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Three trials were conducted to evaluate the effects of degree of barley and corn processing on performance and digestion characteristics of steers fed growing diets. Trial 1 used 14 (328 +/- 43 kg initial BW) Holstein steers fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas in a completely randomized design to evaluate intake, site of digestion, and ruminal fermentation. Treatments consisted of coarsely rolled barley (2,770 microm), moderately rolled barley (2,127 microm), and finely rolled barley (1,385 microm). Trial 2 used 141 crossbred beef steers (319 +/- 5.5 kg initial BW; 441 +/- 5.5 kg final BW) fed for 84 d in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement to evaluate the effects of grain source (barley or corn) and extent of processing (coarse or fine) on steer performance. Trial 3 investigated four degrees of grain processing in barley-based growing diets and used 143 crossbred steers (277 +/- 19 kg initial BW; 396 +/- 19 kg final BW) fed for 93 d. Treatments were coarsely, moderately, and finely rolled barley and a mixture of coarsely and finely rolled barley to approximate moderately rolled barley. In Trial 1, total tract digestibilities of OM, CP, NDF, and ADF were not affected (P > or = 0.10) by barley processing; however, total tract starch digestibility increased linearly (P < 0.05), and fecal starch output decreased linearly (P < 0.05) with finer barley processing. In situ DM, CP, starch disappearance rate, starch soluble fraction, and extent of starch digestion increased linearly (P < 0.05) with finer processing. In Trial 2, final BW and ADG were not affected by degree of processing or type of grain (P > or = 0.13). Steers fed corn had greater DMI (P = 0.05) than those fed barley. In Trial 3, DMI decreased linearly with finer degree of processing (P = 0.003). Gain efficiency, apparent dietary NEm, and apparent dietary NEg increased (P < 0.001) with increased degree of processing. Finer processing of barley improved characteristics of starch digestion and feed efficiency, but finer processing of corn did not improve animal performance in medium-concentrate, growing diets.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of lysocellin on growth performance and metabolism of steers fed forage-based diets. Treatments in all experiments consisted of 1) control, 2) 100 mg lysocellin/d, 3) 200 mg lysocellin/d and 4) 200 mg monensin/d. In each of two 90-d performance studies, 24 Hereford steers were individually fed greenchop (fungus-free tall fescue and Coastal and Tifton-44 bermudagrass) ad libitum and .91 kg/d of a corn-trace mineral salt supplement. In Exp. 1, tall fescue was fed from d 1 to 45 and bermudagrass from d 46 to 90. Bermudagrass was offered during d 1 to 45 and tall fescue during d 46 to 90 in Exp. 2. Lysocellin improved gain (Exp. 1, P less than .01) and feed conversion (Exp. 1 and 2 combined, P less than .05), decreased total VFA concentrations (P less than .05), increased molar proportions of propionate, isobutyrate and isovalerate (P less than .01), decreased molar proportions of acetate and butyrate (P less than .01) and lowered acetate:propionate (P less than .01). Two metabolism studies involving a total of 16 Hereford steers were conducted. Steers were fed tall fescue greenchop and .91 kg/d supplement for a 34-d adjustment period followed by a 5-d total collection period. Lysocellin increased N digestibility (P less than .01) and N retention (P less than .06) but did not (P greater than .05) affect DM, NDF or ADF digestibility. Data indicate that lysocellin results in major alterations in ruminal fermentation and can increase growth performance and N retention in steers fed forage-based diets.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine how varying the proportion of wheat (W) and high-moisture sorghum grain (SG) in 80% grain dies would affect ruminal fermentation, liquid and solid flow, site and extent of digestion (Exp. 1) and feeding performance of cattle (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, three ruminal, duodenal and ileal cannulated steers (average weight 295 kg), fed at 1.54% of body weight, were used in a six-period crossover design. Treatments were: W, 50W:50SG (W:SG) and SG. Increasing wheat level decreased ruminal pH, molar proportion of acetate, and acetate:propionate ratio (P less than .05) and increased (P less than .05) L-lactate concentration, molar proportions of propionate and valerate and total volatile fatty acid concentration. Ruminal liquid dilution and outflow rates were faster (P less than .05) and retention time was shorter (P less than .05) for the W diet. Duodenal and ileal liquid flow increased (P less than .05), and solid flow decreased (P less than .05), as dietary level of wheat increased. Apparent ruminal digestion (% of intake) of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) was greater (P less than .01) with the wheat-containing diets. Intestinal DM and OM digestion (percent of intake) was higher (P less than .05) with the SG and W:SG diets. Ruminal, small intestine, large intestine and total tract starch digestion (percent of intake) was 93.5, 5.6, .7, 99.8, 71.5, 20.4, 5.7, 97.6; and 48.0, 32.5, 10.5, 91.0 with the W, W:SG and SG diets, respectively. In Exp. 2, group-fed (24 pens) steers (avg initial weight 341 kg) were fed ad libitum once daily for 121 d. Treatments were: W, 67W:33SG, 33W:67SG and SG. Rates of gain (kg/d) with the W (1.32), 67W:37SG (1.33) and 33W:67SG (1.30) diets were similar (P greater than .05), but faster (P less than .05) than those with the SG diet (1.16). Feed intake was lower (P less than .01) with the W and 67W:33SG diets, but the wheat-containing diets were utilized more efficiently (P less than .01). Increasing the proportion of wheat in sorghum grain feedlot diets improved cattle performance by optimizing ruminal and post-ruminal digestion.  相似文献   

Four rumen fistulated wether and beef steers were used to evaluate differences in dry matter digestibility (DMD) between cattle and sheep. They were fed either perennial ryegrass or switchgrass hay at an ad libitum or restricted level for four experimental periods. Significant ruminant species X forage and ruminant species X level of intake (P less than .05) interactions were observed for digestible dry matter. The steers digested the switchgrass 7 percentage units greater than the wethers while ryegrass was digested equally. Digestibility differences between the steers and wethers were 6 percentage units at the ad libitum level of intake and 1 unit at the restricted level of intake. Crude protein digestibility tended to be greater (P less than .10) for sheep with a 7 unit difference for switchgrass and a 3 unit difference for ryegrass. The mean ruminal solids retention time of the digesta was approximately (P less than .01) 50% greater (26.0 vs 17.4 h) in cattle, with no difference in ruminal liquid dilution rate (LD) between animal species. Total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentration differed (P less than .01) with level of intake; however, no influence due to intake on the molar proportion of acetate (P greater than .10) or propionate (P greater than .10) was evident in spite of a difference (P less than .01) in LD. Rumen pH (P less than .05) and osmolality (P less than .01) were affected by both level of intake and forage, with the ryegrass and high level of intake decreasing pH and increasing osmolality.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four ruminally and duodenally cannulated crossbred beef steers (397+/-55 kg initial BW) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square to evaluate the effects of increasing level of field pea supplementation on intake, digestion, microbial efficiency, ruminal fermentation, and in situ disappearance in steers fed moderate-quality (8.0% CP, DM basis) grass hay. Basal diets, offered ad libitum twice daily, consisted of chopped (15.2-cm screen) grass hay. Supplements were 0, 0.81, 1.62, and 2.43 kg (DM basis) per steer daily of rolled field pea (23.4% CP, DM basis) offered in equal proportions twice daily. Steers were adapted to diets on d 1 to 9; on d 10 to 14, DMI were measured. Field pea and grass hay were incubated in situ, beginning on d 10, for 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 h. Ruminal fluid was collected and pH recorded at -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h after feeding on d 13. Duodenal samples were taken for three consecutive days beginning on d 10 in a manner that allowed for a collection to take place every other hour over a 24-h period. Linear, quadratic, and cubic contrasts were used to evaluate the effects of increasing field pea level. Total DMI and OMI increased quadratically (P = 0.09), whereas forage DMI decreased quadratically (P = 0.09) with increasing field pea supplementation. There was a cubic effect (P < 0.001) for ruminal pH. Ruminal (P = 0.02) and apparent total-tract (P = 0.09) NDF disappearance decreased linearly with increasing field pea supplementation. Total ruminal VFA concentrations responded cubically (P = 0.008). Bacterial N flow (P = 0.002) and true ruminal N disappearance (P = 0.003) increased linearly, and apparent total-tract N disappearance increased quadratically (P = 0.09) with increasing field pea supplementation. No treatment effects were observed for ruminal DM fill (P = 0.82), true ruminal OM disappearance (P = 0.38), apparent intestinal OM digestion (P = 0.50), ruminal ADF disappearance (P = 0.17), apparent total-tract ADF disappearance (P = 0.35), or in situ DM disappearance of forage (P = 0.33). Because of effects on forage intake and ruminal pH, field peas seem to act like cereal grain supplements when used as supplements for forage-based diets. Supplementing field peas seems to effectively increase OM and N intakes of moderate-quality grass hay diets.  相似文献   

Effects of increasing level of field pea (variety: Profi) on intake, digestion, microbial efficiency, and ruminal fermentation were evaluated in beef steers fed growing diets. Four ruminally and duodenally cannulated crossbred beef steers (367+/-48 kg initial BW) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square. The control diet consisted of 50% corn, 23% corn silage, 23% alfalfa hay, and 4% supplement (DM basis). Treatments were field pea replacing corn at 0, 33, 67, or 100%. Diets were formulated to contain a minimum of 12% CP, 0.62% Ca, 0.3% P, and 0.8% K (DM basis). Each period was 14 d long. Steers were adapted to the diets for 9 d. On d 10 to 14, intakes were measured. Field pea was incubated in situ, beginning on d 10, for 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96 h. Bags were inserted in reverse order, and all bags were removed at 0 h. Ruminal fluid was collected and pH recorded at -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h after feeding on d 13. Duodenal samples were taken for three consecutive days beginning on d 10 in a manner that allowed for a collection to take place every other hour over a 24-h period. Linear, quadratic, and cubic contrasts were used to compare treatments. There were no differences in DMI (12.46 kg/d, 3.16% BW; P > 0.46). Ruminal dry matter fill (P = 0.02) and mean ruminal pH (P = 0.009) decreased linearly with increasing field pea level. Ruminal ammonia-N (P < 0.001) and total VFA concentrations (P = 0.01) increased linearly with increasing field pea level. Total-tract disappearance of OM (P = 0.03), N (P = 0.01), NDF (P = 0.02), and ADF (P = 0.05) increased linearly with an increasing field pea level. There were no differences in total-tract disappearance of starch (P = 0.35). True ruminal N disappearance increased linearly (P < 0.001) with increasing field pea level. There were no differences in ruminal disappearance of OM (P = 0.79), starch (P = 0.77), NDF (P = 0.21), or ADF (P = 0.77). Treatment did not affect microbial efficiency (P = 0.27). Field pea is a highly digestible, nutrient-dense legume grain that ferments rapidly in the rumen. Because of their relatively high level of protein, including field peas in growing diets will decrease the need for protein supplementation. Based on these data, it seems that field pea is a suitable substitute for corn in growing diets.  相似文献   

Eight rumen-cannulated steers (initial wt 330kg) were adapted to a mixed alfalfa-grass hay diet for 30 d and abruptly changed to complete mixed diets of corn silage, snapped ear corn and a corn-based supplement to determine the effects of buffers on diet adaptation, digestion and ruminal metabolism. The diets contained: 1) no buffer, 2) .5% magnesium oxide (MgO), 3) 1.0% sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and 4) .5% MgO and 1.0% NaHCO3, as a percentage of diet dry matter (DM). Digestion, metabolism and ruminal characteristics were measured in each of 2 wk immediately after the diet change. The animals were then adapted to the mixed alfalfa-grass hay diet, re-randomized and assigned to the four diets, thus four steers consumed each diet. Intakes and digestibilities of DM were generally greater for the diets containing buffers. The most notable differences were a greater DM intake with added NaHCO3 and an improved DM digestibility with added MgO. The higher DM digestibility with MgO was apparently related to improved neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and starch digestion. Fecal pH was significantly increased with MgO addition. Because of the greater intake and digestibilities, the amount of DM, NDF, and starch digested tended to be greater for the buffered diets. There were no diet X week interactions for intake and digestibilities, thus the responses observed existed during both wk 1 and 2 after the change in diets. In general, intake and digestibilities were greater in wk 2 than in wk 1 for all diets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J Anim Sci  张瑜 《饲料广角》2011,(7):29-31,42
4头初始体重为34.5±2.0kg、插有瘤胃瘘管的萨福克阉公羊羔被用来评估瘤胃蛋白降解率和添加频率对饲喂低质饲料的羔羊瘤胃特性的影响。羔羊以成熟皇冠干草(含4.2%CP)为基础日粮,各日粮组分为4组,分别是:1)RDP-D:每天饲喂高的瘤胃降解蛋白质(RDP);2)RDP-A:每隔1d饲喂高的RDP;3)RUP-A:每隔1d饲喂非瘤胃降解蛋白质(RUP);4)MIX-A:每隔1d按照RDP:RUP=1:1的比例来饲喂。结果显示,各处理组的羔羊粗饲料的有机质(OM)、氮(N)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)或酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的采食量没有显著差异;混合组(MIX-A)的羔羊瘤胃有机质的消化率比其他组的要高(P〈0.001);RUP-A组羔羊的真瘤胃氮消化率较其他处理组的低(P〈0.01);混合组MIX-A瘤胃NDF和ADF的代谢较其他处理组高(P≤0.01)。当在羔羊日粮中添加RUP相对添加RDP-D可以降低其瘤胃氨气浓度,且RUP-A组的羔羊的瘤胃氨气浓度最低。各处理组的瘤胃脲酶活性差异不显著,瘤胃微生物N流量差异不显著,不过RDP-D组的羔羊的瘤胃微生物N合成效率有增加趋势(P=0.004)。隔天饲喂羔羊混合组的日粮可以改善低质粗饲料的消化率,这可能是由于内源性氮循环利用增强导致瘤胃氨气浓度有所下降。  相似文献   

Seven crossbred, abomasally fistulated yearling steers (400 kg) were used in two digestion trials (crossover design) to study the effect of processing sorghum grain on the site and extent of feed and microbial protein digestion. Steers were fed an 81.5% sorghum grain diet in which the grain was either dry-rolled (DR; four steers) or steam-processed, flaked (SPF; three steers). At the end of the first trial steers were switched to the opposite treatment. Dysprosium (21 to 23 micrograms/g of feed) was used as a digesta marker. Feed, abomasal contents and fecal grab samples were collected at 12-h intervals during a 6-d total fecal collection period. Organic matter (OM) intake for SPF and DR grain diets averaged 6,426 and 6,787 g/d, respectively. Compared with DR, SPF increased (P less than .05) the apparent total digestibility and ruminal digestibility of OM. Trichloroacetic acid precipitable protein consumed by the steers was lower (P less than .05) for SPF than the DR treatment. Processing method had no effect on ruminal digestion of crude protein (CP), bacterial protein (BP) synthesis, quantity of CP entering the small intestine or on total digestion of feed protein. There was a trend for increased total and post-ruminal digestion of CP with the SPF diet. Post-ruminal digestion of BP was increased (P less than .05) by SPF grain as compared with DR. Percentage of non-BP digested ruminally, post-ruminally or in the total tract was not significantly affected by processing method.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Slaframine (SF), a parasympathomimetic salivary stimulant, was administered i.m. (10, 15 or 20 micrograms SF/kg BW) to ruminally and abomasally fistulated steers at 12-h intervals for 18-d periods in a latin square-designed experiment. Steers were fed semicontinuously (12 times daily) a 40:60 roughage:concentrate diet at twice their net energy requirement for maintenance. Ruminal digestion coefficients for DM, ADF and starch were 10 to 16% lower and linearly related in an inverse manner to the level of SF administered (P less than .05). Postruminal digestion of DM, ADF and starch increased as much as 46.7, 9.5 and 44.0%, respectively, in a fashion linearly related (P less than .05) to the level of SF administered. Total tract digestion of DM and ADF were not affected by SF; however, total tract starch digestion was increased as much as 5% and was related linearly (P less than .05) to SF treatment. With SF administration, as much as 13% more bacterial protein exited the rumen, resulting in a 16.5% linear improvement (P less than .1) in the efficiency of ruminal bacterial protein production per 100 g of OM fermented. Ruminal concentrations of VFA, ammonia and pH were not affected by SF. These results demonstrate a positive relationship between salivation and ruminal bacterial protein synthesis and suggest that feed utilization by ruminants may be improved by pharmacological stimulation of salivary secretions.  相似文献   

Two digestion trials were conducted with seven crossbred, abomasally cannulated yearling steers (400 kg) to study the effect of level of feed intake on the site and extent of feed and microbial protein digestion. Steers, in a crossover design experiment, were fed an 81.5% steam-processed flaked (SPF) sorghum grain diet at either 95% (four steers) or 75% (three steers) of their ad libitum intakes. At the end of the first trial, steers were switched to the opposite treatment. Dysprosium (31 to 32 micrograms/g) was used as an external marker. Feed, abomasal contents and fecal grab samples were taken at 12-h intervals advancing by 2 h each day over a 6-d total fecal collection period. Organic matter (OM) intakes were 6,102 and 4,570 g for the two treatments. Higher level of intake increased (P less than .05) quantities of OM, crude protein and trichloroacetic acid precipitable protein entering the small intestine, digested post-ruminally and digested in the total tract. The higher level of intake decreased (P less than .05) the percentage of bacterial protein (BP) present in the abomasum and percent post-ruminal BP digestion; however, the amounts of BP and non-BP entering the small intestine and digested post-ruminally were greater (P less than .05) in steers fed 95% ad libitum. Most of the feed protein was degraded in the rumen with both treatments. Predicted true feed protein digestibilities were 91.1 and 91.7% for 95 and 75% of ad libitum intakes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Because of the potential benefits to human health, there is interest in increasing 18:3n-3, 20:5n-3, 22:6n-6, and cis-9,trans-11 CLA in ruminant foods. Four Aberdeen Angus steers (406 ± 8.2 kg of BW) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with 21-d periods to examine the potential of fish oil (FO) and linseed oil (LO) in the diet to increase ruminal outflow of trans-11 18:1 and total n-3 PUFA in growing cattle. Treatments consisted of a control diet (60:40; forage:concentrate ratio, on a DM basis, respectively) based on maize silage, or the same basal ration containing 30 g/kg of DM of FO, LO, or a mixture (1:1, wt/wt) of FO and LO (LFO). Diets were offered as total mixed rations and fed at a rate of 85 g of DM/(kg of BW(0.75)/d). Oils had no effect (P = 0.52) on DMI. Linseed oil had no effect (P > 0.05) on ruminal pH or VFA concentrations, whereas FO shifted rumen fermentation toward propionate at the expense of acetate. Compared with the control, LO increased (P < 0.05) 18:0, cis 18:1 (Δ9, 12-15), trans 18:1 (Δ4-9, 11-16), trans 18:2, geometric isomers of 9,11, 11,13, and 13,15 CLA, trans-8,cis-10 CLA, trans-10,trans-12 CLA, trans-12,trans-14 CLA, and 18:3n-3 flow at the duodenum. Inclusion of FO in the diet resulted in greater (P < 0.05) flows of cis-9 16:1, trans 16:1 (Δ6-13), cis 18:1 (Δ9, 11, and 13), trans 18:1 (Δ6-15), trans 18:2, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-3, and decreased (P < 0.001) 18:0 at the duodenum relative to the control. For most fatty acids at the duodenum, responses to LFO were intermediate of FO and LO. However, LFO resulted in greater (P = 0.04) flows of total trans 18:1 than LO and increased (P < 0.01) trans-6 16:1 and trans-12 18:1 at the duodenum compared with FO or LO. Biohydrogenation of cis-9 18:1 and 18:2n-6 in the rumen was independent of treatment, but both FO and LO increased (P < 0.001) the extent of 18:3n-3 biohydrogenation compared with the control. Ruminal 18:3n-3 biohydrogenation was greater (P < 0.001) for LO and LFO than FO, whereas biohydrogenation of 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 in the rumen was marginally less (P = 0.05) for LFO than FO. In conclusion, LO and FO at 30 g/kg of DM altered the biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids in the rumen, causing an increase in the flow of specific intermediates at the duodenum, but the potential of these oils fed alone or as a mixture to increase n-3 PUFA at the duodenum in cattle appears limited.  相似文献   

Objectives of this research were to evaluate effects of increasing level of barley supplementation on forage intake, digestibility, and ruminal fermentation in beef steers fed medium-quality forage. Four crossbred ruminally cannulated steers (average initial BW = 200 +/- 10 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Chopped (5 cm) grass hay (10% CP) was offered ad libitum with one of four supplements. Supplements included 0, 0.8, 1.6, or 2.4 kg of barley (DM basis) and were fed in two equal portions at 0700 and 1600. Supplements were fed at levels to provide for equal intake of supplemental protein with the addition of soybean meal. Forage intake (kg and g/kg BW) decreased linearly (P < 0.01), and total intake increased linearly (P < 0.03) with increasing level of barley supplementation. Digestible OM intake (g/kg BW) increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing level of barley supplementation; however, the majority of this response was observed with 0.8 kg of barley supplementation. Treatments had only minor effects on ruminal pH, with decreases occurring at 15 h after feeding in steers receiving 2.4 kg of barley supplementation. Total-tract digestibility of DM, OM, NDF, and CP were increased (P < 0.04) with barley supplementation; however, ADF digestibility was decreased by 1.6 and 2.4 kg of barley supplementation compared with controls. Ruminal ammonia concentrations decreased linearly (P < 0.01) at 1 through 15 h after feeding. Total ruminal VFA concentrations were not altered by dietary treatments. Ruminal proportions of acetate and butyrate decreased (P < 0.10) in response to supplementation. Rate, lag, and extent (72 h) of in situ forage degradability were unaffected by treatment. Generally, these data are interpreted to indicate that increasing levels of barley supplementation decrease forage intake, increase DM, OM, and NDF digestibility, and indicate alteration of the ruminal environment and fermentation patterns.  相似文献   

Four ruminally cannulated Holstein steers (average BW 303 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design digestion trial to study the influence of daily cottonseed meal (CSM; 1.6 g of CP/kg of BW) supplementation time on forage intake and ruminal fluid kinetics and fermentation. Steers were housed individually in tie stalls and were fed chopped fescue hay on an ad libitum basis at 0600 and 1400. Treatments were 1) control, grass hay only (CON) and grass hay and CSM fed once daily at 2) 0600 (EAM) 3) 1000 (MAM), or 4) 1400 (PM). Ruminal NH3 N concentrations reflected a time of supplementation x sampling time interaction (P less than .05); CON steers had the lowest (P less than .05) ruminal NH3 N concentrations at all times other than at 0600, 1000, 1200, and 2400, when they did not differ (P greater than .05) from at least one of the supplemented groups. Forage intake, ratio of bacterial purine:N, rate of DM and NDF disappearance, and ruminal fluid kinetics were not influenced (P greater than .05) by supplementation time. Total ruminal VFA differed (P less than .05) between CON and supplemented steers, as well as among supplemented steers (linear and quadratic effects P less than .05). Acetate, propionate, and valerate proportions were influenced (P less than .05) by a sampling time X supplementation time interaction. Under the conditions of this study, greater peak ammonia concentrations with morning supplementation than with afternoon supplementation did not stimulate ruminal fermentation or rate of NDF disappearance.  相似文献   

Roughage sources were compared in flaked milo-based diets that contained 35% chopped alfalfa hay (AH, control diet) or with cottonseed hulls (CSH) or chopped wheat straw (WS) replacing half the AH. Latin square experiments were used to measure total tract digestion coefficients, particulate passage rates (rare earths), liquid turnover rates (Co-EDTA), and rumination time in six growing steers (Exp. 1) and in situ digestion of DM and NDF, ruminal pH and ruminal DM distribution in three mature, ruminally cannulated steers (Exp. 2). Rates of passage from Exp. 1 and rates and extents of digestion from Exp. 2 were used to calculate apparent extent of ruminal digestion (AED). In Exp. 1, total tract digestibilities of DM and NDF were lower (P less than .05) by 7 and 22%, respectively, when CSH, but not WS, were included in the diet. Digestibility of cell solubles was not different (P greater than .10) among diets. Inclusion of WS increased (P less than .10) rumination time by 36%, and CSH increased intake (P less than .10) by 17% over the control diet. In Exp. 2, there tended to be (P less than .20) increased in situ digestion of milo and AH in the WS diet. Measures of ruminal pH were similar for all diets. The AED for AH and milo DM and NDF, and the proportion of total tract NDF digestion occurring in the rumen (50, 47 and 62% for control, CSH and WS diets, respectively), were highest (P less than .05) for the WS diet. This resulted in similar total tract digestibilities for the WS and AH diets. The two low-digestibility roughages had different effects at this concentrate level; wheat straw enhanced apparent extent of ruminal digestion for NDF of other ingredients in the mixed diets, but cottonseed hulls did not.  相似文献   

One in vitro and one in vivo metabolism experiment were conducted to examine the effects of supplemental Zn on ruminal parameters, digestion, and DMI by heifers fed low-quality prairie hay supplemented with urea. In Exp. 1, prairie hay was incubated in vitro for 24 h with five different concentrations of supplemental Zn (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 ppm) and two concentrations of supplemental Mn (0 and 100 ppm), both provided as chloride salts. Added Mn increased (P < 0.02) IVDMD, but added Zn linearly decreased (P < 0.03) IVDMD. Added Zn tended to increase the amount of residual urea linearly (P < 0.06) at 120 min and quadratically (P < 0.02) at 180 min of incubation, although added Mn counteracted these effects of added Zn. Six 363-kg heifers in two simultaneous 3 x 3 Latin squares were fed prairie hay and dosed once daily via ruminal cannulas with urea (45 or 90 g/d) and with Zn chloride to provide the equivalent of an additional 30 (the dietary requirement), 250, or 470 ppm of dietary Zn. After a 7-d adaptation period, ruminal contents were sampled 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 21, and 24 h after the supplement was dosed. Supplemental Zn did not alter prairie hay DMI (mean = 4.9 kg/d) or digestibility, although 470 ppm added Zn tended to decrease (P < 0.06) intake of digestible DM, primarily due to a trend for reduced digestibility with 470 ppm supplemental Zn. Zinc x time interactions were detected for both pH (P = 0.06) and NH3 (P = 0.06). At 2 h after dosing, ruminal pH and ruminal ammonia were linearly decreased (P < 0.05; P < 0.01) by added Zn. At 5 h after feeding, ruminal pH was linearly increased (P < 0.05) by added Zn, suggesting that added Zn delayed ammonia release from urea. The molar proportion of propionate in ruminal fluid was linearly and quadratically increased (P < 0.02; P < 0.01) whereas the acetate:propionate ratio was linearly and quadratically decreased (P = 0.02; P < 0.05) by added Zn. Through retarding ammonia release from urea and increasing the proportion of propionate in ruminal VFA, Zn supplementation at a concentration of 250 ppm may decrease the likelihood of urea toxicity and increase energetic efficiency of ruminal fermentation.  相似文献   

Five Holstein steers (235 kg of BW) fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design experiment to determine the effects of supplemental fat source on site and extent of nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentation. Treatments were diets based on steam-flaked corn containing no supplemental fat (control) or 4% (DM basis) supplemental fat as tallow, dried full-fat corn germ (corn germ), corn oil, or flax oil. Fat supplementation decreased (P < 0.08) ruminal starch digestion but increased (P < 0.03) small intestinal starch digestion as a percentage of intake. Feeding corn germ decreased (P < 0.09) ruminal starch digestion and increased (P < 0.03) large intestinal starch digestion compared with steers fed corn oil. Large intestinal starch digestion was less (P < 0.04), and ruminal NDF digestion was greater (P < 0.09) for steers fed tallow compared with steers fed other fat sources. Small intestinal (P < 0.08) and total tract NDF digestibilities were greater (P < 0.02) for steers fed corn germ than for those fed corn oil. Feeding tallow increased total ruminal VFA (P < 0.03) and NH(3) (P < 0.07) concentrations compared with steers fed the other fat sources. Feeding corn germ led to a greater (P < 0.02) rate of ruminal liquid outflow compared with corn oil. A diet x hour interaction (P < 0.04) occurred for ruminal pH, with steers fed corn oil having the greatest ruminal pH 18 h after feeding, without differences at other time points. Fat supplementation increased (P < 0.09) ruminal concentrations of Fusobacterium necrophorum. Duodenal flow of C18:3n-3 was greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed flax oil compared with those fed corn oil. Feeding corn germ led to less (P < 0.01) ruminal biohydrogenation of fatty acids compared with corn oil. Steers fed tallow had greater small intestinal digestibility of C14:0 (P < 0.02) and C16:1 (P < 0.04) than steers fed the other fat sources. Fat supplementation decreased (P < 0.06) small intestinal digestibility of C18:0. Feeding corn germ decreased (P < 0.10) small intestinal digestibility of C18:1 compared with corn oil. It appears that source of supplemental fat can affect the site and extent of fatty acid and nutrient digestion in steers fed diets based on steam-flaked corn.  相似文献   

Three experiments with factorial arrangements of treatments were designed to test the efficacy of avian-derived polyclonal antibody preparations (PAP) against Streptococcus bovis (PAP-Sb) or Fusobacterium necrophorum (PAP-Fn) in reducing ruminal counts of target bacteria in beef steers supplemented or not with feed additives (300 mg of monensin/d and 90 mg of tylosin/d; MT). Feeding increasing doses of PAP-Sb in Exp. 1 or a single dose in Exp. 2 reduced S. bovis counts in a cubic fashion (P = 0.014). In Exp. 1 and 2, inclusion of MT in the diet had no effect (P > 0.05) on ruminal S. bovis counts. In Exp. 2, ruminal pH was increased (P < 0.05) by feeding PAP-Sb, MT, and PAP-Sb plus MT. Ruminal F. necrophorum counts were reduced by feeding PAP-Fn (P = 0.002) and MT (P < 0.001). Reduction in ruminal F. necrophorum counts was greater (P = 0.008) when feeding MT alone than when feeding PAP-Fn and MT together. In Exp. 3, ruminal S. bovis counts were not affected (P = 0.64) by PAP-Fn. Ruminal pH was not affected (P = 0.61) by feeding PAP-Fn, and the total anaerobic bacterial count was not affected (P > 0.05) by either PAP-Sb or PAP-Fn in Exp. 1 or Exp. 3. In conclusion, PAP of avian origin and against S. bovis or F. necrophorum were effective in reducing target ruminal bacterial populations. These PAP could be effective in preventing the deleterious effects associated with these bacteria, and possibly in enhancing animal performance.  相似文献   

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