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In this paper, we consider the problem of adaptive density or survival function estimation in an additive model defined by Z=X+Y with X independent of Y, when both random variables are non‐negative. This model is relevant, for instance, in reliability fields where we are interested in the failure time of a certain material that cannot be isolated from the system it belongs. Our goal is to recover the distribution of X (density or survival function) through n observations of Z, assuming that the distribution of Y is known. This issue can be seen as the classical statistical problem of deconvolution that has been tackled in many cases using Fourier‐type approaches. Nonetheless, in the present case, the random variables have the particularity to be supported. Knowing that, we propose a new angle of attack by building a projection estimator with an appropriate Laguerre basis. We present upper bounds on the mean squared integrated risk of our density and survival function estimators. We then describe a non‐parametric data‐driven strategy for selecting a relevant projection space. The procedures are illustrated with simulated data and compared with the performances of a more classical deconvolution setting using a Fourier approach. Our procedure achieves faster convergence rates than Fourier methods for estimating these functions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a mixed compound Poisson process, that is, a random sum of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables where the number of terms is a Poisson process with random intensity. We study nonparametric estimators of the jump density by specific deconvolution methods. Firstly, assuming that the random intensity has exponential distribution with unknown expectation, we propose two types of estimators based on the observation of an i.i.d. sample. Risks bounds and adaptive procedures are provided. Then, with no assumption on the distribution of the random intensity, we propose two non‐parametric estimators of the jump density based on the joint observation of the number of jumps and the random sum of jumps. Risks bounds are provided, leading to unusual rates for one of the two estimators. The methods are implemented and compared via simulations.  相似文献   

Abstract. The problem of estimating an unknown density function has been widely studied. In this article, we present a convolution estimator for the density of the responses in a nonlinear heterogenous regression model. The rate of convergence for the mean square error of the convolution estimator is of order n ?1 under certain regularity conditions. This is faster than the rate for the kernel density method. We derive explicit expressions for the asymptotic variance and the bias of the new estimator, and further a data‐driven bandwidth selector is proposed. We conduct simulation experiments to check the finite sample properties, and the convolution estimator performs substantially better than the kernel density estimator for well‐behaved noise densities.  相似文献   

We consider non‐parametric estimation for interarrival times density of a renewal process. For continuous time observation, a projection estimator in the orthonormal Laguerre basis is built. Nonstandard decompositions lead to bounds on the mean integrated squared error (MISE), from which rates of convergence on Sobolev–Laguerre spaces are deduced, when the length of the observation interval gets large. The more realistic setting of discrete time observation is more difficult to handle. A first strategy consists in neglecting the discretization error. A more precise strategy aims at taking into account the convolution structure of the data. Under a simplifying ‘dead‐zone’ condition, the corresponding MISE is given for any sampling step. In the three cases, an automatic model selection procedure is described and gives the best MISE, up to a logarithmic term. The results are illustrated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Given a life testing experiment consisting of n items, n-1 of which have the expected life λ while one could have an expected life λ/α with 0 < α < 1 the problem is. to find a mean square error (MSE) minimizing estimation function. The standard estimators for the homogeneous case (α = 1) overestimate the expected life and their MSE tend to infinity when a tends to 0.

Looking at the estimation problem as an insurance (see Anscombe (1960)) two different “testimators” are compared with respect to their MSE, Numerical results show that an estimation function based on the “Epstein-statistic” x(n)/[xbar] is the best one.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider a stochastic process driven by diffusions and jumps. Given a discrete record of observations, we devise a technique for identifying the times when jumps larger than a suitably defined threshold occurred. This allows us to determine a consistent non‐parametric estimator of the integrated volatility when the infinite activity jump component is Lévy. Jump size estimation and central limit results are proved in the case of finite activity jumps. Some simulations illustrate the applicability of the methodology in finite samples and its superiority on the multipower variations especially when it is not possible to use high frequency data.  相似文献   

We discuss a class of difference‐based estimators for the autocovariance in nonparametric regression when the signal is discontinuous and the errors form a stationary m‐dependent process. These estimators circumvent the particularly challenging task of pre‐estimating such an unknown regression function. We provide finite‐sample expressions of their mean squared errors for piecewise constant signals and Gaussian errors. Based on this, we derive biased‐optimized estimates that do not depend on the unknown autocovariance structure. Notably, for positively correlated errors, that part of the variance of our estimators that depend on the signal is minimal as well. Further, we provide sufficient conditions for ‐consistency; this result is extended to piecewise Hölder regression with non‐Gaussian errors. We combine our biased‐optimized autocovariance estimates with a projection‐based approach and derive covariance matrix estimates, a method that is of independent interest. An R package, several simulations and an application to biophysical measurements complement this paper.  相似文献   

Non‐parametric estimation and bootstrap techniques play an important role in many areas of Statistics. In the point process context, kernel intensity estimation has been limited to exploratory analysis because of its inconsistency, and some consistent alternatives have been proposed. Furthermore, most authors have considered kernel intensity estimators with scalar bandwidths, which can be very restrictive. This work focuses on a consistent kernel intensity estimator with unconstrained bandwidth matrix. We propose a smooth bootstrap for inhomogeneous spatial point processes. The consistency of the bootstrap mean integrated squared error (MISE) as an estimator of the MISE of the consistent kernel intensity estimator proves the validity of the resampling procedure. Finally, we propose a plug‐in bandwidth selection procedure based on the bootstrap MISE and compare its performance with several methods currently used through both as a simulation study and an application to the spatial pattern of wildfires registered in Galicia (Spain) during 2006.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a theoretical contribution to the pointwise mean squared error of an adaptive multidimensional term-by-term thresholding wavelet estimator. A general result exhibiting fast rates of convergence under mild assumptions on the model is proved. It can be applied for a wide range of non parametric models including possible dependent observations. We give applications of this result for the non parametric regression function estimation problem (with random design) and the conditional density estimation problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider non‐parametric copula inference under bivariate censoring. Based on an estimator of the joint cumulative distribution function, we define a discrete and two smooth estimators of the copula. The construction that we propose is valid for a large range of estimators of the distribution function and therefore for a large range of bivariate censoring frameworks. Under some conditions on the tails of the distributions, the weak convergence of the corresponding copula processes is obtained in l([0,1]2). We derive the uniform convergence rates of the copula density estimators deduced from our smooth copula estimators. Investigation of the practical behaviour of these estimators is performed through a simulation study and two real data applications, corresponding to different censoring settings. We use our non‐parametric estimators to define a goodness‐of‐fit procedure for parametric copula models. A new bootstrap scheme is proposed to compute the critical values.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non‐parametric method for estimating the conditional density associated to the jump rate of a piecewise‐deterministic Markov process. In our framework, the estimation needs only one observation of the process within a long time interval. Our method relies on a generalization of Aalen's multiplicative intensity model. We prove the uniform consistency of our estimator, under some reasonable assumptions related to the primitive characteristics of the process. A simulation study illustrates the behaviour of our estimator.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a longitudinal semi‐parametric regression model in a generalised linear model setup for repeated count data collected from a large number of independent individuals. To accommodate the longitudinal correlations, we consider a dynamic model for repeated counts which has decaying auto‐correlations as the time lag increases between the repeated responses. The semi‐parametric regression function involved in the model contains a specified regression function in some suitable time‐dependent covariates and a non‐parametric function in some other time‐dependent covariates. As far as the inference is concerned, because the non‐parametric function is of secondary interest, we estimate this function consistently using the independence assumption‐based well‐known quasi‐likelihood approach. Next, the proposed longitudinal correlation structure and the estimate of the non‐parametric function are used to develop a semi‐parametric generalised quasi‐likelihood approach for consistent and efficient estimation of the regression effects in the parametric regression function. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimation approach is examined through an intensive simulation study based on both large and small samples. Both balanced and unbalanced cluster sizes are incorporated in the simulation study. The asymptotic performances of the estimators are given. The estimation methodology is illustrated by reanalysing the well‐known health care utilisation data consisting of counts of yearly visits to a physician by 180 individuals for four years and several important primary and secondary covariates.  相似文献   

Abstract. In regression experiments, to learn about the strength of the relationship between a covariate vector and a dependent variable, we propose a ‘coefficient of determination’ based on the quantiles. Such a coefficient is a ‘local’ measure in the sense that the strength is measured at a prespecified quantile level. Once estimated, it can be used, for example, to measure the relative importance of a subset of covariates in the quantile regression context. Related to this coefficient, we also propose a new ‘local’ lack‐of‐fit measure of a given parametric model. We provide some asymptotic results of the proposed measures and carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to illustrate their use and performance in practice.  相似文献   

Abstract. Let {Zt}t 0 be a Lévy process with Lévy measure ν and let be a random clock, where g is a non‐negative function and is an ergodic diffusion independent of Z. Time‐changed Lévy models of the form are known to incorporate several important stylized features of asset prices, such as leptokurtic distributions and volatility clustering. In this article, we prove central limit theorems for a type of estimators of the integral parameter β(?):=∫?(x)ν(dx), valid when both the sampling frequency and the observation time‐horizon of the process get larger. Our results combine the long‐run ergodic properties of the diffusion process with the short‐term ergodic properties of the Lévy process Z via central limit theorems for martingale differences. The performance of the estimators are illustrated numerically for Normal Inverse Gaussian process Z and a Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process .  相似文献   

This paper discusses two estimators of the mean of a finite population based on a simple random sample from it, when supplementary information on a variable positively correlated with the variable of interest is available. Simultaneous reductions in absolute bias and mean square error of the estimator are seen as compared with those of the traditional estimator in the ratio method of estimation. The suggested estimators are simple for computation and there is no appreciable increase in the cost as well.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Properties of a specification test for the parametric form of the variance function in diffusion processes are discussed. The test is based on the estimation of certain integrals of the volatility function. If the volatility function does not depend on the variable x it is known that the corresponding statistics have an asymptotic normal distribution. However, most models of mathematical finance use a volatility function which depends on the state x . In this paper we prove that in the general case, where σ depends also on x the estimates of integrals of the volatility converge stably in law to random variables with a non-standard limit distribution. The limit distribution depends on the diffusion process X t itself and we use this result to develop a bootstrap test for the parametric form of the volatility function, which is consistent in the general diffusion model.  相似文献   

Abstract. In numerous applications data are observed at random times and an estimated graph of the spectral density may be relevant for characterizing and explaining phenomena. By using a wavelet analysis, one derives a non‐parametric estimator of the spectral density of a Gaussian process with stationary increments (or a stationary Gaussian process) from the observation of one path at random discrete times. For every positive frequency, this estimator is proved to satisfy a central limit theorem with a convergence rate depending on the roughness of the process and the moment of random durations between successive observations. In the case of stationary Gaussian processes, one can compare this estimator with estimators based on the empirical periodogram. Both estimators reach the same optimal rate of convergence, but the estimator based on wavelet analysis converges for a different class of random times. Simulation examples and an application to biological data are also provided.  相似文献   


Estimation of quantiles from two normal populations is considered under the assumption of common mean and ordered variances. Several new estimators have been proposed using certain estimators of the common mean, including the plug-in type restricted MLE. A sufficient condition for improving equivariant estimators is proved and as a result improved estimators are derived. The percentage of risk improvements for each of the improved estimators have been computed numerically, which are quite significant. All the improved estimators have been compared numerically using Monte-Carlo simulation method. Finally, recommendations have been made for the use of estimators in practice.  相似文献   

This article considers estimation of the slope parameter of the linear regression model with Student-t errors in the presence of uncertain prior information on the value of the unknown slope. Incorporating uncertain non sample prior information with the sample data the unrestricted, restricted, preliminary test, and shrinkage estimators are defined. The performances of the estimators are compared based on the criteria of unbiasedness and mean squared errors. Both analytical and graphical methods are explored. Although none of the estimators is uniformly superior to the others, if the non sample information is close to its true value, the shrinkage estimator over performs the rest of the estimators.  相似文献   

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