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BACKGROUND: Olive trees are generally grown under rain‐fed conditions. Since yield response to application of water in the growing season may be considerable, irrigation is increasingly introduced to existing, mature orchards. An additional feature of modernization of olive cultivation is mechanical harvesting. To investigate the effect of irrigation level on the quality of virgin olive oil (VOO) produced from cv. Souri, six regimes, ranging from deficit to excess, were applied to trees in a mature, traditional orchard as it was converted to irrigation. Furthermore, in order to investigate the effect of damage incurred during harvest, oil quality of hand‐picked fruit was compared to that of mechanically harvested olives. RESULTS: Data were collected from two consecutive growing seasons. Increased irrigation quantity increased the free acidity level of the oil and decreased the total phenol content of VOO, while the peroxide level of the oil was not affected. Oil of hand‐picked fruits had lower free acidity, higher polyphenol content and slightly lower peroxide level compared to the oil of mechanically harvested olives. CONCLUSION: Fruits from irrigated trees demonstrated an apparent sensitivity to mechanical wounding that subsequently led to increased free acidity, increased peroxide level and decreased total phenol content in oil. Management of irrigated orchards including method and timing of harvest and oil extraction techniques should consider these results in order to optimize production of high‐quality oil. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Understanding the relationships between olive cultivars and the cultivation environment as well as optimising cultivation choices can lead to maximum expression of oil production in terms of both quantity and quality. For this purpose, samples of the Ortice olive cultivar grown in two different environments in southern Italy at altitudes of 500 and 50 m above sea level (a.s.l.) were harvested on various dates to monitor drupe maturation and determine the nutritional and chemical characteristics of the oils. RESULTS: Fruits grown at 50 m a.s.l. ripened about 10–15 days earlier than those grown at 500 m a.s.l. The oil obtained at 500 m a.s.l. was characterised by a higher content of total polyphenols and a higher content of oleic and stearic acids. CONCLUSION: The different heat accumulation related to the environment affected drupe development as well as the colouring trend and oil content. Consequently, the growth environment changed the content of Ortice oil fatty acids and polyphenols, while the flavour profile remained fairly stable in both environments, with the cultivar effect prevailing over the environment factor. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies applied to olive trees (Arbequina cv) during the fruit ripening and harvest periods on oil yield and oil composition. Fatty acid composition, pigments, colour, polyphenol content and stability of oils were evaluated. The results indicate that regulated deficit irrigation induces fruit ripening; at harvest, oil yield increased when water supply was decreased, probably as a consequence of lower water content in the olive. Acidic composition was not affected by irrigation treatments. Irrigation affected pigment content and oil colour primarily during the early stages of olive ripening. RDI increased polyphenol concentration and stability of oils at all picking dates, especially during the first stages of the ripening period, probably owing to water stress. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of different regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies applied to olive (Arbequina cultivar) trees on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the resulting oil during the maximum evaporative demand period for three consecutive crop seasons. Quality indices, fatty acid composition, pigments, colour, α‐tocopherol and phenolic contents, bitter index, oxidative stability and organoleptic properties of the oil were determined. Irrigation did not affect those parameters used as criteria for classifying olive oil in its commercial grades. Only polyphenol and o‐diphenol contents and, consequently, the bitter index and oxidative stability were affected by the RDI strategy, with increasing values as the water applied decreased. Regulated deficit irrigation resulted in important savings in irrigation requirements without detriment to oil quality. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

我国油橄榄果及初榨橄榄油品质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了我国8个品种包括鄂植8、城固32、皮削利、莱星、佛奥、阿贝奎纳、皮瓜尔和奇迹油橄榄果及初榨橄榄油的品质。油橄榄果成熟指数介于2.28~6.44,果实纵径和横径分别为15.53~27.18 mm、11.09~19.93 mm,果质量为0.92~5.59 g,果肉率为78.08%~86.82%,含水率为42.39%~63.23%,含油率为15.11%~30.55%。8个品种橄榄油的饱和脂肪酸为14.72%~18.41%,单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸质量分数分别为63.93%~80.79%、3.29%~20.03%。橄榄油主要脂肪酸为油酸(62.47%~79.28%)、棕榈酸(11.41%~15.06%)以及亚油酸(2.60%~19.09%)。主要甘油三酯分别为OOO(24.73%~48.24%)、POO(19.25%~27.91%)、LOO(6.63%~21.03%)以及POL+SLL(3.14%~12.99%)。α-生育酚含量为126.18~292.77 mg/kg,β-生育酚与δ-生育酚均不超过10 mg/kg,γ-生育酚分布于8.85~42.50 mg/kg之间。角鲨烯含量为2 709.7~7 856.5 mg/kg;城固32甾醇总量最高,接近3 000 mg/kg。  相似文献   

初榨橄榄油生产环境相对开放,榨取橄榄油的原料、环境及设备中的微生物群都可能进入初榨橄榄油,对油脂品质产生影响。为全面认识初榨橄榄油中微生物群以及从微生物层面控制初榨橄榄油品质,从食品微生物学研究的视角,综述了初榨橄榄油中酵母菌、细菌和霉菌等主要微生物群,分析了油橄榄枝叶、果实和初榨橄榄油中的微生物群对油脂品质的影响,介绍了采后储存的油橄榄果实及储存期的初榨橄榄油品质与微生物群之间的关系,探讨了对有害微生物群影响初榨橄榄油品质的防控措施。研究认为酵母菌对初榨橄榄油储存期间的品质起主要的影响作用。通过避免采摘和储存过程中油橄榄果实的损伤,保证加工过程中清洗用水和设备的洁净,控制储存环境温度、光照和氧含量等措施,可以有效防控有害微生物对橄榄油品质的负面影响。  相似文献   

为提高油橄榄果出油率、改善初榨橄榄油(VOO)品质,以甘肃陇南主栽的成熟度为7的莱星品种油橄榄鲜果为原料,考察压榨过程中新鲜橄榄叶(0、3%、5%)和复合果胶酶(0、0.01%、0.02%)添加量(以油橄榄果质量计)对油橄榄果出油率和VOO色泽、叶绿素含量、基本理化性质、总酚含量、脂肪酸组成及含量的影响。结果表明:添加适量的新鲜橄榄叶可提高出油率及总酚含量,降低酸值,但色泽加深,叶绿素含量和过氧化值升高;添加适量的复合果胶酶在提高出油率的同时,VOO的总酚含量上升,叶绿素含量和过氧化值降低,但酸值升高,色泽加深;压榨过程中添加新鲜橄榄叶和复合果胶酶对VOO脂肪酸组成没有影响,但对油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸和棕榈烯酸等主要脂肪酸含量有一定影响。在压榨制取VOO时添加适量的新鲜橄榄叶与复合果胶酶可提高出油率,获得富含多酚的VOO。  相似文献   

旨在更全面、深入地了解橄榄油,对2010—2021年世界橄榄油的产量和消费量以及2015—2019年中国橄榄油的进口量进行了统计分析,测定不同品牌和不同等级市售橄榄油(特级初榨橄榄油、混合橄榄油和混合油橄榄果渣油)与9种其他植物油的脂肪酸组成和微量营养成分,并分析比较其差异。结果显示:世界橄榄油的产量和消费量常年维持在300万t左右,其中欧盟占比最大,分别为58.71%~76.68%和48.73%~62.15%;2015—2019年中国橄榄油产量仅在0.5万~0.7万t,而消费量和进口量分别达到了3.9万~5.75万t和3.86万~5.37万t;不同品牌和不同等级市售橄榄油的脂肪酸组成整体差异不大,但微量营养成分存在明显差异,其中特级初榨橄榄油的角鲨烯、多酚含量明显高于混合橄榄油和混合油橄榄果渣油,而混合油橄榄果渣油的甾醇和总生育酚含量最高;与一级菜籽油、一级玉米油、一级葵花籽油、一级大豆油和亚麻籽油等其他植物油比较,特级初榨橄榄油的油酸、角鲨烯和多酚含量最高,而甾醇和总生育酚含量偏低。  相似文献   

程明焱 《中国油脂》2022,47(2):114-117
基于质量标准对油茶籽油和橄榄油进行比较分析。结果表明:油茶籽油与橄榄油的特征指标和质量指标相似,油茶籽油具有碘值低、抗氧化能力强、稳定性好、烟点高等特性;油茶籽油与橄榄油中不饱和脂肪酸含量均高,油酸均是最主要的脂肪酸,油茶籽油中油酸含量甚至比橄榄油的高;油茶籽油中饱和脂肪酸含量约10%,比橄榄油的低;油茶籽油中含有多酚、黄酮等活性营养成分,营养价值高。另外,指出了现行油茶质量标准体系亟待完善的问题,为油茶籽油的深度开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the correlation between total polyphenol content and the stability (ie induction time by Rancimat) of oil samples according to different regions, cultivars, extraction technologies and ripening times of raw material. Results indicate a correlation of oil stability with total polyphenols, (r=0·88), a chemical variable easy to determine. We have set up an oil quality index as a measure of desirability including legal parameters, especially the Council Olive Oil International score (COI Score), stability (phenol content) and process yield into account. The study of the effects of olive ripening and storage prior to processing and olive paste mixing times and temperatures on the quality index using an experimental factorial design (24) were investigated. The process variables selected in the experimental factorial design were studied and the main effects on desirability were identified. Based on this information, the extraction process was optimised for quality index in relation to fruit ripening and olive paste mixing time using a response contour to identify optimal experimental conditions. This innovative procedure shows that process conditions can be optimised as a function of Dtot, evaluated according to scientific determinations. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

橄榄油的开发应用   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
橄榄油是一种绿色营养保健食用植物油脂。本文着重阐述油橄榄的营养成分、脂质特性及橄榄油的制取工艺、质量要求以及开发应用前景。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of fruit ripening on oil quality in an attempt to establish an optimum harvesting time for Chétoui olives, the second main olive variety cultivated in Tunisia. RESULTS: Our results showed that many analytical parameters, i.e., peroxide value, UV absorbance at 232 and 270 nm, chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids and oleic acid contents decreased during ripening, whilst oil content and linolenic acid increased. Free acidity remained practically stable with a very slight rise at the highest maturity index. The trend of oxidative stability, total phenols and o‐diphenols, showed an increase at the early stages followed by a reduction at more advanced stages of maturity. The major phenolic compounds, such as hydroxytyrosol, ligstroside aglycon, elenolic acid, acetoxy‐pinoresinol and oleuropein aglycon, seemed to have the same behaviour. In the case of tyrosol, a strong decrease was observed directly related with the ripening progress. CONLUSION: On the basis of the evolution of the analytical parameters studied, the best stage of Chétoui olive fruits for oil processing seems to be at ripeness index higher than 2.0 and lower than 3.0. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The transfer of phenolic compounds of Olea europaea L. cv. Arbequina variety during olive oil extraction in relation to ripening stage was investigated. The parameters of oil extraction by the Abencor system are shown together with mass balances of the products and by products from the olive oil extraction in relation to olive paste. The phenolic compounds in olive paste, pomace, oil and wastewater were identified and measured by HPLC. Throughout the study, the concentrations of simple phenols, secoiridoids and flavonoids were higher in the olive paste and pomace phases than in oil and wastewater phases. High concentrations of 4‐(acetoxyethyl)‐1,2‐dihydroxybenzene (3,4‐DHPEA‐AC) and secoiridoid derivatives such as the dialdehydic form of elenolic acid linked to 3,4‐DHPEA (hydroxytyrosol) or p‐HPEA (tyrosol) (3,4‐DHPEA–EDA, p‐HPEA–EDA, where EDA is elenolic acid dialdehyde) and an isomer of oleuropein aglycone (3,4‐DHPEA–EA, where EA is elenolic acid aldehyde) were found in olive oil, together with lignan compounds. It was observed that 3,4‐DHPEA–EDA was the most abundant polyphenol present in the wastewater phase. This indicates that biotransformation occurred during olive extraction, especially in the crushing and malaxation operations, and reflects the possible chemical changes that lead to the formation of new compounds. Moreover, the distribution of compounds showed their affinities toward different phases. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

分析了陇南2个品种初榨橄榄油的化学性质和脂肪酸组成随成熟度增加的变化规律。结果表明:随着成熟度的增加2个品种的鲜果出油率增加且存在显著性差异。初榨橄榄油风味成分中氮氧化合物、含硫以及烷烃类化合物变化幅度较大,通过电子鼻可以区分不同品种不同成熟度的橄榄油。恩帕特雷和科拉蒂的k232、270值最高分别为1.85和1.91、0.18和0.14,多酚、黄酮含量变化范围分别为2.39~4.53和7.47~10.39、0.07~0.40和0.75~2.84 mg/g。氧化稳定时间在第6(6.28 h)和第5(16.71 h)成熟度为最高。酸价的变化范围分别为0.37~1.02和0.19~0.38 mg/g,过氧化值的变化范围分别为2.92~8.32和2.38~5.19 mmol /kg,油酸含量分别为72.36%~77.76%和59.23%~65.73%,亚油酸含量分别为7.70%~11.81%和9.74%~15.86%,SFA含量分别为11.81%~13.15%和14.25%~20.99%,PUFA含量分别为8.34%~12.36%和10.92%~16.84%,MUFA含量为72.69%~78.50%和62.36%~68.20 %。同一品种的MUFA/PUFA、C18:1/C18:2和MUFA含量变化趋势一致,与PUFA呈相反的变化趋势,2个品种之间各种脂肪酸含量差异明显,上述测定指标完全符合GB 23347—2009中特级初榨橄榄油的标准。科拉蒂的出油率、多酚、黄酮、油酸含量和氧化稳定时间明显大于恩帕特雷,而酸价、过氧化值低于后者。综合考虑认为科拉蒂的初榨橄榄油品质优于恩帕特雷,恩帕特雷和科拉蒂分别在第6和第5成熟度的初榨橄榄油品质最好。  相似文献   

This work was carried out on the study of virgin olive oil from two olive descendants obtained through controlled crossings on Chemlali, the dominant Tunisian olive oil variety. These crossings on Chemlali were undertaken to improve its oil quality. Preliminary work evaluating the oil fatty acid composition of the oil of 40 descendants showed the performance of two cultivars among the studied hybrids. These two new cultivars (Hd 034 and Hd 039) have an improved oil composition compared to that of Chemlali. A further study was therefore required for their complete characterization. The analytical parameters (fatty acid composition, total phenolic compounds, chlorophylls and carotenoids contents, oxidative stability, free acidity, peroxide value and ultraviolet characteristics) showed significant differences between oils from both cultivars. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为开发一种能提高初榨橄榄油(VOO)得率、对品质无不利影响且适用于工业化生产的新工艺,以甘肃陇南产区莱星、鄂植8号品种油橄榄鲜果为原料,采用高压脉冲电场(PEF)处理辅助传统工艺提取VOO,通过与传统提取工艺比较,研究PEF处理对VOO得率、理化性质、总多酚含量和脂肪酸组成及相对含量的影响。结果表明:与传统提取工艺相比,采用PEF处理VOO得率平均增幅为15.38%,果渣含油率平均降幅为22.28%,对VOO的色泽、酸值、过氧化值、总多酚含量和脂肪酸组成及相对含量等总体无显著性影响。研究认为,在VOO传统提取工艺的基础上,鲜果破碎之后增加PEF处理环节,可显著提高VOO得率,而且对VOO品质无不利影响,该技术在VOO工业化生产中有良好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

橄榄油中甾醇组成及总量测定方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了甾醇组成及总量测定在橄榄油评价中的意义,比较了3种甾醇测定方法优缺点,详细探讨了COI/T.20/Doc.no.10《气相色谱法测定甾醇组成及甾醇含量》测定方法中影响测定结果的操作要点等,以求通过对方法探讨和分析,提高COI/T.20/Doc.no.10方法的可操作性.通过对实例样品的分析可以看出,橄榄油理事会制定的COI/T.20/Doc.no.10方法是一种值得推荐的可行的分析方法.  相似文献   

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