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采用缺氧、好氧二级无堵塞BAF工艺,处理某电厂生活污水,对COD的去除率为86.6%,对BOD5的去除率为89.23%,对氨氮的去除率为87.7%,对总氮的去除率为83.8%,对总磷的去除率为48.6%,对植物油的去除率为85.71%。结果表明,工艺运行可靠,处理效果稳定。  相似文献   

现阶段我国政府以及人民逐渐提高对环境保护工作时的重视程度,林业工程建设的发展与建设就是其重要体现,不仅实现对生态环境的有效改善,还可实现对神态效益的有效提高。因此科学有效的营林管理工作势在必行。本文首先对我国营林工作现状进行分析,然后对其中存在的问题进行探究,最后对其提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着房地产业的飞速发展,我国基础建设得到了持续快速发展,大量的混凝土建筑如雨后春笋般出现在各大城市。与此同时,人们对建筑物结构的耐久性越来越关注,特别是对基础结构耐久性的关注。基础垫层的施工达不到标准要求,会对其上的基础结构产生危害,对基础结构的耐久性造成很大影响。本文首先对基础垫层和基础结构的关系进行了阐述,其次对基础垫层对基础结构耐久性的影响进行分析,最后,提出相应的改善措施,以提高基础垫层的施工质量,减小对其上基础结构耐久性的影响。  相似文献   

老百姓口中流传着这样一句话:"三岁看大,七岁看老。"这说明早期教育对每一个孩子的重要性。随着近几年国家对早期教育的重视,使得人们对幼儿园教育高度重视起来。在这样的背景下,幼儿园园长对幼儿园的管理也就显得尤为重要。幼儿园园长作为幼儿园的管理者,对幼儿园的发展以及孩子们的未来成长特别重要。因此,对幼儿园的管理进行研究,尤其人文管理研究,就显得非常重要。本文主要探讨如何对幼儿园进行人文管理。  相似文献   

研究室内温度梯度对天然气泄漏扩散的作用机理。分析了室内天然气泄漏扩散的影响因素,推导各种因素对天然气扩散作用的机理,寻找一一对应的数学关系式。通过数值模拟验证各种影响因素对天然气扩散作用的趋势,对比各种影响因素对天然气扩散作用的大小,找出对天然气扩散作用权重较大的因素。  相似文献   

康定斯基抽象绘画理念对设计教育的影响十分深远。康定斯基在包豪斯教学期间,将抽象绘画理念贯穿基础课程的教学,将艺术思想和造型语言融为一体,从而对造型基础课程产生启发,开创了现代设计的新局面。该文分析康定斯基抽象绘画理念对现代设计的影响,发掘其对当代设计的启示,即非定式思考模式的必要性。康定斯基通过对传统经验的逆向思维和对其他学科的渗透,使人们感悟非定式思考对设计的创造性和独创性的重要作用。  相似文献   

在土木工程项目中,土木工程建设造价的地位非常重要,对建筑工程的顺利开展以及对建筑企业的持续发展都有不可估量的作用。建筑工程单位只有运用科学的编制,对土木工程建设造价实施精细的管理与控制,用科学发展的眼光对待土木工程建设造价,才能适应社会的发展。在很多企业中,往往在施工管理中对成本控制不够重视,将重点放在施工技术方面,忽视了成本控制管理。因此,加强对土木工程建设造价的控制的研究是非常必要的。本文作者对土木工程项目的建设工程造价管理控制问题进行了探讨,希望对相关从业人员具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

某工程深基坑施工过程中,支护坍塌引起相邻住宅楼居民的恐慌。为了解支护坍塌对邻近建筑物安全的影响,给政府决策提供依据,对建筑物裂缝情况进行调查与监测,对建筑物的垂直位移和水平位移进行监测,对坍塌滑动面进行检测,并通过理论计算进行了验证。分析结果表明,这次基坑支护坍塌没有对邻近建筑物地基和基础产生影响,即可排除对邻近建筑物安全带来的隐患。  相似文献   

地下室建设对建筑的建设活动有着重要的意义。由于地下室建筑位置的特殊性,其应用过程中容易出现漏水的问题。为了推动建筑建设的发展,需要对建筑地下室进行防水处理。通过分析建筑地下室的建设现状,研究了其目前存在的漏水问题,并对防水的重要性进行了总结。以此为基础,对建筑地下室的防水施工技术进行了分析,并对其材料应用进行了探讨。同时,结合时代技术发展的特点,对建筑地下水的防水要点进行了研究。这些研究对建筑的建设活动和地下室的防水建设有着重要的意义,有很好的现实价值。  相似文献   

环境污染物对人和动物的危害是十分严重的。我国在过去经济发展过程中以牺牲环境为代价,各种污染物对环境造成严重破坏,同时对人体和动物健康也造成了不小危害。近些年,环境污染问题对家畜健康造成的危害逐渐受到国际组织和各国政府的高度重视。本文主要结合实际情况,就环境污染物对家畜健康的危害及其对策进行了分析,希望通过本次研究对同行有所助益。  相似文献   

前期研究表明:梁铰破坏机制下,抗弯钢框架节点处的柱梁抗弯强度比应高于1.0甚至2.0。同时也指出,为了防止结构出现薄弱层,对结构的全部节点仅使用单一的柱梁抗弯强度比限值是不切实际的。因此,需要对节点处的柱梁抗弯强度比进行优化设计。给出了确保抗弯钢框架结构中梁铰机制的多目标抗震设计方法,并将其应用于著名的抗弯钢框架结构的抗震设计中。除利用约束确保梁铰机制外,通过考虑两个不同的目标函数给出了结构的建筑费用和能量耗散能力的关系式。为了在替代方法中选出用于指导结构工程师工作的最佳设计方法,以耗散能量密度(耗能能力与结构重量之比)的形式给出一种简单的方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes a simple continuous-flow toxicant delivery system for use in testing toxicity of dissolved or suspended compounds to aquatic organisms. Its advantages are simplicty, ease of construction, and capacity for high flow rates. The system consists of a glass headbox and diluter box, a toxicant pump, a framework for support, and a system of tubes to deliver a series of toxicant concentrations to the test aquaria. Methods are given for construction and for calibration of the system.  相似文献   

A knowledge map is a vital tool for better knowledge management and learning. While application of knowledge maps in the construction domain remains in the initial stages of development, the construction industry is experience-oriented and therefore suited to knowledge maps. This study presents a novel approach for developing a knowledge map for construction scheduling. According to framework-based classification, this study utilizes a science-specific search engine to search for literature on construction scheduling knowledge. Search results are then used to develop a file cabinet knowledge map consisting of a contour map, and several trend and density charts. This map representation compensates for the lack of various meanings in a single knowledge map. For novices interested in learning construction scheduling knowledge, results of this study provide constructive information to know the key issues and research trends in the construction domain. In summary, this study presents a suitable procedure for extracting knowledge from public knowledge sources for development of a knowledge map. The proposed approach can be used for rapid generation of knowledge maps.  相似文献   

对高空作业车转台的结构设计进行讨论,主要考虑结构的利用效率、整车轻量化设计、简化工艺生产制造流程、降低整车制造成本等问题。探讨板式结构的转台在整车设计中存在的利弊,并以结构分析为手段,运用ANSYS对高空作业车的回转机构进行有限元分析,研究板式结构回转机构在结构设计中的可应用性。以某折叠臂高空作业车回转平台的设计为例,通过受力计算结果得出结论:该板式结构转台的设计能满足整车性能、安全性,以及轻量化和工艺简单化的要求,可以运用到实际的工程机械设计中。  相似文献   

The authorities, the construction association, and a number of companies in Denmark have supported the author writing a guide for design of building structures for parametric fires. The guide is published by the ministry as a supplement to the building regulations. However, consultants and contractors have asked for a reference in English in order to make the guide-lines and the background for them available internationally. The paper therefore presents recommendations from the design guide especially concerning how to assess parametric design fires based on the opening factor method for large compartments. Findings leading to the guide-lines are discussed, and it is indicated what a safe design fire model means for structural design and how it differs from a safe design fire model for evacuation. Furthermore, the paper includes some experiences from the application of the design guide in practise especially concerning implementation of consequences of the latest development of the building technology, where low-energy windows and step-noise damping give rise to changes of the design fires.  相似文献   

温建华  王燕 《规划师》2007,23(2):22-24
社会主义新农村建设是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,其以发展为第一要义.由于各地情况不一,发展经济、建设社会主义新农村不会也不应有一个统一的模式,而应坚持从实际出发,因地制宜,找到适合当地的发展模式,分步实施,稳步推进.湛江钢铁基地村民搬迁安置项目采用企业带动型的建设模式,集中安置村民,依靠工业企业带动农村,加速乡村城镇化,实现了"有居""可居""宜居""乐居"的新农村建设目标.  相似文献   

A designer-friendly CAD for a schematic design is one of the important topics of CAD studies. There were attractive preceding studies aiming to develop a CAD that intended to enable designers to have flexible design thinking and interactively manipulate representation models. This paper has the same goals of study, but focuses on the needs to support flexible and multi-aspect design thinking. Though designers normally hope to elaborate on their ideas using separate sets of representation models suitable for respective studies, a present CAD that is designed to build a single set 3D model, has limited its ability as a tool for a schematic design. Assuming this as the base concept, authors have studied to develop a prototype of a schematic design system, customizing AutoCAD R14J: Schematic Design System '98 (SDS'98). It has convenient utilities both for building separate sets of representation models and for integrating and reconciling those models to build a single consolidate model. This paper discusses the common procedures of schematic design studies, necessary functional features for SDS, a case study of the system use, and finally, the advantages and the disadvantages of the proposed system.  相似文献   

Previous research efforts have shown that the column-beam flexural strength ratios of joints in moment resisting steel frames should be higher than 1.0 or even 2.0 for a beam-hinging collapse mechanism. However, it has been pointed out that, in order to prevent a weak story mechanism in a structure, it is not practical to use a specific single value as a limit for the column-beam flexural strength ratio for all joints of a structure. Therefore, an optimal design technique is needed to determine the column-beam flexural strength ratios for joints in a structure. In this paper, a multi-objective seismic design method for ensuring beam-hinging mechanism in steel moment resisting frame structures is presented and applied to optimal seismic design of well-known steel moment frames. In addition to the constraint for ensuring beam-hinging mechanism, the relationship between the structural cost and the energy dissipation capacity of structures is provided by considering the two conflicting objective functions. In order to select the best design among the candidate designs, as a guide for structural engineers, a simple rule is presented in the form of dissipated energy density defined by the ratio of the energy dissipation capacity to the structural weight.  相似文献   

于金羽 《山西建筑》2008,34(16):357-359
地籍图是地籍测量的主要成果之一,针对地籍图的精度要求、有关文献资料意见不一以及土地管理人员对地籍图应用走入误区的现状进行了讨论,旨在寻求一种合理的精度要求及如何正确应用地籍图,避免权属纠纷。  相似文献   

A personalized measure for thermal comfort has been applied for use in combination with smart controls for building automation. Using data from a field study, we first show the superiority of personalized measures for thermal comfort compared to standard non-adaptive methods. Based on this knowledge we describe a methodology, using logistic regression techniques, to convert user votes to a probability of comfort. We also describe the interface used to collect the votes. We show that, for a given subject, our thermal profile converges against the probabilities found in the field study. As a case study we implemented the measure in a control algorithm to control the shading devices. The results clarify the mode of action and also show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

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