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T-system in muscles of microdriles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ribbon-like longitudinal fibers of the body wall of enchytraeids and lumbriculids are grouped in fuctional units. The organization of subsarcolemmal cisternae, membrane foldings and extracellular spaces between fibers is described. The data seem to indicate that the spaces between fibers within each functional unit are interpretable as T-tubules of a cross-striated fiber.  相似文献   

Body wall muscles in oligochaetes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Longitudinal body wall muscles in tubificids, enchytraeids, lumbriculids, haplotaxids and lumbricids are always histologically and ultrastructurally distinguishable from one another. Some structural peculiarities, as those typical of lumbriculids, may be used as taxonomic tools. The longitudinal body wall muscles in all oligochaetes belong to slow and fast contracting fibre types. Two possible phylogenetic patterns for the formation of slow fibres are discussed.  相似文献   

The body wall muscle fibers of Rinchelmis limosella and Enchytraeus albidus have been hystochemically characterized. The results have been compared with similar data on Lumbricus terrestris and Hirudo medicinalis. The various enzymatic activities have been correlated with the ultrastructural data and a possible functional meaning of the different muscle layers has been proposed.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum originating from an unmanaged forest (FP), a clear-cut area (CCP) or a plot treated with birch ash (APP) and the effects of population origin on labile C and N dynamics were investigated. Twenty individuals of C. sphagnetorum were introduced in microcosms containing humus from the unmanaged forest devoid of enchytraeids and amended with sucrose, and incubated for 14 weeks. Triplicate microcosms from FP, CCP and APP treatments were destructively sampled every second week and enchytraeid population density, individual length, nematode abundance and trophic structure, humus properties and dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON), and NH4–N in soil were determined. The enchytraeid body size was initially smaller in CCP and APP than in FP. The enchytraeid propagation rate was lower and individual size less variable in APP than in FP or CCP, and although enchytraeid size increased in all treatments, exponential population models indicated that APP was less stable. Nematode community was dominated by bacterial-feeders especially in the microcosms with APP. N mineralization rate was lower and DOC decomposition rate greater in APP systems. The results show that C. sphagnetorum is more sensitive to wood ash than clear-cutting, and its altered body size distribution has the potential to affect the dynamics of soluble nutrients.  相似文献   

1. A microcosm experiment was performed to test the impacts of Cognettia sphagnetorum on carbon leaching in a cambic stagnohumic gley soil.
2. Leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was significantly enhanced by C.sphagnetorum, with the greatest effect being found in the upper, 0–6 cm, soil layers. The ratio of DOC to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the leachate decreased in faunated systems, indicating that the enchytraeids were mobilizing carbon from organic matter with a low C to N ratio.
3. The vertical distribution of the enchytraeids had an effect on the production of DOC, and this vertical distribution is affected strongly by climate. It is proposed that increases in DOC found in a field soil-warming experiment with the same soil are largely a result of changes in the vertical distribution of these organisms.  相似文献   

Aquatic toxicity test for enchytraeids   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is the purpose of this report to present a simple method for testing the toxicity of chemical substances by using enchytraeids in an aquatic environment. Up to eight different environmental chemicals were applied to various species, mainly of the genus Enchytraeus. The results were compared with those achieved for D. magna. Significant differences, however, between the LC50 values of the various enchytraeid species and the LC50 values for enchytraeids and daphnids could not be observed. For E. cf. buchholzi the toxicological sensitivity of discrete ontogenetic stages was tested. The Aquatic Enchytraeid Test results were compared with those obtained from the Terrestrial Enchytraeid Test. It was found that in soil a chemical could be 600 times less toxic than in water, although the same species (E. albidus) was used in both environments. Even more pronounced were the discrepancies between the terrestrial and aquatic toxicities when the LC50 values for earthworms and daphnids were compared.  相似文献   

Longitudinal body wall muscles of lumbriculids are characterized by unique peculiarities; they are ribbonshaped, with regularly distributed Z-elements and sarcotubules crossing the fibres from one side to another. These act as a sequence of pivots for mechanical and functional control during contraction. Myosin filaments are equally ribbon-shaped, and in the XZ plane they appear sigmoid. All these characteristics can be deduced from a comparison between theoretical computerized images and corresponding electron micrographs. The muscles of lumbriculids are only apparently similar to those of enchytraeids and tubificids, and are completely different from the muscles of haplotaxids and branchiobdellids. A comparison between body wall muscles of these microdriles suggests the opportunity of using the muscle organization and ultrastructure as a taxonomic character.  相似文献   

The annelid body wall generally comprises an outer layer of circular muscle fibres and an inner layer of longitudinal muscle fibres as well as parapodial and chaetal muscles. An investigation of Dysponetuspygmaeus (Chrysopetalidae) with confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that circular muscles are entirely absent. Further studies indicate that this feature is characteristic for all Chrysopetalidae. A scrutiny of the literature showed a similar situation in many other polychaetes. This lack of circular muscle fibres may either be due to convergence or represent a plesiomorphic character. Since circular muscles are very likely important for burrowing forms but not necessary for animals which proceed by movements of their parapodial appendages or cilia, this problem is also related to the question of whether the ancestral polychaete was epi‐ or endobenthic.  相似文献   

The body wall muscles in five species of branchiobdellidans are all arranged in the oligochaete pattern and the muscle fibres are obliquely striated. The structure of the circular muscle fibres do vary to some degree. The longitudinal muscle fibres in Ankyrodrilus legaeus, Branchiobdella kozarovi, and Xironogiton instabilis all are round circomyarian and thus double-obliquely striated. These species represent three of the four genera composing the family Branchiobdellidae. Although Bdellodrilus illuminatus and Cambarincola fallax, from the families Bdellodrilidae and Cambarincolidae, respectively, also possess a few round circomyarian fibres, most are polyplatymyarian comparable to single-obliquely striated fibres. A similar division of branchiobdellidan families is obtained based on the number of anterior nephridial pores. The muscular structure in the branchiobdellidans shows both similarities and differences with the leeches and the lumbriculid oligochaetes. One phylogenetic explanation for this is that the branchiobdellidans separated from the common clitellate ancestor before the oligochaetes and leeches became recognizable taxa.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies were made on seven genera of filamentous cyanobacteria from Sections III and IV (in the Rippka classification): Oscillatoria limosa Ag. ex Gomont, Spirulina subsalsa Turp. ex Gomont, Crinalium epipsammum Crow, Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Born. et Flah., Anabaena variabilis Kützinger ex Born. et Flah., Arthrospira maxima Stizenb. ex Gomont, Arthrospira platensis Stizenb. ex Gomont, and Cyanospira rippkae Florenzano. Perforation types and their distribution in the peptidoglycan layer observed in Crinalium epipsammum Crow were similar to those in Oscillatoria limosa and two Arthrospira strains. In Cyanospira and Anabaena no junctional perforations in the peptidoglycan wall layer were observed; however, intracellular perforations were documented. Except for Spirulina , the perforations were organized in rows (up to 10) placed on both sides of the cross wall. In the Spirulina cross sections, perforations were found only in the thickened, inner part of the cell wall. The perforation patterns in Spirulina and Arthrospira strains were clearly different and justify the separation into different genera.  相似文献   

The system of muscle fibers associated with the brain and lateral nerve cords is present in all major groups of enoplan nemerteans. Unfortunately, very little is known about the functional role and spatial arrangement of these muscles of the central nervous system. This article examines the architecture of the musculature of the central nervous system in two species of monostiliferous nemerteans (Emplectonema gracile and Tetrastemma cf. candidum) using phalloidin staining and confocal microscopy. The article also briefly discusses the body‐wall musculature and the muscles of the cephalic region. In both species, the lateral nerve cords possess two pairs of cardinal muscles that run the length of the nerve cords and pass through the ventral cerebral ganglia. A system of peripheral muscles forms a meshwork around the lateral nerve cords in E. gracile. The actin‐rich processes that ramify within the nerve cords in E. gracile (transverse fibers) might represent a separate population of glia‐like cells or sarcoplasmic projections of the peripheral muscles of the central nervous system. The lateral nerve cords in T. cf. candidum lack peripheral muscles but have muscles similar in their position and orientation to the transverse fibers. The musculature of the central nervous system is hypothesized to function as a support system for the lateral nerve cords and brain, preventing rupturing and herniation of the nervous tissue during locomotion. The occurrence of muscles of the central nervous system in nemerteans and other groups and their possible relevance in taxonomy are discussed. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(6):932-942
Plant cell size and shape are tuned to their function and specified primarily by cellulose microfibril (CMF) patterning of the cell wall. Arabidopsis thaliana leaf trichomes are unicellular structures that act as a physical defense to deter insect feeding. This highly polarized cell type employs a strongly anisotropic cellulose wall to extend and taper, generating sharply pointed branches. During elongation, the mechanisms by which shifts in fiber orientation generate cells with predictable sizes and shapes are unknown. Specifically, the axisymmetric growth of trichome branches is often thought to result from axisymmetric CMF patterning. Here, we analyzed the direction and degree of twist of branches after desiccation to reveal the presence of an asymmetric cell wall organization with a left-hand bias. CMF organization, quantified using computational modeling, suggests a limited reorientation of microfibrils during growth and a maximum branch length limited by the wall axial stiffness. The model provides a mechanism for CMF asymmetry, which occurs after the branch bending stiffness becomes low enough that ambient bending affects the principal stresses. After this stage, the CMF synthesis results in a constant bending stiffness for longer branches. The bending vibration natural frequencies of branches with respect to their length are also discussed.  相似文献   

The functional design of spine muscles in part dictates their role in moving, loading, and stabilizing the lumbar spine. There have been numerous studies that have examined the isolated properties of these individual muscles. Understanding how these muscles interact and work together, necessary for the prediction of muscle function, spine loading, and stability, is lacking. The objective of this study was to measure sarcomere lengths of lumbar muscles in a neutral cadaveric position and predict the sarcomere operating ranges of these muscles throughout full ranges of spine movements. Sarcomere lengths of seven lumbar muscles in each of seven cadaveric donors were measured using laser diffraction. Using published anatomical coordinate data, superior muscle attachment sites were rotated about each intervertebral joint and the total change in muscle length was used to predict sarcomere length operating ranges. The extensor muscles had short sarcomere lengths in a neutral spine posture and there were no statistically significant differences between extensor muscles. The quadratus lumborum was the only muscle with sarcomere lengths that were optimal for force production in a neutral spine position, and the psoas muscles had the longest lengths in this position. During modeled flexion the extensor, quadratus lumborum, and intertransversarii muscles lengthened so that all muscles operated in the approximate same location on the descending limb of the force-length relationship. The intrinsic properties of lumbar muscles are designed to complement each other. The extensor muscles are all designed to produce maximum force in a mid-flexed posture, and all muscles are designed to operate at similar locations of the force-length relationship at full spine flexion.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity, assayed by the acetylene reduction technique, was estimated on control soils and soils which contained several species of earthworms. The worms and casts were separately assayed for nitrogenase activity. The results indicated that nitrogenase activity was associated with gut content or body surface of worms and also their casts. Nitrogen fixation was also enhanced in soils enriched with enchytracids in the presence of leaf litter.  相似文献   

Abstract. The atrochid rotifer, Acyclus inquietus, is a sedentary predator that lives within the colonies of its prey, the rotifer Sinantherina socialis. After larvae infiltrate and become associated with the colony, they secrete a permanent gelatinous tube and undergo metamorphosis to the adult stage. We followed settlement and metamorphosis using bright-field microscopy to document specific larval behaviors after eclosion, and used epifluorescence and confocal microscopy of phalloidin-labeled specimens to visualize some of the morphological changes that occur during metamorphosis. Upon eclosion, larvae possess paired eyespots and a ciliated corona that functions strictly in locomotion. After leaving the parent's gelatinous tube, larvae eventually settle on unoccupied colonies of S. socialis or on other substrates if colonies are unavailable. Settlement involves a period of gliding among colony members before attachment with the foot and the secretion of a gelatinous tube. After settlement, there is a drastic reconfiguration of the corona that involves loss of the eyespots, loss of the coronal cilia, and the formation of the cup-shaped infundibulum, a deep depression in the anterior of the head that leads to the mouth. The development of the infundibulum involves the expansion of tissues around the mouth and is accompanied by a reorientation of the underlying musculature that supplies the infundibulum and allows its use in prey capture. The arrangement of the muscles in the trunk and foot regions, which contain outer circular (complete and incomplete) and inner longitudinal bands, remains unchanged between ontogenetic stages, and reflects the condition characteristic of other rotifers.  相似文献   

Physical organization of lipids in the cell wall of Mycobacterium chelonae   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Mycobacterial cell wall functions as an effective permeability barrier, making these bacteria resistant to most antibacterial agents. It has been assumed that this low permeability was due to the presence of a large amount of unusual lipids in the cell wall, but it was not known how these lipids are able to produce such an exceptional barrier. We report here the first experimental evidence on the physical arrangement of these lipids based on X-ray diffraction studies of purified Mycobacterium chelonae cell wall, a result suggesting that the hydrocarbon chains of the cell-wall lipids are arranged predominantly in a direction perpendicular to the cell wall surface, probably producing an asymmetric bilayer structure.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the neural basis for lung ventilation in the frog, we have investigated the efferent neural activity to oropharyngeal muscles in the decerebrate, paralyzed, unanesthetized bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Efferent motor output was recorded from the mandibular branch of the trigeminal (Vmd), the laryngeal branch of the vagus (Xl), and the main and sternohyoid branches of the hypoglossal nerve (Hm and Hsh, respectively). Two types of rhythmic bursting outputs were observed: (1) a high-frequency, low-amplitude, reciprocal oscillation between Vmd, a buccal levator nerve, and Hsh, a buccal depressor nerve; and (2) a low-frequency, high amplitude, synchronous bursting of Vmd, Hm, Hsh, and Xl. The first type is inferred to represent fictive oropharyngeal ventilation. The second type of burst was divided into four intervals: (a)augmenting acitivity of Hsh; (b) activation of Xl with continued activation of Hsh; (c) activation of Vmd and Hm (a buccal levator nerve), continued activation of Xl, and termination of Hsh activity; and (d) waning activity in Vmd and Hm associated with a prominent second wave in Xl. This coordinated activity is inferred to represent fictive pulmonary ventilation because the neurograms in these four intervals correspond closely EMGs and neurograms recorded in the intact frog during the four phases of pulmonary ventilation, namely, buccal depression, pulmonary expiration, pulmonary inspiration, and glottal closure. Hypercapnia, vagotomy, and cutaneus pinching enhanced the high-amplitude, low-frequency rhythm, but not the low-amplitude, high-frequency oscillation. Lung inflation generally inhibited the former and not the latter, but in some cases lung inflation stimulated pulmonary ventilation. We conclude that oropharyngeal and pulmonary ventilation of the frog are produced by one or, possibly, two intrinsically active generators. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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