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The recharge sources, the flow mechanisms and discharge areas of the different groundwater bodies underlying the Yarmouk River catchment area in Jordan, have, until now, not been adequately explained, although a wide range of hydrological, hydrogeological, and hydrochemical studies have been done. Along the Jordanian part of the catchment area of the Yarmouk River, groundwater issues from different aquifers with a variety of chemistries and types within the same aquifer and in between the different aquifers. Conventional recharge/discharge mechanisms, water balances and chemical analyses did not adequately explain the chemical variations and the different water types found in the area. Applying environmental isotopic tools combined with their altitude effects due to topographic variations (250–1,300 m a.s.l. within a distance of 20 km), and taking into consideration re-evaporation effects on the isotopic depletion and enrichment of rainwater, has greatly helped in understanding the recharge discharge mechanisms of the different aquifers. Precipitation along the highlands of an average of 600 mm/year is found to be depleted in its isotopic content of O18 = –7.0 to –7.26 and D = –32.2 to –33.28, whereas that of the Jordan Valley of 350 mm/year is highly enriched in isotopes with O18 = –4.06 and D = –14.5. The groundwater recharged along the highlands is depleted in isotopes (O18 = ~ –6, D = ~ –30), groundwater at the intermediate elevations is enriched (O18 = ~ –5, D = ~ –23) and that of the Jordan Valley aquifers containing meteoric water is highly enriched (O18 ~ –3.8, D = ~ –18). The deep aquifers in the Jordan Valley foothills are depleted in isotopes (O18 –18 = –6, D = –30) and resemble those of the highland aquifers. Only through using isotopes as a tool, were the sources of the different groundwater bodies and recharge and discharge mechanisms unambiguously explained. It was found that recharge takes place all over the study area and produces groundwater, which, from the highlands towards the Jordan Valley, shows increasing enrichment in isotopes. The highlands aquifer, with its groundwater depleted in isotopes, becomes confined towards the Jordan Valley; and, due to its confining pressure, leaks water upwards into the overlying aquifers causing their water to become less enriched in isotopes. Water depleted in its isotopic composition also seeps upward to the ground surface at the mountain foothills through faults and fissures.
Resumen Las fuentes de recarga, los mecanismos de flujo y las áreas de descarga de los diferentes cuerpos de agua subterránea que subyacen el área de la cuenca del Río Yarmouk en Jordania, se han explicado de manera no ambigua únicamente mediante la aplicación de los isótopos como herramienta. A lo largo de la parte Jordana del área de la cuenca del Río Yarmouk el agua subterránea emerge de diferentes acuíferos con una variedad de tipos y composiciones, ya sea que provengan del mismo acuífero o de diferentes acuíferos. Los mecanismos convencionales de recarga/descarga, balances hídricos y variaciones químicas no han podido explicar las variaciones químicas y los diferentes tipos de aguas. La aplicación de herramientas de isótopos ambientales combinadas con los efectos de altitud derivados de variaciones topográficas (250 hasta 1,300 m s.n.m. en una distancia de 20 km) y tomando en consideración los efectos de re-evaporación en el empobrecimiento de isótopos y enriquecimiento del agua de lluvia han ayudado fuertemente en el entendimiento de los mecanismos de recarga/descarga de los diferentes acuíferos. La precipitación en el área varía de 600 mm/año, a lo largo de las tierras altas, a 350 mm/año en el área del Valle Jordán. El flujo de agua subterránea ocurre de las tierras altas hacia el Valle Jordán. El agua subterránea de las tierras altas está empobrecida en isótopos (O18 =~ –6, D =~ –30), el agua subterránea de elevaciones intermedias está enriquecida (O18 =~ –5, D =~ –23), y el agua de los acuíferos del Valle Jordan contiene agua meteórica que se encuentra altamente enriquecida (O18 =~ –3.8, D =~ –18). Los acuíferos profundos que se localizan al pie de las tierras altas del Valle Jordán están empobrecidos en isótopos (O18 =~ –6, D =~ –30) y son similares a los acuíferos de las tierras altas. Solo al aplicar los isótopos ambientales como herramienta pudo explicarse de manera inequívoca las fuentes de los diferentes cuerpos de agua subterránea y los mecanismos de recarga y descarga.

Résumé Les zones de recharge, les mécanismes découlement et les zones de décharges des différentes masses deau souterraine sous le bassin versant de la rivière Yarmouk en Jordanie, étaient expliquées de manière ambiguë par les seuls outils isotopiques. Le long de la parti Jordanienne du bassin versant de la rivière Yarmouk leau souterraine provient de différents aquifères et se distinguent par leur type et leur composition chimique, selon que leau provient du même ou des différents aquifères. Les mécanismes conventionnels de recharge et de décharge, bilan hydrologique ne donnaient pas dexplications satisfaisantes concernant les variations chimiques et les différents types deau. En appliquant les isotopes environnementaux combinés aux effets de laltitude sur les variations des teneurs isotopiques (laltitude varie de 250 à 1,300 m sur une distance de 20 km.) et en prenant en considération les effets de ré-évaporation sur lappauvrissement et lenrichissement isotopique des eaux pluviales ont fortement contribués à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de recharge des différents aquifères. Les précipitations annuelles sont comprises entre 600 mm dans les zones en altitude et 350 mm dans la vallée de la Jordanie. Les écoulements de leau souterraine sont dirigés des zones en altitude vers la vallée de la Jordanie. Les eaux souterraines des zones en altitude sont isotopiquement appauvries (O18 = ~ –6, D = ~ –30), les eaux souterraines des zones de moyenne altitude sont enrichies (O18 = ~ –5, D = ~ –23) et les eaux de la vallée très enrichies (O18 ~ –3.8, D = ~ –18). Les aquifers profonds dans la vallée de la Jordanie sont appauvris (O18 –18 = –6, D = –30) et se confondent avec les eaux des zones situées en altitude. En appliquant uniquement les isotopes environnementaux comme des outils de compréhension des phénomènes hydrogéologiques, la source des différentes masses deau souterraines, les mécanismes de la recharge et de la décharge pourraient être expliqués de manière ambiguë.

多年冻土作为冷生隔水层,影响到地下水的补给、径流及排泄。融区的分布可增加地下水的交替强度和降低地下水的矿化度。在断层破碎带及其他富水性好的地段,多年冻土厚度变化较大。  相似文献   

Since landfill operations ceased in the early 1980s at the Woodlawn landfill Superfund site in northeastern Maryland, USA, the carcinogen vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) has persisted in the site ground water at concentrations in places greater than 100 ppb. Investigations of VCM concentrations from monitoring well data from 1981 through 1991, which were published in 2001, concluded that concentrations were cyclic and were not dissipating. Data from 1991 to 2000 confirm VCM persistence, showing concentration peaks as late as 1997 in the eastern part of the site. These values are significantly above both drinking water standards (>MCL of 2 ppb) and lifetime excess cancer risk (E-6 risk level) from exposure since birth (>0.024 ppb). Sources for VCM are landfill wastes (PVC-sludge) and effluent from an on-site transfer station. In addition to direct release of VCM from wastes, other chlorinated hydrocarbons, trichloroethene and perchloroethene (TCE and PCE) are also present in the ground water, and these compounds can degrade into VCM. Persistence of VCM concentrations is the result of leachate generation, mostly from multi-source wastes in the vadose zone, with subsequent infiltration into the regional aquifer. Increases in VCM concentrations (new leachate generation) alternated with decreases in VCM concentrations (infiltration without leachate) in a cyclic fashion, during this 20-year period.  相似文献   

Managing environmental problems in Cuban karstic aquifers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study area is located along the Dead Sea Rift, the climate is considered arid in its southern margin near the Dead Sea, which is the lowest water reservoir found on the globe (412 m BSL), to semiarid in its northern part. During the last few decades, the water resources became depleted limiting the natural development of the agricultural settlements, which are the most common type of communities in the region. Previous studies suggested that a large amount of freshwater is lost as the result of salinization processes, which occur when fresh groundwater from the mountain aquifers, flow into the saline clastic Neogene aquifer complex. In order to comprehend this complex system, a detailed outlining of the regional hydrogeological system is essential. Since there are no boreholes, which penetrate the aquiferous rock sequences within the Rift, it was necessary to interpolate a large variety of data from several fields of geosciences. The methods applied included geological mapping, geophysical modeling based on interpretation of seismic profiles and geochemical modeling based on chemical and isotopic analysis of runoff, sediments and groundwater. The combined modeling based on results from the different types of analyses implied to several conclusions relevant to the regional water management policy: (1) groundwater becomes saline as it flows from the margins of the Rift to its center. Therefore, it is recommended to exploit it along the foothills of the rift escarpment. (2) Geophysical modeling indicated that the foothills and the Karstic mountain aquifer extend into the subsurface of the valley and can be farther exploited (up to 15 mm3 per annum) by relatively shallow wells. (3) Several mechanisms of groundwater salinization were deciphered: (a) the dense vertical faulting systems act as potential conduits for saline water, which flow-up from deep-seated sources and penetrate into the fresh aquifers. (b) Fresh groundwater in the clastic aquifer complex is rare, furthermore, two evaporates bodies were encountered (Auja and Zaharat el Qurein), also acting as sources for fresh water salinization. (c) Although the quantity of runoff recharge to the Jordan Valley aquifer complex is negligible, the increase in its salt-content (TDS) turns this negligible freshwater recharge to a significant contributor of salts.  相似文献   

陕甘宁盆地北部下白垩统潜水氧化带型铀矿成矿远景研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陕甘宁盆地的北部下白垩统出露相当广泛,下白垩经沉积之后,伴随有大面积的竽隆升,根据沉积地层的岩性岩相特征、新构造运动的表现形式,可以区分出K2-E2以及N1-现代两个主要的氧化剥蚀作用期,在这两个氧化剥蚀作用期间,产生了大规模的面状氧化作用,有意思的是根据石油钻孔的r测井资料和实地调研证实:这种氧化作用所形成的潜水氧化带都与铀矿化有关,同时,现代陕甘宁盆地北部所呈现出的高原型自治水盆地的水动力特征,暗示出在陕甘盆地的北部下白垩统中浅部层位(一般)〉200m)中的铀矿化以潜水氧化带型为主。  相似文献   

陕西省地下水水质监测发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼晓利 《地下水》2003,25(1):11-12,25
本文针对陕西省地下水水质监测控制范围局限于农灌区,监测项目单一的现状,通过分析研究,提出水质监测的发展思路,剖析实现新思路的相关条件。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the environmental isotopes of about 100 water samples, the waters in the front plain of the Tainshan Mountain are divided into eight subprovinces on a horizontal plane and four zones in a vertical plane. The characteristics of the recharge, runoff, and water storage of different waters are discussed, and the runoffs in several sections are also calculated. Last, the tentative space-time regulation plan of the water resources is presented on the basis of the study of the environmental isotopes.  相似文献   

This article assesses drought status in the Yarmouk Basin (YB), in northern Jordan, using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardized Water-Level Index (SWI), and the Percent Departure from Normal rainfall (PDNimd) during the years 1993–2014. The results showed that the YB suffers from frequent and irregular periods of drought as variations in drought intensity and frequency have been observed. The SPI results revealed that the highest drought magnitude of ??2.34 appeared at Nuaimeh rainfall station in 1991. This station has also experienced severe drought particularly in years 1995, 1999, 2005, and 2012 with SPI values ranging from ??1.51 to ??1.59. Some other rainfall stations such as Baqura, Ibbin, Khanasiri, Kharja, Mafraq police, Ramtha, Turra, and Umm Qais have also suffered several periods of drought mostly in 1993. The SWI results show the highest extreme drought events in 2001 in Souf well while other extreme drought periods were observed at Wadi Elyabis well in 1994 and at Mafraq well in 1995. As compared to SPI maps, our SWI maps reflect severe and extreme drought events in most years, negatively impacting the groundwater levels in the study area.  相似文献   

Whereas most of the reported δ34S values of dissolved sulphate are positive in the Llobregat basin, Calders stream, which is a tributary of the Llobregat River, is characterised by negative values. Stream waters, sampled monthly between 1997 and 1998, and quarterly in 1999, show an overall increase in δ34S from −10‰ to 0‰, coupled with an increase in Na and Cl concentration. On the other hand, the oxygen isotopic composition of dissolved sulphate, δ18O, displayed an opposite trend with a slight decrease, from +9‰ to +6‰. Detailed sampling up stream in November 2000 indicated that, contrary to most of the surficial waters of the Llobregat basin with a δ34SSO4 mainly controlled by evaporites, in Calders stream, sulphate is derived from pyrite oxidation. The dual-isotope approach, coupled with chemical data, allowed us to identify the contribution of 34S-rich sulphate effluents from anthropogenic sources, while mixing models, calculated between natural and anthropogenic sources, enabled us to estimate their contribution. Sudden increases of δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulphate in stream waters are believed to be caused by a sulphate reduction process related to oil spillage. The long-term enrichment in δ34S, coupled with a decrease in δ18OSO4, from Jan-97 to Aug-99, is interpreted as a progressive increase in the contribution of pig manure.  相似文献   

 Chemical data for 15 elements at depths at 10-cm intervals in 6 cores at two locations along the Yarmouk River as well as the heavy-metal enrichment factors (EFs) and anthropogenic factors (AFs) show that Cd and Ni for all the cores, and Mn, Zn, Cr, Co and Pb for core 3 at location A are anthropogenically enriched. The contents of these elements decrease clearly with depth in the sediment column. The sequence of element enrichment depends on whether the EF and the AF are used to calculate the elements which show no systematic decrease in enrichment with depth in all cores, especially for location A, probably due mainly to a higher sedimentation rate. The results of the present study show that the sediments of the Yarmouk River are uncontaminated with Fe, Cr, and Mn, whereas they are uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with Ni, Co, and Zn, moderately contaminated with Pb, and strongly to extremely contaminated with respect to Cd. Also, the study shows that the EF and AF values are higher than 1, which indicates that all the metals measured in the sediments of the Yarmouk River were enriched by various anthropogenic sources in the catchment area of this river. Heavy metal enrichment reflects the combined effects of agricultural activities, a treatment plant, a landfill site at El-Akader, and small industries in the region. Received: 16 March 2000 · Accepted: 12 August 2000  相似文献   

崔运爱  魏景斌 《地下水》2003,25(1):28-30
地下水作用为平邑县工业生产、城镇居民生活及农村人畜用水的主要供水水源,其开发利用十分重要。通过研究地下水资源的分布特征及开发利用条件,分析用水现状和开采水平,提出存在的问题,探讨合理开发利用地下水资源的布局及角决水资源供需矛盾的对策,以保证地下水资源的合理、有效、持续利用,使其发挥更大的效益。  相似文献   

Sources and mineralization of groundwaters from Cretaceous A7/B2 and B4 limestone aquifers in the Golan and Ajloun Heights are derived from conjoint discussion of stable isotopes of water and sulphate, major ion chemistry, rare earth distribution patterns and the (hydro)geological setting. Isotope fractionation of precipitation was used to derive elevation and continental influence of recharge areas. Positive shift of δ18O and δ2H occur due to evaporation before replenishment and the interaction with basalts. Major infiltration areas for Golan Heights are the limy foothills of the Mt. Hermon and for the Ajloun Heights the Plateau itself. To a less degree, precipitation infiltrates also the basaltic catchments. Groundwaters are mineralized by water/rock (i) variably altered limestones by diagenesis, (ii) evaporates and seawater brines enclosed in limestone matrix and (iii) locally occurring basaltic intrusiva. In the Yarmouk Gorge, a deep-seated brine of the Ha’on type ascends and mixes with the fresh shallow groundwater.Contrasting the macro chemical composition, REY distribution patterns indicate the lithology of the recharge areas. Infiltration over basalts results in REY patterns distinctly different to those derived from limy catchments.REY and isotope fingerprints prove that water from the Syrian Hauran Plateau is recharging springs and wells in the lowermost Yamouk gorge. The basaltic cover of the Golan Heights is of minor importance for recharge of the underlying A7/B2 aquifer, which becomes recharged at the foothills of Mt. Hermon and gets confined southwards. Even the wells in the basaltic cover receive water from the underlying limestone aquifer.Anomalous heat flux near the Yarmouk gorge and locally in the western escarpment of the Ajloun may be produced by ascending fluids from greater depth and/or by basaltic intrusions.  相似文献   

针对榆林地区水资源相对贫乏,煤炭资源不合理的开采对地下水资源造成巨大破坏,严重威胁着该地区的可持续发展的问题,应用系统工程方法,将水资源放在社会、经济、资源、生态、环境所组成的复合系统中进行整体研究,构建地下地下水资源-生态环境-社会经济系统模型,可以为水资源的优化配置、开发利用规划、管理决策、落实最严格的水资源管理制度提供技术支撑。分析结果表明榆林地区在水资源、环境和经济目前处于不协调阶段,经济发展较快,但水资源相对贫乏,经济的发展对环境造成很大有破环并且对于环境的治理和保护投入的资金较少,采矿区水资源污染较为严重。  相似文献   

挖掘吉林省水资源潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张勃夫 《吉林地质》2001,20(3):54-57
吉林省是一个水资源紧缺的省份。随着社会经济进一步发展,人口不断增加和城市化进程加快,未来水资源的供城矛盾将日趋尖锐,供水紧缺已成为全省经济和社会发展的重要制约因素。为了充分挖掘全省水资源开发的潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题,该文按不同地区,从实际出发,有针对性地提出了现实的,应急的对策,同时也提出了许多对全省有长远战略意义和创新性的技术对策。如洪水资源的开发和修建地下水库等建议即是。  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地地层水矿化度平均为8 600 mg/L,具有微咸水的特点;南屯组和大磨拐河组地层水的矿化度较其他层位高,水型为NaHCO3型。地层水中含有一定量的Br、I和B 3种特征微量元素,且各离子总体上表现出从含油中心部位向四周递减的特点。Na K 和HCO3-与总矿化度之间具有非常好的正相关关系,Na K 和HCO3-控制了地层水的矿化度。较高的HCO3-含量是由于深部无机成因CO2上侵,与地层水发生化学反应形成,高浓度的Na 与钠长石的溶解有关。地层水氢、氧同位素分析表明:δ18O为-12.07×10-3~-16.76×10-3(SMOW),δD为-96.45×10-3~-132.44×10-3(SMOW),反映出地层水主要为大气淡水,并可能存在弱的蒸发作用。较高的矿化度反映出储层封闭性较好,水动力较弱,有利于油气藏的保存。  相似文献   

Geothermal resources are very rich in Yunnan, China. However, source of dissolved solutes in geothermal water and chemical evolution processes remain unclear. Geochemical and isotopic studies on geothermal springs and river waters were conducted in different petrological-tectonic units of western Yunnan, China. Geothermal waters contain Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, and Na (Ca)–SO4 type, and demonstrate strong rock-related trace elemental distributions. Enhanced water–rock interaction increases the concentration of major and trace elements of geothermal waters. The chemical compositions of geothermal waters in the Rehai geothermal field are very complicated and different because of the magma chamber developed at the shallow depth in this area. In this geothermal field, neutral-alkaline geothermal waters with high Cl, B, Li, Rb Cs, As, Sb, and Tl contents and acid–sulfate waters with high Al, Mn, Fe, and Pb contents are both controlled by magma degassing and water–rock interaction. Geothermal waters from metamorphic, granite, and sedimentary regions (except in the Rehai area) exhibit varying B contents ranging from 3.31 mg/L to 4.49 mg/L, 0.23 mg/L to 1.24 mg/L, and <0.07 mg/L, respectively, and their corresponding δ11B values range from −4.95‰ to −9.45‰, −2.57‰ to −8.85‰, and −4.02‰ to +0.06‰. The B contents of these geothermal waters are mainly controlled by leaching host rocks in the reservoir, and their δ11B values usually decrease and achieve further equilibrium with its surrounding rocks, which can also be proven by the positive δ18O-shift. In addition to fluid–rock reactions, the geothermal waters from Rehai hot springs exhibit higher δ11B values (−3.43‰ to +1.54‰) than those yielded from other areas because mixing with the magmatic fluids from the shallow magma. The highest δ11B of steam–heated waters (pH 3.25) from the Zhenzhu spring in Rehai is caused by the fractionation induced by pH and the phase separation of coexisting steam and fluids. Given the strong water–rock interaction, some geothermal springs in western Yunnan show reservoir temperatures higher than 180 °C, which demonstrate potential for electricity generation and direct-use applications. The most potential geothermal field in western Yunnan is located in the Rehai area because of the heat transfer from the shallow magma chamber.  相似文献   

Hydrological and hydrogeological data in the area have been verified to evaluate the availability and the potentiality of the water resources for the proposed damsites in the Wadi el Mujib catchment area, which is considered a semiarid to arid region. The quantity of the surface waters is very small compared with the surface area of the basin, however, due to the shortage of precipitation in the country and the necessity to attain socioeconomic objectives, the investigation of these waters has become more vital. The most reliable exploitation can be essentially achieved by constructing small storage dams on the suitable sites in order to benefit from the flood waters coming from the main wadis. For the above purpose, the hydrogeological and hydrological study of Wadi el Mujib catchment area was carried out, where the Wadi Mujib dam site will be constructed. The hydrogeological investigation of the groundwater was performed by constructing a groundwater contour map of the Amman-Wadi Es Sir aquifer (B2/A7) so as to verify the groundwater flow system and to determine the potentiality of the aquifer from the hydraulic parameters obtained from the pumping test analysis. The hydrological feasibility study of the dam was carried out by evaluating the water balance for a long-term period (1970 to 1990) in order to obtain reliable data that can be used to estimate the recharge to B2/A7 aquifer. In addition, a frequency analysis was performed to estimate the flood design of the reservoir area as well as the spillway at the proposed dam site.  相似文献   

曹文京  郭延杰  孙兰华 《地下水》2004,26(2):115-116
地下水是聊城市重要的而且是主要的水资源,近年来,地下水的开采和补源引起了人们的广泛关注.本文拟对地下淡水资源的时空分布、运动规律、地下水资源计算和评价及聊城市地下水开发利用问题进行一些探讨,对于引黄(河)灌区合理引用黄河水和开采地下水具有重要的指导作用和应用价值.  相似文献   

张掖盆地是河西走廊黑河干流中游一个相对独立的水文地质单元,含水层以大厚度第四系冲洪积物为主。戈壁带地下水位长期监测数据的分析表明,河水入渗转化为地下水后,可以在附近含水层中存留20个月以上。整个盆地泉水溢出量与黑河干流径流量的对比分析表明,二者的天然动态周期均约为14 a,但丰枯变化正好相反,互为补充。据此认为,盆地内大厚度第四系含水层是条件优良的天然地下水库,如果得到合理开发利用,对科学配置整个流域水资源、保护恢复下游额济纳平原生态等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The existing different human activities and planned land uses put the groundwater resources in Jordan at considerable risk. There are evidences suggesting that the quality of groundwater supplies in north Jordan is under threat from a wide variety of point and non-point sources including agricultural, domestic, and industrial. Vulnerability maps are designed to show areas of greatest potential for groundwater contamination on the basis of hydrogeological conditions and human impacts. DRASTIC method incorporates the major geological and hydrogeological factors that affect and control groundwater movement: depth to groundwater (D), net recharge (R), lithology of the aquifer (A), soil texture (S), topography (T), lithology of vadose zone (I), and hydraulic conductivity (C). The main goal of this study is to produce vulnerability maps of groundwater resources in the Yarmouk River basin by applying the DRASTIC method to determine areas where groundwater protection or monitoring is critical. ArcGIS 9.2 was used to create the groundwater vulnerability maps by overlaying the available hydrogeological data. The resulting vulnerability maps were then integrated with lineament and land use maps as additional parameters in the DRASTIC model to assess more accurately the potential risk of groundwater to pollution. The general DRASTIC index indicates that the potential for polluting groundwater is low in the whole basin, whereas the resulting pesticide DRASTIC vulnerability map indicates that about 31% of the basin is classified as having moderate vulnerability, which may be attributed to agricultural activities in the area. Although high nitrate concentrations were found in areas of moderate vulnerability, DRASTIC method did not depict accurately the nitrate distribution in the area.  相似文献   

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