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Considered are the synoptic mechanisms of the catastrophic flood formation on the Amur River in summer 2013; these enabled revealing the set of reasons responsible for the unprecedented rise of the water level. Demonstrated is the primary importance of the series of polar-front cyclones of the unprecedented duration and intensity being the main circulation link of the summer Far Eastern monsoon. It is revealed that the intensification of monsoon rains is associated with the active participation of the marine tropical air from the Pacific Ocean in frontal processes. The simultaneous deepening of the monsoon low over the land and the strengthening of the subtropical high over the ocean became a reason for the dramatic intensification of the moisture-laden monsoon flow.  相似文献   

冬季鄂霍次克海海冰对北太平洋风暴轴年际变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用北极海冰密集度资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,运用统计方法讨论了冬季鄂霍次克海及其邻近海区海冰异常与同期北太平洋风暴轴的联系.结果发现:冬季鄂霍次克海西南部海区海冰面积异常与北太平洋海温异常共同作用对北太平洋风暴轴在西北-东南方向的伸缩及强度的年际变化有重要影响;鄂霍次克海东北部及舍列霍夫海海区海冰面积异常与海温异常的共同作用主要影响风暴轴的南北位移和强弱.  相似文献   

Two opposite Far East monsoon summer seasons over the Amur River basin are investigated which caused the extreme drought and fires in 2008 and catastrophic flood in 2013. It is shown that in the low-water summer of 2008 due to blocking processes, polar-front cyclones were almost absent over the Amur, were short, had fuzzy frontal systems, and did not bring precipitation. The summer monsoon circulation was suppressed, and in the Amur region continental air masses dominated over marine tropical air. On the contrary, the summer of 2013 was characterized by unprecedented cyclonic activity and the sharp strengthening ofthe moisture-laden monsoon flow from the ocean. As a result, the intensification of summer monsoon precipitation and the Amur flood were observed. It was established that the Far East summer monsoon anomalies are associated with the large-scale transformation of atmospheric circulation over the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   


Based on the numerical simulation of water circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk in 1986 to 2015, the impact of deep cyclones on the circulation off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin is studied. The circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk is simulated with the COSMO-Ru-INMOM-CICE model configuration, where the COSMO-Ru and INMOM resolve explicitly the mesoscale atmosphere and ocean dynamics and the CICE resolves the ice cover evolution. The extreme atmospheric events associated with the intensive cyclone activity over the Sea of Okhotsk during the cold season are classified. It is found that high velocity is typical of the cyclones coming to the sea from Sakhalin, and wind speed on the periphery is higher for the cyclones coming to the Sea of Okhotsk from the south and southwest. The analysis of water circulation response off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin demonstrates that the meridional current velocity on the shelf increased by several times from the sea surface to the bottom for all types of cyclones. On the edge of the shelf, southern currents intensified in the surface and bottom layers during the passage of cyclones and at the intermediate depths during the passage of fronts. On the continental slope, southern currents intensified in the surface, intermediate, and bottom layers depending on the type of extreme events.


River discharge forms a major freshwater input into the Arctic Ocean, and as such it has the potential to influence the oceanic circulation. As the hydrology of Arctic river basins is dominated by cryospheric processes such as snow accumulation and snowmelt, it may also be highly sensitive to a change in climate. Estimating the water balance of these river basins is therefore important, but it is complicated by the sparseness of observations and the large uncertainties related to the measurement of snowfalls. This study aims at simulating the water balance of the Barents Sea drainage basin in Northern Europe under present and future climate conditions. We used a regional climate model to drive a large-scale hydrological model of the area. Using simulated precipitation derived from a climate model led to an overestimation of the annual discharge in most river basins, but not in all. Under the B2 scenario of climate change, the model simulated a 25% increase in freshwater runoff, which is proportionally larger than the projected precipitation increase. As the snow season is 30–50 day shorter, the spring discharge peak is shifted by about 2–3 weeks, but the hydrological regime of the rivers remains dominated by snowmelt.  相似文献   

Presented are the results of analyzing the correlation between the total winter and autumn precipitation and the parameters of spring water runoff in the Belaya River basin for the period of 1936–2000. Five regions are defined, and major factors influencing the runoff formation in each of them are listed. The correlation between the runoff characteristics and the total precipitation is estimated; it can be used for developing the methodological instructions for the runoff forecast in different areas of Bashkortostan.  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of oceanographic conditions in the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk is described based on long-term mean temperature T and salinity S from observations along a standard oceanographic section Cape Aniva-Cape Dokuchaev (May–November). It is shown that the Soya Current is relatively weak in spring, with low temperature and salinity gradients along the section. The Sea of Okhotsk low-salinity water mass is observed in the upper layer. It was formed as a result of melting of a large amount of ice brought here with the East Sakhalin Current from the northwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. A cold intermediate layer (CIL) at depths of 50–150 m extends along the entire section. The cold intermediate layer core with a temperature at the edge of the Sakhalin shelf of about ?1.3°C is retained during a period of maximum warming in August; however, in October–November the intensified flow of the East Sakhalin Current (up to 50 cm/s) results in a situation when relatively warm low-salinity waters, connected with the Amur River runoff, dissipate CIL. The results of 12 surveys conducted by the Sakhalin Research Institute for Fisheries and Oceanography in 1998–2004 show significant deviations of T and S [10] in different years from the calculated values. Generally, maximum anomalies (ΔT > 4°C and ΔS > 0.55‰) are observed in the surface layer. Their values and statistical significance decrease with depth. However, the situation is opposite in some cases. The maximum deviation from normal was observed in June 1999, when warm and salt waters were located much further seaward from the Kunashir shelf, which is most likely connected with the Soya Current meandering.  相似文献   

The influence of interannual variability of water transport by the East Kamchatka Current, the Oyashio, and the East Sakhalin Current on the dissolved oxygen concentration in the western subarctic Pacific and the Sea of Okhotsk is considered for studying climate change impact on sea water chemical parameters. It is shown that statistically significant relation is observed between the calculated with the Sverdrup equation interannual variations in water transport with the East Kamchatka Current, the Oyashio, and the East Sakhalin Current and changes in mean sea water level at coastal stations in winter. It is found that the main reason of interannual variability of the dissolved oxygen concentration at isopycnic surfaces in the intermediate water layer (100–800 m) of the Sea of Okhotsk and in the western subarctic Pacific is caused by variations in water transport by the East Kamchatka Current, the Oyashio, and the East Sakhalin Current.  相似文献   

According to the data of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Republic of Tajikistan, the volume of the Zeravshan glacier significantly reduced in 1927–1991 (by more than 2 km3), and its further degradation by 30–35% is expected by 2050. To monitor the meteorological conditions in the Zeravshan River basin, in particular, the area of the Zeravshan glacier, air temperature variations in 1931–1961 and 1981–2011 are analyzed. It was found that the period of 1931–1961 is characterized by stable air temperature and its significant rise began in 1981. The trend towards the decrease in water discharge of the Zeravshan River is observed in 1931–1961. It is demonstrated that the average long-term runoff decreased from 6.08 km3 in 1931–1961 to 5.36 km3 in 1981–2011. The similar measurements were carried out in the basin of the Yaghnob River being the tributary of the Zeravshan River. It was revealed that the difference in average long-term runoff between the periods of 1931–1961 and 1981–2011 is insignificant and makes up not more than 2%. Besides, it was found that the results of meteorological observations in 1931-1961 do not agree with the real picture of the Zeravshan glacier degradation.  相似文献   

Mercury levels in the abiotic components of the Razdol’naya River-Amur Bay geosystem are determined. The obtained mercury concentrations correspond to modern global values. Mercury accumulated in the deposit environments is transported to the bay during floods and creates a local geochemical background. The migration of mercury is carried out in the form of suspended matter and single fragments of soil cover which can be deposited in the open parts of the Peter the Great Gulf shelf according to the existing circulation of surface waters.  相似文献   

梁益同  周月华  高伟  李兰 《暴雨灾害》2017,32(3):276-280



乔春贵  王君  梁钰  杨立志 《气象科学》2023,43(3):358-369
利用ECMWF提供的ERA5再分析资料(分辨率0.25°×0.25°)和黄河流域加密的气象水文实况资料,分析了降水集中期的气象水文特征。结果表明:平均中纬度低槽、南亚高压和阻塞高压偏强,副热带高压位置偏西、偏北,且异常偏强是造成2020年8月黄河中游持续性强降水的主要环流背景;水汽输送较常年同期偏多,来自东海和孟加拉湾的东南和西南暖湿气流沿副热带高压边缘不断输送到黄河中游地区,并和中纬度低槽携带的冷空气在此交汇形成持续性的强降水。水文特征分析表明,导致潼关水文站出现3次洪水的较大面雨量,主要来源于潼关以上的8个子流域;2020年8月的洪水超过2011年9月的,为潼关站近20 a来的最大的洪水过程;5号和6号洪水连续超过编号标准的时长,为120 h和44 h,最大流量达6 300 m3·s-1;流量开始增加的时间落后降水开始的时间12 h~3 d,峰值落后降水结束的时间12 h~4 d;黄河支流水文站的流量峰值与水文站所在子流域降水范围、量级呈正相关,流入潼关站的流量从大到小依次为龙门站、华县站、状头站和河津站。历史对比表明,2020年8月黄河中游累积面雨量为近30 a来最大,北部6个子流域面雨量表现更为极端,降水持续时间更长。  相似文献   

The potential of the model approach to the construction of mean annual fields (maps) of specific runoff for large territories from meteorological data is demonstrated for the Lena River basin. The ECOMAG (ECOlogical Model for Applied Geophysics), the physically based distributed model of river runoff formation is used to simulate hydrological parameters. Methodological aspects of calibration of the spatial fields of model parameters are discussed. The results of runoff hydrograph calculations are compared with the data of hydrometric observations at 12 gaging stations for the period of 1966-2009. The field of mean annual specific runoff in the Lena River batin computed with the ECOMAG model is compared with the map of specific runoff constructed from the data on water discharge in the river network. The comparative analysis of consistency between the fields is provided, and the possible sources of errors are considered.  相似文献   

水文模型参数选取对模拟径流的年际年内分布影响评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用水文模型进行气候变化对水文水资源的影响评估时,通常假定水文模型参数在历史和未来时期是固定不变的,并未区分水文模型参数受环境变化的影响差异。针对该问题,采用集对分析法以年降水量和年径流量为依据进行丰、平、枯水年的划分,利用SWAT分布式水文模型分别率定不同水平年的模型参数,探究月尺度模型参数的非稳定性对年际年内径流的影响。研究结果表明,分别以年降水量和年径流量划分丰、平、枯水年时,1961—2010年这50年中有70%的年份为同枯或同丰。如果仅选择某一水平年(丰、平、枯)背景下的资料进行建模,将导致模拟精度较丰、平、枯整体考虑时降低,且是以偏大为主。用同样的水文资料与代表不同环境条件下模型参数推求径流过程时,从年际变化角度看,使用某一水平年(丰、平、枯)背景下的参数,总体上模拟径流偏湿润,使得丰水年比重增加、枯水年比重降低;从年内分布看,受不同水平年参数影响,径流的集中度减小,年内分配更加均匀,径流集中期延迟。本研究可为提高未来变化环境下水文模拟可靠性提供参考,对于应对变化环境下的水资源适应性管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Influence of air temperature and ice cover thickness on the Aldan catchment rivers runoff in the wintertime is analysed. It was revealed, that decrease in the river ice cover thickness in warm winters leads to increasing discharge capacity of river channels, which causes increasing river runoff. A regional relationship which describes correlation between the runoff depletion rate and the air temperature sums in the first half of winter and the ice cover accumulation intensity was obtained.  相似文献   

The series of the maximum annual water level in the Amur River are long enough but non-uniform. The need is substantiated in dividing the series of the maximum water level into two uniform periods and in using the certain period (with the duration of more than 35 years) for the subsequent statistical analysis. This is the period which indicates the formation conditions of runoff and maximum water levels including the anthropogenic load (runoff control).  相似文献   

Hydrological flow front whose location and structure depend on the value of the Lena River water flow forms in winter under the ice in the Buor-Khaya Bay. The flow front is characterized by the baroclinic and thermocline components. Under the lens of desalinated waters, the layers of increased temperature and salinity alternate with the layers of decreased salinity and temperature. On the periphery of the front, the thermocline stratification results in the formation of the cold isopycnic intrusion at intermediate levels. The cross section of the cold intrusion in the bay amounted to ??50?C85 km and its thickness, from 3?C5 to 15 m. The waters of cold intrusions are rich with oxygen and favor the ventilation of the bay waters. The winter flow increase results in the significant widening of the river impact zone, warming of the coastal zone waters, and stratification intensification.  相似文献   

Presented are the data of observations carried out in the fall of 2000 in the Gavan?? Gaidamak Inlet (Vostok Bay, Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). It is revealed that the main transport of water takes place in the surface horizons from 0 to 1?C2 m predominantly in the meridional direction (north-south). It is demonstrated that in spite of not being under wind influence, the inlet area has a high degree of water flow turbulization. It was also registered that the wind-induced phenomena promote the development of turbulent processes and serve as the main self-cleaning mechanism of the inlet.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of detention reservoirs on flood, the precipitation-runoff process as well as the reservoir routing was simulated with the HEC-HMS software. The model was run under four different scenarios (without a reservoir and with an empty, half-full, and full reservoir) and with different return periods of from 2 to 100 years in the Jafar Abad River basin, Golestan province, Iran. The statistical analysis of the results was based on one-way analysis of variance. To study the effect of reservoirs, two indices were used: the Flood Attenuation Rate (FAR) and Storage Ratio (SR). The results indicated that the construction of detention reservoirs leads to the decrease in peak discharge and the volume of flood that leaves the reservoir and postpones the incidence of the peak discharge. The influence of the reservoir diminishes with the prolongation of the return period. The maximum level of flood volume reduction for empty, half-full, and full reservoirs was 61.1, 33.2, and 0.8%, respectively, and for the peak discharge was 63.9, 32.8, and 6.6%, respectively. The maximum value of FAR for reservoirs under empty, half-full, and full conditions were 26, 19, and 7%, respectively. Similarly, the maximum SR for the empty and half-full reservoirs was 14 and 5%, respectively, thus showing the efficiency of reservoirs in flood control. Also, the results demonstrate that the efficiency of reservoirs in flood control not only depends on the reservoir volume and the amount of flood, but also on the geometric properties of the reservoir and weir.  相似文献   

Mercury content in bottom estuarine sediments of the Northern Dvina River and the Dvina Bay of the White Sea is studied. Major regularities of the behavior of the metal and its compounds in bottom sediments of the water area are defined. The role of lithological composition, pH and Eh of the environment, the presence of hydrogen sulfide for determining the content and forms of the mercury presence in the bottom sediments of the region are studied. The sediments related to technogenic formations are specified. The paths and forms of mercury coming from bottom sediments to the near-bottom water level are detected, and the methylmercury content in the sediments is calculated.  相似文献   

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