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Post-convergence evolution of the Variscan belt is characterized by the development of intramontane coal-bearing basins containing volcano-sedimentary successions. In the French Massif Central, K––Ar ages on clay particles from fine-grained sediments of the Bosmoreau basin (Limousin area), help pinpoint the evolution of the basin. In the lower part of the sedimentary pile, illite in a siltstone underlying a volcanic layer previously dated at 332±4 Ma by the U––Pb method on zircon, yields a consistent K––Ar age of ca. 340 Ma. Upward in the sedimentary succession, illite yields Stephanian K––Ar ages, which can be combined to provide a mean deposition age of 296.5±3.5 Ma. The Bosmoreau basin, albeit mainly filled with Stephanian deposits, was initiated during the late Visean, i.e. ca. 30 Ma earlier than inferred from biostratigraphical constraints. During the Stephanian, the same structure was reactivated and late Visean deposits were eroded and subsequently blanketed by thick clastic sediments. These results emphasise a two-stage evolution for the Bosmoreau basin, which is closely related to extensional tectonics identified on basement country rocks, and they are used to propose a geodynamic evolution of the studied area.  相似文献   

Two major faults, over 32 km long and 6.4 km apart, truncate or overprint most previous folds and faults as they trend more northerly than the previous N25°E to N40°E fold trends. The faults were imposed as the last event in a region undergoing sequential counter-clockwise generation of tectonic structures. The western Big Cove anticline has an early NW verging thrust fault that emplaces resistant rocks on its NW limb. A 16 km overprint by the Cove Fault is manifested as 30 small northeast striking right-lateral strike-slip faults. This suggests major left-lateral strike-slip separation on the Cove Fault, but steep, dip-slip separation also occurs. From south to north the Cove Fault passes from SE dipping beds within the Big Cove anticline, to the vertical beds of the NW limb. Then it crosses four extended, separated, Tuscarora blocks along the ridge, brings Cambro-Ordovician carbonates against Devonian beds, and initiates the zone of overprinted right-lateral faults. Finally, it deflects the Lat 40°N fault zone as it crosses to the next major anticline to the northwest. To the east, the major Path Valley Fault rotates and overprints the earlier Carrick Valley thrust. The Path Valley Fault and Cove Fault may be Mesozoic in age, based upon fault fabrics and overprinting on the east–west Lat 40°N faults.  相似文献   

In the Variscan French Massif Central, the South Limousin area consists of low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks intruded by two granitic bodies. The structural and textural analyses of these plutons undertaken in parallel with the structural analysis of their host rocks allow us to characterize and to date different stages in the tectonic evolution of this area. This study shows that the South Limousin area experienced successivelly two strike-slip events along two geographically distinct shear zones, from north to south the left-lateral Estivaux and the right-lateral South Limousin strike-slip faults, respectively. These ductile faults subdivide the South Limousin into three structural units, from north to south they are the Upper Gneiss unit, Thiviers-Payzac unit .and Génis unit. The two granitic bodies intrude the Thiviers-Payzac unit only. The younger Estivaux granite is a syntectonic pluton which emplaced during left-lateral wrenching. 40Ar/39Ar dates from biotites indicate an Early Carboniferous age (346 ± 3 Ma). The older granite is a pretectonic body. It is the Ordovician Saut du Saumon augen orthogneiss in which detailed structural analyses show the polyphase nature of the solid-state deformation. Our microtectonic data indicate that the right-lateral motions overprint the left-lateral ones and produce apparently symmetrical fabrics.  相似文献   

松辽盆地油气集中富集的中浅层断层十分发育,不同反射界面断层发育存在差异,前人认为是多期构造活动的结果。本文应用先存构造条件下断层作用模式,利用三维地震资料,对中浅层的断裂系统重新进行构造解析。结果表明,①松辽盆地大庆长垣中浅层断裂系统按照错断层位、断距、延伸长度、走向可划分为8个类型;②T_2、T_1、T_(06)反射层断层的平均走向分别为322°、320°和316°,断层平均走向从下往上存在逆时针旋转的变化趋势;③大庆长垣自中浅层形成以来,构造应力机制由泉头组—明水组沉积时期的伸展应力机制转变为明水组沉积末期的走滑应力机制,但构造应力场的主应力方向没有发生改变;④研究区复杂的断裂系统是在构造应力场主应力方向保持相对稳定的条件下、在递进变形过程中逐渐形成的。该断层形成演化的新模式更合理地揭示了松辽盆地中浅层断层发育规律和成因机制,对研究区进一步的勘探开发有指导意义。  相似文献   

Based on field analysis of fault-slip data from different rock units of the Cretaceous basins along the middle part of the Tan-Lu fault zone (Shandong Province, eastern China), we document polyphase tectonic stress fields and address the changes in sense of motion of the Tan-Lu fault zone during the Cretaceous. The Cretaceous deformation history of the Tan-Lu fault zone can be divided into four main stages. The first stage, during the earliest Cretaceous, was dominated by N-S extension responsible for the formation of the Jiaolai basin. We interpret this extension to be related to dextral strike-slip pull-apart opening guided by the Tan-Lu fault zone. The second stage, during the middle Early Cretaceous, was overwhelmingly rift-dominated and characterized by widespread silicic to intermediate volcanism, normal faulting and basin subsidence. It was at this stage that the Tan-Lu-parallel Yi-Shu Rift was initiated by E-W to WNW-ESE extension. The tectonic regime then changed during the late Early Cretaceous to NW-SE-oriented transpression, causing inversion of the Early Cretaceous rift basin and sinistral slip along the Tan-Lu fault zone. During the Late Cretaceous, dextral activation of the Tan-Lu fault zone resulted in pull-apart opening of the Zhucheng basin, which was subsequently deformed by NE-SW compression. This deformation chronology of the Tan-Lu fault zone and the associated Cretaceous basins allow us to constrain the regional kinematic models as related to subduction along the eastern margin of Asia, or related to collision in the Tibet region.  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   

Extensive Permo-Carboniferous volcanism has been documented from the Bohemian Massif. The late Carboniferous volcanic episode started at the Duckmantian–Bolsovian boundary and continued intermittently until Westphalian D to Stephanian B producing mainly felsic and more rarely mafic volcanics in the Central Bohemian and the Sudetic basins. During the early Permian volcanic episode, after the intra-Stephanian hiatus, additional large volumes of felsic and mafic volcanics were extruded in the Sudetic basins. The volcanics of both episodes range from entirely subalkaline (calc-alkaline to tholeiitic) of convergent plate margin-like type to transitional and alkaline of within-plate character. A possible common magma could not be identified among the Carboniferous and Permian primitive magmas, but a common geochemical signature (enrichment in Th, U, REE and depletion in Nb, Sr, P, Ti) in the volcanic series of both episodes was recognized. On the other hand, volcanics of both episodes differ in intensities of Nb, Sr and P depletion and also, in part, in their isotope signatures. High 87Sr/86Sr (0.707–0.710) and low εNd (−6.0 to −6.1) are characteristic of the Carboniferous mafic volcanics, whereas low 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.708) and higher εNd ranging from −2.7 to −3.4 are typical of the Permian volcanics. Felsic volcanics of both episodes vary substantially in 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.762) and εNd (−0.9 to −5.1). Different depths of magma source or heterogeneity of the Carboniferous and Permian mantle can be inferred from variation in some characteristic elements of the geochemical signature for volcanics in some basins. The Sr–Nd isotopic data with negative εNd values confirm a significant crustal component in the volcanic rocks that may have been inherited from the upper mantle source and/or from assimilation of older crust during magmatic underplating and ascending of primary basic magma. Two different types of primary magma development and formation of a bimodal volcanic series have been recognized: (i) creation of a unique magma by assimilation fractional crystallization processes within shallow-level reservoirs (type Intra-Sudetic Basin) and (ii) generation and mixing of independent mafic and felsic magmas, the latter by partial melting of upper crustal material in a high-level chamber (type Krkonoše Piedmont Basin). A similar origin for the Permo-Carboniferous volcanics of the Bohemian Massif is obvious, however, their geochemical peculiarities in individual basins indicate evolution in separate crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   

The Permo-Carboniferous Saar-Nahe Basin in south-west Germany and north-east France formed at the boundary between the Rhenohercynian and Saxothuringian zones within the Variscan orogen, where non-marine sediments were deposited in a narrow, structurally controlled basin. The basin has an asymmetrical geometry perpendicular to the South Hunsruck Fault. However, there is a lack of growth of the sediment pile into the fault, and isopach maps show the depocentre always located adjacent to the South Hunsrück Fault, but migrating towards the north-east with time. This pattern is typical of a strike-slip basin, indicating that the South Hunsruck Fault was a dextral strike-slip fault during sedimentation. Tectonic subsidence curves indicate that, during the Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous, the basin subsided due to thermal relaxation of the lithosphere. A change to very rapid subsidence at the start of the Westphalian continued until late in the Autunian. This was due to mechanical subsidence associated with strike-slip movement on the South Hunsruck Fault. Towards the end of subsidence in the Saar-Nahe Basin, the Grenzlager volcanics introduced a thermal pulse into the crust, leading to thermal cooling and relaxation of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Ion-microprobe U–Pb zircon dating of lower-crust metasedimentary granulite are reported on samples from two localities in Europe in order to determine (a) how this environment recorded the Variscan and eo-Alpine events, and (b) whether the transition between the two orogenic cycles was continuous or separated by a gap. The samples come from enclaves hosted by Miocene volcanoes at Bournac in the French Massif Central, and from the granulitic metasedimentary basement of the Alpine Santa Lucia nappe in Corsica, on the South European paleomargin of the Ligurian branch of the Tethys Sea. The zircon ages from Bournac range between 630 and 430 Ma and between 380 and 150 Ma with a major frequency peak at 285 Ma; the zircons older than 430 Ma are interpreted as detrital, whereas those younger than 380 Ma are considered to have formed by metamorphic processes after burial in the lower crust. Zircon ages from Santa Lucia range from to 356 to 157 Ma, with exception of one inherited Archean grain, and are interpreted like the younger Bournac zircons as having been formed by metamorphic processes.

In a granulite metamorphic environment, as opposed to an anatectic environment, new zircon growth can occur in the solid state. Once Zr has been incorporated into zircon, however, it is difficult to remobilize without dissolution; thus Zr available for new zircon growth must result from the breakdown of Zr-bearing minerals during prograde and/or retrograde events. In this light, the U–Pb zircon-age probability curves are interpreted as markers for major tectonometamorphic events, as suggested by the close correspondence between peaks in the curve and geological events recorded in the upper-crust, such as magma emplacement and basin subsidence.

Evidence of a tectonometamorphic gap between the Variscan and Alpine orogeneses is provided by the Santa Lucia zircon-age probability curve, which reveals a probable interlude during the Variscan–Alpine transition between 240 and 210 Ma. Here, the peak at 240 Ma is interpreted as the very beginning of crustal extension and the low at 210 Ma as a period of quiescence prior to the formation of an active margin and oceanization.  相似文献   

Summary The uniformity of measurements of deformation in underground coal mine roadways is discussed. Hence the validity of using such results for predicting the likely behaviour of similar workings is examined. It is further attempted to isolate those geological and mining parameters which influence closure. These results are compared with those from West Germany and France.  相似文献   

The Brunovistulian terrane represents a microcontinent of enigmatic Proterozoic provenance that was located at the southern margin of Baltica in the early Paleozoic. During the Variscan orogeny, it represented the lower plate at the southern margin of Laurussia, involved in the collision with the Armorican terrane assemblage. In this respect, it resembles the Avalonian terrane in the west and the Istanbul Zone in the east. There is a growing evidence about the presence of a Devonian back-arc at the margin of the Brunovistulian terrane. The early Variscan phase was characterized by the formation of Devonian extensional basins with the within-plate volcanic activity and formation of narrow segments of oceanic crust. The oldest Viséan flysch of the Rheic/Rhenohercynian remnant basin (Protivanov, Andelska Hora and Horní Benesov formations) forms the highest allochthonous units and contains, together with slices of Silurian Bohemian facies, clastic micas from early Paleozoic crystalline rocks that are presumably derived from terranes of Armorican affinity although provenance from an active Brunovistulian margin cannot be fully excluded either. The development of the Moravo–Silesian late Paleozoic basin was terminated by coal-bearing paralic and limnic sediments. The progressive Carboniferous stacking of nappes and their impingement on the Laurussian foreland led to crustal thickening and shortening and a number of distinct deformational and folding events. The postorogenic extension led to the formation of the terminal Carboniferous-early Permian Boskovice Graben located in the eastern part of the Brunovistulian terrane, in front of the crystalline nappes. The highest, allochthonous westernmost flysch units, locally with the basal slices of the Devonian and Silurian rocks thrusted over the Silesicum in the NW part of the Brunovistulian terrane, may share a similar tectonic position with the Giessen–Harz nappes. The Silesicum represents the outermost margin of the Brunovistulian terrane with many features in common with the Northern Phyllite Zone at the Avalonia–Armorica interface in Germany.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration related to Sb-Au mineralization is widespread in the Variscan Armorican Massif, but mineral replacement reactions are not well characterized, in particular the hydrothermal breakdown of ilmenite-titanohematite. Based on petrography, electron probe micro-analyzer and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer analyses, we document mineralogical change at rock- and mineral-scale and the redistribution of Sb and others trace elements during the recrystallization of ilmenite-titanohematite to hydrothermal rutile. Hydrothermal alteration is mainly potassic with associated carbonation. The replacement mechanism is interpreted to be an interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. Results show that Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Sn, Mo and U are released during hydrothermal alteration, whereas Sb and W are incorporated in newly-formed hydrothermal rutile from the hydrothermal fluid. Furthermore, the concentration of Sb evolves through time suggesting a change in fluid composition likely related to an enrichment of fluid in Sb during rutile crystallization. Considering that Fe-Ti oxides breakdown during hydrothermal alteration is common within epithermal and mesothermal/orogenic Au-Sb mineralizing systems, results report in this study yield important constraints about metal mobility and exchanges in hydrothermal gold systems.  相似文献   

Investigations of brittle deformation structures, present within the crystalline rocks of the Bavarian Oberpfalz, reveal a complex late to post-Variscan crustal evolution. Upper Carboniferous (mainly Westphalian) granites were emplaced into semibrittle to brittle rocks of the ZEV (zone of Erbendorf-Vohenstrauß) and the EGZ (Erbendorf greenschist unit), respectively. From both the alignment of the granites and the direction of granite-related tension gashes a north-east-south-west extension must be assumed for the period of magmatic activities. Apart from the granite intrusions, rapid crustal uplift (about 1.5 km/my) led to an increase in the geothermal gradient from < 30 °C/km (late Variscan pre-granitic) to > 40 °C/km (late Variscan post-granitic). The increased geothermal gradient persisted during the succeeding reverse faulting which results from late Carboniferous (probably Stephanian) east-west and northeast-south-west compression. Although not evidenced directly in the area considered, strike-slip faults seem to have played an important part during the late Variscan crustal evolution, particularly in the Early Permian. The strike-slip events indicate further crustal shortening and indentation under north-south compression.A similar indentation was present in Cretaceous time. After a weak phase of Early Cretaceous reverse faulting, which results from north-south compression, strike-slip faults formed under north-west-south-east and north-south compression. All these faults, in particular the strike-slip faults, seem to be related to the Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary convergence of the Alpine/Carpathian orogeny.A late stage of crustal extension, characterized by a radial stress tensor (2 = 3), is indicated through high angle normal faults which probably formed during the subsidence of the adjacent Neogene Eger Graben.  相似文献   

The West Junggar Orogenic Belt(WJOB)in northwestern Xinjiang,China,is located in the core of the western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).It has suffered two stage tectonic evolutions in Phanerozoic,before and after the ocean–continental conversion in Late Paleozoic.The later on intracontinental deformation,characterized by the development of the NE-trending West Junggar sinistral strike-slip fault system(WJFS)since Late Carboniferous and Early Permian,and the NW-trending Chingiz-Junggar dextral strike-slip fault(CJF)in Mesozoic and Cenozoic,has an important significance for the tectonic evolution of the WJOB and the CAOB.In this paper,we conduct geometric and kinematic analyses of the WJOB,based on field geological survey and structural interpretation of remote sensing image data.Using some piercing points such as truncated plutons and anticlines,an average magnitude of^73 km for the left-lateral strike-slip is calculated for the Darabut Fault,a major fault of the WJFS.Some partial of the displacement should be accommodated by strike-slip fault-related folds developed during the strike-slip faulting.Circular and curved faults,asymmetrical folds,and irregular contribution of ultramafic bodies,implies potential opposite vertical rotation of the Miao’ergou and the Akebasitao batholiths,resulted from the sinistral strike-slipping along the Darabut Fault.Due to conjugate shearing set of the sinistral WJFS and the dextral CJF since Early Mesozoic,superimposed folds formed with N–S convergence in southwestern part of the WJOB.  相似文献   

Plagioclase rims around metastable kyanite crystals appear during decompression of high-pressure felsic granulites from the high-grade internal zone of the Bohemian Massif (Variscan belt of Central Europe). The development of the plagioclase corona is a manifestation of diffusion-driven transfer of CaO and Na2O from the surrounding matrix and results in isolation of kyanite grains from the quartz- and K-feldspar-bearing matrix. This process establishes Si-undersaturated conditions along the plagioclase–kyanite interface, which allow crystallization of spinel during low-pressure metamorphism. The process of the plagioclase rim development is modeled thermodynamically assuming local equilibrium. The results combined with textural observations enable estimation of equilibration volume and diffusion length for Na and Ca that extends ∼400–450 and ∼450–550 μm, respectively, around each kyanite crystal. Low estimated bulk diffusion coefficients suggest that the diffusion rate of Ca and Na is controlled by low diffusivity of Al across the plagioclase rim.  相似文献   

We present dissolved load (< 0.45 μm) rare earth element (REE) patterns of small streams from a catchment basin in the Massif Central in order to characterize the individual fractionation stages for the dissolved REE from the source to the catchment outlet. The upper part of the catchment is located on a basalt plateau, followed downstream by deep and narrow valleys with granitic and orthogneissic bedrock. Stream water has basalt-like REE patterns on the basaltic plateau close to the source, followed by a continuous depletion in light REE (La-Sm, LREE) downstream. Strontium and neodymium isotope ratios of stream water demonstrate that the dissolved REE are essentially of basaltic origin, even in the lower, granitic and gneissic part of the catchment. Mixing with gneiss or granite derived REE thus cannot explain the observed evolution of the REE patterns. There seems also to be no link with the calculated speciation of the dissolved REE. In contrast, a correlation between saturation indexes for hematite and La/Yb ratios suggests that REE fractionation is mainly controlled by precipitation of Fe-oxide particles that preferentially remove LREE from solution.  相似文献   

Christian Pin  Franois Marini 《Lithos》1993,29(3-4):177-196
The high-grade Marvejols Group and the low-grade Albigeois-Cévennes sedimentary sequence contain bimodal igneous rocks of Early Ordovician age which are representative of a widespread thermal event in the European Variscides. Comparison of their Nd---Sr isotope and trace-element characteristics provides additional evidence for their origin in an ensialic extensional setting. As an alternative to the back-arc model proposed by previous authors, we propose that these associations record a continental break-up episode unrelated to contemporaneous subduction. In this model, the widespread Early Paleozoic bimodal magmatism marks the birth of a Mid-European oceanic arm. We propose that the break-up was controlled by both transtensional processes and mantle-plume activity.

High grade associations, such as the Marvejols Group, and low-grade bimodal associations, such as the Albigeois-Cévennes, might be regarded as representing opposite rifted passive margins. The “northern”, Marvejols-type margin was involved in a Late Ordovician-Silurian subduction-like process, with HP-HT metamorphism. In contrast, the “southern” Albigeois/Cévennes margin remained largely unaffected, possibly as part of the overriding plate of the subduction zone.

“Pseudo-calc-alkaline” signatures unrelated to subduction processes may occur in magmatic rocks associated with continental break-up episodes. In this case, negative Nb anomalies are produced by the addition of crustal components enriched in Th and LREE relative to Nb. This inferred alternative origin of Nb anomalies has important bearing on the paleogeodynamic settings based on geochemical data.  相似文献   

Fourteen peridotite xenoliths collected in the Massif Central neogene volcanic province (France) have been analyzed for platinum-group elements (PGE), Au, Cu, S, and Se. Their total PGE contents range between 3 and 30 ppb and their PGE relative abundances from 0.01 to 0.001 × CI-chondrites, respectively. Positive correlations between total PGE contents and Se suggest that all of the PGE are hosted mainly in base metal sulfides (monosulfide solid solution [Mss], pentlandite, and Cu-rich sulfides [chalcopyrite/isocubanite]). Laser ablation microprobe-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses support this conclusion while suggesting that, as observed in experiments on the Cu-Fe-Ni-S system, the Mss preferentially accommodate refractory PGEs (Os, Ir, Ru, and Rh) and Cu-rich sulfides concentrate Pd and Au. Poikiloblastic peridotites pervasively percolated by large silicate melt fractions at high temperature (1200°C) display the lowest Se (<2.3 ppb) and the lowest PGE contents (0.001 × CI-chondrites). In these rocks, the total PGE budget inherited from the primitive mantle was reduced by 80%, probably because intergranular sulfides were completely removed by the silicate melt. In contrast, protogranular peridotites metasomatized by small fractions of volatile-rich melts are enriched in Pt, Pd, and Au and display suprachondritic Pd/Ir ratios (1.9). The palladium-group PGE (PPGE) enrichment is consistent with precipitation of Cu-Ni-rich sulfides from the metasomatic melts. In spite of strong light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments (Ce/YbN < 10), the three harzburgites analyzed still display chondrite-normalized PGE patterns typical of partial melting residues, i.e., depleted in Pd and Pt relative to Ir and Ru. Likewise, coarse-granular lherzolites, a common rock type in Massif Central xenoliths, display Pd/Ir, Ru/Ir, Rh/Ir, and Pt/Ir within the 15% uncertainty range of chondritic meteorites. These rocks do not contradict the late-veneer hypothesis that ascribes the PGE budget of the Earth to a late-accreting chondritic component; however, speculations about this component from the Pd/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios of basalt-borne xenoliths may be premature.  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols (sea salt, crustal dust, and biogenic aerosols) are the primary source of dissolved species in rainwater as well as one of the sources of dissolved species in river water. Chemical weathering studies require quantification of this atmospheric input. The crustal component of atmospheric input can have various origins, both distant and local. The proportions of the various inputs (marine, distant or local) are determined in this study.Strontium isotope ratios and Ca, Na, K, Mg, Al, Cl, SO4, NO3 and Sr concentrations were measured in rainwater samples collected in the Massif Central (France) over a period of one year. Each sample, collected automatically, represents a monthly series of rain events. Chemical composition of the rainwater samples varied considerably and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranged between 0.709198 and 0.713143.Using Na as an indicator of marine origin, and Al for the crustal input in rain samples, the proportion of marine and crustal elements was estimated from elemental ratios. A marine origin of 4 to 100% of Cl, of 0.6 to 20% of the SO4, of <1 to 10% of Ca, <1 to 40% of K, 4 to 100% of Mg and 1 to 44% of Sr was determined.Strontium isotopes were used to characterize the crustal sources. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the crustal sources varied considerably from 0.7092 to 0.71625 and indicate the occurrence of multiple sources for the crustal component in the analysed rainwaters.  相似文献   

Garnet lherzolite from the Lyonnais area (eastern French Massif Central) occurs as several lenses elongated within the regional foliation of garnet-biotite-sillimanite gneisses. Within the peridotites a mylonitic foliation can be observed which clearly is oblique to the regional foliation of the surrounding gneisses. Petrological and thermobarometric studies emphasize a tectonometamorphic re-equilibration for both crustal and mantle rocks characterized by a prograde metamorphic stage followed by retrograde evolution. During the burial stage, interpreted as lithospheric subduction, the peridotites underwent their mylonitic deformation, under high-pressure conditions (23–30 kbar). In contrast, the paragneisses have suffered their deformation during the retromorphic evolution under mesozonal conditions (6–8 kbar, 700°C). Our thermobarometric investigations allow us to interpret the granulitic/ultramafic association from the Monts du Lyonnais area as a lithospheric section buried into a Palaeozoic subduction zone, laminated during continental collision and uplifted by erosion processes.  相似文献   

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