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In this article, the multi-objective flexible flow shop scheduling problem with limited intermediate buffers is addressed. The objectives considered in this problem consist of minimizing the completion time of jobs and minimizing the total tardiness time of jobs. A hybrid water flow algorithm for solving this problem is proposed. Landscape analysis is performed to determine the weights of objective functions, which guide the exploration of feasible regions and movement towards the optimal Pareto solution set. Local and global neighbourhood structures are integrated in the erosion process of the algorithm, while evaporation and precipitation processes are included to enhance the solution exploitation capability of the algorithm in unexplored neighbouring regions. An improvement process is used to reinforce the final Pareto solution set obtained. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested with benchmark and randomly generated instances. The computational results and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

A production scheduling problem originating from a real rotor workshop is addressed in the paper. Given its specific characteristics, the problem is formulated as a re-entrant hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with machine eligibility constraints. A mixed integer linear programming model of the problem is provided and solved by the Cplex solver. In order to solve larger sized problems, a discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm with a modified crossover operator is proposed. More importantly, a new decoder addressing the machine eligibility constraints is developed and embedded to the algorithm. To validate the performance of the proposed DDE algorithm, various test problems are examined. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is compared with two other algorithms modified from the existing ones in the literatures. A one-way ANOVA analysis and a sensitivity analysis are applied to intensify the superiority of the new decoder. Tightness of due dates and different levels of scarcity of machines subject to machine eligibility restrictions are discussed in the sensitivity analysis. The results indicate the pre-eminence of the new decoder and the proposed DDE algorithm.  相似文献   

The estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) has recently emerged as a promising alternative to traditional evolutionary algorithms for solving combinatorial optimisation problems. This paper presents a novel two-phase simulation-based EDA (TPSB-EDA) for minimising the makespan of a hybrid flow shop under stochastic processing times. To address the stochastic scheduling problem efficiently, the proposed TPSB-EDA incorporates a two-phase simulation model to estimate the performance of candidate solutions. In this model, an optimal back propagation network is firstly applied to identify a set of roughly good solutions, and then the selected solutions are further evaluated by a discrete-event simulation algorithm. Moreover, an annealing selection mechanism (ASM) is adopted to preserve the population diversity of EDA. Different from the selection operators of common EDAs, the ASM uses Boltzmann probability in the annealing algorithm to select part of population to establish the probabilistic model. Computation results indicate that the TPSB-EDA provides good solutions in the aspects of solution quality and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contemplate the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs in a no-wait flexible flow shop manufacturing system with sequence dependent setup times to minimising the maximum completion time. With respect to NP-hardness of the considered problem, there seems to be no avoiding application of metaheuristic approaches to achieve near-optimal solutions for this problem. For this reason, three novel metaheuristic algorithms, namely population based simulated annealing (PBSA), adapted imperialist competitive algorithm (AICA) and hybridisation of adapted imperialist competitive algorithm and population based simulated annealing (AICA?+?PBSA), are developed to solve the addressed problem. Because of the sensitivity of our proposed algorithm to parameter's values, we employed the Taguchi method as an optimisation technique to extensively tune different parameters of our algorithm to enhance solutions accuracy. These proposed algorithms were coded and tested on randomly generated instances, then to validate the effectiveness of them computational results are examined in terms of relative percentage deviation. Moreover, some sensitive analyses are carried out for appraising the behaviour of algorithms versus different conditions. The computational evaluations manifestly support the high performance of our proposed novel hybrid algorithm against other algorithms which were applied in literature for related production scheduling problems.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the manufacturing model that has a common machine at stage one and two parallel dedicated machines at stage two. All jobs need to be processed on the stage-one common machine. After the stage-one processing, the jobs of type 1 (type 2) will route to the first (second) dedicated machine at stage two. We first elaborate several published works on makespan minimisation which are not known to other streams of recent works. While the minimisation of maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard, we develop a linear-time algorithm to solve the case where two sequences of the two job types are given a priori.  相似文献   

In this paper, a three-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem with machine availability constraints is taken into account. Two objectives of minimising total weighted completion times (flow time) and minimising sum of weighted tardiness and earliness are simultaneously considered. To describe this problem, a mathematical model is presented. The problem is generalisation of three-machine flow shop scheduling problem and two-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem. Since these problems are known to be NP-hard, the considered problem is also strongly NP-hard. Therefore, two multi-objective meta-heuristics are presented to efficiently solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time. Comprehensive computational experiments are performed to illustrate the performance of the presented algorithms.  相似文献   

Production scheduling with flexible resources is critical and challenging in many modern manufacturing firms. This paper applies the nested partitions (NP) framework to solve the flexible resource flow shop scheduling (FRFS) problem using an efficient hybrid NP algorithm. By considering the domain knowledge, the ordinal optimisation principle and the NEH heuristics are integrated into the partitioning scheme to search the feasible region. An efficient resource-allocation procedure is built into the sampling scheme for the FRFS problem. A large number of benchmark examples with flexible resources are tested. The test results show that the hybrid NP algorithm is more efficient than either generic NP or heuristics alone. The algorithm developed in this study is capable of selecting the most promising region for a manufacturing system with a high degree of accuracy. The algorithm is efficient and scalable for large-scale problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) with release times for minimising the total weighted tardiness by learning dispatching rules from schedules. We propose a random-forest-based approach called Random Forest for Obtaining Rules for Scheduling (RANFORS) in order to extract dispatching rules from the best schedules. RANFORS consists of three phases: schedule generation, rule learning with data transformation, and rule improvement with discretisation. In the schedule generation phase, we present three solution approaches that are widely used to solve FJSPs. Based on the best schedules among them, the rule learning with data transformation phase converts them into training data with constructed attributes and generates a dispatching rule with inductive learning. Finally, the rule improvement with discretisation improves dispatching rules with a genetic algorithm by discretising continuous attributes and changing parameters for random forest with the aim of minimising the average total weighted tardiness. We conducted experiments to verify the performance of the proposed approach and the results showed that it outperforms the existing dispatching rules. Moreover, compared with the other decision-tree-based algorithms, the proposed algorithm is effective in terms of extracting scheduling insights from a set of rules.  相似文献   

This paper applied a novel evolutionary algorithm, imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA), for a group scheduling problem in a hybrid flexible flow shop with sequence-dependent setup times by minimising maximum completion time. This algorithm simulates a social-economical procedure, imperialistic competition. Initial population is generated randomly and evolution is carried out during the algorithm. Firstly individuals, countries, are divided into two categories: imperialists and colonies. Imperialist competition will occur among these empires. This competition will increase some empires authority by ruining a weak empire and dividing its colonies among others. Electromagnetic-like mechanism concepts are employed here to model the influence of the imperialist on their colonies. The algorithm will continue until one imperialist exists and possesses all countries. In order to prevent carrying out extensive experiments to find optimum parameters of the algorithm, we apply the Taguchi approach. The computational results are compared with the outstanding benchmark on the flow shop scheduling problem, random key genetic algorithms (RKGA), and it shows superiority of the ICA.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage assembly flow shop problem where m parallel machines are in the first stage and an assembly machine is in the second stage. The objective is to minimise a weighted sum of makespan and mean completion time for n available jobs. As this problem is proven to be NP-hard, therefore, we employed an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) as solution approach. In the past literature, Torabzadeh and Zandieh (2010 Torabzadeh, E., and M. Zandieh. 2010. “Cloud theory-based Simulated Annealing Approach for Scheduling in the Two-stage Assembly Flow Shop.” Advances in Engineering Software 41: 12381243.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) showed that cloud theory-based simulated annealing algorithm (CSA) is an appropriate meta-heuristic to solve the problem. Thus, to justify the claim for ICA capability, we compare our proposed ICA with the reported CSA. A new parameters tuning tool, neural network, for ICA is also introduced. The computational results clarify that ICA performs better than CSA in quality of solutions.  相似文献   

The development of more efficient and better performing priority dispatching rules (PDRs) for production scheduling is relevant to modern flow shop scheduling practice because they are simple, easy to apply and have low computational complexity, especially for large-scale problems. While the current research trend in scheduling is towards finding superior solutions through meta-heuristics, they are computationally expensive and many meta-heuristics also use PDRs to generate starting points. In this paper, we analyse the properties of flow shop scheduling problems to minimise maximum completion time, and generate a new dominance rule that is complementary to Szwarc’s rule. These dominance rules indicate that a weighting factor should be included in sequencing to account for the possibility that a single job’s processing time can generate idle time repeatedly within a flow line. Two new PDRs with a leveraged weighting factor are proposed to minimise makespan and average completion time. Computational results on Taillard’s benchmark problems and on historical operating room data show that the proposed PDRs perform much better than established PDRs without an increase in computational complexity.  相似文献   

A mixed-integer linear programming model is presented for the scheduling of flexible job shops, a production mode characteristic of make-to-order industries. Re-entrant process (multiple visits to the same machine group) and a final assembly stage are simultaneously considered in the model. The formulation uses a continuous time representation and optimises an objective function that is a weighted sum of order earliness, order tardiness and in-process inventory. An algorithm for predictive-reactive scheduling is derived from the proposed model to deal with the arrival of new orders. This is illustrated with a realistic example based on data from the mould making industry. Different reactive scheduling scenarios, ranging from unchanged schedule to full re-scheduling, are optimally generated for order insertion in a predictive schedule. Since choosing the most suitable scenario requires balancing criteria of scheduling efficiency and stability, measures of schedule changes were computed for each re-scheduling solution. The short computational times obtained are promising regarding future application of this approach in the manufacturing environment studied.  相似文献   

Much of the research on operations scheduling problems has either ignored setup times or assumed that setup times on each machine are independent of the job sequence. Furthermore, most scheduling problems that have been discussed in the literature are under the assumption that machines are continuously available. Nevertheless, in most real-life industries a machine can be unavailable for many reasons, such as unanticipated breakdowns (stochastic unavailability), or due to scheduled preventive maintenance where the periods of unavailability are known in advance (deterministic unavailability). This paper deals with hybrid flow shop scheduling problems in which there are sequence-dependent setup times (SDSTs), and machines suffer stochastic breakdowns, to optimise objectives based on the expected makespan. With the increase in manufacturing complexity, conventional scheduling techniques for generating a reasonable manufacturing schedule have become ineffective. An immune algorithm (IA) can be used to tackle complex problems and produce a reasonable manufacturing schedule within an acceptable time. In this research, a computational method based on a clonal selection principle and an affinity maturation mechanism of the immune response is used. This paper describes how we can incorporate simulation into an immune algorithm for the scheduling of a SDST hybrid flow shop with machines that suffer stochastic breakdowns. The results obtained are analysed using a Taguchi experimental design.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of scheduling flexible job shops with setup times where the setups are sequence-dependent. The objective is to find the schedule with minimum total tardiness. First, the paper develops a mathematical model in the form of mixed integer linear programming and compares it with the available model in the literature. The proposed model outperforms the available model in terms of both size complexity and computational complexity. Then, an effective metaheuristic algorithm based on iterated local search is proposed and compared with a tabu search and variable neighbourhood search algorithms proposed previously for the same problem. A complete experiment is conducted to evaluate the algorithms for performance. All the results show the superiority of the proposed algorithm against the available ones.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid Pareto-based local search (PLS) algorithm for solving the multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem. Three minimisation objectives are considered simultaneously, i.e. the maximum completion time (makespan), the total workload of all machines, and the workload of the critical machine. In this study, several well-designed neighbouring approaches are proposed, which consider the problem characteristics and thus can hold fast convergence ability while keep the population with a certain level of quality and diversity. Moreover, a variable neighbourhood search (VNS) based self-adaptive strategy is embedded in the hybrid algorithm to utilise the neighbouring approaches efficiently. Then, an external Pareto archive is developed to record the non-dominated solutions found so far. In addition, a speed-up method is devised to update the Pareto archive set. Experimental results on several well-known benchmarks show the efficiency of the proposed hybrid algorithm. It is concluded that the PLS algorithm is superior to the very recent algorithms, in term of both search quality and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

Flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) has been extensively investigated and objectives are often related to time. Energy-related objective should be considered fully in FJSP with the advent of green manufacturing. In this study, FJSP with the minimisation of workload balance and total energy consumption is considered and the conflicting between two objectives is analysed. A shuffled frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA) is proposed based on a three-string coding approach. Population and a non-dominated set are used to construct memeplexes according to tournament selection and the search process of each memeplex is done on its non-dominated member. Extensive experiments are conducted to test the search performance of SFLA and computational results show the conflicting between two objectives of FJSP and the promising advantages of SFLA on the considered FJSP.  相似文献   

In real scheduling problems, unexpected changes may occur frequently such as changes in task features. These changes cause deviation from primary scheduling. In this article, a heuristic model, inspired from Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, is proposed for a dynamic flexible job-shop scheduling (DFJSP) problem. This problem consists of n jobs that should be processed by m machines and the processing time of jobs deviates from estimated times. The objective is near-optimal scheduling after any change in tasks in order to minimise the maximal completion time (Makespan). In the proposed model, first, scheduling is done according to the estimated processing times and then re-scheduling is performed after determining the exact ones considering machine set-up. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed model, some numerical experiments are designed in small, medium and large sizes in different levels of changes in processing times and statistical results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

The traditional flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) considers machine flexibility but not worker flexibility. Given the influence and potential of human factors in improving production efficiency and decreasing the cost in practical production systems, we propose a mathematical model of an extended FJSP with worker flexibility (FJSPW). A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm (HABCA) is presented to solve the proposed FJSPW. For the HABCA, effective encoding, decoding, crossover and mutation operators are designed, and a new effective local search method is developed to improve the speed and exploitation ability of the algorithm. The Taguchi method of Design of Experiments is used to obtain the best combination of key parameters of the HABCA. Extensive computational experiments carried out to compare the HABCA with some well-performing algorithms from the literature confirm that the proposed HABCA is more effective than these algorithms, especially on large-scale FJSPW instances.  相似文献   

This paper considers the job shop scheduling problem with alternative operations and machines, called the flexible job shop scheduling problem. As an extension of previous studies, operation and routing flexibilities are considered at the same time in the form of multiple process plans, i.e. each job can be processed through alternative operations, each of which can be processed on alternative machines. The main decisions are: (a) selecting operation/machine pair; and (b) sequencing the jobs assigned to each machine. Since the problem is highly complicated, we suggest a practical priority scheduling approach in which the two decisions are done at the same time using a combination of operation/machine selection and job sequencing rules. The performance measures used are minimising makespan, total flow time, mean tardiness, the number of tardy jobs, and the maximum tardiness. To compare the performances of various rule combinations, simulation experiments were done on the data for hybrid systems with an advanced reconfigurable manufacturing system and a conventional legacy system, and the results are reported.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with dedicated machines at stage 2. The objective is to minimise the makespan. There is one machine at stage 1 and two machines at stage 2. Each job must be processed on the single machine at stage 1 and, depending upon the job type, the job is processed on either of the two machines at stage 2. We first introduce this special type of the two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem and present some preliminary results. We then present a counter example to the known complexity proof of Riane et al. [Riane, F., Artiba, A. and Elmaghraby, S.E., 2002. Sequencing a hybrid two-stage flowshop with dedicated machines. International Journal of Production Research, 40, 4353–4380.] Finally, we re-establish the complexity of the problem.  相似文献   

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