to the modern cultivars. The Italian cereal sector suffers from lack of seed companies that breed specifically adapted varieties for organic and biodynamic farms. Participatory and evolutionary plant breeding (PPB and EPB) have been used in this research to (i) evaluate the agronomic characteristics of old, modern and mixture of varieties and landrace of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum spp.) and their adaptability to organic farming in hilly and mountainous areas; (ii) assess the technological, nutritional and functional properties of grains (rheological characteristic, macro and micro elements contents and antioxidants); (iii) explore the consumers’ preferences for breads obtained by old and modern varieties. Between five and seven old (Sieve, Verna, Gentil Rosso, Andriolo, Gambo di ferro, Frassineto and Abbondanza), two mixtures and four modern (Bolero, Blasco, Arabia and Bologna) varieties were tested for two years in between two and three organic farms (FARM1, FARM2 and FARM3) in hilly areas of Piedmont. Agronomic characteristic were strongly affected by locations and years. On average, Bologna, Abbondanza and Arabia, and the two mixtures were the highest yielding varieties. Flour strength (W) varied greatly ranging from 230 in 2011 for Andriolo to 38 in 2012 for Gambo di ferro. Gluten quality, expressed by GI, was found to be almost within the optimal range but was affected by the year. All six bread samples were acceptable to the 233 consumers who scored them, but the bread produced with old wheat varieties, particularly with Andriolo and Gambo di Ferro, was the preferred one. The old varieties and their mixtures yielded less than the modern varieties but with higher stability as shown by the inability of the modern varieties in FARM1 to survive the winter (they were not harvested) while the old varieties reached maturity showing higher robustness, Therefore, the use of old bread wheat varieties and their mixture, assessed with participatory and evolutionary plant breeding, could represent a strategy for local communities to cope with climate change while improving food security and food quality.  相似文献   

New sugarcane cultivars are continuously developed to improve sugar industry productivity. Despite this sugarcane crop models such as the ‘Sugar’ module in the Agricultural Productions System sIMulator (APSIM-Sugar) have not been updated to reflect the most recent cultivars. The implications of misrepresenting cultivar parameters in APSIM-Sugar is difficult to judge as little research has been published on the likely values of these parameters and how uncertainty in parameter values may affect model outputs. A global sensitivity analysis can be used to better understand how cultivar parameters influence simulated yields. A Gaussian emulator was used to perform a global sensitivity analysis on simulated biomass and sucrose yield at harvest for two contrasting sugarcane-growing regions in Queensland, Australia. Biomass and sucrose yields were simulated for 42 years to identify inter-annual variability in output sensitivities to 10 parameters that represent physiological traits and can be used to simulated differences between sugarcane cultivars. Parameter main effect (Si) and total effect (STi) sensitivity indices and emulator accuracy were calculated for all year-region-output combinations. When both regions were considered together parameters representing radiation use efficiency (rue), number of green leaves (green_leaf_no) and a conductance surrogate parameter (kL) were the most influential parameters for simulated biomass in APSIM-Sugar. Simulated sucrose yield was most sensitive to rue, sucrose_fraction (representing the fraction of biomass partitioned as sucrose in the stem) and green_leaf_no. However, climate and soil differences between regions changed the level of influence cultivar parameters had on simulation outputs. Specifically, model outputs were more sensitive to changes in the transp_eff_cf and kL parameters in the Burdekin region due to lower rainfall and poor simulated soil conditions. Collecting data on influential traits that are relatively simple to measure (e.g. number of green leaves) during cultivar development would greatly contribute to the simulation of new cultivars in crop models. Influential parameters that are difficult to measure directly such as transp_eff_cf and sucrose_fraction are ideal candidates for statistical calibration. Calibrating crop models either through direct observation or statistical calibration would allow crop modellers to better test how new cultivars will perform in a range of production environments.  相似文献   

Stability and reliability of yield and quality for 15 durum wheat genotypes (old and modern) were evaluated in a 5‐year experiment (southern Italy) in organic farming. Genotypes were grown at two N levels (0 and 80 kg/ha), with the aim of evaluating ‘genotype × environment’ (GE) interactions and their role on genotype selection in N‐limited environments. Several approaches to stability were used, within the frame of mixed models and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis, and their validity in stressful conditions and organic farming was discussed. Especially for protein and gluten content, results indicate high environmental variability and the presence of crossover ‘N × environment’ interactions, which supports the need for specific breeding programmes in N‐deficient environments. The average response was strongly affected by N availability (on average, yield was 2.95 and 3.42 t/ha, protein content was 11.6% and 12.85%, gluten content was 8.55% and 9.92%, respectively, at 0 and 80 kg N/ha), and few genotypes gave high yield and quality at both fertilization levels. Only ‘Gargano’ and ‘Fortore’ showed a good inter‐year stability at both N levels. The old cultivars gave minimal responsiveness to increased N input, but gave good results in limiting conditions, indicating that they may play a role in organic farming.  相似文献   

F. Veronesi 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(4):321-326
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of selection for large root dimension on root and shoot characteristics of an Italian variety of Lolium perenne L. (cv. ‘Vejo’). Two cycles of recurrent restricted phenotypic selection (RRPS) were carried out in 1983 and 1984 at Perugia (Italy). In each cycle, 20 out of 1,500 plants were selected and intercrossed under isolation. In 1985, 120 plants from‘Vejo selected’ and an equal number of plants from‘Vejo’ initial seed-lot were grown hydroponically for 92 days; at the end of the experiment, the plants were measured for their number of leaves and stems, leaf length, length of the longest root, root volume and shoot and root dry weight. Sufficient genetic variability existed among plants of cv. ‘Vejo’ to allow highly significant responses to selection for root dimension (+25 % in root length, +39 % in root volume, + 67 % in root dry weight and +31 % in root: shoot dry weight ratio). Furthermore, two cycles of RRPS for root dimension did not show negative responses of the above-ground parts of the plant.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-seven wheat accessions from Yellow and Huai Winter Wheat Region (YHW) were evaluated for differences of 14 agronomic traits under low- and high-density plantings. Compared with the high-density plantings, plant height, neck length, uppermost internode length, flag leaf angle and number of sterile spikelets under the low-density plantings reduced, while heading date, flowering date, flag leaf length and width, spike length, number of fertile spikelets, grain number per spike, thousand-kernel weight and grain weight per spike increased. A total of 1,118 markers were detected based on GWAS, and seven QTLs were confirmed. One QTL on chromosomes 5BL and two other QTLs on 5Dl were all tightly associated with flowering date difference. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that two haploblocks in 5Dl were involved, and the Vrn-D1 locus was located in this interval. A region on chromosome 5B at around 531.5 Mb was significantly associated with plant height difference. Two QTLs including AX-94840438 (7BL) and AX-94563647 (7DS) were responsible for neck length or uppermost internode length difference.  相似文献   

Many studies already investigated marker-assisted selection (MAS) efficiency but mainly in biparental populations. Connected multiparental populations address a broader diversity and confer a gain of power for QTL detection which must be beneficial for MAS. Our objective was to compare multiparental connected designs to biparental populations taken separately for MAS and phenotypic selection. We first detected QTL for flowering time and grain yield in an experimental maize design involving four parental inbred lines crossed to produce six different biparental populations and confirmed the advantage of multiparental connected designs over biparental populations for QTL detection. Based on these results we performed stochastic simulations to evaluate the expected efficiency of four generations of MAS and phenotypic selection. Different parameters were considered: trait heritability, genetic architecture and whether QTL were assumed to be known or have to be detected. Genetic gains were higher in the multiparental design than on average over the biparental populations considered separately, especially when favourable alleles were equally distributed among parental lines. When QTL detection was included in the simulation process, we found that type I error risk considered for declaring QTL as significant should be adapted to the design. Type I error risks leading to the best response were higher for the biparental populations than for the multiparental design. Besides addressing a broader diversity, multiparental designs increase the power of QTL detection, which reinforces their superiority over biparental designs for MAS. Application of MAS to multiparental designs therefore appears promising to accelerate genetic gain in plant breeding programs.  相似文献   

This study has been conducted to evaluate the usefulness of carbon isotope discrimination (δ) in mature kernels as a criterion for the improvement of water-use efficiency and yield under drought in durum wheat. For this purpose, Triticum durum‘Om Rabi 5’ was crossed with T. polonicum pseudochrysospermum 9 (Tp9) which has been found to be more drought tolerant and to have a lower carbon isotope discrimination value of the grain. The F2 population showed a wide segregation for carbon isotope discrimination. Further, divergent selections (selection of plants most different in carbon isotope discrimination) were made among individual F2 plants, and for carbon isotope discrimination in F3 progenies under field conditions. Selected F3 and F4 progenies were evaluated under field conditions for morphological and agronomical traits. Broad-sense heritability (h2b), response to selection and realized heritability (h2r) were high. The narrow-sense heritability (h2n= 0.37 ± 0.047) indicated that additive and dominance effects were involved in the genetic control of carbon isotope discrimination. Negative correlations were noted between carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield and between carbon isotope discrimination and biomass yield within years and generations. An explanation of this result is attempted by analysing the relationships between carbon isotope discrimination and several phenological and morphological traits influencing the water-use efficiency. The divergent groups selected for low and high carbon isotope discrimination exhibited significant differences for days to heading, plant height, shape of the spike and number of spikelets per spike. Correlations were also found between carbon isotope discrimination and plant height, harvest index, shape of the spike, spike length, and number of spikes per plant. The potential use of carbon isotope discrimination as a criterion for the improvement of water-use efficiency in durum wheat is discussed by considering the genetics of this trait (variability, heritability, response to selection) and also the associations with phenological and morphological traits.  相似文献   

Summary Half-sib families representing the lucerne cultivar Resis were tested for resistance to a stem nematode population, recovered from lucerne. The percentage resistance of the HS-families varied from 13 to 88%. The mean resistance for the cultivar was approximately 50%. Half-sib family selection would be more efficient than recurrent mass selection. The observed data suggest the action of a few genes with relatively large effects.  相似文献   

This report describes the conversion of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker (the 2B12a locus). linked to the Sd1 aphid resistance gene, to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based marker. A section of the 2BI2 probe was sequenced and two primers were designed lo amplify this sequence in the cultivars‘Prima’and‘Fiesta’: all the amplification products were the same size. After sequencing. two specific 24-mer oligonueleotides were synthesized (DdARM-51 and DdAR.M-32) to exploit a single base-pair difference. These primers were used to screen 44 plants from the‘Prima’x‘Fiesta’family and generated a single amplification product (196bp). in approximately half of the seedlings, which was linked to the resistance gene Sd1,. The DdARM primer combination was used to evaluate a range of apple cultivars and selections, including some varieties derived from‘Cox’and alternative sources of resistance reported in the literature. In parallel with this work, the phenotypic response of the same genotypes was either confirmed or determined in replicated glasshouse tests. The sequence characterized amplified regions (.SCAR) marker was amplified in all the resistant plants, with the exception of‘Northern Spy’and 3760 (the sources of Sd2 and Sd3 resistance, respectively), but never in the susceptible plants. The possible role of this marker in a marker-assisted breeding strategy, and its compatibility with a SCAR marker linked to the I, gene for resistance to apple scab. is discussed.  相似文献   

以山西寿阳县的玉米和小麦为研究对象,应用尺度推绎方法开展机械化与传统耕作方式下区域粮食作物耕作适宜性的对比研究。结果表明:(1)传统耕作方式下玉米与小麦适宜种植面积皆要大于机械化耕作方式下两种作物适宜种植面积,而无论是机械化种植还是传统耕作小麦适宜种植区面积皆大于玉米种植适宜区.(2)两种作物种植适宜区空间分布呈两极化特征,即高度适宜区与永久非适宜区占据研究区绝大部分区域.(3)两种粮食作物高度种植适宜区基本集中在寿阳县北部黄土高原的塬、沟地貌区及坡度较小的山区。建议在机械化种植与传统耕作方式下皆是中、高度种植适宜区域采取机械化种植方式,而在仅适宜传统耕作的种植适宜区采取传统方式耕作。  相似文献   

Five cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection for increased essential oil content were carried out in East Indian lemongrass, Cymbopogon flexuosus. In each cycle, the top 5% of plants for essential oil content were selected and their ramets were planted in isolated polycross blocks to produce the seed of the next cycle. Response to selection for essential oil content and its effect on three unselected traits, leaf yield, dry matter content in leaves and citral content in the essential oil, were determined by evaluating C0‐C5 populations in a replicated trial. Genetic variation, heritability estimates and intertrait correlations for essential oil content, leaf yield, leaf width, tiller number and citral content in the essential oil in C4 were determined, by evaluating 40 clones and their half‐sib progenies produced from 40 randomly selected C4 plants, in a replicated experiment. These were compared with those determined in C0 earlier. The mean essential oil content increased from 0.66% in C0 to 1.67% in C5 (i.e. by about 31% per cycle over C0). Selection for essential oil content did not affect leaf yield and its effect on dry matter content in leaves was marginal. The first three cycles of selection for essential oil content did not affect citral content in the oil but two further cycles significantly decreased citral content. Heritabilities and intertrait correlations between all traits studied, except citral content and essential oil content, were similar to those found in C0.  相似文献   

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